Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 270: Heretic Golem


Suddenly, Nagato held a sharp kunai and suddenly stabbed Yahiko next to him. Yahiko, who was about to negotiate with the demigod Hanzo, could not expect that his friend and companion would be the one who really wanted to kill him. ?

 For a moment, confusion, confusion, and many other expressions appeared in Yahiko's eyes.

Even when his body fell weakly to the ground, Yahiko had an expression of disbelief, his eyes widened and stared in the direction of Nagato, unable to close them for a long time.

At this time, even Yahiko had never imagined that Nagato was the one who wanted to assassinate him. Is it possible for others to guess?

 It is definitely even more impossible to guess!

Suddenly, Yahiko was found lying in a pool of blood. His life and death were unknown. The members of the "Akatsuki" organization behind were all staring in the direction of Nagato with strange eyes. Yahiko was lying in the direction of the pool of blood. They were so shocked that they couldn't speak for a long time.

Even Demigod Hanzo, the real tycoon of the Rain Ninja Village, watched helplessly as his most important enemy died tragically at the hands of his companions. He looked at a loss and did not give instructions to the ANBU of the Leaf Village behind him. The ninjas went to eliminate the remaining members of the "Akatsuki" organization. This shows how sudden Nagato's assassination of Yahiko happened.

However, when everyone, including Nagato who personally assassinated Yahiko, stood there stupidly and remained silent, only Cross Country, who was dressed as a member of the "Akatsuki" organization, suddenly flashed a strange look in his eyes. Light!

 Because, as early as three days ago, when Cross Country was preparing to follow Yahiko, Nagato and other members of the "Akatsuki" organization to negotiate, Cross Country was already mentally prepared!


 As early as three days ago, Cross Country had a bold guess!

The guess is that Nagato's "blackening" is simply the result that no one can change!

 The reason is that Nagato's "blackening" was not caused by others, but by Nagato himself!

It can also be said that from the time Madara handed over his reincarnation eye to Nagato, Nagato's "blackening" became a foregone conclusion!

Nagato, who obtained the Samsara Eye, is a schizophrenic patient!

No one knows when Nagato will suffer from schizophrenia. Even Yahiko and Konan, who have been with Nagato for a long time, have not seen through the symptoms of Nagato’s schizophrenia!

So, how did Cross Country know that Nagato was a schizophrenic patient and that he had the possibility of schizophrenia and his own "blackening"?

 The reason lies in the confrontation between Cross Country and Ida, a traitor in the "Akatsuki" organization, just three days ago!

 Three days ago, there were two doubts about the confrontation between Cross Country and the traitor Ida!

 The first doubt is, is Ida an ANBU under Danzo Shimura? Are you a member of the Uchiha clan?

 The second doubt, who is the mysterious strong man who can use time and space ninjutsu to rescue Ida? Is that mysterious strong man who can use time and space ninjutsu also an ANBU under Shimura Danzo?

 Perhaps, Ida, the traitor of the "Akatsuki" organization, has already escaped. It seems unnecessary for Cross Country to think about these two doubts.

However, Cross Country had a vague feeling that the identity of Ida, the traitor in the "Akatsuki" organization, and the identity of the mysterious strong man who can use time and space ninjutsu, are very likely to be very important clues, related to very important things. Therefore, after returning to the base of the "Xiao" organization, Cross Country has been silently analyzing two doubts.

Immediately afterwards, when Cross Country suddenly felt a familiar aura from Nagato, the first mystery of Cross Country was solved!


 Because, with that familiar aura and the faint blood stains oozing from Nagato's shoulders, Cross Country determined that Nagato's shoulders were hit by the secret technique of Hayate Flow!

 Sharp bladed spear!

 But that night, the off-road sharp spear only affected two people!

 The first one is Kakuzu, which competes with cross-country!

 The second one is Ida, a traitor in the "Akatsuki" organization who was severely injured by cross-country with a sharp spear, and Ida was rescued by a mysterious strong man who mastered the space-time ninjutsu!

Since the result is like this, do we need to say more about what follows?

Facts are enough to prove that Ida, who started to capture Xiaonan and left the "Akatsuki" organization base, was indeed a traitor planted by someone in the "Akatsuki" organization.

But when he discovered that Konan was in danger while off-roading, Ida, who took Yahiko to pursue him, was not Ida, the traitor of the "Akatsuki" organization, but Nagato, who was in a state of schizophrenia and didn't even know what he was doing!

