Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 271: Pick up leaks


 “The heretic golem!”


 After killing several companions of the "Akatsuki" organization, Nagato suddenly burst out with the power of the Rinnegan!

Hands formed seals quickly, and then the palms of his hands fell heavily to the ground.

 After the use of necromanticism was completed, a burst of white smoke rose. What did Cross Country see after that?

Off-road saw the outside demon, and suddenly appeared behind Nagato!

When Madara controlled Nagato behind the scenes, it was actually to stabilize the situation and protect Nagato, a useful chess piece. It was like using the power of the heretic golem in the original plot!

 There are heretic demons here, what the **** is that?

Every Naruto fan must know the true identity of the Heretic Golem, right?

Isn’t it the ten-tailed body sealed by the Sage of Six Paths?

At this moment, in the battle situation where Cross Country is located, the demigod Hanzo of Yu Ninja Village is the strongest in the battle situation. As one of the few shadow-level strongmen in the ninja world, he also enjoys the privilege of "demigod" Name, if you face a demigod and a half-zodiac all by yourself off-road, without any plan, there will be only a dead end!

However, if you look at the plot of the original work, what will be the outcome when Demigod Hanzo faces the heretic demon?

Even without using up a single instantaneous technique, the half-god and half-hidden figure was killed in an instant in front of an outsider demon!

 So, the body of the Ten-Tails, the heretic demon that Nagato channeled, is simply an unrivaled monster!

Seeing the ferocious and ugly face of the heretic demon appeared in his sight, Cross Country's first reaction was to run away. He must not let Nagato, or the heretic demon controlled by Madara, catch his eye. ah!

On the contrary, as for the demigod Hanzo, as the leader of the Rain Ninja Village, he enjoys the title of "demigod", but he has no intention of fearing the heretic demon.

  First seeing Nagato assassinating Yahiko, Demigod Hanzo was extremely surprised.

Immediately afterwards, Hanzo, the demigod, discovered Nagato's Rinnegan, and the ups and downs of his mood were probably beyond what Offroad could imagine.

Especially when Nagato began to massacre the companions of the "Akatsuki" organization, the look that Demigod Hanzo looked at Nagato became even more unkind.

As a veteran Kage-level expert in the ninja world, Demigod Hanzo naturally knows how terrifying the Rinnegan is. Since he understood the horror of the Rinnegan Eye, the subconscious reaction of the demigod Hanzo was naturally to send the ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village, as well as the ANBU of Konoha Village assisted by Shimura Danzo, to kill Nagato who controlled the Rinnegan Eye. .

However, under the orders of the demigod Hanzo, countless ninjas from the Rain Ninja Village and countless ANBU from the Leaf Village had just surrounded Nagato in the center one second, and the next second they just heard a "boom"!

 The heretic demon appears!

 Half of the ninjas in the Rain Ninja Village died tragically at the feet of the heretic demon!

Seeing helplessly the elites of Yu Ninja Village whom he cultivated, without even a chance to perform, turned into flesh foam at the feet of the heretic demon, it was naturally impossible for Demigod and Hanzo not to feel distressed!

 Emotions such as anger, panic, fear, etc. are constantly changing in the eyes of Demigod and Half Hidden.

Fearing the reincarnation eye, fearing the power of the heretic demon, and training in anger, the elite of the Rain Ninja Village died tragically at the feet of the heretic demon. A flash of light suddenly filled the eyes of Demigod Hanzo.

 Next second!


  His palms were slapped on the ground. Demigod Hanzo actually used necromancy just like Nagato before!

And the half-god and half-zodiac psychic beast is one of the best in the ninja world!

With that psychic beast under his control, the demigod Hanzo is the **** of the Rain Ninja Village and the demigod in the ninja world!

The name of the psychic beast is Sanpei Fish!

Once almost killed Hanzo, but later succumbed to Hanzo's hands and turned into the famous Sanshouyu, Hanzo's half-god!

 “Sansho Fish, follow me to kill the enemy!”


He raised his head and roared, and the giant salamander-like Sanshou Fish appeared, accompanying the demigod Hanzo, and rushed straight in the direction of Nagato.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

Looking at the figure of the demigod and half-zodiac stepping on the sansho fish and rushing towards Nagato, he gave a faint sneer.

Sanmin is one of the most powerful psychic beasts in the ninja world. The three ninja psychic beasts Slug, Ten Thousand Snakes, and Toad Bunta were all unable to defeat them with their combined strength.

