Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 275: Undead puzzle


Xu Chuang's indifferent voice came, and Jiaodu was suddenly startled!

Because, when the cross-country bluntly stated that the combination of the arrival of the shadow world and the latent shadow technique, the combined effect of the two is to build a realm, Kakuzu suddenly recalled that majestic figure!

 That being who used the secret technique of wood escape, so that Kakuzu didn't even have the courage to face him!

 The first Hokage!

In the original plot, if the First Hokage, who is proficient in the secret art of wood escape, uses the tree world to descend, wouldn't the first Hokage be a "god" within the scope of the tree world's arrival?

 The surroundings are covered with trees that the First Hokage can control easily by using Tree World Descend.

 In the realm where the tree world descends, no matter how many ninjas step into it, the first Hokage can kill them at will!

Therefore, Kakuzu understands the terrifying power of the first Hokage's arrival from the Tree Realm. When he listens to Off-Road talking about his own realm, Kakuzu becomes frightened. Combined with the advent of the Shadow Realm, Kakuzu is constructed with the Hidden Shadow Technique. field of.

However, even though Kakuzu is already very solemn, the area is just like Kakuzu thought before, it is an invincible area for a ninja!

At that moment, he roughly tore open the Wind Release Mask Monster and deprived the Wind Release Mask Monster of its heart. Kakuzu was about to use the Wind Release Mask Monster's heart to continue his life. Who would have thought that the palm of his hand would fall to the ground? The super-Nara clan's secret technique of Shadow Realm Advent has been completed, and he immediately used the latent shadow technique to cross-country, maintaining the posture of using the Tree Realm Advent, and quickly disappeared into the field shaped by the black shadow.

 The next second, when the cross-country figure appears again!


 The light of the sharp spear once again shone in Kakuzu's slightly contracted pupils!

The heart of the wind masked monster still stayed in Kakuzu's palm. The light of the sharp spear in his palm struck, and the beating heart was directly shattered there.

 Seeing that the situation was not good, what was Kakuzu's immediate reaction?

 Need more to say?

You must go to the side of the Thunder Mask Monster or the Water Mask Monster to deprive yourself of a beating heart, lest your body has no heart support!

 It’s a pity that Kakuzu’s speed is still too slow!

 In other words, Cross Country used the latent shadow technique in the Shadow Realm to move within his own area, and his speed was really too fast!

After successfully mastering the new secret technique of latent shadow, and understanding the "no move" realm of off-roading, there are many ideas, that is, self-mastered shadow escape techniques such as shadow hand, shadow suture technique, and shadow clone technique. All are integrated with the art of latent shadow to form a brand new combat method, with the art of latent shadow as the core.

But when imagining the combination of most of the secret techniques of Shadow Escape and the technique of latent shadow, in the end I still feel that the combination of the arrival of the shadow world and the technique of latent shadow is the most defiant!

what is the reason?

 The reason is that the Shadow World's Advent can infinitely expand the shadow of Cross Country, so that when using the latent shadow technique, Cross Country can hide in the shadow of the Shadow World's Advent and spread anytime and anywhere.

Moreover, in the dark shadows that are spreading in the shadow world, using the latent shadow technique to cross-country only requires a thought. It is faster than using the time and space ninjutsu. Cross-country can appear anytime and anywhere in the shadow world. Within the range!

Possibly, cross-country travel requires maintaining the arrival of the shadow world and using the latent shadow technique, which consumes a lot of chakra.

Possibly, when Cross-Country maintains the Shadow Realm Advent, he always maintains the posture of using the Shadow Realm Descend, which makes Cross-country use the latent shadow technique to appear again, and his whole body is full of flaws.

But as long as the Shadow World Arrival and the Hidden Shadow Technique are combined, the ubiquitous terrifying effects and the movement speed that is faster than the Time and Space Ninjutsu are enough to make the combination of the Shadow World Arrival and the Latent Shadow Technique become The prototype of the field controlled by cross-country!

