Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 307: Internal and external troubles

 Under the bright moonlight, the Weasel God was silent.

  In the original plot, the Third Hokage said that the little Itachi God could analyze things with the eyes of the Hokage.

At this moment, a mysterious masked man appeared in the Uchiha clan. Combining the weirdness of Uchiha Fugaku, Itachi God naturally grasped important clues and could vaguely guess something.


 Uchiha Shisui followed the Fourth Hokage on an expedition. Itachi was not very familiar with Cross Country, so he definitely couldn't share his secrets with Cross Country.

 So, after a period of silence, Itachi returned home silently, recalling Uchiha Fugaku's previous reminder, and prepared to prepare early to protect his mother and his newly born younger brother.

 However, God Itachi did not share his secret with anyone. Is it true that no one knew about the appearance of the masked man in the Uchiha clan?

Definitely not!

With the careful preparations of the Fourth Hokage, the Kingdom of Fire is about to go to war with the Kingdom of Thunder. How can the internal security of Konoha Village be completely left to the Uchiha clan?

Almost the moment the masked man disappeared from the Uchiha clan, the powerful faction of Konoha Village obtained this important information.

It’s just that the powerful parties from all parties can only guess at the identity of the masked man but cannot be certain, so they don’t take the masked man’s identity to heart.

But if Cross Country knew that the masked man suddenly appeared in the Leaf Village, Cross Country, who understood the original plot, must have wanted to find out what the masked man's true purpose was.

 Because, from many plots in the original plot, it can be inferred that the identity of the masked man is likely to be Uchiha Obito.

 And Uchiha Obito is Madara’s spokesperson!

Madara’s spokesperson appears in Konoha Village and in the home of the Uchiha clan leader. Is it still a small matter?


 As long as there is a shadow of Banye in any detail, off-roading will feel like a very important thing. After all, Madara, who is hidden behind the scenes, is the hidden BOSS of the ninja world. Many changes in the ninja world are related to Madara. If such a thing is still a small matter, then what kind of thing can be regarded as such? Big deal?

 However, those who really pay attention to the masked man's off-roading are not the powerful people in Konoha Village.

It is also because of this that when all the powerful people feel that a masked man is insignificant, they still want to know whether the masked man appears cross-country, but they are still kept in the dark.

 Time flies, and soon it will be three days again.

There are still seven days left before the Nine-Tails War begins.

Within the Nara clan, the well-prepared off-roader suddenly arrived in front of Nara Yoshino. He first took a deep look at the infant Koshikamaru, then looked into Nara Yoshino's eyes and said:

“Aunt Yoshino, is there still no news about Uncle Shikaku?”


 Shaked his head, Nara Yoshino said with a worried look: "Off-road, are you ready to go out?"

 “That’s right, it’s a mission assigned by the Third Hokage.”

Analyzing in his mind what kind of mission Shikaku was going to perform, he nodded to Nara Yoshino, and before leaving, he said, "Aunt Yoshino, Minato-sensei's child is about to be born. According to the arrangements of the Third Hokage, I might have to leave for a while if, I'm just saying if..."

"If someone plans to take advantage of the birth of Mr. Minato's child to cause trouble, then there will definitely be chaos in the village. So, for the safety of you and Koshikamaru, I am going to send someone to take you out to avoid it. You Do you think it will work?”

 Obviously, if he had said these words before Cross Country, Nara Yoshino would have had some objections.

But after Shikaku disappeared for a while and came back to name Koshikamaru, Shikaku told Nara Yoshino to listen to Shikaku on any important matters.

Therefore, when Cross Country began to vaguely remind Nara Yoshino that the outbreak of the Nine-Tails War was likely to cause chaos in Konoha Village, Nara Yoshino started to pack things without any hesitation, and soon under the arrangement of Cross Country Headed to the shelter.

That refuge was a refuge arranged and arranged by Chuangxu himself.

 Let alone the Battle of the Nine-Tails, let’s just say that the war in the original plot when Six Paths Payne came to destroy the Leaf Village could be successfully passed in that shelter.

 So, Nara Yoshino took Oshikamaru to take refuge, and it was very safe to go cross-country.

However, after ordering Nara Yoshino to take Oshikamaru to seek refuge, Cross Country did not go directly to the Third Hokage. Instead, he wandered among the Yamazaka Clan and the Akimichi Clan.

