Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 292: Defeat oneself (Part 1)



As soon as Off-Road finished speaking, Uchiha Shisui in front of him still maintained a shocked and stunned expression, pointing directly in the direction of Off-Road with his blood-stained fingers. It felt like Off-Road had betrayed him.

Instead, he was off-roading. Looking at the shocked and stunned Uchiha Shisui, the sneer raised at the corner of his mouth became a little more intense.

Moreover, just when Uchiha Shisui maintained his shocked and astonished expression, Cross Country took a deep breath, moved the joints in his palms, and said coldly:

"There is no need to pretend, you are not Shisui, but the phantom in this cave."

"Now I don't know why you want to kill Satsuma, who really knows the secret, but I just need to know that you are not Shisui, but the phantom in the cave."

"If you ask me why I know your true identity, I can only say that the restrictions in this cave are not perfect, which exposed a very big flaw in you."

"after all."

"Even if Shisui comes in ordinary clothes instead of ANBU clothes, his emblem cannot be that of the Uzumaki clan, but the emblem of the Uchiha clan!"

“So, this is not the location of the Six Paths Secret Treasures? It is the location of the Uzumaki Clan’s Secret Treasures!”

 That’s right!

The reason why Cross Country knew that the Uchiha Shisui in front of him was fake was because the clan emblem that appeared on the back of the Uchiha Shisui in front of him was wrong when he was disposing of the body of the girl Satsuma!

When Off-Road no longer wears ANBU clothes but wears ordinary clothes, as a member of the Nara clan, every piece of clothing worn by Off-Road has the Nara clan emblem printed on it.

 Don’t underestimate a family emblem. If there is any mistake in the family emblem, the crime will be equivalent to betraying the family!

For example, if you are injured in cross-country and wear Ding Zao's clothes, clothes with the Akimichi clan emblem printed on them, there will be no problem. After all, it was understandable that Cross Country put on Ding Zuo's clothes with the emblem of the Akimichi clan on them when he was injured. He put them on under special circumstances.

But if you are going cross-country in Konoha Village, there are no special circumstances, and you wear clothes with the emblem of a foreign race, then the joke will be big!

 Let’s not talk about the Nara clan members, let’s talk about the cross-country uncle Nara Shikaku, it is impossible to let cross-country go.

 This shows how intolerable it is in every family to wear clothes with other people’s family crests on them.

As a member of the Uchiha clan, how could Uchiha Shisui wear clothes with the Uzumaki clan emblem printed on them?

  Not to mention that the Uzumaki clan disappeared into the ninja world early, even in the original plot, there were only a few clan members left.

Just saying that Uchiha Shisui loves his family so much and respects the Uchiha clan, he can't wear clothes with the emblem of another clan printed on it, right?

 Besides, off-roading to see through the six secrets in this place is actually a secret secret of the Uzumaki clan.

Since Cross Country can judge that the Uchiha Shisui in front of him is a fake from the fact that Uchiha Shisui is wearing clothes with the wrong clan emblem printed on them. Then, off-road can judge from the emblem of the Uzumaki clan that this is not a secret treasure of the Six Paths, but a secret treasure left by a strong man of the Uzumaki clan.

 Otherwise, even if the restrictions in the secret were wrong and a fake Uchiha Shisui was created, how could that Uchiha Shisui wear clothes with the Uzumaki clan emblem printed on them?

 Except for the members of the Uzumaki clan, can anyone pay so much attention to the emblem of the Uzumaki clan?

 Combining all judgments, Off-Road quickly deduced the truth.

Unfortunately, when Cross Country revealed that there was a problem with Uchiha Shisui's identity, the Uchiha Shisui in front of him quickly turned into a pool of blood, which was scattered in front of Cross Country.

Then, when Cross Country wanted to step forward to judge why the **** phantom dressed up as Uchiha Shisui, another figure suddenly emerged from the **** water!

That figure actually looks exactly like the cross-country itself!

