Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 291: Six paths? swirl!

 “Blood sacrifice.”

 “Can it still fail?”

Suddenly, the girl Satsuma completed the blood sacrifice required for the six hidden secrets. The **** tentacles transformed by the phantom could not be untied as expected. Off-road was already very surprised.

Who would have thought that when Cross Country was surprised, the girl Satsuma's exclamation came, which turned the surprise into shock.

Even when he looked at the girl Satsuma later, he couldn't close his mouth, which shows how shocked he was.

On the contrary, it was the girl Satsuma who first saw the phantom in the Six Paths Hidden Cave, and then transformed into a clone along the cross-country body, restraining herself tightly, and the pupils in her eyes contracted slightly. Immediately afterwards, she discovered that there was no illusion in the cross-country. The girl Satsuma gritted her teeth and directly criticized the cross-country:

 “You, you bastard!”

“You are actually a woman disguised as a man, why didn’t you tell me earlier?”


 A woman disguised as a man?

Although at this time, Cross Country was not sure why the girl Satsuma's blood sacrifice failed, when facing the harsh criticism of the girl Satsuma, Cross Country really felt that the girl Satsuma had a big brain.

All right.

  It only took a few seconds for Cross Country to understand why the girl Satsuma was so imaginative and said that she was a woman disguised as a man.

 The reason is not because of the failure of the blood sacrifice!

According to the treasure map obtained by the girl Satsuma, unlocking the restrictions in the Six Paths of Secrets must comply with the Yin and Yang principles. Simply put, it requires the blood of a male ninja, plus the blood of a female ninja. .

Now, with the blood of Cross Country as a male ninja, and the blood of girl Satsuma as a female ninja, it was originally very simple to unlock the restrictions of the six secrets. The girl Satsuma only needed to follow the order of the seals on the treasure map. By forming seals and consuming most of the chakra in the body, one can successfully obtain the secret treasures of the Six Paths.

However, even the girl Satsuma did not expect that her blood sacrifice actually failed.

 At the first moment when the blood sacrifice failed, the girl Satsuma naturally did not feel that there was any problem with what was recorded on the treasure map. She only felt that the reason for the failure of the blood sacrifice was not herself, but the off-road.

Therefore, the girl Satsuma immediately thought that the identity of the off-road was not a male ninja, but a woman disguised as a man, which ultimately led to the failure of the blood sacrifice.

As for off-roading, he can't take off his pants in front of the girl Satsuma and let the girl verify his true identity, right?

Even if you want to take it off for off-roading, you still have to untie the **** tentacles, right?

Then, with just a glance at the imaginative girl Satsuma, Cross Country began to concentrate his mental energy, preparing to use his own strength to find a way out of the predicament.

 Obviously, after the blood sacrifice in the Six Paths Vault failed and the ban backfired, the girl Satsuma no longer had any way to control the direction of the situation.

In other words, the current Satsuma girl cannot protect herself. She can't leave her life in the hands of the other party when going cross-country, right?

Immediately afterwards, using the completely "qualitative" mental energy to sense the surrounding situation, Xue Yu couldn't help but frown, and there was a vague feeling of restriction.

The feeling of being restricted is naturally not about the constraints on the off-road, but about the mental energy of off-road use.

Every time, as long as Cross Country concentrates on using his completely "qualitative" mental energy and begins to perceive the surrounding environment, Cross Country only feels that every existence in the cave seems to be suppressing his mental energy perception, making Cross Country The spiritual energy that has completely "qualitatively" changed can only exert three or four out of ten of its power!

It is also the feeling of limited mental energy perception, which makes the cross-country vaguely seem to have grasped some clues, but there is always something important missing, making the answer to one's own escape from the predicament seem to be ready to come out, but it is stuck in the mouth.

Subconsciously, off-road, having vaguely grasped the important clues, he was ready to ask the girl Satsuma to get more information to solve the strange situation that happened in front of him.

 However, just when Off-Road was about to ask, the phantom that suddenly restrained Off-Road and the girl Satsuma changed again!

From the **** tentacles bound to the off-road girl Satsuma, two groups of black and white lights suddenly appeared, and soon condensed in front of the off-road girl Satsuma, forming the appearance of a yin-yang fish!

And when the yin-yang fish appeared, the **** tentacles that tightly bound the cross-country and the girl Satsuma seemed to have used the "Clone Technique" again. At the same time, a clone separated and merged into the strange yin-yang in front of the cross-country and the girl Satsuma. Inside the fish, another new phantom appeared in front of Cross Country and the girl Satsuma, making the faces of Cross Country and the girl Satsuma turn pale at the same time.

"I said."

