Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 315: ridiculous pride

“Off-road, is it really safe here?”

In the new hiding place, Uzumaki Kushina's transfer mission was successfully completed, but Kakashi was still very nervous, especially when he found that the number of ANBU around him gradually decreased with the transfer. Kakashi's words became even more... It is inevitable that there will be more.

After hearing Kakashi’s words, Cross Country looked at the surrounding environment and felt really speechless.

  The place where Uzumaki Kushina was hiding before was so heavily guarded!

There are at least thirty ANBU guards outside, and there is even a hidden boss, Sarutobi Biwako, inside.

If Uzumaki Kushina can stay hidden there, let alone the "mask man" Uchiha Obito in the original plot, let alone Madara coming in person, he will be sure to protect Uzumaki Kushina in cross-country. It's safe, at least I can successfully transfer Kushina Uzumaki in Madara's hands again.

 But what about now?

 In the process of transferring Kushina Uzumaki, Cross Country found that the surrounding Anbu was slowly decreasing.

 After the transfer of Uzumaki Kushina, except for Cross Country, Kakashi, and Sarutobi Lake Biwa, there were only a few ANBU guards left outside.

 Is it really not a joke?

 So, let alone Kakashi being in a nervous state, he was very nervous when he was sensing the surrounding environment.

  However, just as Kakashi finished speaking, before Cross Country could answer, Sarutobi Biwako came to Cross Country, Kakashi's side. With a faint smile on his lips, looking at Kakashi's nervous look on the crossroads, Sarutobi Biwako said with a smile: "You don't need to be nervous, it's just that the number of ANBU in the periphery has decreased. In fact, all the ANBU sent by Hiruzen are The guards are outside."

"It's just that there are a lot of places where Kushina is hiding now that need to be guarded, so your first feeling is that the number of ANBU around you has decreased."

 “So that’s it!”

  Listening to Sarutobi Biwako's explanation, Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief, but Cross Country did not relax his guard.

Let’s not talk about whether the situation inside Konoha Village is beyond the expectations of Cross Country, let’s talk about the safety of Uzumaki Kushina, which still makes Cross Country feel worried.

  The situation in the original plot is so similar to the situation faced off-road!

No one can imagine that the "masked man" Uchiha Obito in the original plot can actually use the space-time ninjutsu and appear directly next to Uzumaki Kushina. Therefore, in the original plot, all the Anbu who guarded Uzumaki Kushina died, and Sarutobi Biwako was not even qualified to be a supporting role, and died tragically at the hands of the "masked man" Uchiha Obito.

Now, even if Sarutobi Biwako says that the number of ANBU outside has not decreased, but is just guarding different entrances, so what?

Off-road knows very well that the "mask man" Uchiha Obito masters the space-time ninjutsu and can completely ignore the ANBU outside!

 So, after listening to Sarutobi Biwako's explanation, Cross Country immediately wanted to propose that all the ANBU from outside be sent to Uzumaki Kushina's side, which would better ensure Uzumaki Kushina's safety.

 But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

Because the cross-country was clear, Sarutobi Biwako couldn't believe what he said.

In this way, there seems to be no better choice for off-roading except to consume mental energy for sensory prevention.

 While spending mental energy for free, what did you discover while going off-road?

Suddenly, Off-Road discovered that the nearly full spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand had been reduced little by little with his perception!


“So the spiritual energy absorbed through spiritual talent is a disposable product?”

 “What is consumed is consumed, and there is no way to recover it.”

 “Think about it, is this the drawback of my spiritual talent? Sure enough, there is never anything in the world that comes without hard work!”

  Secretly, he finally understood the real shortcomings of his own spiritual talent, and he breathed a sigh of relief.


 Because, if the spiritual energy absorbed by cross-country through spiritual talent is not a disposable item, then cross-country needs to find a way to get rid of the impure spiritual energy, or find a way to purify the absorbed spiritual energy.

 There is no doubt that mastering methods to expel or purify spiritual energy requires a certain amount of time and research.

  If time passes and the impure spiritual energy cannot be purified or expelled, cross-country troubles will become really big.

It's okay now, there's no need to worry about those problems in Cross Country, because the spiritual energy he absorbed using his spiritual talent is just a one-time use.

The spiritual energy is hidden in the Yin Escape Brand. As long as the spiritual energy is used cross-country, whether it is perception or casting of secret techniques, in short, the impure spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand will disappear.

