Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 268: hidden talent

 Brother Monkey?

Who is that?

As soon as he finished speaking, Ida's Sharingan eyes were filled with a look of confusion.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

I found that Ida had no sense of humor at all, and he didn't understand the jokes before time travel. There was a faint sneer on the face hidden under the ANBU mask.

Especially under the sharp blade of the palm-bladed gun, which completely penetrated Ida's shoulder, it felt like Ida's mission could not be successfully completed during the off-roading.

 After all, the sharp spear is one of the top secret techniques among the blast flow secret techniques.

If Ida was able to escape despite the terrifying power of his sharp gun, and if Cross Country continued to fight with Ida, he would definitely face death.

However, things are often so unexpected.

 The sharp spear penetrated Ida's shoulder. Didn't it feel like Ida had no way to escape when going off-road?

Who would have thought that just when the thought that Ida had no way to escape came up in Cross Country's mind, another strange force filled Ida's body, and then Ida's figure disappeared out of thin air in front of Cross Country. Cross Country was left standing there alone, like a fool being played by others.

However, no matter who feels that off-road is a fool, it is impossible for off-road to think so.

Even when Ida mysteriously disappeared in front of Cross Country, the pupils in the serious Cross Country's eyes narrowed slightly, and after being silent for a long time, he murmured:

“It feels very familiar, it must be the time and space ninjutsu.”

"In the ninja world, there are only a few people who can master the time and space ninjutsu, judging from the plot of the original novel, right?"

“The Second Hokage and the Fourth Hokage in Konoha Village are among the people who master the space-time ninjutsu.”

 “Among the remaining few, I think this is the one I recognize.”

 “Kakashi, there’s also Obito Uchiha!”

  Muttered to myself a few times, I suddenly felt like "the water is so deep" while off-roading.

Not because of anything else, just because Ida looks like a member of the Uchiha clan, masters the Sharingan in the form of three magatama, and the mysterious strong man masters the secrets of time and space ninjutsu, and helps the traitor Ida escape, these two things are enough for him. Cross Country vaguely grasped some clues and gained insight into how the chess game in Yu Ren Village was arranged.

But with countless clues, when Cross Country felt that he was very likely to understand the truth of the chess game, Cross Country, who frowned, sighed deeply and thought to himself:

“No, the clues are still somewhat insufficient, and my guess may still be wrong.”

“So, after we go back, we have to see what the attitude of Yahiko and Nagato is.”

“Since Xiaonan is definitely missing now, then just disappear.”

“Anyway, according to the calculation in the original plot, I can still guarantee the completion of the plan.”

"only hope"

 “No more variables!”

With a sigh, Cross Country used the secret technique of "acceleration" and quickly returned to the base of the "Akatsuki" organization.

When he returned to the base of the "Xiao" organization, it was exactly as he imagined. The people at the "Xiao" organization base looked at the cross country with some hatred. It felt like a cross country. He is the real lurker. His real purpose in going to the "Akatsuki" organization base is to kidnap Xiaonan.

However, in this base of the "Akatsuki" organization, the only person who doesn't feel that way is probably Yahiko!

 After all, if Cross Country wanted to kidnap Xiaonan, there was no need to waste so much energy.

Off-roaders only need to be a little less cautious in the confrontation with Kakuzu, or if they do it secretly, wouldn't something as simple as capturing Xiaonan alive be completed long ago?

Therefore, after returning from cross-country, he immediately felt the change in the surrounding atmosphere. Yahiko stepped forward and smiled apologetically: "Feng, I am very sorry. This is the first time you came to our base. Please Please understand the feelings of my companions. However, I believe you don’t have any ill intentions, so you can tell me.”

 “Tell me about what happened after I left?”

 There is no doubt that as the leader of the "Akatsuki" organization, Yahiko is a very careful and cautious person.

  Not to mention the use of sharp-edged guns for off-roading, there are wounds on the palms again.

 Just talking about the traces of combat on the cross-country body, Yahiko can know that the so-called plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain is actually just a cover.

