Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 290: Blood sacrifice failed?

 “Sure enough.”

“Do you really control the restrictions in the Six Paths of Secrets?”

“However, the Secret of Six Paths is truly well-deserved. A phantom hidden in the Secret of Six Paths can make me unable to even fight back.”

“Suffering a loss at the hands of Satsuma is really inevitable.”


 “Greed is the original sin!”

 Sighed deeply, even though Cross Country had already guessed that the hidden trump card of the girl Satsuma was probably the prohibition in the Six Paths Secret Hidden. But just as Cross Country thought, he still underestimated the restrictions in the Sixth Generation Secret Treasures, and even more underestimated the extent to which the girl Satsuma controlled the restrictions in the Sixth Generation Secret Treasures, which was the real absolute control.

For example, the girl Satsuma's mastery of the restrictions in the Six Paths of Secrets is incomplete. If she cannot control the weird phantom, it is naturally impossible for the girl Satsuma to suffer a loss in the hands of the girl Satsuma.

Unfortunately, off-road is completely unclear. The Six-Path Secret Treasure Map mastered by the girl Satsuma turns out to not only record the method of obtaining the Six-Path Secret Treasure, but also records the method of controlling all the restrictions of the Six-Path Secret Treasure.

It can be said that after entering the Six Secret Treasures and having the restrictions of the Six Secret Treasures, the girl Satsuma is a true shadow-level powerhouse.

Under such circumstances, let alone cross-country, even if a being of the level of demigod Hanzo followed the girl Satsuma into the Six Paths of Secrets, the result would probably be the same as the situation that cross-country is facing now, that is, being controlled by the girl Is it inside Satsuma's hand?

 But when the body is completely restrained by the strange phantom, off-roading is still very confusing.

The reason for confusion is why the girl Satsuma didn't kill him!

 “There seems to be something that doesn’t make sense!”

“Since Satsuma has already seen that I have a problem, why did he take me to this secret place again?”

“Isn’t she afraid that the secret location will be exposed? Or should I kill her before entering the secret vault?”

“She insisted on taking me into this secret, it must be because the real way to open the secret requires two people!”

“Otherwise, it would be fine if she came alone to detect the secret, there is no need.”

 “There’s no need to drag me along!”

Huttered to himself, the panic and other negative emotions in Xue Xue's heart were eliminated one by one. What he was waiting for at this time was an opportunity.

 An opportunity to successfully escape from the clutches of the girl Satsuma.

 When the girl Satsuma walked towards the cross-country, it turned out that the girl Satsuma was just like the cross-country imagined, and did not directly kill the cross-country. Therefore, combined with the previous judgment of the cross-country, the cross-country suddenly gained some confidence in getting out of trouble, or in other words, making a comeback. But when Cross Country was only thinking about how to get out of trouble and how to make a comeback, the girl Satsuma, who suddenly completed the seal formation, actually cast an illusion on Cross Country!

 "Illusion: Narakujū no Jutsu!"


 The illusion has been cast.

Although, the illusion used by the girl Satsuma is a very common illusion in the original plot.

But when the cross-country was restricted by the phantom's **** tentacles, the girl Satsuma seemed sure that her illusion would take effect. She immediately ignored whether the cross-country's eyes became blurred and began to prepare to unlock the six hidden restrictions. .

  Instead, it was off-roading. Was he really under the illusion of the girl Satsuma?


 Of course not!

Even if you can't use the chakra in your body, don't forget the mysterious hidden attributes you get after practicing the whirlpool clan's spiritual arts in off-road!

That hidden attribute is called Illusion Immunity!

Although Off-Road has not tested out, with his current attainment of complete "qualitative" change in mental energy, to what extent he can be immune to illusions.

However, the illusion technique called Narakumi no Jutsu used by the girl Satsuma obviously cannot cause any trouble to cross-country. However, seeing that the girl Satsuma did not pay attention to him, the cross-country detailed suit seemed to be under the illusion of magic. When the girl Satsuma wanted to take away the six secrets, he was ready to see what the restrictions of the six secrets were.

As expected, the girl Satsuma did not disappoint the cross-country. She was fully prepared to unlock the six hidden restrictions. Maybe it was because of nervousness or excitement. The girl Satsuma didn't even look at the "illusion" next to her. He glanced at it, and then while making seals with his hands, preparing to unlock the six secret illusions, he murmured to himself as if to confirm something:

“As mentioned on the treasure map, the restrictions in the Six Paths Secret Treasures are divided into two aspects: yin and yin. A blood sacrifice must be performed with the blood of a female ninja and the blood of a male ninja in order to successfully unlock the Six Paths Secret Treasures.”

