Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 310: artificial photography grade

 The formation is a very profound thing, and ordinary people are really not even qualified to master it.

Leave aside others for now, let’s talk about off-roading.

In the days of "accompanying" Kushina Uzumaki, in addition to honing her soft fist in cross-country, as the master of cross-country, Kushina Uzumaki always likes to teach some basic things in cross-country.

 Forget about the secret skills of the Uzumaki clan. It is impossible for Uzumaki Kushina to teach off-roading.

 Otherwise, there is no need for Cross Country to obtain the condensation method of the Yin Escape Brand from the Uzumaki Clan’s secrets.

However, if it comes to some basic things, Uzumaki Kushina is not stingy in teaching Uzumaki, so for example, the sealing techniques, confinement techniques, formations, etc. that the Uzumaki clan is proficient in, Uzumaki Kushina can learn a little bit from Uzumaki Kushina.

 But that’s all!

 Because, if you want to have certain attainments in sealing, confinement, formation, etc., one problem is whether you have someone to give you guidance, and another problem is whether you have talent.

And cross-country has Uzumaki Kushina's teachings, even if it's just some basics, but if you really have talent in that area, cross-country may be like the Fourth Hokage, relying on some basic knowledge and your own talents to find a new way and master some Advanced sealing techniques, confinement techniques, formations and so on.


In terms of mastering sealing and confinement techniques, if Cross Country still has a little bit of talent, and finally doesn't drive Kushina Uzumaki crazy, then in terms of mastering formations, Cross Country really has no talent at all, and it makes Kushina Uzumaki crazy. Naidu didn't want to say anything more to Cross Country. As long as Cross Country asked questions about formations, Uzumaki Kushina would go berserk.

It is also the reason why Uzumaki Kushina is involved, which causes the formation to be very profound from the perspective of cross-country.

  It's just like a primary school student reading an advanced mathematics book, it's like reading a book from heaven.

Therefore, when Cross Country relied on a little knowledge of formations, he understood that the more than twenty ninjas from the Hyuga clan in front of him were preparing to use the soft fists of the Hyuga clan and the Bagua marks under their feet to create a formation. When Fa came to deal with himself and Kakashi, Cross Country's face became quite ugly.

 The next second, without even saying hello to Kakashi, Cross Country disappeared next to Kakashi with a "swish" sound.

 Obviously, Cross Country is preparing to use Kakashi's ability to detect the formations created by the ninjas who were separated from the Hyuga clan.

On the contrary, Kakashi saw the off-road figure suddenly disappear, as if there was some misunderstanding.

"Huh? Off-road? Does he feel that these ninjas from the Hyuga clan are not worthy of his help?"

 “Damn it! How can I let that guy on the cross-country underestimate me!”

“Since I feel like these guys from the Hyuga clan can’t cause me any trouble off-road, then I’m going to prove my strength, which is far beyond your imagination!”

 “Off-road, watch it!”

 “Watch how I deal with these traitors of the Hyuga clan!”

Huttered to himself, a flash of light suddenly bloomed in Kakashi's black pupils.

Immediately, while maintaining the Raikiki in his palm and not even using the Sharingan, Kakashi relied on the speed of using the Raikiki to disappear directly in front of the Hyuga clan ninja in front.

Then, when Kakashi appeared again, still using Raikiri, Kakashi took aim at another ninja from the Hyuga clan.

However, since Kakashi failed to kill the enemy in front of him with Raikiri before, is it possible for Kakashi to succeed if he is replaced by a ninja from the Hyuga clan?

  Of course it’s impossible!

 Let alone Kakashi, just say that off-road, when using a sharp spear, it is a question whether it can kill a ninja of the Hyuga clan in the formation.

What's more, Kakashi didn't even use the Sharingan, so how could he see through the formations used by these Hyuga clan ninjas?


  Kakashi didn’t use Sharingan, it was a complete misunderstanding.

He thought that the cross-country disappeared because the cross-country felt that these ninjas of the Hyuga clan were not troubles, but enemies that could be easily dealt with.

Who knows, the disappearance of off-road means that these ninjas of the Hyuga clan are very troublesome, so they must use Kakashi's power to observe the loopholes in the formation.

Immediately afterwards, he used spiritual energy to wrap himself up, and hid cross-country around Kakashi. He only heard the sounds of "bang" and "bang". They were Kakashi's Raikiri and the formations used by those Hyuga clan ninjas. Colliding together, they finally completely blocked the sound of the Raikiri used by Kakashi.

