Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 289: source of confidence

 See you in the picture!

Just when the doubts in Yue Yue's heart gradually disappeared, and he thought that the weirdness in the cave had nothing to do with the girl Satsuma, who would have thought that the girl Satsuma suddenly killed him, and in an instant, Yue Yue couldn't believe the real scene in front of him, and was slightly stunned. So one second.

 One second is enough for a ninja to do a lot of things!

At that second, the girl Satsuma suddenly got angry, and the sharp kunai she held in her hand was pressed against Cross Country's throat.

 In just one second, the girl Satsuma can use the sharp kunai in her hand to slit the cross-country's throat, causing the cross-country to die in this strange cave.

 However, as a half-step quasi-shadow level expert, cross-country can give the girl Satsuma one second, but it does not mean that it can give the girl Satsuma one more second!

 What if the kunai is pressed against the throat?

As long as the cross-country team is alive, he will have the capital to make a comeback. This is the strength of a man who was once a half-step quasi-shadow level powerhouse!

  Then, when the girl Satsuma held the kunai tightly and raised a confident yet murderous smile on her lips, she suddenly heard a "whoosh" sound!

 Without the ability to use chakra, Cross Country suddenly unleashed the power hidden in his thin body!

It was just a burst of strength from the body. He suddenly moved his steps off-road, and hit the wall of the cave behind with a "bang"!

If off-road hadn't been carrying the girl Satsuma on his back, the actions he was doing at this time would actually be self-inflicted harm. However, while carrying the girl Satsuma on his back, the cross-country suddenly hit the wall of the cave. The person who suffered the severe pain was not the cross-country, but the girl Satsuma who was carried behind the cross-country.

And when the body is suffering from severe pain and the head is having the negative impact of coma, it is good that the girl Satsuma can hold the kunai in her hand. How can she hold the kunai tightly and hurt herself while going off-road?

On the contrary, it was off-roading. While the girl Satsuma was suffering from severe pain, dizziness and other negative effects, a confident smile appeared on her face.

Subsequently, without experiencing any danger, he broke away from the shackles of the girl Satsuma while going off-road, and threw the girl to the ground heavily.

Staring closely at the slightly panicked eyes of the girl Satsuma, Cross Country held the torch confidently, and his eyes exuded a wise look that was different from the original form. This also allowed Cross Country to completely break the dull image he had created in front of the girl Satsuma. Even Cross Country Yang The faint smile he wore looked like the smile of the **** of death to the girl Satsuma.

 However, since the girl Satsuma chose to take action, it means that she has already seen through the nature of off-roading.

So, facing the cross-country smile that looked like the smile of death, the girl Satsuma narrowed her eyes slightly and was about to step forward to fight back while holding the kunai.

 It's a pity that the girl Satsuma still underestimated the cross-country strength when judging her cross-country strength.

Immediately, before the girl Satsuma could step forward with a kunai to fight back, Cross Country kicked the girl Satsuma in the abdomen, and then caused the girl to hit the solid wall of the cave behind.

 Then, without giving the girl Satsuma any time to get up, the off-road figure suddenly disappeared in front of the girl Satsuma.

The next second, when Cross Country appeared, the girl Satsuma felt an irresistible force suddenly coming from the palm of her hand holding the kunai. When the girl Satsuma saw clearly that what was restraining her palm was a dark palm, the sharp kunai she held in her hand was suddenly pressed against her throat!

 “Ms. Satsuma, your plan seems to have failed!”

Hold the girl Satsuma's hand behind her back and threaten her life with her own kunai.

At the moment he subdued the girl Satsuma, many thoughts came to mind.

 One of the more important ones is that the strange phantom in the Six Paths Hidden Cave is likely to be related to the control of the girl Satsuma. Therefore, as long as he was in the secret cave of Six Paths, Cross-country felt that he had to worry about the girl Satsuma's trump card. This is why Cross-country did not directly kill the girl Satsuma.

Off-road is very scared. As long as he makes a move to kill the girl Satsuma, the girl Satsuma can use unknown methods to activate the restrictions in the six secrets, so that she will drag off-road to support her before she dies. .