"The real blood sacrifice shouldn't be that the guy in front of us kills us to complete the last step of the blood sacrifice, right?"

Staring at the strange phantom that had re-condensed in front of him, the corner of his mouth twitched a few times and he directly asked the girl Satsuma next to him.

On the other hand, the girl Satsuma swallowed nervously when she heard about cross-country.

Then, recalling every detail in the treasure map, what made Off-Road feel helpless was that later, the girl Satsuma nodded with a sad face, and then answered Off-road:

 “It’s very likely that’s the case!”

“How could I be so stupid that I never thought of finding two people to explore this six-path secret?”

"Moy, must have a way to get out of trouble, right?"

 “Please, please, please save me, please?”

Faced with a life and death dilemma, and it was an extremely weird life and death dilemma in front of me, let alone the girl Satsuma lost her composure, even the cross-country felt like it was about to collapse.

Undoubtedly, if you fight against a strong person and die miserably in the hands of the strong person, then you are not as strong as others, but you have nothing to regret.

On the contrary, like now, just following others to detect the secret of the Six Paths Immortal, he died miserably under extremely strange restrictions. I think anyone would feel aggrieved and powerless, which would lead to his own inner collapse. !

 Fortunately, when the girl Satsuma's heart began to collapse, Cross Country still retained a little bit of calmness.

So, quietly observing the movements of the phantom in front of him, he squinted his eyes slightly and worked his mind. All that came to mind were the yin-yang fish patterns that appeared before the phantom condensed into shape!

 “Yes! That’s the sign of Yin Yang Escape Technique!”

“In addition to the Five Elements Escape Technique in the ninja world, there is also the Yin and Yang Escape Technique, which is a secret technique passed down by the Sage of Six Paths!”

"It is rumored that the secret technique used by my Nara clan and the Yamazaka clan is the Yin escape in the Yin Yang escape technique, and the secret technique used by the Akimichi clan is the Yang escape in the Yin Yang secret technique!"

"If I can now use the secret technique of the Nara clan, that is, the secret technique of shadow escape that I now fully master, it is still possible to escape from the restrictions in the Six Paths Secret Crypt."

“But now my mental energy has just completed a “qualitative” change, and I can’t even use chakra. How can I use the secret technique of the Nara clan, which is the secret technique of shadow escape that I master?”

“Damn it, I wish I could explore this six-path secret again after I regain my strength!”

“That way, no matter what situation I face, I will have a way to fight for the last glimmer of hope!”

Huttered secretly, a wry smile appeared on the face of the cross country, and what was thinking in his head turned into regret for not regaining his strength to explore the six secrets.

However, just when the off-road mentality was finally about to collapse, and he was about to become the same as the girl Satsuma, a sudden change occurred!

Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in front of Cross Country, causing a flash of light to appear in Cross Country's dim eyes.

As soon as the familiar figure appeared, he came directly in front of the girl Satsuma with a "swish" sound.

Holding the familiar sword in his hand, the familiar figure went to the girl Satsuma and killed the girl Satsuma in an instant. Immediately, the familiar figure faced the cross country and said with a smile:

“Off-road, thanks to me I saw the mark you left.”


 “You really might die here!”


Looking at that familiar figure, the off-road mentality that was about to collapse suddenly returned to its original state.

Especially when he discovered that the familiar figure was indeed his companion Uchiha Shisui, Cross Country was secretly lucky that when he had solved the Konoha Anbu before, he had left a special mark on the Konoha Anbu to avoid accidents. happened.

Immediately afterwards, on the one hand, he secretly sighed that the clues he left behind and provided to Konoha's ANBU were indeed correct.

On the other hand, with the help of Uchiha Shisui, Cross Country quickly broke away from the shackles of the **** tentacles and regained his freedom.

But just when Cross Country took a deep breath and wanted to thank Uchiha Shisui for coming to save him, he looked at Uchiha Shisui who was handling the body of the girl Satsuma in front of him, especially from the back of Uchiha Shisui, he saw When he saw Uchiha Shisui's clan emblem printed on his clothes, a strong killing intent appeared in Zi Yue's eyes!

 The next second, without the slightest hesitation, Off-Road took a step forward, holding a kunai in his hand and stabbed Uchiha Shisui directly in the back of the heart.

When Uchiha Shisui turned around to face Cross Country, his eyes full of shock and astonishment, Cross Country raised a faint sneer and said to Uchiha Shisui in front of him in an extremely indifferent tone:

“The Secret of the Six Paths? It turns out they are all fake!”

“This place must be the secret secret of the Uzumaki clan, right?”

 “Descendants of the Uzumaki clan!”

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