Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 316: good move

 “Hizashi, is that you?”

 “How did you…”

 Suddenly, Hinata Hizashi, who was facing the end, had help, and it was his younger brother Hinata Hizashi.

However, what was Hinata Hizashi’s first feeling when he saw Hinata Hizashi appear to protect him?

 It’s not a joy!

Hinata Hizashi looked at Hinata Hizashi suspiciously!

What does that mean?

Hyuxiang Rizu means, Hizashi, why didn’t you participate in the rebellion?

 That’s right, the pride of the Hyuga clan is so ridiculous!

Faced with the rebellion of the branch family, it would have been better if the Hyuga clan clan did not seek help from the branch family. Afterwards, they actually suspected that every member of the branch family of the Hyuga clan was basically involved in the chaos of the branch family. That is What a ridiculous thing?

What's more, if you doubt the majority of people in the branch family, do you still need to doubt your own brother?

If Hyuga Hizashi really knew what his brother was thinking, he would probably return directly to his home to protect his only bloodline, the future little strong Hyuga Neji!

 But in front of family affection, Hinata Hizashi never thinks about too many things.

Then, with strange steps, he rushed directly into the crowd of rebels from the Hyuga clan. Under the powerful soft fist of Hyuga Hizashi, none of the rebels from the Hyuga clan could defeat Hyuga. It took one round in front of Hizashi!

From here, you can see how strong Hinata Hizashi's soft boxing skills are!

  They are also from the Hyuga clan, and they also have Byakugan.

With the same advantage, the attainment of Rouquan is the only key to determine victory or defeat.

Hyuga Hyuuga returned from strength to strength, but as an elite Jonin, he did not crush the soft fist skills of those who rebelled against the separation of the Hyuga clan. On the contrary, Hyuga Hizashi not only has the strength of an elite Jonin level, but also possesses excellent soft fist skills. He can instantly kill the rebels of the Hyuga clan in front of him without crushing them.

 Furthermore, with the appearance of Hyuga Hizashi, the elite members of the Hyuga clan also appeared.

 With all the elite members of the Hyuga clan showing up, as Cross Country thought, the change in the clan division of the Hyuga clan is a joke!

Soon, the elite members of the Hyuga clan led by Hyuga Hizashi successfully eliminated the rebels of the Hyuga clan in front of them. Immediately, when Hyuga Hizashi stabilized the situation, he really just used one sentence. It was clear that the change in the clan division of the Hyuga clan was going to be solved almost perfectly in the hands of Hyuga Hizashi!

 “Follow me to suppress the rebellion!”

 “Kill all those who have the blood of the same clan on their hands!”

 “Yes, Mr. Hizashi!”

In an instant, Hyuga Hizashi, who had stabilized the situation, could be said to have cheered up. Under the leadership of Hyuga Hizashi, the elite members of the Hyuga clan branch truly demonstrated the majesty of the wealthy Hyuga clan.

However, when Hyuga Hizashi led the elite of the branch and truly suppressed the signs of rebellion, what Hyuga Hizashi never expected was that Hyuga Hizashi looked at him differently.

“Damn it, I am the leader of the Hyuga clan, shouldn’t I be the one to suppress the rebellion?”

 “Why is it a day difference? Why is it a person who separates the family?”

“It’s clear that the Ming Zong family has absolute power, so why are the real elites always divided into separate families?”

“If our Zong family has such elites, is it possible for those rebels to step into the door of the Zong family?”

“Who is it? Who is it that makes me suffer such humiliation?”

“Are they the rules set by the ancestors? No, they are all Rizhi, the people who divide the family!”

   At the beginning, Hinata Hizu still had some sense.

So, as Hinata Hizashi's performance became more and more outstanding, the only reason in Hinata Hizashi's mind became extreme, and even the eyes he looked at Hinata Hizashi became crazy.

 What is the reason that caused Hinata and Hinata to become extreme and crazy?

 Isn’t it still that ridiculous pride?

Hyuga Hinatsu felt that the clan had the inherent advantage of crushing the branch family, so when faced with the rebellion of the branch family of the Hyuga clan, he still persisted in his ridiculous pride and was unwilling to receive help from the branch family of the Hyuga clan.

Even when Hyuga Hizashi came in person, Hyuga Hizashi felt humiliated when he looked at his biological brother.

 Then, he discovered that whether it was Hyuga Hizashi or other elite members of the Hyuga clan, their performance was better than his own. Hyuuga Hizashi's idea had entered a dead end.

