Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 263: traitor

 “Reincarnation Eye?”

At this moment, although Nagato was behind the cross-country, the cross-country could not penetrate the purple meaning in Nagato's eyes.

However, when Nagato's palm fell on Cross Country's shoulder, relying on the huge spiritual energy gained from practicing the Uzumaki clan's secret arts, Cross Country could still feel an oppressive energy from Nagato's eyes. the power of!

That's not Madara's reincarnation eye, so what could it be?

However, combined with Nagato’s cold words before, Cross Country seemed confused.

 For Xiaonan, what kind of opportunities did you get three times?

 What does the so-called first time mean?

 What kind of mystery does it contain?

However, even if Off-Road feels confused and confused, the power emerging from Nagato is getting more and more terrifying. Off-road is really unable to remain calm and let Nagato manipulate his body!

 So, just when Nagato was using the power of his samsara eye and his palm just landed on the cross-country shoulder, there was another "swish" sound!

 Use the instantaneous wind!

Using the secret teleportation technique of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country suddenly disappeared in front of Nagato and turned to Yahiko's side.

 There is no doubt that the Wind Blink used at this time is a cross-country trial.

If Yahiko and Nagato really had malicious intentions, then Cross Country would teleport to Yahiko's side, and Yahiko would definitely assist Nagato in capturing him.

 However, the next scene made the off-road experience even more confusing.

 Teleported to Yahiko's side. Yahiko did not take action to capture Yuki. This means that the "Akatsuki" organization does not have any malicious intent, right?

 Instead, it’s Nagato!

Seeing Cross Country suddenly appearing next to Yahiko, a ray of anger suddenly appeared in those purple reincarnation eyes!

 Horrid chakra fluctuations suddenly filled the entire body of Cross Country.

If Off-Road had not been seriously injured in the confrontation with Kakuzu, perhaps Off-Road would still have been able to deal with Nagato, who controlled the Rinnegan, in the face of Nagato's burst of chakra.

 It’s a pity that there are not so many ifs and what-ifs in the world!

 After the confrontation with Kakuzu, the trauma in Cross Country's body was too severe. He could use Wind Blink once before, which was the limit of Cross Country.

Now, when Nagato suddenly burst out the chakra in his body, Off-Road only felt that it was so difficult for his body to move under the terrifying chakra fluctuations.

 In this case, how can Offroad deal with Nagato?

Therefore, when Cross Country was preparing to form a seal to counterattack, Nagato's figure disappeared there again. The same palm fell heavily on Cross Country's shoulder, and he also used the weird and unpredictable... The power of the reincarnation eye!

 But just when Cross Country struggled desperately to escape from Nagato’s grasp,


  His frowning eyebrows relaxed, and he suddenly realized that Nagato’s fundamental purpose was not to capture him, but to heal himself!

 A gentle force emerged from Nagato's palm.

That gentle power fell on the shoulders of the cross-country, and soon spread throughout the whole body of the cross-country.

With the repair ability of that gentle power, even if Cross Country does not use mental perception to sense the situation in his body, he can find that the meridians in the body are being repaired quickly. Even the injury on Cross Country's right palm is caused by that gentle feeling. Under the power of Healing at a speed visible to the naked eye!

 After just a few seconds, the gentle force disappeared.

Just at the moment when that gentle power disappeared, Cross Country's body crackled, making a sound like exploding beans!

It only took a few seconds for Nagato to use the power of the Rinnegan to actually heal all of his cross-country injuries!

The injury that took months to recover was actually healed in just a few seconds, and even going off-road felt like living in a dream!

On the contrary, it was Nagato who noticed the astonishment in Cross Country's eyes, and finally a faint smile appeared on his face.

However, when he returned behind Yahiko, Nagato seemed to have turned into Yahiko's shadow. Apart from showing a faint smile towards the cross-country, Yahiko remained silent after the smile disappeared, making the cross-country become more and more difficult. It feels like the Nagato in front of me is almost the same as the Nagato in the original plot!

“In addition to the ability of the Six Paths, the Samsara Eye also has the ability to heal wounds?”

“It seems. It seems that the healing power of the Samsara Eye has never been mentioned in the original plot!”

“Or is it that, in addition to mastering the five escape techniques and many secret techniques of the reincarnation eye, Nagato also practices medical ninjutsu?”

"But. But even if Tsunade-hime, one of the three ninjas who is proficient in medical ninjutsu, is here, it will take a long time to treat my injuries, right?"

