Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 273: The Art of Latent Shadow


 “Things are not good!”

Last time, what did you rely on to defeat Jiaodu in a difficult cross-country race?

On the one hand, cross-country depends on one's own breakthroughs and the sublimation of combat consciousness, which is the realization of the "no move" state. On the other hand, it was not because he understood the plot of the original work that Cross Country took the advantage and used the power of thunder to instantly kill several masked monsters in Kakuzu's body, forcing Kakuzu to die tragically without even showing his true strength. Are you under the influence of your own explosion?

In this confrontation, Cross Country has indeed gained half a quasi-shadow level of strength, and the gap with Jiaodu has narrowed a bit.

 But during the Battle of Cape Town in World War II, off-roading was still a crucial point not to be forgotten!

That is, we must get rid of as many masked monsters hidden in Kakuzu's body as possible before Kakuzu shows his true power!

 It’s a pity that because of Xiaonan’s reckless actions, the advantage that the cross-country car can grasp disappeared.

If Konan hadn't boldly gone to the battlefield where Demigod Hanzo and Nagato were fighting, and stayed to fight with Cross Country, Cross Country would have been sure to quickly disappear the masked monster hidden in Kakuzu's body, and quickly defeat Kakuzu in front of him. .

Who would have thought that Xiaonan not only did not help cross-country, but also solved Jiaodu faster.

Just because of Xiaonan's reckless actions before, Off-road had too many things to think about, which caused Kakuzu to show his true power and differentiate into the masked monster hidden in his body!

So, someone may ask.

 The mask monster inside Kakuzu's body separates, is Kakuzu still Kakuzu?

 It’s completely different, okay?

Kakuzu is a veteran shadow-level powerhouse, and among the veteran shadow-level powerhouses, he is the one who is least afraid of group battles.


 Because of Kakuzu’s masked monster clone!

When there were five masked monsters hidden in his body, Kakudu controlled the five hearts through the secret technique of Earth Resentment and Yu, and could cast five different escape techniques. He was a true shadow-level powerhouse.

But in the original plot, Kakuzu used a secret technique, which was to divide the five hearts in the body through the use of the Earth Resentment Yu Secret Technique, and create a new heart while the main body controls one heart to keep it alive. Four masked monster clones that also hold a heart are used for special combat situations.

However, this secret technique of Jiaodu has a shortcoming.

That is, when the five hearts in the body are divided using the secret technique of Earth Resentment and Yu, the power of Jiaodu's body will be weakened to a certain extent.

If you are facing a shadow-level powerhouse like the First Hokage or Madara, such a Kakuzu will undoubtedly be easier to deal with. Even if there are some more masked monster clones, a shadow-level powerhouse like the First Hokage and Madara will be able to deal with it. There is also no difficulty.

On the contrary, like off-roading, ninjas who can barely fight Kakuzu find it a bit tricky when faced with Kakuzu's secret technique.

 That’s right.

 The power of Kakuzu's body has weakened, from a true shadow-level powerhouse to a quasi-shadow-level powerhouse.

But aren’t Kakuzu’s remaining masked monster clones also quasi-shadow-level experts?

 Coupled with Kakuto's control, those masked monster clones are probably only stronger than quasi-shadow level experts, not weaker than quasi-shadow level experts!

So what is your first feeling when facing the secret technique of Jiaodu off-road?

After Kakuzu divided the heart in his body, the enemies he faced suddenly changed from one shadow-level powerhouse to four quasi-shadow-level powerhouses!

 Unless Off-Road is sure to damage Kakuzu's body, forcing Kakuzu to absorb the heart from the masked monster's clone.

Otherwise, if you want to defeat the masked monster clones of Jiaodu one by one in cross-country, and then defeat Jiaodu, the difficulty will not only increase several times?

So, when he saw Kakuzu using the secret technique of the masked monster clone, Cross Country's pupils narrowed slightly, and it was obvious that the Kakuzu in front of him was more difficult to deal with.

 As for Kakuzu, he doesn’t care what Cross Country thinks.

Hidden behind the scenes, Madara issued the task, but Kakuzu knew how cruel the punishment for not completing the task was!

Whenever he recalled the scene where Madara subdued him, Kakuzu felt a shudder.

Then, just as Yue Yue was slightly panicked about the secret technique of masked monster clones used by Kakuzu, a cold light flashed in Kakuzu's eyes, and then the three masked monster clones rushed directly in the direction of Yue Yue!

"not good!"

 “Shadow Shield!”


The water masked monster suddenly rushed straight towards him. He quickly formed a seal and used the Shadow Shield directly.

And when the Water Masked Monster collided head-on with the Shadow Shield, the cross-country hand held the Shadow Shield of the black shadow under his feet. Even with the chakra attached to his feet, he was knocked away a few meters!

 Under the strong characteristics of the Earthly Resentment Yu Mystic Technique, the water escape mask monster looked like a humanoid tank.

 So, when using Shadow Shield off-road, although it can protect against the impact of the Water Masked Monster, it cannot protect against the force of the impact.