In Konoha Village, apart from Shikaku, who is respected by Yuki, the other two elders whom Yuki respects are Choza and Haiichi.

In this case, Cross Country cannot watch Shikaku's family members all take refuge. Is it possible that the families of Ding Zao and Hai Yi will be implicated in the Kyuubi War?

 Fortunately, before Choza and Haiichi went on the mission, just like Shikaku told Nara Yoshino, they also told their families to follow the cross-country arrangements if there were any problems.

 Then, just like the arrangements for Yoshino Nara and Oshikamaru, Ding Zao was arranged cross-country. Haiichi's family went to the shelter, and then used the "acceleration" secret technique to quickly rush to the Hokage's office.

In the Hokage's office, the newly arrived Cross Country saw countless Anbu, half-kneeling in front of the Third Hokage.

Among the figures of the Anbu, Cross Country saw his familiar Kakashi at a glance, and immediately came to Kakashi's side in a flash. Cross Country asked Kakashi next to him in a low voice:

“Kakashi, what plans did the Third Hokage have just now?”

 “Do I need to tell you?”

With dead fish eyes, Kakashi faced the off-road indifferently, not giving the off-road a good look at all.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

  When it comes to the safety of Kushina Uzumaki, Kakashi has the temper of a child, which really leaves Cross Country speechless.

 Then, without asking Kakashi anything, Cross Country, who was wearing ANBU uniform, half-knelt there silently, waiting for the deployment of the Third Hokage.

 But what even Off-Road did not expect was that after the Third Hokage appeared, he did not mention anything about Uzumaki Kushina.

As the ANBU around him disappeared one by one, Cross Country was helpless to discover that the ANBU dispatched by the Third Hokage were actually responsible for the safety of Konoha Village.

 When only Cross Country and Kakashi were left in the surrounding ANBU, the extremely nervous Third Hokage breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately, he looked at Cross Country and then at Kakashi next to him. Suddenly the Third Hokage's face became serious and said: "Kakashi, Cross Country, the situation in the village is very bad. You should go to Kushin quickly." Nana, prepare to move with Kushina!"

 “The Third Hokage, what happened?”

Kakashi frowned and asked: "According to the previous deployment, Lord Kushina has been transferred many times and is very safe now. Moreover, there are many stand-ins for Lord Kushina in the village, even if there is an attack from other ninja villages , Kushina-sama is still safe, why do we need to transfer Kushina-sama again?”

“Kakashi, don’t have time to explain so much now, just do as I tell you.”

 Taking a deep breath, there were too many things to deal with. The Third Hokage was extremely busy and naturally had no time to explain too much to Kakashi.

Off-road, Kakashi saw that the Third Hokage was unwilling to explain too much, so he naturally nodded silently, and immediately went to prepare to transfer Kushina Uzumaki.

 However, when going off-road to where Uzumaki Kushina is hiding, there is always an uneasy feeling.

 Glancing at Kakashi out of the corner of his eye, he realized that Kakashi was not in very good condition either. He finally chose to shut up and did not touch Kakashi's troubles.

But even on the cross-country road, Kakashi thought that when they went to the hiding place of Uzumaki Kushina, they would definitely not encounter trouble, but when they might encounter trouble during the transfer of Uzumaki Kushina, suddenly "Boom!" "Sound!"

 The originally humid air actually became dry in an instant!

 Next second!


 A ferocious water dragon, astonishingly, condensed and formed inside the Konoha Village with the cross-country eyes slightly tightened!

The water dragon is a hundred meters long, and even if you are not inside Konoha Village, you can feel the terrifying chakra fluctuations off-road.

Moreover, what surprised Off-Road even more was that after the water dragon formed, its first attack direction turned out to be the direction of the Hokage's office!

As soon as they discovered that the Hokage's office was under attack, Cross Country vaguely guessed who the enemy they were facing was.

However, just when Cross Country secretly deduced that their enemy was probably the Mist Ninja who was making a comeback in Madara's plan, several ninjas from the Hyuga clan appeared in front of Cross Country, Kakashi, and directly let him Off-road, it feels like their enemies are probably not just the enemies of Mist Ninja Village!

  It is possible that there are enemies inside Konoha Village as well!

 “Kakashi, there is something wrong with these Hyuga clan members!”


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