 In the future, off-road ambitions will naturally not be limited to the combination of Shadow World Arrival and Latent Shadow Technique.

In the future, Cross Country will want to integrate all the secret techniques of Shadow Release. Just like the first Hokage made Mu Dun famous, Cross Country will also want to make its own Secret Technique of Shadow Release become famous in the ninja world. Mysterious school!

 Next, let’s talk about cross-country and corner battles.

Using the sharp spear of his hand, he smashed Kakuzu's wind mask monster. In order to maintain his own life, Kakuzu subconsciously prepared to escape in the direction of the thunder mask monster or water mask monster, and deprive the water mask monster, or It is the heart of the Thunder Mask Monster.

However, the previous death of the Wind Release Mask Monster allowed Kakuzu to see the rudimentary power of the cross-country field.

Now, running towards the thunder mask monster and the water mask monster, Kakuzu is naturally very careful, fearing that Cross Country will take advantage of the moment when he deprives the mask monster clone of its heart and use the sharp spear to kill him again. The mask monster in.

 So, when heading towards the front of the Thunder Mask Monster or the Water Mask Monster, Kakuzu has already thought about it.

Using the heart of the water masked monster to induce off-roading, Kakuzu is actually preparing to take away the heart of the thunder masked monster!

However, just when Kakuzu was planning with confidence, secretly thinking that his plan would definitely succeed and take away the heart of the Thunder Mask Monster, just when Cross Country was about to die, Kakuzu who was suddenly advancing suddenly unexpectedly I found that I couldn’t move!

Immediately, when his eyes fell below him, on the black shadow that spread through the cross-country use of the shadow world, Kakuzu's eyes were filled with astonishment!

 On the contrary, it’s off-road!

Seeing the astonishment in Kakuzu's eyes, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth!

 “That’s right, Kakuzu!”

"If you still have a heart in your body, my arrival in the shadow world will naturally not be able to easily restrain you."

“It’s a pity that your heart is broken and your strength has been greatly reduced!”

“So, now I can kill you simply by using Shadow Realm Arrival!”

“Kakuzu, get ready to say goodbye to your two masked monsters now!”

  Secretly sneered, while Kakuzu was still stunned, Cross Country made a "swish" sound and appeared in front of the water-escaping masked monster.

 Feeling the palm of your hand when using the sharp spear, you can still use the sharp spear twice without the backlash of the sharp spear.

Appearing in front of the water masked monster, Cross Country once again used the sharp spear, shattering the heart of the water masked monster. Then the latent shadow technique was used again. Just like before, Cross Country killed the water mask monster. Finally, he used a sharp spear to kill the thunder mask monster there.

At this moment, were all the five hearts that Kakuzu had taken away using the secret technique of Earth Resentment shattered into pieces in the hands of Cross Country?

If the original plot is told, would the cross-country kill Kakuzu?

 That’s right!

  If the story in the original novel is to be followed, off-roading would indeed have killed all the characters.

Moreover, when the figure of the Thunder Mask Monster collapsed on the ground, and the heart inside was shattered by the off-road's sharp spear, the horns restrained by the arrival of the shadow world also slowly collapsed on the ground, He looked like he was dead.

However, after having suffered several losses from Kakuzu, is it possible for Off-Road to believe that Kakuzu is really dead?

 Of course it’s impossible!

So, when Cross Country's figure slowly emerged from the spreading black shadow descending from the shadow world, and stood proudly in front of Kakuzu, a faint sneer suddenly appeared on the face hidden under the mask, and Cross Country It was when Kakuzu showed his outstanding acting skills that he revealed the secret of Kakuzu's immortality with cold words!

 “Kakuzu, there’s no need to pretend anymore.”

"Now I know that the reason why you can master the secret of immortality is not because of the five hearts you took away!"

 “The real reason why you can master the secret of immortality lies in the resentment of the earth!”

 “If the earth’s resentment is immortal, your Jiaodu will be immortal!”

"am I right?"

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