Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 272: World War II Corner City


Just as he was about to loosen the restraints on Xiaonan, a familiar scent suddenly appeared. How could he not guess that the person coming was Kakuzu?

But isn’t Kakuzu dead?

Even though he had gone to great lengths to kill Kakuzu, why could Kakuzu be "resurrected"?

Has Madara secretly mastered the use of the forbidden art Jutsu Reincarnation, or did he kill Kakuzu himself and open it in the wrong way?

 Countless confusions flooded Cross Country’s mind almost at the moment Kakuzu appeared again.

 Fortunately, with the fact that all five of Kakuzu's hearts were shattered but he still survived, and the true situation of Nagato's "blackening", it was impossible for Cross Country to fully believe in the original plot.

 So, regarding the original plot that I know, I only believe one side now.

 As for the rest, although Cross Country is willing to believe in the original plot, he must not be able to regard everything in the original plot as a law like he did before.

 After all, traveling cross-country has already changed some of the laws of the original plot, causing some changes in the plot, right?

 But one thing has to be said, and that is that Kakuzu's sudden appearance did bring unexpected trouble to the cross-country.

The change in the process of Nagato's "blackening" and the strength of the Heretic Golem completely shattered all the plans of the demigod Hanzo and Shimura Danzo in one fell swoop.

 Under the unrivaled power of the Outer Demons, all conspiracies are paper tigers.

No matter how good the demigod Hanzo was, Shimura Danzo’s plan was good, but they had never imagined how powerful the Outer Path Golem was. Before Cross Country revealed his trump card, Cross Country had the confidence to rely on Nagato’s power and the Outer Path Golem. With his own power, he can complete all his plans in the Kingdom of Rain, making himself the real winner after the incident in the Kingdom of Rain.

 However, the appearance of Jiaodu undoubtedly brought some troubles to the cross-country.

However, how could Cross Country have imagined that Madara would "value" him again after the battle between Konoha and the Kiri Ninja?

 Obviously, it is because Madara once again "emphasized" off-roading, so under Madara's relatively perfect layout, Kakuzu was able to get Madara's order to come and add some trouble to off-roading.

Facing Jiaodu again, the only place where Cross Country feels he has an advantage is probably his improvement in strength!

 That’s right!

Three days ago, Cross-country began to absorb the gains from the confrontation with Jiaodu. Now, three days later, the gap between Cross-country and Jiaodu is obviously not that big!

 Half-step to the quasi-film level, this is the position that cross-country has given itself!

Since we have already half-stepped into the ranks of quasi-shadow-level experts, and we have reached the "no-move" realm that only shadow-level experts can understand, why should we be afraid of the Kakuzu in front of us when we go off-road?

 If I can kill you once, I can kill you a second time!

Facing the sudden appearance of Kakuzu, the fighting spirit of cross-country suddenly increased!

 Follow up!

 Use the Swift Wind Flow Palm Blade!

When using the Gale Flow Palm Blade, Cross Country first directly broke through the heavy restraints on Xiaonan, then picked up Xiaonan, and when Kakuzu could only stare, he directly used a wind teleportation body and disappeared from Kakuzu. In front of everyone.

 Look at Jiaodu.

 He still couldn't believe how determined he was to save Xiaonan off-road!

 So, as soon as Xiqiu hugged Xiaonan and fled, Jiaodu was stunned for a second, and then he was ready to chase Xiaonan.

But what Kakuzu never expected was that the demigod had actually left a trump card under Konan's body!

In the original plot, the "blackened" Nagato wanted to rescue Konan, but without being careful about the demigod Hanzo, he was plotted by the demigod and Hanzo and lost the ability to move his legs.

No matter how powerful Kakuzu is, can he be as powerful as the "blackened" Nagato?

Although the plot in the original story, Off-road is skeptical, it would be better if Demigod Hanzo has a trump card, but if he can't have Off-road, he can fight Kakuzu in an upright manner!

And after holding Xiao Nan in cross country and disappearing directly using the Wind Teleportation, what I like to see is that the trump card of the demigod and half hidden in the original plot really exists!

At the moment when Cross Country hugged Xiaonan and disappeared, wasn't Kakuzu stunned for a second?

  Exactly that second of time!