“What that phantom means is that the first test has been passed? Will the second test be completed next?”

“Is the second test to defeat yourself?”


"Satsuma's body disappeared? It turns out that there was nothing wrong with her blood sacrifice. It's just that if you want to obtain the secret of the Uzumaki clan, you still need to pass the test of the Uzumaki clan's secret!"

"I guess if I can defeat myself quickly and defeat the phantom that transformed into me, then I can successfully obtain the secrets of the Uzumaki clan."

“If Satsuma first cracks the first test in another restricted space, and then defeats himself to complete the second test, then the secret of the Uzumaki clan will be revealed”

 “It will belong to Satsuma!”

Huttered to himself, he transformed into the phantom of the off-road vehicle and was already close to the off-road vehicle.

Then, in the first round of the fight, the selves transformed by Off-Road and Phantom were only tentative attacks, and did not directly show their full strength.

But if you really want to go off-road, you should still be very careful when making tentative attacks.

 Because Xue Chuang doesn’t know whether the self transformed by the phantom is his current self or his former self.

If I were to look at myself now, cross-country would feel better, and the difficulty would not be very high. After all, I would only be at the level of an elite genin at best. Combined with my original half-step quasi-kage level strength, cross-country would feel like defeating the version of myself transformed into a phantom. Not that difficult.

 But if the self transformed by the phantom is the original half-step quasi-shadow level self.

 When you are going off-road, you feel that there is no need to fight hard. You can just hand over your gun and surrender!

 Fortunately, the off-road transformed by the Phantom is a "qualitative" change in spiritual energy, unable to use chakra, and can only exert the strength of elite genin.

 So, when he found that the self transformed by the phantom was not much different from his own strength, Cross Country breathed a sigh of relief, and then prepared to defeat the self transformed by the phantom.

But what even Cross Country never expected was that he believed that the version of himself that the Phantom had transformed into had only the power of an elite genin. Relying on his half-step quasi-Kage level strength, he could completely defeat the Phantom with overwhelming force. When he transformed into himself, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound in his ear!

The next second, Cross Country saw that the phantom of himself was actually using the Taijutsu of Konoha Gouken style perfectly with a sudden burst of speed!



He barely used his palm to resist the fist transformed by the phantom. Feeling the pain and numbness on his palm, a look of surprise appeared in his eyes!

Furthermore, what shocked Cross Country the most was that the version of himself transformed into the phantom was better than his real self in terms of Taijutsu attainments using the Konoha Goken style.

Later, what really shocked Cross Country was that the self transformed by Phantom not only had attainments that surpassed his real self when using the Konoha Gouken fluid technique, but also when it came to using the Hyuga clan's soft fist, the self transformed by Phantom They can all crush the real self!

Because, just when the cross-country transformed by the phantom was using the physical skills of Konoha Goken style to push back the real cross-country, the cross-country saw that the phantom himself suddenly put on a posture!

 This is the starting position of Rouquan!

Then, the starting position of the soft fist was revealed. With the previous lessons, how could Cross Country not be wary of the soft fist skills that Phantom had transformed into himself?

Fortunately, Cross Country is wary of the soft fist skills that the Phantom has transformed into himself, otherwise Cross Country will definitely face a disastrous defeat when the Phantom himself uses the Soft Fist!

Soon, the starting position of Rou Fist was used. Taking the peculiar steps of Rou Fist, the cross-country transformed by the Phantom directly attacked the real cross-country.

Moreover, exactly one second before the phantom transformed into a cross country and approached the cross country with a soft fist, there was a sudden "buzz" sound!

 The green Bagua mark suddenly appeared!

The off-road transformed by the phantom is directly used for the real off-road, and the real secret of Rouquan is used!

The terrifying mystery called Bagua·Sixty-Four Palms!

 “Let’s cheat!”

“I don’t know how to use the Sixty-Four Bagua Palms, why can you, a clone, use it!”

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