Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 309: Rouquan Bagua

 Hyuuga clan's clan has conflicts between two families, which is a matter known to everyone.

But under the restrictions of the caged bird secret technique, the Hyuga clan's branch family did not have the courage to provoke the clan family.

After all, as soon as a branch of the Hyuga clan begins to rebel, members of the Hyuga clan who master the secret technique of the caged bird can quickly eliminate the rebels in the branch and nip the budding rebellion in the cradle.

 So, even though many people in the Hyuga clan were divided, they were not satisfied with the clan's strategy.

But under the oppression of the caged bird's secret technique, what can even Hinata Hizashi, who is the clan leader's younger brother in the original plot, do?

 Don’t you still accept the so-called theory of fate?

It is also because of the secret technique of the caged bird of the Hyuga clan, so when Cross Country found that there were Hyuga clan ninjas blocking the road ahead, Cross Country's first reaction was to use the secret of the Yin Escape Brand to see if the Hyuga clan ninjas in front of them were separated. Ninjas, let's see if those ninjas who were separated from the Hyuga clan were affected by ninjutsu.

And when he used the mystery of the Yin escape brand and discovered that the few ninjas who separated from the Hyuga clan were actually under some kind of illusion, Cross Country guessed that the Hyuga clan was likely to undergo a clan split!

 And it is speculated that the change in the clan division of the Hyuga clan is likely to be guided by thoughtful people.

So, who can control most of the members of the Hyuga clan's division, use illusions to control them in an instant, and guide the changes in the Hyuga clan's clan division?

 According to Off-Road's judgment, there are no more than five people in the ninja world who can have such means!

Among those five people, Shimura Danzo, who wants to seize the position of Hokage, and Madara, who is hiding behind the scenes in the Mist Ninja Village, are the ones most likely to lead the change in the Hyuga clan's clan division.


 Because leading the Hyuga clan to undergo a qualitative change in their sectarian divisions will not be beneficial to them at all!

"Except for Danzo and Madara, the only people who can guide the changes in the Hyuga clan's clan divisions are the three of them. They are the third generation Hokage who is in charge of Konoha Village. He is a very prestigious member of the Hyuga clan clan branch. Hinata and Hinata, and Shisui who can use genjutsu to control other people’s thoughts without even realizing it!”

“However, let’s not talk about the benefits to Shisui by guiding the change of the Hyuga clan’s clan. Even if Shisui is not in the Leaf Village, he cannot be the person who leads the change of the Hyuga clan’s clan.”

"Where is Hyuuga Hizashi? As a member of the Hyuga clan, he has reason to launch a sect change. However, the head of the Hyuga clan is his brother. At the critical moment when the Fire Country is preparing to fight against the Thunder Country, he launches a sect change. There is no benefit in dividing the change, so the day-to-day difference can also be eliminated. "

“As for the Third Hokage, there is no need to say more.”

“The Hyuga clan has a clan and is divided into two families. The third generation Hokage is the beneficiary.”

“Otherwise, a truly powerful Hyuga clan may affect the Hokage’s rights.”

“So, Danzo Shimura and Madara are the only people who have reasons, interests, and ability to initiate changes in clan divisions?”

"No matter who among them controls the members of the Hyuga clan and initiates the clan division, the fundamental purpose is probably not on the Hyuga clan, but on Kushina-san!"

 Successfully dealt with the few ninjas who were separated from the Hyuga clan, and watched Kakashi kill them with his own hands.

After that, Cross Country followed Kakashi to the hiding place of Uzumaki Kushina. On the one hand, he was analyzing who was the leader of the change of clan division of the Hyuga clan, and on the other hand, he was silently thinking about the fate of the Hyuga clan. What is the true purpose hidden under the changes in clan divisions?

And when Cross Country identified Danzo Shimura and Madara as the leaders of the clan split, the true purpose of the Hyuga clan's clan split became apparent!

 Obviously, whether it was Shimura Danzo or Madara who led the change of clan divisions of the Hyuga clan, their real purpose was not with the Hyuga clan, but with Uzumaki Kushina.

As for Madam Ban, there’s no need to say more, right?

In the original plot, Master Madara died, but didn’t the “masked man” Uchiha Obito, who inherited Madara’s will, deliberately go to Konoha Village to launch the Nine-Tails War?

At this stage, it is not clear whether Madara is dead or whether he has cultivated a "mask man" like in the original plot.

