Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 283: Secret of the Six Paths

 At the end of the Third World War, the shadow of the war gradually faded away, and peace seemed to be restored to the ninja world, but in fact it was still shrouded in the cloud of war.

 However, no matter how terrible the shadow of war is, it cannot stop boys and girls from dreaming.

 Just like when I was in the ninja school during cross-country, I found that many boys and girls in the ninja school no longer think about war.

Most teenagers in ninja schools have dreams, hoping to become a genius like Kakashi, and to be able to go to the battlefield as soon as possible and become as famous as the Fourth Hokage.

Most girls in ninja schools have somewhat different dreams.

 They are more often looking forward to meeting the Prince Charming in their hearts as soon as possible!

Like Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino in the original plot, didn't they have such a dream when they were in the ninja school and always hoped to win the love of the second pillar of Uchiha?

However, as a girl with dreams, Satsuma from Cloud Ninja Village’s dreams are completely different from those of ordinary girls.

Satsuma, a genin who just graduated from the Cloud Ninja Village.

With long blond hair and a delicate face, Satsuma, who was born in the Kingdom of Thunder, has rare fair skin. Naturally, he has many suitors in the Cloud Ninja Village.

 Unfortunately, Satsuma’s dream is not to meet her Prince Charming early like an ordinary girl.

 Satsuma’s real dream is to become one of the Sannin of Konoha and a great female ninja like Tsunade!

However, there is only one Tsunade-hime in the ninja world. Even though many female ninjas regard Tsunade-hime as their dream, to reach the level of Tsunade-hime requires more than just talent.

So, since there is no way to easily become a female ninja representative like Tsunade-hime, how does Satsuma pursue his own path to becoming stronger?

 The answer is adventure!

 As early as in the Kingdom of Thunder, Satsuma was a genin who had many adventures.

Not only did he have an adventure in the Yun Ninja Village, but he also became a disciple of a well-known strong man in the ninja world.

Even within the Kingdom of Thunder, Satsuma has had adventures one after another.

It's just like what is written in some novels. When Satsuma is in danger, he can encounter a cave. In the cave, it is possible to obtain the treasure of an expert. If he jumps from the cliff, he can encounter certain medicinal materials that are rare in the ninja world. As long as it is If you take it, it will be worth the years of hard work of others, and you will soon have the amount of chakra comparable to a jounin.

If off-road knows that there is such a magical girl in the Kingdom of Rain, there is no need to say more!

You must bring an egg to the cross-country and give it to the adventure girl named Satsuma to see if she can hatch a dragon!

 And this time, regardless of the objections of his master, does Satsuma insist on going to the Kingdom of Rain?

 It must be for the treasure!

It was a mission in the Kingdom of Thunder. Satsuma accidentally seized something called a treasure map from the enemy!

 Although Satsuma's master has always opposed Satsuma going to the Kingdom of Rain to search for treasures.

 But for the sake of adventure and his own dreams, Satsuma secretly left the team during a certain mission and sneaked into the Kingdom of Rain, regardless of his master's objections.

If Satsuma was just an ordinary Kumo ninja, he would definitely be treated as a traitorous ninja without words.

  After all, this is the war period. Even at the end of the war, the requirements of each ninja village are still very high!

 Leaving the Ninja Village privately and leaving the country is already enough to accept the treatment of a traitor!

Happily, Satsuma’s master was a strong man with certain rights in Yun Ninja Village, so the result was naturally different.

Just like the Nara clan, the Fourth Hokage, and now Shimura Danzo are behind the cross-country, if the cross-country leaves the Leaf Village privately and travels in other countries, the most that the cross-country returns to the Leaf Village will be some punishment.

And Satsuma, with the small thought of accepting punishment after returning to the village, embarked on a carefree journey in the Kingdom of Rain.

 But when she sneaked into the Kingdom of Rain, Satsuma never expected that the Anbu of the Cloud Ninja Village she recruited by sneaking into the Kingdom of Rain would bring about changes in the ninja world!

 “Damn it!”

“Isn’t it the ANBU of Rain Ninja Village this time, and the ANBU of Konoha Village again?”