 The real enemy is still the traitor Ida.

 And the person who kidnapped Xiaonan is also very likely to be an old partner of the "Akatsuki" organization!

 Then, in addition to the fact that Ida possessed the Sharingan and that a mysterious strong man who mastered the time and space ninjutsu came to help, Cross Country told Yahiko the entire story of his battle with Ida.

After that, because of Xiaonan's accident, Yahiko didn't say much, and just told him to go to rest.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

He nodded at Yahiko, and when he returned to the room to rest, he looked at the annoyed Nagato several times.

Especially paying attention to the members of the "Akatsuki" organization next to Nagato to see if there is anything strange at all.

Without anyone being able to notice it, Cross Country, who was hidden under the ANBU mask, raised a faint sneer and went straight back to his room, thinking to himself:

“There is indeed a problem. It turns out that Master Ban’s plan turned out to be like this. All of us were deceived by Master Ban!”

“Unfortunately, this matter must be kept a secret, otherwise it will be a question whether I can leave the Kingdom of Rain alive.”


"Just wait for the peace talks between the Akatsuki organization and the demigod Hanzo in three days before implementing the new plan."

"At this stage, the most important thing I need to do, apart from absorbing the gains from the confrontation with Kakuzu, seems to be..."

“It’s time to analyze the secret hidden in myself!”

 I thought to myself secretly, and two images emerged in Cross Country’s mind!

 The first scene is that of the Nara clan going cross-country and being attacked by the "root" Anbu!

At that time, Cross Country clearly remembered that the ANBU of the mountain clan cast a secret technique on him, but it had no effect at all.

As for the second scene, needless to say, it must be the scene where Ida uses the Sharingan to cast a secret technique!

Ida’s secret technique using the Sharingan was successful?

 The answer is surprising, it is success!

So, since Ida’s secret technique using Sharingan was successful, why didn’t he feel anything off-road?

Combined with the strange situations in the previous two scenes, Xue Yu's slightly dim eyes gradually started to flash with wisps of light.

Especially when combined with his practice of the whirlpool clan's spiritual arts, which resulted in his own spiritual energy being extraordinary, Cross Country had a very bold guess in his heart!

 That is to practice the spiritual skills of the Uzumaki clan, and unlock a very domineering hidden talent!

The name that hides the talent is most likely.

 It is immunity to spiritual magic!

“Only the hidden talent of being immune to mystical magic can explain why the ANBU of the Yamanaka clan and Ida, who uses the Sharingan to cast secret techniques, are unable to use the secret techniques they use on me!”

“The secret technique of the mountain clan is a type of spiritual energy secret technique.”

"And the secret technique that Ida wants to use the Sharingan to cast is most likely some kind of illusion. Isn't the essence of illusion also a secret technique of spiritual energy?"

“However, there are many people who practice the Uzumaki clan’s spiritual arts. Why don’t others have the hidden talent of being immune to the spiritual arts?”

“Is it because Minato-sensei didn’t tell me, or is it because I was originally a time traveler and my spiritual energy is different from ordinary people, so by practicing the spiritual mystical arts of the Uzumaki clan, I can awaken my hidden talents?”

"In general, no matter what the possibility is, no matter why I have the hidden talent of immunity to spiritual magic, this hidden talent of immunity to spiritual magic is a very terrifying hidden talent!"

 In speculation, when Xue Yu thought that his hidden talent was actually immune to all illusions and spiritual secrets, he became excited.

 It’s a pity that without fully understanding one’s own hidden talents, off-roaders cannot use hidden talents as conventional weapons.

 After all, off-roaders don’t know where the limits of their hidden talents are.

 What if one day, God Itachi casts Tsukuyomi on Cross Country, and Cross Country thinks he is immune, but in fact he is not immune?

All in all, off-roading cannot allow the imaginary oolong incident to happen, and then he thought silently:

“Now I don’t have the time or energy to study my hidden talents.”

 “If you want to hide the true awakening of your talent, you must...”

“It must be completed when the incident in the Land of Rain is over and we return to Konoha Village!”

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