Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 308: Changes in clan divisions


 “Off-road, they are not enemies!”

The cross-country voice came, and Kakashi was obviously stunned for a moment.

 Obviously, Kakashi felt confused after accepting a new mission from the Third Hokage. He really didn't understand why the originally planned plan suddenly changed at a critical moment.

But based on Kakashi's trust in the Third Hokage, the Third Hokage issued a new task, and Kakashi nodded and agreed after a slight hesitation.

 But after accepting a new mission with Cross Country, someone suddenly went to the direction of the Hokage's office, which made the fog above Kakashi's head even thicker.

 In the process of doubt, everyone often has doubts and suspicions.

Suddenly I heard Cross Country saying that he wanted to kill several Hyuga clan ninjas in front of him. In addition, Cross Country had "taken refuge" in Shimura Danzo before. Needless to say, the target that Kakashi immediately suspected?

 It must be the cross-country next to you!

Instead, they went off-road. After identifying that there was something wrong with the ninjas of the Hyuga clan in front of them, there was really no hesitation at all. He used the "acceleration" secret technique taught by the Fourth Hokage and quickly headed towards the ninjas of the Hyuga clan. beside.

And when the cross-country suddenly "accelerated", if those few Hyuga clan ninjas didn't understand that their identities were exposed, they would have practiced in vain and have the current Chuunin level strength.

Seeing their identity exposed, an ANBU attacked from the front. Several Hyuga clan ninjas communicated with their eyes, and followed the special steps of the Hyuga clan's soft fists, and directly set up a defensive formation in front of the cross-country.

These ninjas from the Hyuga clan are not careful, but the ANBU of Konoha has a great reputation and deserve the attention of these ninjas from the Hyuga clan.

 But, what a pity!

The few Hyuga clan ninjas in front of Cross Country are only chunin-level ninjas!

 In the Hyuga clan, the attainment of practicing soft fist is basically linked to the strength level of each ninja.

Like Hinata Hinata in the original plot, those who have just started to use soft fists are often genin-level ninjas, and like Hyuga Neji in the original plot, ninjas who have already achieved some soft fists are basically Mai. He has reached the threshold of chuunin level ninja.

A few Nobita people can achieve Dacheng's accomplishments in the mastery of Rouquan, and determine that they can enter the palace of the Ninja -level ninja.

Let’s look at the members of the Hyuga clan who have mastered Rouquan to the master level?

Feel sorry!

Throughout the plot of the original novel, I have never seen a member of the Hyuga clan who mastered the master-level soft fist.

If there is one person who has master-level soft fist attainments and has faintly stepped into the hall of quasi-shadow-level strong men, that person must be the younger brother of the current leader of the Xiang clan.

 Named Hinata Hizashi, a member of the branch family who died instead of Hinata Hizashi in the original plot.

At this stage, Cross Country's soft boxing skills are at a small level. Although he is practicing the incomplete Hyuga clan's soft boxing, it is still very easy to see through the defensive formations arranged by several Hyuga clan ninjas in front of him.

Moreover, because Cross Country can see through the defensive formations arranged by several Hyuga clan ninjas in front of him by relying on his soft fist skills, in order to avoid further accidents, Cross Country only uses the secret technique of "acceleration" Next, he rushed directly into the defensive formation of several Hyuga clan ninjas, preparing to kill those few Hyuga clan ninjas in the formation.

However, seeing off-road rushing into the defensive formation, might those few ninjas of the Hyuga clan think that off-road had a chance to break the formation?

 Of course not!

So what if you are an ANBU?

 There are several people on our side and we have set up a defensive formation.

It’s good that the ANBU can break through the formation, but you still want to kill one of us?

With innocent thoughts, several Hyuga clan ninjas raised cold smiles on their lips, and then the moment Cross Country stepped into the formation, they were ready to kill Cross Country with the acupoint technique of soft fist.

But just when several Hyuga clan ninjas, following the special steps of Rou Fist, had just formed a situation to besiege Cross Country, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Cross Country's eyes!

 “Shadow Suture!”



 There is no movement of forming seals, and there is not even the slightest fluctuation of chakra!

Relying on the Yin Escape mark at the center of his eyebrows, Cross Country used his spiritual energy to suddenly use the secret technique of Shadow Escape without any signs or warning!

 Shadow suture technique!

Immediately afterwards, I just heard a few "swish" and "swish" sounds!