 “It’s really troublesome!”

Sneaking into the Land of Rain for just three days, pursuing adventures and searching for the secrets of Satsuma is full of crises!

Not only Shimura Danzo, but also the Konoha ANBU dispatched by the Fourth Hokage, hoping to obtain more information about Kumo Ninja Village from Satsuma, even the "Akatsuki" organization controlled by Nagato and the Yu Ninja Village that was gradually under his command were dispatched He killed countless ANBU, hoping to capture Satsuma alive and interrogate him about the intentions of the Raikage in Cloud Ninja Village!

 Fortunately, Satsuma has had so many adventures and his strength has improved very quickly.

 Otherwise, Satsuma would have confessed to being in the Land of Rain long ago under the multiple pursuits of the Anbu of Konoha and the Anbu of the Rain Ninja Village.

 What other dreams are you pursuing?

 What secrets are you still pursuing?

However, just three days of life-and-death pursuit still left Satsuma feeling a little exhausted.

I have long known from the master that sneaking into other countries is not that simple. Now Satsuma is regretting it. Why didn't he listen to the master and take the master with an out-of-touch personality to the Kingdom of Rain to seek the secret?

 However, it is too late to say this now.

There were countless wounds on his body, and his vision began to become blurry.

After three days of hard fighting and three days of escaping, Satsuma was no longer able to face the two Konoha ANBU behind him, and would soon fall into the hands of those two Konoha ANBU.

 Understanding the rules of the Kumo Ninja Village, seeing that there was no way to escape, Satsuma was ready to commit suicide by swallowing poison to prevent Konoha ANBU from obtaining any information.

But just when Satsuma was a little discouraged and looked at the poison in his hand unwillingly, suddenly a dark-skinned, somewhat familiar young man suddenly appeared in front of him!


“Escape quickly, there are Konoha ANBU behind you!”


Who is that dark-skinned boy who looks a bit familiar to Satsuma?

Aren’t you just thinking about going back to the Land of Fire for a cross-country trip?

It turned out that when Satsuma was facing Konoha ANBU and the Rain Ninja ANBU were chasing her, Satsuma had never thought that she was traveling so fast. She reached the Land of Rain and the Land of Fire in just three days. The country’s borders.

When Satsuma was being chased by Konoha's Anbu, by chance, Satsuma ran into Cross Country who was about to return to the Land of Fire.

What's even more coincidental is that the orphan from the Kingdom of Thunder disguised as an off-road person is vaguely similar to Satsuma's friend.

So, when you suddenly discovered the existence of your friend in a foreign country, being chased by ANBU from other ninja villages, what was Satsuma's immediate reaction?

  Why don't you remind your friends to quickly escape from the pursuit of Konoha ANBU?

On the contrary, it is off-road, and it really feels like drinking cold water will make your teeth choke!

It would have been better if Satsuma didn't remind him to escape cross-country. Like orphans fleeing from the Land of Thunder, Konoha Anbu would see several of them every day.

it's good now!

 Knowing that Satsuma actually "knows" Cross Country, the eyes of several Konoha Anbu were "swiped", and they all fell on Cross Country!

The next second, the exhausted Satsuma fainted directly in front of the cross-country, with an expression of "I tried my best."

However, the three Konoha ANBU who were chasing after him had no intention of giving any face to the cross-country. They made gestures that only Konoha ANBU could understand. The three Konoha ANBU quickly separated themselves and went to capture Satsuma alive. , the other two people were going to capture Cross Country, and took them back to the temporary camp for torture.


There is no life-threatening off-roading at this time. After all, he is also an ANBU of Konoha. As long as he reveals his identity, he can escape from danger.

However, when the three Konoha Anbu were making gestures, preparing to capture Cross Country and the unconscious Satsuma respectively, what did Cross Country see in the gestures of those Konoha ANBU?

The pupils in his eyes narrowed slightly. From the secret words of the three Konoha Anbu, Cross Country suddenly knew what the secret was that the Cloud Ninja girl was carrying!

 “The secret of the Six Paths?”

“A mere Kumo ninja brat actually possesses the secrets of the Six Paths?”


 “It seems interesting!”

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