But what is the Sanshou Fish compared to the Heretic Golem?

  It’s simply the difference between an ant and an elephant, right?

Having no idea of ​​the situation, a demigod and a half-hidden man went to behead Nagato on a Sansho fish. From an off-road perspective, it was simply a joke!

Then, just as the cross-country man sneered secretly, the demigod and half-zodiac Sanshouyu rushed towards Nagato. Not long after, the outsider demon under Nagato's control struck with a punch!

 What kind of terrifying fist is that?

The fist of the outsider golem landed on the back of Sanshouyu. Demigod Hanzo, who was off-road and proficient in the teleportation technique like the Fourth Hokage, directly avoided the hill-like fist of the outsider golem.

It's a pity that the Sanshuyu doesn't know the teleportation technique and has no way to avoid it. The Heretic Golem only used one punch, and it crushed the Sanshuyu into minced meat, and even the ones that returned to the spiritual world were completely crushed there!

However, the idea of ​​​​demigod and half-zodiac is obviously completely different from that of off-roading to understand how terrifying the heretic demons are.

Off-road saw the Outlaw Golem killing the Sanshou Fish with one punch, and he sighed silently in his heart. The Outlaw Golem was indeed powerful and invincible!

 What about Demigod and Half Hidden?

Seeing that the Sanshuyu was killed instantly by a punch from the outsider golem, the first thing that came to his mind was that the heretic golem was not afraid of the poison of the Sanshuyu!


The heretic demon statue is the body of the Ten-Tails after all. Is it possible that it is afraid of the poison of the Sanshou Fish?

If the poison of the Sansho Fish could have any impact on the Ten Tails, the Sage of Six Paths would have already used the Sansho Fish to deal with the Ten Tails.

Besides, could it be possible that the first Hokage, Uchiha Madara and other heroes of the Warring States Period were fools?

The toxins of the Sanshou Fish can affect the Ten-Tails. Why didn't the First Hokage, Madara and other heroes of the Warring States Period capture the Sansho Fish, whose combat power is comparable to the tailed beasts, and make it into a war weapon to restrain the tailed beasts?


  What are the toxins in Sanshou fish?

 Suddenly he recalled that the poison of Sanshou fish is something that even Tsunade-hime needs to be wary of.

Moreover, in the puppet technique of Sand Ninja Village, most of the time, poison is used to defeat the strong. Looking at the smashed body of Sanjiaoyu, a fiery color burst out in his eyes!

“Now we are collecting the flesh and blood of some mountain pepper fish for research. Even if the flesh and blood of the mountain pepper fish has no other research value, it is always possible to use it to inflict evil on people, right?”

“Whenever I encounter a shadow-level strongman who cannot harden steel, I will use the poison of the mountain pepper fish to deal with it!”


“Now is not the time to reveal my trump card, so let’s pick it up before I go on stage to perform!”

 “After all, I want to be the man who picks up leaks!”

Huttered secretly, using the Fourth Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique, the off-road figure suddenly disappeared.


Soon, when Cross Country appeared again, a busy figure could be seen walking on the battlefield where Nagato, Demigod, Hanzo, and some Konoha Anbu were fighting.

  Why not talk about the ninjas of Yu Ninja Village and the members of the "Akatsuki" organization?

Feel sorry!

The ninjas of Yu Ninja Village and the remaining members of the "Akatsuki" organization were already dead under the ferocious power of the Outer Dao Golem. Not even their bones were left.

 At present, except for Nagato, Demigod Hanzo, Cross Country and other Anbu from Konoha Village who still maintain signs of life, only Konan, who is alone, can breathe in the battlefield.

However, judging from the situation of Demigod Hanzo and the rest of the ANBU of Konoha, it only takes a few minutes to cross-country, and the outsider golems under Nagato's control can successfully deal with them. Therefore, before the situation stabilized, Cross Country first collected some flesh and blood of the Sanshou Fish and sealed it in a scroll.

 When all the flesh and blood that Sanjiaoyu could collect became the possessions of Off-road, his eyes turned to the direction of Xiaonan. Off-road, using the Wind Blink, suddenly appeared next to Xiao Nan.

But just when Cross Country thought that he would be able to rescue Konan, who was left alone there, without the protection of demigod Hanzo or the ANBU under Shimura Danzo, he was about to untie the cross country from Konan's body. , suddenly felt a familiar breath appearing behind him!

 “Little devil, I’ve been waiting for you here for a long time!”

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