Moreover, the more he could sense the terrifying power of Kakashi's Raikiri, the more solemn his eyes looked at those Hyuga clan ninjas.

Especially when Kakashi increased the output of chakra and enhanced the power of Raikiri many times, but failed to bring any harm to the ninjas of the Hyuga clan, he found that Kakashi was preparing to use the Sharingan, and cross-country was in his heart. Silently thinking:

“What a terrifying formation. I think this formation is one of the trump cards of the Hyuga clan!”

“Let me just say, the Hyuga clan in the original plot does not have a shadow-level strongman, so why can the Hyuga clan become a wealthy family in Konoha Village!”

“It turns out that it’s true that there are no shadow-level experts in the Hyuga clan, but after mastering this formation...”

“The Hyuga clan can use the power of the formation to create a shadow-level warrior!”

 There is no doubt that the person who is a shadow-level powerhouse is not talking about the ninja power that the Hyuga clan can instill into a certain Hyuga clan ninja with the help of formations, making that Hyuga clan ninja leap to become a shadow-level powerhouse.

Rather, it means that when formations are used, the power of multiple Hyuga clan ninjas can be combined together.

 Under the power of the formation, the combined strength of the more than 20 ninjas from the Hyuga clan in front can rival a true shadow-level powerhouse!

Through observation, coupled with some formation basics pointed out by Uzumaki Kushina, Cross Country obviously understands the mystery of the formations used by the Hyuga clan ninjas.

What is the core of the formations used by the Hyuga clan ninjas?

 The answer is the Bagua mark under their feet!

Each Hyuga clan ninja stands in a very special position. When a Bagua mark appears under each of their feet, all the Bagua marks are combined to form a large Bagua mark.

At this stage, Kakashi is there testing the power of the formation, and he has a vague feeling that the large Bagua mark may contain the terrifying defensive capabilities of a true shadow-level powerhouse!

Whether it's Kakashi using a thunder cutter, or using a sharp-bladed gun off-road.

As long as those ninjas of the Hyuga clan are in the large Bagua Mark, each of them has the terrifying defense of a true shadow-level powerhouse, able to defend against every round of attacks from Cross Country and Kakashi.

So, while mastering the terrifying defense of a true shadow-level powerhouse, is Cross Country confident of breaking through the formations of those Hyuga clan ninjas?

 There must be some certainty, but not much!

In cross-country speculation, he felt that as long as he could destroy the composition of the large Bagua mark and eliminate one of the Hyuga clan ninjas, then the formations used by these Hyuga clan ninjas could be cracked.

Just like Kakashi, holding a Raikiri and attacking like a headless fly, the result was that Kakashi exhausted all his chakra and died miserably under the terrifying defense built by the ninjas of the Hyuga clan.

 Fortunately, before cross-country, he saw through the formation used by these Hyuga clan ninjas and hid them around Kakashi.

 Otherwise, if he attacks randomly like Kakashi, the result of Cross Country may be exhaustion of chakra and tragic death at the hands of those Hyuga clan ninjas.

it's good now.

Off-road can vaguely deduce the flaws in the formations used by these Hyuga clan ninjas, then off-road can go to help chakra and consume a lot of Kakashi.

Then, just when Kakashi was about to use the Sharingan, suddenly an off-road figure appeared next to Kakashi.

  Use the shadow communication technique!


 The cross-country shadow extends out and is directly connected to Kakashi's shadow.

"Kakashi, don't worry about the rest of the Hyuga clan ninjas. Follow me and attack the guy in front of you on the left. Kill him and we can break the formation!"


This is not the first time to use the shadow communication technique. Kakashi naturally knows the mystery of the secret technique used in cross-country.

 However, Kakashi was still a little shocked by the ability to use Yin Escape Brand in this cross-country trip and Muji's shadow communication technique.

 Obviously, the Muyin Secret Technique, no matter where it is placed, is a very terrifying ability.

Especially for a knowledgeable person like Kakashi, who discovered that cross-country can use secret techniques without seal, there is a feeling in his heart that the gap between cross-country and cross-country is getting wider and wider.

However, since Off-Road used the shadow communication technique and deliberately communicated with Kakashi, in order to protect Kushina Uzumaki, Kakashi is definitely willing to cooperate with Off-Road.

 But Kakashi always has that bad temper.

 So, when Cross Country used mental communication to inform Kakashi about the target of joint attack, Kakashi’s cold snort appeared in Cross Country’s mental communication.

 “Hmph, let’s join forces for the last time!”

 “Off-road, let’s start!”

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