Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 258: All trump cards revealed

The wind is invisible!

 Ben Wuxiang!

 The merger of wind blades is the secret technique of cross-country rapid wind flow!

 Air Blade·Half Moon Slash!


Suddenly, under the pressure of life and death danger, under the pressure of Kakuzu, who is a veteran Kage-level powerhouse, and his life is in the hands of the devil-like figure in front of him, Cross-country unconsciously used the Uzumaki clan's spiritual magic, and unexpectedly... It is the spiritual energy that has pushed one's own half-step "qualitative" change to a new level!

 In an instant, countless subtle scenes around you are under the control of off-road!

If you want Cross Country to use a certain theory before crossing to describe the changes in spiritual energy, then Cross Country can only use two words!

 That’s being subtle!

 If you pay close attention to detail, you can discover things that ordinary people cannot discover!

The spirit is subtle, and Kakuzu’s secret skills have no secrets in front of cross-country, so that surging heart beats a whole new scene in cross-country’s mind!


 At this time, to be able to make a breakthrough under the pressure of life and death in front of the veteran shadow-level powerhouse Kakuzu, cross-country accumulation is essential.

If he hadn't been practicing the whirlpool clan's spiritual arts for ten years, even if he had the innate advantage of traveling, what would happen if his mental energy was different from ordinary people?

As their strength improves step by step, wouldn't the other ninjas be able to gradually catch up with the cross-country and have the same spiritual energy as the cross-country?

 But when you practice the Uzumaki clan's spiritual arts diligently every day, the results become different!

 The half-step "qualitative" change in spiritual energy is an opportunity for cross-country to seize!

Seize the opportunity, as long as you practice the Uzumaki clan's spiritual arts day after day, cross-country will one day be able to make a real "qualitative" change in your spiritual energy!

So, at this moment, isn’t it an opportunity for a “qualitative” change in spiritual energy for cross-country breakthroughs?


 Although the oppression of life and death can squeeze a person's potential, the accumulation of the Uzumaki clan's spiritual skills through long-term cross-country training still seems to be somewhat insufficient.

In this way, even if Cross Country has now mastered the secret of "subtlety" of spiritual energy, the time for Cross Country to master "subtlety" is very short as there is still a lack of accumulation. Let's just say that before using mental energy to "get into the details", Cross Country sensed the heart of Kakuzu, which meant that most of Cross Country's mental energy was consumed.

 And that consumes a lot of mental energy, which cannot be recovered in just a few days.

Even if off-roading is enhanced by the spirit and mysticism of the Uzumaki clan, in the dangerous Rain Country, off-roading still requires a long period of practice to replenish the consumed spiritual energy.

 It’s just that the spiritual energy after replenishing it will definitely be improved.

 There is no need to lament the excessive consumption of mental energy when going cross-country. After all, solving the problem in front of you is the real problem that cross-country needs to think about!

It is also because of this that when Cross Country used his spiritual energy to "get into the details" to detect the key point of Kakuzu's heart, Cross Country did not hesitate at all and used less than 10% of the chakra in his body to quickly chop it down with his left hand. Down, the shadow of the swift air blade suddenly appeared in mid-air!

 The direction he was aiming at was clearly the direction of Jiaodu!

The pointed position is surprisingly the heart hidden in Kakuzu's body!


“That kid, has he seen through my real weakness?”

"How can it be?"

“I was able to escape from the hands of the First Hokage because of this secret technique!”

"No matter how powerful that brat is, how can he have better eyesight than the first Hokage?"

"But if I don't hide, with that kid's tricks, my secret technique might be exposed!"

Facing the azure wind blade in front of me, Jiao hesitated!

As a veteran Kage-level powerhouse, who has been in the ninja world for many years, he hesitated!

 Speaking of which, in the previous battles, cross-country travel really cast too many shadows on Kakuzu.

The wind mask monster, fire mask monster, earth mask monster, thunder mask monster, and water mask monster inside the body were all buried in the hands of off-road.

You know, that is the precious heart that Kakuzu collected with great difficulty!

 It is impossible for Jiao to say that he does not feel distressed when the five masked monsters die!

The same five masked monsters died, forcing Kakuzu to pay attention to the kid in front of him!

Especially when the awareness of cross-country combat has been sublimated, and the terrifying realm of "no move" has been understood, Kakuzu needs to be secretly vigilant.

 So, when using the wind blade off-road, the Half Moon Slash came down quickly, and Kakuzu made a wrong decision while hesitating!