The shadow under the cross-country's feet changed instantly, and the extending shadow was directly connected with the shadows under the feet of the Hyuga clan ninjas.

Using the convenience of using the Yin Escape Brand, Cross Country was able to quickly restrain several chuunin from the Hyuga clan in the blink of an eye!

  What a terrifying achievement is this?

 This is the strength of a half-step quasi-shadow level expert!

However, when Cross Country consumed very little mental energy and used the Shadow Sewing technique to successfully imprison those few Hyuga clan ninjas, what did Cross Country sense?

Off-road actually sensed that Kakashi was about to come and subdue him!

 “What a pig teammate!”

Cursing Kakashi secretly in his heart, Cross Country sighed helplessly, then faced Kakashi who was about to attack him, and said helplessly: "Kakashi, even if you don't major in genjutsu, you must have the Sharingan." Can you see through illusions?"

“Come, let’s see if these ninjas from the Hyuga clan are under illusion, and you can’t undo it with your ability.”

 “Hurry up! What are you doing standing there?”

Seeing the upright and awe-inspiring look of Cross Country, Kakashi hesitated for a moment and directly opened his forehead protector, revealing the Sharingan in the form of a three-magatama.

 I didn’t hear that it was okay to check it off-road.

 After listening to what Cross Country said, he used his Sharingan to check the ninjas of the Hyuga clan. Kakashi couldn't help but look ashamed. Sure enough, he found that several ninjas from the Hyuga clan had been affected by some kind of illusion!

You must know that Kakashi cannot easily solve the illusion even with the amplification of Sharingan. It is an A-level illusion at least!

How terrifying is it to use genjutsu directly on so many chunin of the Hyuga clan without anyone noticing?

Almost as soon as Kakashi discovered that several ninjas from the Hyuga clan had fallen into other people's illusions, Kakashi's face turned pale with shame in his eyes.

 But as the sense of crisis continued to surge into his heart, Kakashi still did not forget to doubt cross-country.

Afterwards, while silently thinking about who was using illusions on so many ninjas of the Hyuga clan, Kakashi looked at Cross Country and asked in a cold voice: "Cross Country, your illusions seem to be bad, right? Then how did you know they were under the spell?"


I have the Yin Escape Mark and can instantly sense other people’s spiritual energy. Can I tell you if there is something wrong with it?

He gave Kakashi a fierce look, and soon the off-road gaze shifted to the interior of Konoha Village, and said: "In the past, my perception ability was not as good as yours, Shun, and Mengqiang, but it does not mean that my perception ability is not as strong as yours. Can't make progress."

"Kakashi, haven't you noticed? These illusions of the Hyuga clan ninjas must have been written by one person."

 “Imagine it!”

"Now the village is experiencing internal and external troubles. The Kumo Ninja Village is eyeing the enemy outside, and powerful enemies are invading inside. If the two clans of the Hyuga clan suddenly start a war, can Kushina-sama's safety be guaranteed?"

"Look at the ninjas of the Hyuga clan that I have imprisoned. Which one of them is not a member of the Hyuga clan?"

“So, the war between the Hyuga clan and the clan that I predicted is very likely to happen.”

"If you want to watch Kushina-sama die tragically at the hands of the enemy, then you should continue to hesitate!"

“If you don’t want to see Kushina-sama die tragically, you should be tempted now and report what happened to us to the Third Hokage!”

  When it comes to Uzumaki Kushina, Kakashi is really timid.

 So, as soon as Shichichi finished speaking, Kakashi's expression changed continuously, and he nodded immediately, preparing to report to the Third Hokage.

 But just when Kakashi was about to leave, billowing black smoke actually rose from the Hyuga clan's station in Konoha Village, directly disrupting Kakashi's cross-country plan.

 In an instant, Kakashi lost his ability to judge again and looked at the cross country with confused eyes.

 As for off-roading?

Seeing the sectarian changes within the Hyuga clan begin, he didn't show any strange expression on the surface. He waved his hand at Kakashi and continued to carry out the task of transferring Kushina Uzumaki.

Of course, the fact that he didn’t show any strange expressions on the surface didn’t mean that there wasn’t confusion in his heart.

When taking Kakashi to Uzumaki Kushina's hiding place, Cross Country also murmured to himself in his heart:

 “The person who led the change in the Hyuga clan’s clan...”

"Who on earth is it?"

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