The dead end is to put all the blame on the people who split the Hyuga clan and have no intention of doubting the system of splitting the Hyuga clan into two families.

 Furthermore, to say that Hinata Hizashi's superior performance only makes Hinata Hizashi feel uncomfortable.

Hyuga Hizashi's prestige in the Hyuga clan branch made Hyuga Hizashi feel a sense of crisis!

Gradually, Hyuga Hizashi regarded his biological brother and Hyuga Hizashi, who rescued him, as a rival and an enemy, and there was no longer any blood closeness.

Soon, under the sinister eyes of Hyuga Hinashi, in just one day, the division of the Hyuga clan came to an end.

 There is no doubt that the result is that the Hyuga clan must have won.

 But, is the victory of the Hyuga clan really a victory?

 That’s not the case!

 The changes in the clan division of the Hyuga clan have already laid the groundwork for the tragedy that will follow.

Furthermore, it was precisely this change in the clan division of the Hyuga clan that caused a rift between the two brothers Hyuga Hizashi and Hyuga Hizashi that ordinary people could not imagine.

It’s just that, as the patriarch of the clan, Hyuga Hizu is a qualified politician, so when the clan split of the Hyuga clan ended, no one noticed anything unusual about Hyuga Hizu.

However, most people have not discovered the abnormality of Hyuga and Hinata, let alone the hidden dangers within the Hyuga clan, but it does not mean that no one can discover it.

 Let’s talk about the interior of Konoha Village!

There are at least three people who can understand the results of the changes in the Hyuga clan, and the cross-country guarding Kushina Uzumaki is one of them.

Holding the intelligence that had just been delivered, he guarded Uzumaki Kushina for nearly a day. When Cross Country knew that in the war-torn Konoha Village, the real targets of the rebellion were the rebels who were separated from the Hyuga clan, and the current ones. When facing the mysterious masked man in front of the Third Hokage, the cross-country mood was extremely depressing.

 Fortunately, there is Kakashi beside him, and there is someone who can talk.

 Otherwise, in an extremely depressed mood, the off-road state will not be maintained well, and it is very likely that an accident will occur when facing a real enemy.

“Xiu Xiang, it seems that what you said before is right, the rebellion of the Hyuga clan is indeed a joke.”

 Among the people who guard Kushina Uzumaki, Cross Country is the last one to watch the information.

 So, when Cross Country just read the information, Kakashi sighed. Unfortunately, Cross Country now has to deny his previous point of view.

 “Is the change in the Hyuga clan’s clan division really just a joke?”


“If the Hyuga clan gave up their ridiculous pride and sought help from the elites of the clan from the beginning, then the change in clan division of the Hyuga clan would be a joke!”

“Judging from the current situation, the change in the clan division of the Hyuga clan can only be said to be a good move!”

 I sighed silently in my heart. There were some things that I couldn't tell Kakashi about when I was off-roading, so I could only think about them silently in my heart.

 Is there anything wrong with the idea of ​​going off-road?

 There must be nothing wrong with it!

 Even though they were off-road, the information obtained by Kakashi and others was all embellished information.

 But in the intelligence, Cross Country can still know that the person who really solves the changes in the Hyuga clan's clan division is Hyuga Hizashi, not Hyuga Hizashi, that's enough!

If we say that Hyuga Hizashi is still the same Hyuuga Hichizu as before and did not become the clan leader, then cross-country can trust Hyuga Hizashi. The two Hyuga Hizashi brothers cannot have a grudge because of the change in the clan division of the Hyuga clan.

 But things are a little different now.

 The breakup between the two brothers, Hinata and Hinata, is inevitable in cross-country.

As for the breakup between the two brothers of the Hyuga clan, it feels like it was probably planned by someone else in cross-country!

In other words, the change in the clan division of the Hyuga clan in the cross-country feeling is likely to be the mastermind's strategy of deliberately instigating the two brothers Hyuga and Hizashi.

Of course, this strategy kills two birds with one stone.

 On the one hand, the planners were able to split the two brothers, Hinata and Hinashi.

On the other hand, the planner can create chaos in Konoha Village, which is a very brilliant move!

 Based on various reasons, Cross Country can basically determine that the person who planned the change of clan division of the Hyuga clan was Shimura Danzo.

Therefore, when focusing on the "masked man" who was fighting against the Third Hokage, Cross Country analyzed the changes after the change of clan divisions of the Hyuga clan, they couldn't help but admire Shimura Danzo:

 “Danzo, as a gamer…”

 “You made a really good move!”

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