Countless detonating charms were wrapped around Kakuzu's legs in the direction that Off-road picked up Konan and left.

With countless detonating talismans clinging to his legs, Kakuzu exploded with the strength of his body and the chakra under his feet. Even though he successfully escaped the explosion of more detonating talismans below, the detonating talismans clinging to his legs The burst of symbols still caused Kakuzu's legs to turn into black tentacles, which were constantly intertwined in an attempt to regroup.

 Obviously, that is the secret technique of Earth Resentment Yu!

Having fought against each other so many times, how can you still not understand the secret technique of Jiaodu's earth resentment?

Seeing that the secret technique of Earthly Resentment and Yu was repairing the wounds on Jiaodu's legs, he hugged Xiao Nan and stood firm on Jiaodu's cross-country road with a sneer.

 Next second!


The sharp spear was used. At the moment when Kakuzu was unable to move his body, the sharp spear shot out passed through the heavy defenses in front of him and penetrated deeply into Kakuzu. The heart of the place!

What exists there is a masked monster hidden in Kakuzu's body!

 “Is it a fire-escape mask monster?”

 “Uncle Xiaonan, can you help me?”

“Huh? Uncle Xiaonan, where are you going?”

The secret technique used by Demigod Hanzo on Inagato took effect, and he used the sharp spear with a sharp blade across the country at high speed, and unexpectedly killed the fire-escape mask monster hidden in Kakuzu's body!

You know, if the fire mask monster dies, Kakuzu will have no ninjutsu to restrain Konan!

It’s been another three days. Even though Konan is among the prisoners of Demigod Hanzo, even if Konan’s leg injuries haven’t healed, can she still assist in the cross-country victory over Kakuzu?

 So, on the one hand, it is the improvement of strength, and on the other hand, with Xiaonan's help, Cross Country has already determined that killing Kakuzu is something he must win. Who would have thought that when Cross Country was about to seek Xiaonan's help to kill Kakuzu quickly and avoid future troubles, Xiaonan didn't even look at Cross Country, and disappeared next to Cross Country in an instant. He was actually heading to Demigod Hanzo. It’s the battlefield to fight against the heretic demons!

 Are you kidding me?

The battlefield between the demigods and the heretic demons is simply a hell!

Using the death of Sanjiuyu and knowing the terror of the heretic golem, Demigod Hanzo no longer underestimated the enemy as much as in the original plot.

Especially in a situation where there are ANBU under Danzo Shimura's command around, and the demigod Hanzo can be used as cannon fodder. The demigod Hanzo is using the lives of the ANBU of Konoha Village to collect information for himself, and forcefully control the Nagato fought against the heretic golem, and the battle ended in a draw.

However, regardless of the fact that Nagato, the demigod and half-zodiac who controls the heretic demon, is in a tie, but Nagato is in a schizophrenic state, who can protect Konan's safety?

   Demigod and half hidden?

 He simply wished that Xiaonan died early?

And Nagato is in a schizophrenic state, and it is very likely that he is under the control of Madara. He may have to control the heretic golem to solve Konan's hidden danger!

 So, it is understandable for Xiaonan to be worried about Nagato and Yahiko's situation.

However, Konan went directly to the battlefield where Demigod Hanzo and Nagato controlled the heretic demon without knowing the situation, and he was no different from a fool.

As for off-roading, if everything in front of him was troublesome enough, he didn't want to lose his life for Xiao Nan.

Then, there was no need to use the sense of wind. The off-road could be seen with the naked eye. Taking advantage of the gap when Xiaonan made a fool of himself and went to Nagato, Kakuzu used the Earth Resentment Yu Secret Technique to repair the wounds on his legs, and immediately just Listen to the sounds of "click", "click" and "click"!

 Using the secret technique of Earth Resentment Yu again, three clones emerged from Kakuzu's body!

Those three clones are clearly the masked monsters hidden in Kakuzu's body, namely: the water-escape mask monster, the thunder-escape mask monster, and the wind-escape mask monster!

 As for Kakuzu's true body, even though he has mastered the Earth-Escape Mask Monster, he still stands proudly in front of the cross-country!

 At this time, it was off-roading. Facing the pressure of Kakuto's body and three masked monster clones, what we faced suddenly changed!

 “Little devil, all your helpers have run away!”

“I want to see who can help you now!”

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