Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 282: strange girl

 “Join Dusk?”

 “The reason is still for the future of the Fire Country?”


To be honest, Yahiko is determined to create a new organization called "Twilight" for the sake of his life-and-death friends Nagato and Konan. Cross Country can understand Yahiko's mood.

After all, if the positions of Cross Country and Yahiko were interchanged, the "Akatsuki" organization he created would be prosperous. It seemed that he was going to fulfill his dream of creating the "Akatsuki" organization, but in fact, there were many hidden dangers inside, and he had already fallen into the control of the BOSS behind the scenes. When he was in prison, in order to ensure the safety of his friends and to protect his own dreams, Cross Country might create another secret organization. On the one hand, it would be used to secretly monitor the "Akatsuki" organization he originally created, and on the other hand, he would use The newly created organization is used to counter the will of the BOSS behind the scenes.

However, Yahiko, just create a new organization to monitor the "Akatsuki" organization and secretly compete with the will of the boss behind the scenes Madara. What is your desire to protect the ninja world and the earth? Where did it come from?

If it can be said that Yahiko's intention of wanting Cross Country to join "Twilight" is entirely due to Nagato and Konan, then needless to say, Cross Country might be able to agree to join the team even if it is to deal with the boss behind the scenes, Madara. In the "Twilight" of the new organization.

However, when I heard Yahiko's idea of ​​creating a new organization, he actually had the same dream of protecting the world and maintaining world peace just like he had when he formed the "Akatsuki" organization.


Hidden under the ANBU mask, Cross Country laughed awkwardly a few times and declined Yahiko's proposal. Then he silently blessed Yahiko a few times and hurriedly disappeared in front of Yahiko.


 “The boy in the second grade of middle school is really hopeless.”

“You are dedicated to world peace, Yahiko, what a pity you don’t become a superman!”

After bidding farewell to Yahiko, Cross Country sighed deeply, sighing with emotion, and immediately set foot on the road back to the Land of Fire.

On the way back to the Land of Fire, what was on Cross Country's mind was also not about Yahiko's preparations to create a new organization "Dusk", but about using the difficult journey back to the Land of Fire to train himself.

Here, if you want to ask why Cross Country refused to join Yahiko's newly created organization "Twilight", we can only say that Cross Country's ideological awareness is not enough!

 To put it bluntly, off-roading is a selfish person.

For his family Shikaku, for his teacher the Fourth Hokage, for his friends Akai and others, Cross Country doesn't care whether the ninja world is peaceful or not, as long as he can protect his relatives, and as long as he can let them live. It's very good, but what if it disturbs the peace of the ninja world?

Even if he plays the role of a villain and makes the ninja world fall into irreversible power, what can he do?

If there is a hidden BOSS that requires Off-Road to destroy the Leaf Village in order to save their lives when Off-Road cannot resist, then Off-Road's first thought for what he wants to protect must not be how to get out of hiding. Instead of taking control of the BOSS, he began to plan and hide the requests made by the BOSS regardless of anything.

 Moreover, sometimes, it is easy to be a bad person, but not a good person.

  When Yahiko founded the new organization "Dusk", if there wasn't so much reason in it and there were no constraints from some terms and conditions, it wouldn't be a big deal even if Cross Country joined it.

 But with the great principles in front and the constraints of the rules and regulations, cross-country will have concerns in his heart.

 It’s like a very simple question!

If one day, the Nara clan led by Shikaku becomes a stumbling block on the road to peace in the ninja world, cross-country should eradicate the Nara clan led by Shikaku, kill Shikaku's head with his own hands, or directly betray the organization that was born for its ideals. What about "Dusk"?

  If you were a person with high consciousness like Itachi God, you would know it just by looking at what Itachi God did in the plot of the original work.

For the sake of ideals, Itachi God can participate in the genocide battle in Konoha Village, and can play the role of killing his own parents when both parents "understand".

But if it were off-road, let alone annihilating the Nara clan, which had little to do with him, just seeing Shikaku die in front of him, it was something that off-road didn't want to think about.

Therefore, on the chosen path, one is to become a "saint" like Itachi and Yahiko, and the other is to become a selfish "villain". Off-road is more willing to play the role of a "villain".

 Because of that, you can have a happy life off-road and protect your important things.

 The main reason why Cross Country declined Yahiko to join the new organization "Twilight" is this.


Things are unpredictable. It is possible that on the road to cross-country growth in the future, he will encounter some difficulties, and he may have to join the new organization "Twilight" founded by Yahiko.

