Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 267: Behind the scenes is Brother Monkey

Since Ida, the traitor of the Akatsuki organization, is a member of the Uchiha clan, does Cross Country still need to guess who is behind the traitor Ida?

  Of course not!

 Because, relying on his identity as an Uchiha clan member, Cross Country was able to conclude that the traitor Ida must have been sent by Danzo Shimura!

After all, in the ninja world, except for the Uchiha clan members in Konoha Village, even if the other ninja villages want to have Kage-level experts with Sharingan, they must have a way to obtain Sharingan!


The shadow -grade strong who can send a negative roller eye, according to the understanding of off -road, there is still a person in the ninja world.

That's Uchiha Madara, the boss behind the Mist Ninja Village!

But as we all know, in the original plot, Uchiha Madara during the Third World War was already old. For his own plan, he had to find the "blackened" Uchiha Obito to become his spokesperson. Besides, if Madara can send a Kage-level warrior with the Sharingan to become a traitor inside the Akatsuki organization, wouldn't it seem a bit boring for Madara to send Kakuzu to capture Konan alive?

Therefore, looking at Ida's red Sharingan, Yuexiu concluded that the Ida in front of him must be the ANBU sent by Shimura Danzo.

When he recognized that the shadow-level powerhouse Ida in front of him was an ANBU sent by Danzo Shimura, Cross Country actually had to face a choice.

The choice is, should Cross Country let the Anbu Ida sent by Shimura Danzo take away Konan, or should he take Konan back from Ida's hands?

If Cross Country chooses to recapture Konan from the traitor Ida, then if Cross Country wants to complete the task of assassinating the demigod Hanzo, whether the task can be successfully completed depends on whether Yahiko, Nagato and others cooperate.

However, if Cross Country pretends to let Ida go and allows Ida to take Xiaonan away, then the subsequent development will return to the trajectory of the original plot.

According to the plot of the original work, as long as you plan your cross-country trip carefully, you can also fulfill your ambition before heading to the Land of Rain.

However, Ida revealed the secret of the Sharingan in front of Cross Country. Naturally, with the Sharingan turned on, Ida was prepared to deal with Cross Country first, and then take Konan to Demigod Hanzo. Therefore, even if Cross Country faced an important decision in the fierce battle with Ida, there was actually no chance for hesitation.

After all, the shadow-level strongman Ida is right in front of the cross-country. After opening the Sharingan, it puts an inexplicable pressure on the cross-country.

 Under such circumstances, there is very little time for thinking when going off-road, and most of the energy is put on Ida.

Because of this, after a little hesitation, Cross Country was ready to take back Xiaonan from Ida's hands according to his previous ideas, and then complete all his plans in the Kingdom of Rain step by step!

"The Sharingan in the form of three magatama is currently the highest level Sharingan in Konoha Village, right?"

“This guy Ida’s status in Konoha Village is definitely not low.”

"Especially his identity as a shadow-level expert. I only need to do a little research in Konoha Village to find out his identity!"

"I didn't expect that the Uchiha clan would secretly cooperate with Danzo. Even the Uchiha clan, who was a Kage-level powerhouse, went to Danzo to work as an ANBU and lurked in the "Akatsuki" organization in the Land of Rain. "


 “As a member of the Uchiha clan, Ida, you are very unlucky if you meet me here!”

“After all, the Sharingan is one of the best blood succession limits in the ninja world. If I can take away the Sharingan in the form of a three-magatama from you.”

“Humph, even if I don’t use it myself, it would be good to study more!”

  I thought to myself, even though Ida had activated his Sharingan, which put a certain amount of pressure on the cross-country.

However, staring closely at Ida's Sharingan, there was still a fiery look in his eyes!

Presumably, anyone who meets a Uchiha clan member who is alone and whose identity is hidden will have the same thought in his heart as Cross Country, which is to take away Ida’s precious pair of Sharingan!

However, just as Cross Country thought, even if he could successfully take away the Sharingan, not even Shimura Danzo and the Uchiha clan could fault him.

However, when I think of Kakashi's fusion of Uchiha Obito's Sharingan, he has gone through so many twists and turns. Without the secret medicine of the Nara clan, his life may be in danger. So Yuexiu did not transplant the Sharingan himself. The only other idea was to study Ida's pair of three magatama-shaped Sharingan eyes.

  followed by.