  Generally speaking, it is something that is acceptable to off-roaders, so off-roaders who know the truth are naturally relieved.

But just when Cross Country breathed a sigh of relief and was about to further analyze his spiritual talent to see if there were more mysterious uses in it, Kakashi suddenly came to Cross Country and asked in a low voice:

“Xiao Chuo, do you think the rebellion of the Hyuga clan’s separation is possible to succeed?”

 “Huh? Success? Why?”

“Off-road, are you stupid? Haven’t you noticed that all the talented ninjas of the Hyuga clan are in the branch?”

Glancing at Cross Country with disdain, Kakashi took a deep breath and said: "The system of the Hyuga Clan and its two families is a complete joke. Why should the elder brother be a member of the clan and the younger brother be a member of the clan? Why should the members of the family be controlled by secret arts? Even if they are talented, they cannot be in charge of the clan and can only silently bear the low status of the branch family? "

“The Hyuga clan became corrupt a long time ago, so I feel that the rebellion of the Hyuga clan’s separation is very likely to succeed.”

“I just want to know, what will happen even if the Hyuga clan’s rebellion succeeds?”

"Neither the Third Hokage nor Minato-sensei can watch the rebels rise to power, so what's the point of their rebellion?"

 Listening to Kakashi's analysis, Cross Country nodded silently.

But to say that the rebellion of the Hyuga clan's separation will definitely succeed, Cross Country is somewhat disapproving of it.

It is true that there are many elite members of the Hyuga clan who have split up their families, but how many of the elite members of the Hyuga clan’s split families can be inspired by rebellions instigated by others?

 According to Cross Country's understanding, most of the ninjas who are separated from the Hyuga clan and have genjutsu in their bodies and are truly rebellious are at the chunin level. Even if the few jounin-level ninjas from the Hyuga clan's branch clan really rebelled, as long as the clan clan of the Hyuga clan could dispatch the elite of the clan, it would be a matter of minutes to destroy the rebels.

 So, the change in the clan division of the Hyuga clan is a joke at best in the cross-country view.

 But what I never thought about even when I was off-roading was that the members of the Hyuga clan actually maintained a ridiculous pride!

 Because, when the Hyuga clan’s rebellion began, the Hyuga clan’s clan had no intention of seeking help from the clan!

Even though as the head of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hizashi was facing a very dangerous situation, he did not turn to the truly elite ideas of the branch clan!

 It is also because of this that the clan divisions of the Hyuga clan have become more and more intense.

Even the clan leader Hinata Hizatsu was unable to quell the rebellion and could only watch the clan ninjas around him die one by one.



Continue to use Rouquan, even if the elite tolerates, the sun is not able to persist for too long.

 So, after getting rid of several rebels from the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Hatsuzu has been hiding in the protection of the clan members, and can only watch the death of the clan ninjas around him.

As there are fewer and fewer clan ninjas around, it is impossible to say that there is no threat to Hinata and Hinata's life!

 Shoulders, legs, chest!

 Many wounds on his body were caused in previous confrontations.

Without the life-threatening protection of the clan ninjas, both Hinata and Hinata might have died tragically in the rebellion of the branch clan.

 However, the more he found that the number of clan ninjas around him was decreasing, and the more he found that the number of rebels from the clan in front was increasing, the less confident Hinata and Hinashi became.

At this moment, when Cross Country and Kakashi were discussing the changes in the clan divisions of the Hyuga clan, all the clan ninjas beside Hinata and Hinata were already dead. In front of Hyuga and Hizu, the number of ninjas who split from the Hyuga clan has hardly changed. Facing the countless rebels who split from the Hyuga clan, Hyuga and Hizu really feel a bit doomed.

However, just when Hinata and Hinata felt that there was no way to survive the situation in front of them, there was a sudden "bang"!

 That is the soft fist that Hinata and Hinata are familiar with, and it is also the chakra fluctuation that Hinata and Hinata are familiar with!

Suddenly, a figure appeared in front of Hinata and Hinata. In an instant, Hinata and Hinata had hope of survival!

 And who is the person who protects Hinata and Hinashi in a desperate situation?

 The answer is…

The guy who protected Hinata and Hinata in a desperate situation was a ninja from the branch of the Hyuga clan!

 His biological brother!

 Hyuga Hizashi!

 “Brother, I’m here to protect you!”

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