However, Madara, who understands the Leaf Village, is indeed capable of initiating the change of clan divisions of the Hyuga clan. He even took advantage of the chaos of the clan split of the Hyuga clan to focus on the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Kushina. It's all on you.

As for Shimura Danzo, he is also a person who has the ability to guide the changes in the Hyuga clan's clan divisions.

 Similarly, if Shimura Danzo leads the change in the Hyuga clan's clan division, the real target must also be Uzumaki Kushina.

  After all, the Hyuga clan is something Shimura Danzo cannot really control, but the new Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki is what Shimura Danzo can strive for!

 Then, he quickly headed to the place where Uzumaki Kushina was hiding. Based on his understanding of the original plot, Cross Country had already understood all of Madara’s plans. Only Shimura Danzo’s plan was still unclear.

However, in order to protect Kushina Uzumaki, even though his head really started to hurt when thinking about cross-country, he was still very persistent in thinking about the variables that Danzo Shimura might lead.

 But who would have thought that just when the cross-country eyes were getting brighter and Danzo Shimura's plan became clear little by little, there would suddenly be a few "swish" and "swish" sounds!

On the cross-country road, more than twenty ninjas who were separated from the Hyuga clan appeared on Kakashi's path!

Looking at their menacing looks, Cross Country and Kakashi could tell that these ninjas who were separated from the Hyuga clan must have come with bad intentions!

It's just that what makes Cross Country and Kakashi feel lucky is that the person who leads the change of the Hyuga clan's clan division can only control the chunin-level ninja of the Hyuga clan's clan division. Therefore, Cross Country and Kakashi didn't take it seriously, but they just looked at each other. Cross Country and Kakashi thought about how to solve the trouble in front of them. !




In an instant, facing more than twenty ninjas from the Hyuga clan, Kakashi used the S-class thunder escape ninjutsu he created without any hesitation!

The next second, the roaring thunder became tame in Kakashi's palm, and the dazzling light of the thunder was reflected in the afterglow of the cross-country in the direction of Kakashi.

To be honest, with Kakashi using Raikiri, it feels like those ninjas from the Hyuga clan in front of him are here to "send" him off.


 Because, when Kakashi uses Raikiri, as long as he can maintain the use of Raikiri, ordinary chunin-level ninjas will be instantly killed in front of him.

Even though there are more than twenty ninjas from the Hyuga clan ahead, when Kakashi uses Raikiri, the time it takes to end the battle off-road is only thirty seconds at most!

 There is no doubt that this is Kakashi’s strength!

It is also the result of Kakashi's painstaking practice in order to catch up with the cross-country pace.

In the original plot, since Kakashi obtained the Sharingan from Uchiha Obito, Kakashi's strength has been in a stagnant state.

 Among them, the deaths of Uchiha Obito and Lin were undoubtedly the inner demons that affected Kakashi's ability to increase his strength.

In the ninja world where cross-country is located, there is no way to avoid Uchiha Obito, but Lin did not die, which made the inner demons Kakashi faced become weaker. In addition, cross-country has always stimulated Kakashi. Instead, Kakashi, who had obtained the Sharingan, did not regress, but directly improved to become an elite jounin-level ninja.

As an elite jounin and possessing a highly lethal Raikiri, wouldn't it be easy for Kakashi to defeat more than twenty chuunin-level ninjas?

 So, out of the corner of his eye, he saw that Kakashi was ready to solve the battle in front of him, so he prepared to take a short rest to avoid the hard battle to be faced next.

However, just as Cross Country was preparing for the subsequent accident, Kakashi, holding a dazzling lightning, rushed in front of the ninjas of the Hyuga clan, but Cross Country's pupils suddenly shrank!

At that moment, even off-roaders couldn’t believe that what was happening in front of them was actually real!

Almost when Kakashi used Raikiri to rush in front of the first ninja from the Hyuga clan, the ninja from the Hyuga clan should have died directly under Kakashi's Raikiri!

Who would have thought that Kakashi's Raikiri could not kill the ninja who was a member of the Hyuga clan as he rushed towards him.

Immediately afterwards, the Bagua mark that appeared under the feet of the ninja from the Hyuga clan, combined with the soft fists used with both palms, actually forced Kakashi who was using Raikiri back there!

 “Bagua? Rouquan?”

 “Oh no, these ninjas from the Hyuga clan are preparing to use formations to deal with me and Kakashi!”

 “There’s some trouble!”

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