On the one hand, it is because of Ida's pair of Sharingan, and on the other hand, because Ida is one of the few Kage-level experts in the ninja world. The previous cross-country battles were equivalent to comprehensive advantages, but gradually they were suppressed by Ida. Zhong Feng was at a disadvantage.

It is true to say that the current cross-country has not been able to enter the palace of shadow-level powerhouses. Although after the confrontation with Kakuzu, as long as the cross-country can fully absorb the gains from the battle with Kakuzu, it is possible to break through the barrier and become a half-step A quasi-shadow level expert. However, now Cross-country has not absorbed the time gained from fighting Kakuzu, which makes there a "qualitative" gap between Cross-country and Ida.

 In addition, the planning for the encounter between Cross Country and Ida was all wiped out by a substitute technique from Ida, which made the situation that Cross Country faced even more difficult.

However, he keenly discovered that Ida had the upper hand and that he was completely at a disadvantage. Ida had the ability to kill himself, but he never used his trump card to kill him, which made Cross Country feel a little confused.

Especially in the subsequent confrontation, Cross Country suddenly discovered that Ida did not use the Sharingan to gain insight into his own combat routine, but that when he knew himself very well, he suddenly used the Wind Shuttle to distance himself from Ida. The look in Miyada's eyes suddenly became a little different!

“Even if the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, especially the three-magatama Sharingan, is very insightful, when Ida fights with me, he can’t even be wary of the secret techniques I haven’t used, right?”

"That's obviously not the rich combat experience, let alone the effect of the Sharingan's insight, but that guy Ida already knows what secret techniques I have mastered!"

“Ida was able to hit my lotus flower before, most likely because my combat awareness improved and I used my modified version of the lotus flower for the first time.”

 “Could it be.”

“Did that guy Danzo give my information to Ida early?”

“If that’s the case, then I have to have a good talk with Ida, so that Danzo won’t trouble me again after I go back!”

He had some vague guesses, still looking at Ida's red Sharingan, Yugosuki suddenly shouted to Ida in front of him: "Ida, if you are Danzo-sama's person, then we will have a good talk. Let’s talk!”

“Danzo-sama has a new order for me. I am the ANBU of Konoha Village, Kaze!”

 Speaking, Cross Country took out a sign from his ninja bag, which was the sign that Shimura Danzo gave to Cross Country to prove his identity.

 So, if Ida is really the person sent by Danzo Shimura, he will naturally recognize the identity of Cross Country when he sees the sign in his hand, and he can have a good talk about Xiaonan with Cross Country.

Who would have thought that after seeing Yukio take out the sign, the three black magatama in Ida's red eyes would spin rapidly!

Even if he has never seen the true power of the Sharingan, through his understanding of the original plot, he can still know that the three magatama spinning in the Sharingan is a sign of the magic!

 So, seeing that he had proved his identity, Ida still wanted to use the Sharingan to use the secret technique, Yuchichi felt a shiver in his heart, and he quickly became alert. However, Off-Road discovered that something was not good. Ida's secret technique using the Sharingan had already been completed. Immediately, Off-Road felt a strange wave of power, which quickly enveloped his whole body.



When Ida finished using the Sharingan and everyone felt the strange power fluctuations, something even weirder happened!

Feeling that his whole body was enveloped by that strange power, Cross Country was surprised to find that his body had not been traumatized, and there were not even any signs of being injured or suffering from some kind of secret technique. !

 As for the well field.

 After using the Sharingan to perform the technique, I suddenly found that the cross country had not changed at all, and the same horrified silence remained there.

  However, when Ida was silent, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Xue Yue's eyes!

 The next second, without giving Ida time to explain, or even giving him time to continue performing the technique, a bright light flashed out from the palm of his hand and penetrated directly through Ida's shoulder!

That bright light is clearly the secret technique of cross-country galloping flow!

 Sharp bladed spear!

“I understand, the person hiding behind your scenes is not Danzo, but Brother Monkey, right?”

“Ida, you are the one invited by Brother Monkey to make fun of you!”

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