Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 276: Stealing heads

 “Shadow Mimicry!”


Having solved the mystery of Kakuzu's immortality in one word, he naturally couldn't despise Kakuzu's off-roading, so he quickly changed the form of the shadow world and turned it into an ordinary shadow imitation technique.

At this time, the five hearts in Kakuzu's body were completely shattered. Using ordinary shadow imitation techniques, Cross Country was absolutely sure to be able to restrict Kakuzu's movements.

Moreover, going off-road to change the form of the Shadow Realm is not just to save the chakra in the body.

Off-Road changed the form of the Shadow Realm and used shadow imitation to restrain Kakuzu. The deeper reason is that Off-Road wants to truly kill Kakuzu!

 Only by destroying Jade City's secret technique of resentment, off-roading can truly kill Jade City!

Therefore, when Cross Country uses the ordinary shadow imitation technique to bind Kakuzu's body, he can use the shadow simulation technique to bind Kakuzu's body without maintaining the seal. Cross Country forms another seal under his feet. The black shadow quickly condensed, and soon the shadow clone technique was successfully used, and then the shadow clone slowly appeared in front of Cross Country.

Then, by controlling the shadow clone, Cross Country let his shadow clone use the wind flow palm blade to destroy all the masked monster clones in Kakuto one after another, and then went to destroy the black tentacles of the earthly resentment that formed the main body of Kakuto. .

At this time, it was Kakuzu who was shocked to see Cross Country smashing the secret technique of Earthly Resentment Yu so carefully!

 Because, Kakuzu could not imagine the method by which Cross Country learned the mystery of his immortality.

However, if you want to get the answer from off-road, it is definitely impossible.

After all, it was impossible for Off-Road to tell Kakuzu. He combined the memories from the original plot and analyzed the mystery of Kakuzu's immortality bit by bit, right?

 There is no doubt that that was when Kakuzu appeared again, and Cross Country began to suspect that some of the descriptions in the original plot were partly wrong.


 Because in the last confrontation between Cross Country and Kakuzu, didn't Cross Country destroy the five hearts in Kakuzu's body, but Kakuzu was still not dead?

At that time, using the spiritual energy that was about to break through, Yue Yue sensed that there was still a heart in Kakuzu's body, and he had some doubts about whether the intelligence in the original plot was correct.

This time, Kakuzu appears again, and Cross Country understands that the description of Kakuzu's weaknesses in the original plot must be wrong.

So, Kakuzu does not rely on the five hearts in the body to maintain its immortal body, so what exactly does Kakuzu actually use to maintain its immortal body?

With such confusion appearing in his mind, Cross Country recalled the scenes of Uzumaki Naruto killing Kakuzu!

 Still remember that Kakuzu in the original plot was like an experience baby. The only value of his death may be to prove that Uzumaki Naruto's new ninjutsu is indeed very terrifying, right?

 Thinking of this silently, I had some guesses about cross-country.

What is the new ninjutsu that Uzumaki Naruto used to kill Kakuzu?

 The answer is Wind Release: Spiral Shuriken Technique!

Off-road itself has mastered the method of using the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Jutsu. Naturally, he can fully analyze the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Jutsu and how he killed Kakuzu.

And in the speculations and conjectures, I felt that the reason why Naruto Uzumaki used the Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken Jutsu to kill Kakuzu in the end was because of the power contained in the Wind Release and Rasen Shuriken Jutsu. "Erotic" characteristics!

The technique of Wind Release and Spiral Shuriken in the body, Kakuzu is not as simple as the heart crushing hidden in the body!

At that moment, the "annihilation" property contained in the Wind Release: Rasenshuriken Jutsu really killed every cell in Kakuzu's body!

 So, with this part of the conjecture, it is speculated that Cross Country feels that the mystery of Kakuzu's immortality may be more about the secret technique of Earth Resentment and Yu, rather than the five hearts hidden in Kakuzu's body.