"That guy Moi, even if he doesn't have any chakra fluctuations in his body, he is undoubtedly a ninja."

“Now with the restriction in the Six Paths Secret Vault, and the blood of Mo Yi and I, the so-called yin and yang restriction can be successfully unlocked!”

“Six Paths Immortal, I’m really curious now.”

 “What is it that you left in the secret room?”

While muttering to himself, he saw the girl Satsuma slowly starting to form seals.

The reason why her seal formation speed is so slow is entirely because the seal is too complicated and has nothing to do with the girl Satsuma's own strength.

Then, combined with the muttering of the girl Satsuma before, Cross Country really understood why the girl Satsuma knew that she had a problem, but still took her to this six-path secret.

It turns out that the real reason why the girl Satsuma brought him here is to unlock the restrictions of the Six Paths Secret Hidden!

"Think about it, when Satsuma first entered the Kingdom of Rain and prepared to take away the Six Paths Secret Treasures, he planned to capture a weaker male Rain Ninja at will in the Kingdom of Rain and unlock the Six Paths Secret Treasures under the premise that it was easy to control. The so-called yin and yang prohibition.”

"It's a pity that this little girl Satsuma didn't expect how noteworthy it would be for a Cloud Ninja to sneak into the Land of Rain. Not only Konoha's Anbu were eyeing Satsuma, but it seems that even the Rain Ninja controlled by Nagato The village should not let Satsuma go easily, right? So, with no other choice, Satsuma could only take the risk and bring me here after seeing through my identity."

"And the six secret restrictions she has mastered are probably the reason why she is so confident."

“No wonder she had to wait until she was injured before she was ready to kill me.”

“It’s no wonder that she wanted to use illusion magic on me before she could unlock the secrets of the Six Paths.”

"There must be two reasons why she used illusions on me. One is because she is afraid that I will see through the restrictions of the Six Paths of Secrets, and the other is because."

"Before unlocking the Six-Path Secret, I must be alive, and if she wants to unlock the Six-Path Secret, she needs to consume a lot of chakra. Therefore, in order to unlock the Six-Path Secret and kill me smoothly, she uses a simple magic to control me."

“Unfortunately, Satsuma, your wishful thinking has really come to nothing.”

 “Because I didn’t fall into your illusion at all!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country sneered secretly in his heart, and was ready to kill the girl Satsuma's life when she unlocked the six hidden secrets.

So, why is Cross Country so confident that he can gain physical freedom after the restrictions of the Six Paths of Secrets are unlocked?


 Similarly comes from the caution of the girl Satsuma!

In the cross-country thinking, I am afraid that the reason why the girl Satsuma used illusion magic on her was to unlock the six hidden restrictions, which required a lot of chakra. But on the other hand, I am afraid that after the restrictions of the Six Paths Secret Crypto are unlocked, the strange phantom in the Six Paths Cryptozoology will disappear, so the girl Satsuma also used the illusion on herself just in case.

However, the girl Satsuma could not imagine that the Uzumaki clan's secret magic, which was practiced cross-country, actually had the hidden attribute of being immune to illusions.

In this way, the girl Satsuma has unlocked the six hidden secrets. Isn’t cross-country a chance to make a comeback?

If the girl Satsuma unlocks the six hidden secrets and can't make a comeback in cross-country, then the cross-country can only be said to be incompetent. You can't blame God for not giving her a chance.

But just when Cross Country was silently preparing to launch a counterattack against the girl Satsuma the moment she unlocked the six hidden restrictions, there were suddenly a few "buzz" and "buzz" sounds!

After the sealing was completed, under the expectant eyes of the girls Satsuma and Cross Country, the restrictions of the six hidden secrets were successfully unlocked!

 However, at the moment when the six hidden restrictions were unlocked, what made Cross Country extremely disappointed was that the strange phantom that bound him still did not disappear!

Furthermore, when Cross Country discovered that the **** phantom that bound him had not disappeared due to the release of the six hidden secrets, Cross Country actually heard another "swish" sound!

The strange phantom that originally restrained the cross-country seemed to have a clone. With a "swish" sound, it wrapped tightly around the body of the girl Satsuma, making her body look like a girl who was restrained by the cross-country. Satsuma couldn't help but exclaimed!

 “The blood sacrifice failed?”

 “Prohibition. Has the prohibition backfired?”

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