Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 321: The curse of white eyes

 Hideaway, in a remote house.

Uzumaki Kushina, who condensed the second Uzumaki clan emblem for the cross-country, was already weak and sleeping there. Off-road, who was responsible for protecting Uzumaki Kushina, began to study the brand new Nara clan emblem between his eyebrows after receiving the inheritance from Uzumaki Kushina.

Then, relying on his own Yin escape brand, he quickly discovered that the legacy left by Uzumaki Kushina was very interesting.

Unlike the Yin Escape inheritance obtained from the Uzumaki Clan's secret treasures, one needs to go a little cross-country to break through the restrictions in order to master more of the Uzumaki Clan's Yin Escape secrets.

In the Uzumaki clan emblem condensed by Uzumaki Kushina, there are countless spiritual arts, sealing techniques, barrier techniques, and forbidden techniques, just like books placed in a library.

With just one thought, he can browse the inheritance of Kushina Uzumaki in detail from the emblem of the Uzumaki clan, and even browse Kushina Uzumaki's experience in mastering various secret techniques.

In an instant, from the brand new emblem of the Uzumaki clan, Cross Country knew the value of Kushina Uzumaki's inheritance.

 There is no doubt that the value of the inheritance left by Uzumaki Kushina is basically no less than the value of the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance obtained by Cross Country in the Uzumaki clan's secret treasure.

 So, looking at Uzumaki Kushina sleeping peacefully there, Cross Country was ready to seize every minute and use every second to improve his own strength.

 On the one hand, pay attention to the sleeping Uzumaki Kushina.

On the other hand, Cross Country began to silently browse the contents of Uzumaki Kushina's inheritance, hoping to further enhance his own power before the Nine-Tails War begins.

However, when Cross Country was still preparing for the Battle of the Nine-Tails, what Cross Country could never have imagined was that the "Mask Man" led a group of Mist Ninjas and infiltrated into the Konoha Village, taking advantage of Hinata's opportunity. When the clan started to change into clans, the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan was taken away and implanted into the bodies of the Mist Ninjas under their command. I hope these Mist Ninjas can bring the secret of the Byakugan back to the Mist Ninja Village!

If Off-Road could get the news as soon as possible, then he would be sure that Shimura Danzo must be connected with Madara who is hidden behind the scenes in Mist Ninja Village.

  Unfortunately, it is completely impossible for Cross Country to know this information, which makes Banye’s plan seem to be unstoppable.

 But is the real situation really like that?

Is Danzo Shimura really willing to give up the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan in order to cooperate with Madara?

 Of course it’s impossible!

Shimura Danzo is such a tycoon, how could he just watch Madara making a profit from it?

Even if Shimura Danzo had the intention to suppress the Hyuga clan, and even to some extent to play with the Hyuga clan and separate the two families, there is no way Shimura Danzo would just watch Madara get a blank stare!

 You are my collaborator, so what?

 Collaborating with me, Danzo Shimura, is like seeking the skin of a tiger!

Therefore, just when Madara's "masked man" had just given orders to his ninjas, preparing to arrange for his Mist ninjas with Byakugan implants to leave the Land of Fire smoothly, suddenly "bang", "bang", and "bang" How many sounds!

The detonating symbols buried around him exploded instantly, and the roaring explosion was so deafening that even the distant off-roaders could feel it.

Suddenly, when he heard an explosion, Cross Country, who was concentrating on studying the inheritance of Kushina Uzumaki, couldn't help but raise his head and looked directly in the direction of the explosion.

On the contrary, it was Sarutobi Biwako. During the cross-country trip, Kakashi was very shocked. When the explosion sounded, Sarutobi Biwako had an unpredictable smile on his lips. During the cross-country trip, Kakashi had no worries in front of him. said:

“It’s the Uchiha clan, they finally took action.”


Listening to Sarutobi Biwako's incomprehensible words, Kakashi frowned, obviously not understanding what Sarutobi Biwako meant.

  What plans do the Uchiha clan have?

Shisui, God Itachi, did you already know about the Uchiha clan’s plan?

Combining the known situation at hand, Cross Country silently analyzed the Uchiha clan, what kind of orange role they played between Shimura Danzo and Madara.

 What about the “masked man”?

What is the thought of the "masked man" who once sneaked into the Uchiha clan chief's mansion and had a secret conversation with Uchiha Fugaku?

 One second ago, the “masked man” was just getting ready to lead his mist ninjas to leave the Country of Fire.

The next second, a terrifying explosion sounded, and several fog ninjas with Byakugan implants died tragically in the explosion, causing the "masked man"'s pupils to shrink slightly.

