Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 264: Tune the tiger away from the mountain


 “Nagato, go and see Konan!”

 Cross-country In the "Akatsuki" organization base, it was late at night before I went to my room to rest.

In the second half of the night, except for a few ninjas in the "Akatsuki" organization base who were responsible for guarding the base, only Cross Country was practicing in the entire base. Yahiko was dealing with things about Demigod Hanzo, and others such as Nagato and Konan had gone to bed early. After all, ninjas are still humans, not gods, and they still need sleep.

But who could have imagined that under the silent night sky, chaos suddenly appeared in this remote "Dawn" organization base.

As the cross-country door opened with a bang, I realized that the Akatsuki organization ninja I met before was probably the demigod Hanzo, or a traitor sent by Danzo Shimura. The entire Akatsuki organization base The people inside instantly became on guard, especially Yahiko and Nagato, the two leaders of the "Akatsuki" organization, who showed up in front of Yuki without hesitation.

After appearing in front of Cross Country, Yahiko gave instructions to Nagato and assigned him to go check on Konan's situation.

As for Yahiko himself, he stayed beside Xue Yue and asked: "Feng, how did you find out about the traitor? Who is the traitor?"

“The traitor is the person you and Nagato met when you sent me back!”

"Huh? Ida? Why do you say he is a traitor? He is the first group of people to be recruited into the organization!"

“Old man? That must be Hanzo’s traitor!”

After learning some information about the traitor from Yahiko, Cross Country made a long story short and explained directly to Yahiko in front of him: "Yahiko, I have a special perception ability that can sense some things that I am familiar with. Do you still remember the Ida you mentioned? , was transporting something when I returned to the room?"

“That kind of thing gave me a familiar feeling before, but I didn’t think much about it!”

"If I guess correctly, the thing he transported is probably Xiaonan!"

“After all, we haven’t seen Xiaonan since we returned to this base, right?”

Listening to Cross Country’s analysis, Yahiko nodded heavily and then said:

“Feng, I am not a perceptive ninja. Do you have any way to track the direction in which Ida escaped?”

"Yeah, there is!"

Nodding, his injuries were all recovered under Nagato's treatment. Cross Country slowly closed his eyes, searching for the feeling of spiritual energy breakthrough. Then he opened his eyes and said to Yahiko with determination: "Ida did not cover up. The direction of my escape should be the three o'clock direction of the base!"

"Unfortunately, it has been a long time since I discovered the anomaly. It is very likely that Ida has completed his purpose."

 “Yahiko, let’s go!”


 Having said that, both Cross Country and Yahiko did not hesitate at all, and launched a pursuit towards the three o'clock direction of the "Akatsuki" organization base.

 But in the communication with Yahiko, Cross Country still lied!

When Cross Country met the traitor of the "Akatsuki" organization, a ninja named Ida, the reason why Cross Country had a strange feeling was because of the traces that Cross Country secretly left on Xiaonan's body!

Carrying Xiao Nan on his back, running around, avoiding Kakuzu's pursuit, is it possible that cross-country travel will not leave traces on Xiao Nan's body?

Even if Off-Road doesn't have any ill intentions towards Xiaonan, when Xiaonan disappears or is captured alive by Kakudu, Off-Road still needs to pursue Xiaonan's direction.

So, as early as when Xiao Nan was carrying Xiao Nan on his back to avoid Kakuto's pursuit, Xiao Qi used the secret technique of the Nara clan, leaving a special shadow on Xiao Nan's body.

That special shadow is part of the off-road shadow.

 In addition to not affecting the strength of the cross-country itself, if ordinary people want to find that special shadow, at least they have to crush the cross-country in terms of mental energy!

How amazing is the spiritual energy of practicing the whirlpool clan’s spiritual arts off-road?

 Those who can crush off-roaders in terms of spiritual energy must be famous and strong in the ninja world.

However, the traitor named Ida must have some way of shielding his perception. This led to the fact that when Cross-Country discovered that something was wrong with Ida, he did not immediately guess that Ida was a traitor, nor did he think that Ida might be a threat. To Xiaonan's existence!

However, I was lucky enough to go back to the room after crossing the country, practice the Uzumaki clan's spiritual arts as usual every day, and complete the chakra training.