“Can Nagato’s medical ninjutsu surpass that of Tsunade-hime?”

 “Definitely impossible!”

"Is it really some kind of secret technique of the Samsara Eye? A secret technique that can only be used a few times, but can heal the opponent's injuries within a few times?"

All the injuries on his body disappeared, and not even a little bit of hidden dangers or hidden diseases were left. While his body and mind felt relaxed, his eyes towards Nagato naturally looked a little strange.

Whether it was the fact that Nagato’s medical ability was not mentioned in the original plot, or the words Nagato said before, it all gave the cross-country a weird feeling.

 It's just that cross-country is definitely out of the question at this time, so it's time to get to know Nagato's mysterious ability.

Because, when Nagato was treating the injury for Cross Country, Yahiko had a faint smile on his face, walked towards the front of Cross Country, and said: "Feng, it was just a little joke from Nagato, I hope you don't mind. "

“Judging from the intelligence of your Konoha Village, it must be easy to see how important Konan is to me and to Nagato, right?”

"This time, you not only saved Xiaonan, but also destroyed Hanzo's plan. Our "Akatsuki" organization must be grateful to you. So, just like Nagato said before, as long as you have any difficulties , you can go to our "Xiao" organization to seek help, as long as it is within our "Xiao" organization's ability, you will have three opportunities to seek rewards."

“Nagato just healed your injuries. Even though I didn’t get your consent, it’s still considered as our Akatsuki organization repaying you.”

 “Then, if you have any problems that you want to solve in the future, you only have two chances left.”

 “I hope you can cherish these two opportunities!”

As he spoke, Yahiko slowly put away the smile on his face, and then said seriously: "Okay, now that we've finished talking about personal matters, let's talk about business matters."

"Feng, from the information you brought, we understand Hanzo and Danzo Shimura's plan."

"Now, I only have one question to ask you, Feng, and that is how sincere your Fourth Hokage is."

“In order to express sincerity, what proof can you have?”


Off-road was stunned for a moment, then frowned and asked: "What proof do you want?"

 “Proof of being an enemy of Yu Ninja Village!”

Yahiko pointed to the map of the Land of Rain in front of him and said: "As an ANBU of Konoha, you must understand the purpose of our "Akatsuki" organization. Therefore, cooperating with our "Akatsuki" organization is equivalent to cooperating with the Rain Ninja Village. As an enemy. Until the strategy of our "Akatsuki" organization succeeds, the Fourth Hokage behind you will get nothing."

"Although your Fourth Hokage of Konoha Village is my junior brother, unfortunately I don't believe him."

"In order to express sincerity, I hope you, Feng, will participate in the peace negotiations between our "Akatsuki" organization and Hanzo on behalf of the Fourth Hokage. How about it?"

"The negotiation time is just three days later. Do you need to ask the Fourth Hokage for instructions?"

"No need, I will just follow you to negotiate. You will naturally see the sincerity you want to see."

 Listening to Yahiko's words, Cross Country nodded slightly.

 As for asking for instructions from the Fourth Hokage

 Are you kidding me?

How could the Fourth Hokage know about the chaos within the Land of Rain?

If the Fourth Hokage really knew, the person he sent would definitely not have been off-road, but Kakashi, whom he trusted even more!

Subsequently, Yahiko and Nagato agreed without hesitation when they saw Cross Country. They treated Cross Country more like one of their own.

Especially when Cross Country wanted to go back to rest, Yahiko and Nagato came to see him off in person, which made Cross Country feel that Yahiko and Nagato were worthy of being the leaders of the "Akatsuki" organization, and they were so impeccable in everything they did.

But just as Cross Country, Yahiko and Nagato were chatting, and they were about to arrive at the room Yahiko arranged for Cross Country, Cross Country who was chatting with Yahiko and Nagato suddenly met a ninja from the "Akatsuki" organization, who was going to " Something was being transported outside the base of the "Akatsuki" organization, which inevitably attracted cross-country's attention.

However, in the base of the "Akatsuki" organization, off-roaders are guests after all.

 So, even if he felt something was wrong, he went to his room to rest under the "escort" of Yahiko and Nagato.

But not long after the break, Cross Country happened to have completed the spiritual and mystical training of the Uzumaki clan, and was about to absorb the harvest of the confrontation with Kakuzu, when suddenly Cross Country seemed to have vaguely grasped an important clue, and "bang" He pushed open the door and caught up with the "Akatsuki" organization ninja who had just left!

 “There’s a traitor!”

 “Hurry up!”

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