The decision was to kill off-road and Xiaonan first without using the secret technique of the Earth Resentment Yu, and instead use the Secret Technique of the Earth Resentment Yu to self-destruct!




The wind blade came down quickly, the horns retreated continuously, and the five masked monsters who died tragically around them made an unusually deafening sound.

The five masked monsters who died tragically returned to Jiaodu under the control of Jiaodu's secret technique of earth resentment and Yu!

It only took less than a second. The black tentacles transformed by the five masked monsters intertwined and blocked Kakuzu. The defense constructed was far from the cross-country air blade Half Moon. Cut off what can be cut off!

But just as a confident smile appeared at the corner of Kakudu's mouth, Xin Dao Cross Country's secret technique of gale flow was bound to be ineffective. He had enough time to use the secret technique of Earth Resentment and Yu again to kill the annoying cross country, capture Xiaonan and return to hand in the mission. When, there was a sudden "pop" sound!

 Another mouthful of blood spurted out from Xue Xue's mouth!

 While the blood was scattered in the wind, the wind blade in front of Kakuzu suddenly changed its direction!

 “Flash flow! Air blade!”

 “Spiral Slash!”

 “Crack! Pah! Pah!”

 In midair, bright red blood scattered with the wind.

Off-road, with overdraft of chakra, naturally could not avoid aggravating the injuries in his body, and blood spurted out again.

 But when the blood spurted out from the off-road mouth, another blast of secret technique was used!

The wind blade that quickly fell towards Kakuzu turned out to be spinning rapidly under the control of the cross-country gale flow secret technique. With several "pop" and "pop" sounds, it directly cut off Kakuzu and used it as a threat. Cross-country, the black tentacles of Xiaonan’s life!

 Obviously, off-road can use the secret technique of blast flow to cut off Kakuzu's control, and the method used is time difference!

When Kakuzu uses the Earth Resentment Yu Secret Technique to defend, Kakuzu will definitely not be able to control those black tentacles that threaten Xiaonan's life in cross-country!

 With the horns unable to control those black tentacles, the black tentacles condensed using the secret technique of Earth Resentment and Yu are undoubtedly very fragile.

Off-roading is to take advantage of that time difference to quickly cut off the threat from Jiaodu!

 Next second!

With the fear of his life gone, Cross Country yelled at Xiaonan next to him:

 “Uncle Xiao Nan, run away quickly!”


As soon as Xue Xue finished speaking, Xiaonan knew her own situation. In order to allow Xue Xue to concentrate on dealing with Jiaodu, she turned around and disappeared in front of Jiaodu.

 On the contrary, it’s off-road!

After Konan disappeared, she looked into Kakuzu's angry eyes, counted the remaining cards in her hand, and took a deep breath.

 Air is inhaled from the west side of the mouth and flows slowly to the lungs.

 Because of the serious injuries inside his body, Cross Country could even feel the smell of blood in the air.

However, Kakuzu is still not dead. It's just Xiaonan who escaped. Even if the injuries from the cross-country are very serious and the chakra is overdrawn, what can be done?

 Isn’t he still going to face Jiaodu?

 Facing a veteran shadow-level powerhouse in the ninja world?

Kakuzu also took a deep breath when he saw Xiaonan leaving in a hurry.

 But after taking a deep breath, Kakuzu put away the secret technique of Earth Resentment and Yu, and walked step by step in front of Yu Yu!

 “Little devil, you are very powerful. You can actually make my mission target escape.”

“But you have protected others, what are you going to do yourself?”

"Your injuries are very serious, and the chakra in your body must be overdrawn, right?"

“Haven’t you thought about how miserable your ending will be?”

“My mission failed, then you will have to bear the anger of my mission failure!”

As he spoke, the black tentacles on Kakuzu's body spread out. He looked into Kakuzu's cold eyes and could foresee that he would fall into Kakuzu's hands and die happily after being tortured.

 But as Jiaodu approached step by step, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Zi Xiangxue's lips.

Especially when Kakuzu's figure appeared three meters in front of the cross-country, the smile on his face became more intense. Even though Kakuzu was exuding a strong killing intent, he still said relaxedly and calmly:

“Kakuzu, since I dare to stay, do you think I have no trump card?”

 “You seem to have forgotten”

 “I said that today the moon is full, I will kill you!”


The off -road words did not fall, and suddenly a dark shadow appeared behind the horn!

Moreover, when the black shadow suddenly appeared, a blue light suddenly bloomed!

 It’s the Rasengan!


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