 After completing daily practice, the cross-country state is naturally at its peak.

Just when he was at his peak, Cross Country found that the special shadow he left behind was blocked, which made Cross Country guess that the member of the "Akatsuki" organization named Ida was probably a traitor!

“It turns out that Kakuzu is just a link in Madara’s plan. I just said that Kakuzu didn’t appear in the original plot. How did the demigod Hanzo capture Konan?”

“Presumably in the original plot, Madara, or the demigod Hanzo’s plan to capture Konan alive depends on the traitor in the Akatsuki organization!”

“Neither Yahiko, Nagato, nor Konan, who may be in danger now, probably have never thought about the possibility that there may be a traitor in the Akatsuki organization.”

“Now thanks to my reminder, Xiaonan should be in no danger this time.”

"But didn't Yahiko say that? The negotiation between their "Akatsuki" organization and the Rain Ninja Village will be in three days!"

“Then in these last three days, protecting Xiaonan’s safety is the arduous task I have to complete!”


“I can only hope that the person who came to the Rain Ninja Village to pick up the traitor is not a demigod or a half-zodiac!”

 “Otherwise, just the two of us, Yahiko, wouldn’t be enough!”

  I thought to myself, using the secret technique of "acceleration" to advance cross-country, I suddenly discovered something very surprising!

That is, even when using the secret technique of "acceleration" while traveling off-road, Yahiko can still keep up with his progress!

  Is the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique a joke?

When the cross-country uses the "acceleration" secret technique, it will be difficult for Kakuzu to capture the cross-country with Konan on his back.

On the contrary, it was Yahiko who followed the cross-country easily. He didn’t even blush or breath, and seemed to be at ease.

 So, with his further improved combat experience, Cross Country can infer that Yahiko next to him either has a special secret technique that can increase his speed. Otherwise, Yahiko, who died tragically in just a few strokes of description in the original plot, was a real taijutsu master, like Akai in the original plot!

However, at this stage, there is no hostile relationship between cross-country and Yahiko. Yahiko is a master of physical skills, and cross-country only needs to be kept in mind silently.

Soon, as Yahiko was advancing rapidly on the cross-country, a traitor named Ida appeared in the cross-country's perception.

However, although Cross Country was the first to discover the traitor Ida, with Yahiko by his side, the first thing Cross Country had to do was to tell the "Akatsuki" organization about the discovery of the traitor Ida's traces. The leader's.

 Otherwise, what if we make a cross-country raid and eliminate the traitor Ida, but suddenly find out that Ida is not the traitor?

What if it is really an own incident and Yahiko suddenly takes action off-road for the sake of the unity of the "Akatsuki" organization?

Then, with multiple concerns, Cross Country quickly used the shadow communication technique, used his own shadow to connect with Yahiko's shadow, and told Yahiko about the discovery of the traitor Ida.

Yahiko listened to the exchanges in the spiritual communication. On the one hand, he was amazed by the secret effect of the cross-country. On the other hand, he nodded slightly towards the cross-country. Then he heard a "swish" sound, and Yahiko's shadow was accompanied by the strong wind. With a loud noise, he quickly rushed behind the traitor Ida!

 “Yahiko is indeed a master of taijutsu!”

“Other than the traitor from the Akatsuki organization, there seems to be no one else in front.”

“I think if Yahiko goes there, there won’t be any other problems!”

In the sense of wind, I felt that Yahiko was fighting with the traitor Ida. In just three rounds, Yahiko had the upper hand.

While Cross Country breathed a sigh of relief, he naturally paid attention to Yahiko's fighting style to avoid one day fighting Yahiko and falling into a disadvantage due to insufficient intelligence.

Who would have thought that in the fourth round of the fight between Yahiko and the traitor Ida, with his amazing physical skills, Yahiko captured the traitor Jingtian alive.

But after capturing the traitor Ida alive, and returning to Cross Country, Yahiko's eyes were filled with worry.

Especially when Yahiko’s figure disappeared next to Cross Country again with another strong sound, listening to Yahiko’s words, Cross Country’s eyes gradually became solemn!

 “Tune the tiger away from the mountain!”

 “There are still Hanzo’s traitors inside the base!”

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