Especially next, Uchiha Fugaku led the elite of the Uchiha clan to appear, which made the "masked man"'s slightly contracted pupils reveal a hint of realization.

However, Uchiha Fugaku was not given any chance to speak. The hoarse voice of the "masked man" came, which made the extremely nervous fog ninjas under his command immediately regain their composure.

“Uchiha Fugaku is worthy of being the leader of the Uchiha clan.”

“But do you think you have enough people with you to stop me?”

 “It’s really…”

 “You underestimate our Mist Ninja Village!”

 “Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet Technique!”


Almost as soon as the "masked man" finished speaking, Uchiha Fugaku had a solemn look in his eyes, and he was about to retort.

Who would have thought that without giving Uchiha Fugaku a chance to speak, the "masked man" just waved his hand, and a ferocious water dragon condensed out of thin air in front of Uchiha Fugaku and the elites of the Uchiha clan!

Seeing that the "masked man" could activate such terrifying water escape ninjutsu with just a wave of his hand, the eyes of the fog ninjas under the "masked man" flashed brightly, and they secretly thought in their hearts:

 “The water shadow is really powerful!”

 However, it did not give the fog ninjas under his command too much confidence, and the voice of the "masked man" echoed in the minds of all the fog ninjas under his command.

 “I have other things to deal with, you guys run away!”

 “If you can escape one, it’s one!”

 “Remember, you must bring Byakugan back to Mist Ninja Village!”

 “Yes, Mizukage-sama!”

Silently replying to the "Mask Man" who called himself "Mizukage", the Kirito ninja under the "Mask Man" was shocked. Taking advantage of the gap between the "Mask Man" and the elites of the Uchiha clan, he ran around and tried his best to think. To escape from Konoha Village.

As for Uchiha Fugaku, he never thought before he came that the identity of the "masked man" turned out to be the Mizukage of the Mist Ninja Village!

In other words, Uchiha Fugaku never thought that the person he had a secret conversation with would be the mysterious Fourth Mizukage Aukura!

 But the plan was made long ago, and now no matter who is in front of him, Uchiha Fugaku must keep the person behind.

So, despite being a little afraid of the unpredictable reputation of the Fourth Mizukage, Uchiha Fugaku still led the elite of the Uchiha clan to fight against the mysterious "masked man".

 But when they actually confronted each other, Uchiha Fugaku was even more shocked!

"Is he really Mizukage? Is he really the mysterious lost position?"

 “That’s right!”

“You can use such a powerful water escape ninjutsu with just a few moves. Who else could it be if it wasn’t the legendary Fourth Mizukage?”

 “Fortunately, I had arranged the chess pieces before fighting him, otherwise...”

 “Otherwise, these Byakugan of the Hyuga clan might really slip away from my hands in vain!”


The dignified leader of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fugaku, actually also has the desire to study the Byakugan?

If this incident spreads among the Konoha Village, there must be a battle between the two "rich families" in the Konoha Village!

However, the Uchiha clan covets the Hyuga clan’s Byakugan, so why aren’t the Hyuga clan peeping at the Uchiha clan’s Sharingan?

Regardless of the Uchiha clan, the Hyuga clan is known as a "rich family", but as long as there is hope to enhance their own power, who can complain about too much information about the limits of blood succession?

Immediately afterwards, when Uchiha Fugaku led the elite of the Uchiha clan and desperately tried to stop the "masked man", the "masked man" whose identity was probably the Mizukage failed to successfully break through the defense line established by Uchiha Fugaku. .

It's a pity that it would have been good to intercept the "masked man" who was probably the Mizukage at the expense of the Uchiha clan's power.

As for those mist ninjas with Byakugan implanted, they were basically not in any danger under the protection of the "masked man", and they quickly headed to the barrier on the edge of Konoha Village.

 Just go one step further!

As long as they can successfully get out of the barrier, these mist ninjas with Byakugan implants basically have no safety issues.

 So, seeing the opportunity to escape smoothly right in front of them, which mist ninja would not rush forward desperately, hoping to escape from the barrier of Konoha Village as early as possible?

 But just when the leader of the fog ninja showed hope, and just stepped out of the barrier with a secret technique, there was a sudden "boom"!

The scorching flames fell head-on, and the mist ninja didn't even have a chance to resist, and died tragically in the hands of an ANBU!

That ANBU’s name is Uchiha Shisui!

The captain of the off-road blade team, Shushen Shisui in the original plot!

 "White eyes are the trouble for you mist ninjas!"

 “Those with white eyes…”

 “Kill without mercy!”

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