 It's just that now, Cross-country is determined to bid farewell to the role of "sage" and continue to play its role as "villain".

Then, when the spiritual energy undergoes a perfect "qualitative" change, and because the "quantity" of the spiritual energy is not sufficient, off-road cannot practice chakra or use chakra, so off-road continues to cultivate the Uzumaki clan. The spiritual mysticism, hoping to resume the use and practice of chakra as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Cross-Country has not forgotten its own training, and has been making full use of its physical strength to continue to train itself on the journey back to the Land of Fire.

 There is no doubt that because he cannot use chakra, his cross-country strength has suddenly fallen to the level of elite genin.

On the way back to the Land of Fire, an elite genin must encounter many difficulties, and even face life and death crises again and again, in order to successfully return to the Land of Fire.

However, don't forget that before cross-country, you have already half-stepped into the ranks of quasi-kage-level powerhouses. You have the combat experience and combat awareness of a quasi-kage-level powerhouse, but your strength is limited to the elite genin level. Although there may be some life-and-death crises on the way back to the Land of Fire, Cross Country still has his own way of averting dangers, treating each life-and-death crisis as a test and planning a path for him to officially be promoted to a shadow-level powerhouse.

However, on the way back to the Land of Fire, one thing is certain.

 That is, on the way back from cross-country, you cannot use the Konoha Anbu costume to continue moving forward.

 The identity of ANBU does have a special role based on having a certain strength.

 However, without strength as a basis, the identity of Anbu can only bring more inconvenience to cross-country.

 Just like the "Akatsuki" organization that gradually takes the initiative in the Kingdom of Rain, it can bring many disadvantages to cross-country.

 So, on the second day of the cross-country trip to say goodbye to Yahiko and return to the Land of Fire, he took off his ANBU outfit and further used makeup to complete the disguise, disguising himself as an ordinary boy with dark skin and a strong body.

After completing the disguise during the cross-country trip, there was one less Konoha Anbu "Wind" in the Kingdom of Rain, and one more orphan who had fled from the Kingdom of Thunder.

However, when he was pretending to be an orphan from the Kingdom of Thunder and entering the Kingdom of Rain due to the war, he never imagined before completing his disguise that his disguised identity would actually bring him an adventure. !

Ten days after bidding farewell to Yahiko, the successfully disguised cross-country was completely lost in the Land of Rain.

Whether it was Danzo Shimura, the Fourth Hokage, Yahiko, the current leader of the Akatsuki organization, or Madara, Haku Zetsu and others who were hiding behind the scenes, they all lost the news of cross-country at the same time.

 With the loss of cross-country news, the "Xiao" organization and the hidden BOSS Banye are still better. After all, cross-country is an unimportant person to them.

On the contrary, Danzo Shimura and the Fourth Hokage, after learning about the loss of the cross-country, really wanted to go to the Land of Rain to investigate in person!

 Among them, the reason why the Fourth Hokage wanted to know about off-road conditions was naturally because off-roading was his beloved disciple.

 As for Shimura Danzo?

 He was more interested in obtaining the truth about the incident in the Kingdom of Rain, so he did his best to explore cross-country information.

It’s a pity that the camouflage of the cross-country was really good. Danzo Shimura, the Fourth Hokage and others were all looking for cross-country and could not get much information about the cross-country.

However, during the process of exploring cross-country news, the ANBU dispatched by Danzo Shimura and the Fourth Hokage actually obtained another news worthy of their attention.

 That is, the Cloud Ninja Village of the Kingdom of Thunder, which had not made any move for a long time, actually sent ANBU into the Kingdom of Rain.

  After hearing the news, the Fourth Hokage and Shimura Danzo were inevitably shocked. They immediately secretly wondered if the Raikage was going to take action.

 However, is the real purpose of Raikage sending ANBU to the Land of Rain really to fight the war in the later stages of the Third World War?


 Absolutely not!

If the Fourth Hokage, Shimura Danzo and others really knew the purpose of the Raikage sending ANBU into the Land of Rain, the expressions of the Fourth Hokage and Shimura Danzo would be very exciting!

 Because, the real purpose of Raikage sending ANBU into the Land of Rain is not to collect intelligence for the war at all, but for a girl whose head is full of fantasies and who always dreams of having adventures!


“Is the treasure hiding place actually on the border between the Kingdom of Rain and the Kingdom of Fire?”

 “Things are in some trouble!”

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