  Immediately afterwards, he controlled the shadow clones and used the wind-flow palm blade that contained the "annihilation" characteristic to annihilate the masked monster clones in Kakuzu one by one.

Finally, when the shadow clone of Cross Country went to the main body of Kakuzu, Cross Country took a deep breath and watched the shadow clone break down the earthly resentment that structured the main body of Kakuzu little by little, and finally lifted all the secret techniques. moment, I felt a little more relaxed.

 “Kakuzu is finally dead.”

 “If the secret technique of Earth Resentment Yu is completely shattered and Kakuzu is still alive.”

 “Then it can only be said that Kakuzu’s life is too tough, even comparable to Xiaoqiang!”

  I thought to myself, recalling my second confrontation with Kakuzu, and once again felt that I had made progress in cross-country.

The progress mentioned here is not the progress of cross-country in terms of combat experience, combat awareness, etc., but the mastery of the art of latent shadow, and the method of combining the advent of the shadow world and the art of latent shadow to construct the field, the combat power of cross-country It's gone up again.

At this moment, if the levels set by Cross Country are used, then without using the Shadow World Arrival and the Latent Shadow Technique to build the field, Cross Country feels that its own level should be half a step to the quasi-shadow level, one step short of that. He can now enter the ranks of quasi-shadow level experts.

However, if Cross-Country maintains the use of the Shadow Realm Arrival and the Hidden Shadow Technique during a battle with sufficient chakra, then Cross-Country can build the prototype of a domain and maintain the domain. The strength of a true quasi-shadow level powerhouse!

 Progress in this area is what makes cross-country the most joyful!

 It’s just that there are many things to deal with in the cross-country later, and there is really not much time for joy, so I slowly set my sights on another battlefield.

 In another battlefield, the battle between Nagato and Demigod Hanzo was coming to an end.

With the help of the outside demon, Nagato was only slightly injured, but Hanzo, the demigod, would have died tragically if Konan hadn't suddenly intervened and disrupted Nagato's schizophrenia state. In the hands of Nagato, there is no possibility of going on stage cross-country.

However, now that Demigod Hanzo is still alive, it is necessary for Cross Country to take the stage.

Don’t forget, the real reason for traveling cross-country to the Land of Rain is the mission assigned by Danzo Shimura!

Can't go back with the head of Demigod Hanzo, not to mention the punishment that Cross Country will face, just saying that he and Shimura Danzo cannot continue to "cooperate", these are things that Cross Country does not want to foresee.

Therefore, in the next moment, when Nagato controlled the heretic demon and smashed the demigod Hanzo from the air to the ground, the cross-country figure suddenly disappeared from the previous battlefield and then appeared. Near Demigod Hanzo, he was ready to take advantage of Nagato's serious injury to Demigod Hanzo and **** Demigod Hanzo's head from Nagato's hands!

At this moment, off-road, who was going to grab the head, naturally couldn't pay attention to the battlefield where he and Kakuzu had fought before.

  If Off-Road was not looking for Demigod Hanzo's head and did not check the surrounding situation in depth, then the Kakuzu killed by Off-Road might be really dead.

On the contrary, as it is now, Cross Country hurriedly disappeared from the previous battlefield for the head of Demigod Hanzo, but it also laid a foreshadowing for Kakuzu's resurrection!

 Because, just as Cross Country guessed, Kakuzu's resurrection does not rely on the five hearts in the body, but relies on the secret technique of Yu Yu.

Now that cross-country has wiped out Jiaodu's secret technique of earth resentment, it is equivalent to destroying 90% of the possibility of Jiaodu's resurrection.

It is a pity that among the possibility of Kakuzu's resurrection, the remaining 10% is something that Cross Country has never guessed.

 That is the secret technique of Earth Resentment and Yu, and it also has a core!

 And that core has always been in Madara's hands, that is, the strange and dark heart that Bai Zetsu once used to resurrect Kakuzu!

 “Did Kakuzu fail again?”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, it’s so injured that it seems impossible to fully recover!”

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