In this way, it is no longer a mystery why Ida, who is fighting off-road, has the strength of a shadow-level strongman and can use the Sharingan.

According to cross-country analysis, Madara must have cast some secret technique in Nagato's body when he gave his reincarnation eye to Nagato, so that he could control Nagato with his reincarnation eye.

Therefore, the ninja world during World War II was so chaotic, so Nagato could meet Yahiko and Konan safely, and the two companions, Konan, could become Jiraiya's disciples without any danger on the battlefield where the demigod Hanzo and the three ninjas clashed.

Therefore, when Nagato experienced the first pain, it was like he had a nightmare. Before the nightmare, he saw the ninjas of Konoha Village killing his parents. After the nightmare, he awakened the reincarnation eye.

Therefore, Nagato does not need to use other methods to "blacken", he only needs to have another nightmare. The nightmare is the scene of Nagato's "blackening" in the original plot. After the nightmare, Nagato bursts out with the power of the Samsara Eye, and everything goes smoothly He defeated powerful enemies such as Demigod and Hanzo, rescued Konan, and transformed into Six Paths Pain, the **** of Rain Ninja Village.

 So, Master Ban’s plan has absolutely no chance of failure!

 Because Madara has always been hidden behind Nagato, in everything Nagato has experienced, there is the shadow of Madara!

 Nagato’s life experience is one nightmare after another created by Madara!


These things, before Nagato set out to assassinate Yahiko, were just off-road speculations.

 It wasn’t until Nagato stepped into the nightmare created by Madara and assassinated Yahiko with a kunai that Cross Country realized that his speculation was basically correct.

Then, there is only one remaining mystery in Cross Country’s mind.

Can use time and space ninjutsu, save the spiritual division 丨 into the long door of Jingtian, who is the mysterious strong man?

Based on the symptoms of Nagato’s schizophrenia, Cross Country suddenly had another bold guess in his mind!

 That is the blackening of Uchiha Obito, and it also does not require Kakashi to actually kill Lin with his own hands!

Master Madara only needs to let Uchiha Obito experience the same nightmare as Nagato, wouldn't it be possible for Uchiha Obito to "blacken" smoothly?

 “Joke. All my previous plans were just a joke!”

“In Madara’s eyes, I might just be a restless chess piece, interfering with his originally perfect chess game again and again, right?”

“But, even if I interfere with Master Ban’s plan, so what?”

“Didn’t Mr. Ban’s plans achieve their goals one after another?”

“It was like this before to prevent Uchiha Obito from becoming “blackened”, and now it’s like that to prevent Nagato from being “blackened”. Doesn’t it mean that what I have planned so hard has no meaning at all?”

Huttered to himself, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of Cross Country's lips.

However, just as that bitter smile was raised from the corner of Yue Yue's mouth, looking in the direction of Yahiko ahead, the bitter smile on Yue Yue's face suddenly disappeared!

 It’s meaningless. Is it really meaningless?

  No, it’s not meaningless, it’s meaningful!

Off-road didn’t learn what Madara’s real plan was until Nagato became “blackened”.

Don’t forget, Cross Country had already vaguely guessed the truth behind Nagato’s “blackening” before he went dark!

 So, if you think that cross-country did not leave half a trump card before Nagato's "blackening", then you are really looking down on cross-country!

Because of this, even though Nagato was in a schizophrenic state, he first assassinated Yahiko, and then went to deal with his companions from the "Akatsuki" organization around him.

While watching Nagato massacre the companions of the "Akatsuki" organization, Cross Country was just waiting for an opportunity!

 Just waiting for a chance to reveal your trump card!

However, just when Nagato suddenly suffered from mental breakdown, he had just killed several comrades of the "Akatsuki" organization, and the opportunity to reveal his trump card cross-country was about to arise, Master Madara, who had been hiding behind Nagato's backstage, suddenly appeared again. A lesson in cross-country!

The name of the course is, in the face of absolute power, any conspiracy and conspiracy are useless!

Just when the time to reveal his trump card in cross-country was about to come, Nagato, who had massacred several companions of the "Akatsuki" organization, suddenly burst out with the power of the Samsara Eye!

The next second, a ferocious and ugly monster suddenly appeared behind Nagato!

That monster’s name is.

 Here's Golem!

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