 Let’s talk about the girl Satsuma, her life was threatened by off-roading, and she looked calm as expected.

It was also this calm look that made Cross Country feel more and more that the trump card held by the girl Satsuma was far scarier than he imagined!

However, the girl Satsuma did not give the girl a chance to press for the truth. When the girl used the girl's own kunai to threaten her life, the girl Satsuma sneered, and then said calmly in front of the girl:

“Moy, you really surprised me. I didn’t expect you to be so strong!”

"Without using any chakra, you can limit my ability to move in two rounds. I'm afraid you are a jounin from a certain village or an organization, right?"

"But I'm really curious about which ninja village and which organization the jounin is so different. The method of disguise is to use makeup instead of transformation."

 “Could it be.”

As he said that, the faint smile on the girl Satsuma's face showed a hint of ridicule. Then she looked at Jiujiang with contempt and asked: "Is it possible that the Ninja Village you belong to does not have a record of transformation skills in the organization?" Do you need me to teach you how to use it?”


Although Off-Road has already guessed, the reason why the girl Satsuma saw through her identity was because of her extremely rough makeup.

 However, when the girl Satsuma really said it, Cross Country still felt very embarrassed.

 After all, the inability to use the transformation technique is not the fault of the cross-country, but the result of a complete "qualitative" change in the mental energy of the cross-country!

However, since the girl Satsuma has concluded that Cross Country's identity is very likely to be a jounin of a certain ninja village or organization, she still maintains a calm look at this time, which can't help but deepen the fear in Cross Country's heart.

However, there was still no time for the cross-country to ask questions. The girl Satsuma kept her confident look, as if questioning the cross-country, and said slowly as if she was mumbling to herself:

“Moy, you must be curious now, what cards do I have that can be used to subdue you, right?”

"You will also be curious as to why I saw through your identity so early and brought you here to find the secrets of the Immortal of Six Paths, right?"

“Actually, if you want to ask these questions, I can tell you.”

“I can even tell you all the sources of my confidence. Do you want to hear it?”


Facing the questioning of the girl Satsuma, Off-road became more and more wary of the girl Satsuma's methods, and could only use tricks to deal with the situation in front of him.

Off-road thinking is very simple, that is, the more confident the girl Satsuma is, the calmer she must be.

Otherwise, step by step, I would fall into the psychological warfare of the girl Satsuma, and cross-country would feel like I might be in danger.

Therefore, on the one hand, he is ready to fight with the girl Satsuma and is secretly afraid of her trump card. On the other hand, Cross Country is ready to explode his only power anytime and anywhere. When the girl Satsuma is ready to use her trump card, he will force her Have a good negotiation with yourself.

Who would have thought that just when the calm cross-country was fully prepared to deal with various emergencies, the girl Satsuma suddenly attacked again!

In other words, it is not the girl Satsuma who is attacking, but the weird phantom in the Six Secrets that is attacking again!

 Suddenly, the girl Satsuma was about to slowly tell something, answering one confusion after another in Cross Country's mind. But just when the girl Satsuma was about to speak, the strange phantom that had attacked the girl Satsuma off-road suddenly appeared, and the direction of the appearance was actually from the blood holes in the girl Satsuma's legs!

Such a weird attack method, no matter how many precautions are taken when traveling off-road, how can we be careful?

So, when that weird phantom just appeared, there was a "bang" sound!

After a sound, the life-threatening girl Satsuma not only disappeared there, but also the cross-country figure fell heavily to the ground with the "bang" sound.

On the contrary, it was the girl Satsuma who watched the cross-country fly backwards, and the smile that raised the corner of her mouth looked more and more mysterious.

Especially the strange phantom that once again attacked the cross-country, fully appeared under the mysterious smile of the girl Satsuma, turned into blood-colored tentacles and tightly wrapped the cross-country there, walking briskly, the girl Satsuma paced. When he stepped in front of the cross country, he threw away the kunai in his hand and began to form seals with his hands quickly!

 “Moy, now I’m going to tell you the truth!”

“The source of my confidence is not my own strength, or the fact that I have other helpers.”

 “The real source of my confidence is actually the restrictions in this six-path secret!”

“These restrictions are all restrictions under my control!”

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