It was just a round of confrontation. The aftermath of the collision on the cross-country ankle was a slight sprain.

 On the contrary, it was Kakuzu, who was not prepared to give any chance of cross-country counterattack!

 “Wind Escape·Press Harm!”


Kakuzu shouted loudly. Just when the water mask monster had caused slight trauma to the cross country, the wind mask monster suddenly appeared in front of the cross country!

In the sense of wind, Off-Road can clearly sense that the wind escape mask monster controlled by Kakuzu has completed the change in the nature of the wind attribute chakra in one go.

The chakra that has completed the transformation of the nature of the wind attribute chakra is in the palm of the wind escape mask monster, and actually forms a high-density tornado, directly shattering the shadow shield used for cross-country defense!

If off-road had not suddenly condensed and shattered the shadow shield at the moment when the shadow shield was shattered, turning into the protection of the shadow armor, the high-density tornado spinning in the palm of the wind mask monster would have penetrated through the chest of off-road, and then What is shattered is the heart of cross-country!

It was also because of this that after the Ninjutsu attack from the Wind Release Mask Monster, a little cold sweat broke out on Cross Country's forehead.

Even Xue Xue was secretly glad in his heart. Fortunately, he had a deep understanding of the "no move" realm in the past three days and was able to convert the secret technique of Shadow Escape at will. Otherwise, the previous Wind Release and Pressure of the Wind Release Mask Monster would have helped Kakuzu successfully harvest the lives of Cross Country.

 It’s a pity that the Shadow Armor can protect you off-road for a while, but it cannot protect you off-road for a lifetime!

Just when Cross Country was secretly thankful that the Shadow Armor he suddenly converted prevented the Ninjutsu attack from the Wind Release Mask Monster, the Ninjutsu suddenly released by the Thunder Mask Monster completely destroyed Cross Country's Shadow Release Style defense. !

 “Thunder Escape·Fake Darkness!”


 The masked monster in Kakuzu uses ninjutsu, so naturally it does not require sealing.

Especially when there is enough chakra, Kakuzu's masked monster clone is simply a human-shaped turret, and ninjutsu can be cast one after another!

No, the Water Mask Monster and the Wind Mask Monster just attacked. Cross Country used Shadow Shield and Shadow Armor successively to successfully defend against the attacks of the two mask monsters. The Ninjutsu of the Thunder Mask Monster immediately emerged. In front of cross-country!

The moment the Thunder Mask Monster cast its ninjutsu, what did Cross Country see?

In an instant, off-road saw only the wind-escape mask monster in front of him, and the water-escape mask monster suddenly disappeared. Instead, the big gun made by Thunder suddenly penetrated the defense of the shadow armor!

Undoubtedly, black shadow enveloped Cross Country's entire body, and the defense built by the shadow armor was very strong.

But when the Thunder Mask Monster used the Thunder Ninjutsu with all its strength, the big gun made of thunder still pierced the shadow armor on Cross Country with a "boom"!

 The armor of shadow is shattered!

Off-road felt like he was at the center of the explosion, and flew backwards, then fell to the ground with a "pop".

While driving off-road, my head was shaking, resisting the dizziness coming from my head, and when I was about to stand up slowly, there was another "bang"!

With no way to defend the off-road and no time to use any secret techniques, the figure of the Angle Body suddenly appeared in front of the off-road!

 “Little devil, don’t be afraid.”

“Your heart is mine, and your soul can gain eternal life in my body!”

 “So, die in peace!”

 “Death is your new life!”

With a cold tone, he pronounced the death sentence for cross-country travel.

 A second ago, the figure of Kakuzu's body just appeared in front of the cross-country.

 The next second, the black tentacles condensed by Kakudu using the secret technique of Earth Resentment were intertwined and re-condensed into a sharp blade, which quickly stabbed at the throat of off-road.

 Faced with death, ordinary people must be panicking, right?

Even if you are a ninja when you are off-roading, you must still be panicking one second before death, right?

However, when Kakuzu used the sharp blade condensed from the black tentacles to suddenly pierce the throat of the cross-country, Kakuzu suddenly discovered that the expression of the cross-country was not at all like the expression a person should have before death!

Using the sharp blade condensed from the black tentacles to stab the throat of the off-road, Kakuzu actually found a hint of ridicule in the eyes of the off-road!

 Subconsciously, Kakuzu felt that something was not good when he noticed the sarcastic look in his eyes.

 But off-roading didn’t give Kakuzu any time to react!

I saw the sharp blade formed by the black tentacles, which was only a few inches away from being able to penetrate the cross-country's throat. Who would have thought that the gap of just a few centimeters was accompanied by a "swish" sound!

 The figure of the cross-country was actually hidden in the shadow under his feet!

That secret skill actually happens to be the secret skill that Cross Country just obtained today!

Using the R&D function of the APP, following Yahiko and Nagato when they came here today, Cross Country just mastered the new secret technique of the Nara clan!


 The art of latent shadow!

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