Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 322: escapee

 “Qingmiao, be careful!”


 The barrier is ahead, and the hope of escape is just ahead.

When the leading Mist Ninja named "Green Mist" stepped out of the barrier, the Mist Ninja behind him breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, because the education during the "Blood Mist" period told them that as long as they could complete the tasks promulgated by the "Mizukage" Mission, it would be great if even one of them could return to the Mist Ninja Village safely.

 Hence, the escape of the Mist Ninja Green Mist gathered the hope of all the Mist Ninjas behind.

As long as the Mist Ninja Qingmiao can escape, what does it matter even if they all die in the battle?

 If they can complete the tasks issued by the "Mizukage", these Mist Ninjas won't have any pressure, right?

 But who would have thought that things can change in an instant.

Just after stepping out of the barrier that he was heading for, the Kiri ninja Qingmiao, a jounin, felt that he was in sight of escaping.

However, just when the mist ninja Qingmiao stepped out of the barrier, Shunshen Shisui, the captain of the sharp blade team off-road, suddenly appeared, holding a small sword and attacked directly!

That is the secret technique of the Uchiha style!

It is also a secret technique created by Shunshen Shisui in the original plot!

Of course, in the world where Cross Country is located, Shunshen Shisui's original self-created secret technique has become an innovative secret technique borrowed from the Hayate Flow Secret Technique.

so what?

The instant of stillness is always the instant of stillness!

 Uchiha style, use Sword Jump Flame!


The hot flame followed Uchiha Shisui's Kodachi and landed on the head of Mist Ninja Aomi.

 The next second, when the trace of Mist Ninja Qingmiao emerged from the flames, looking at the body of Mist Ninja Qingmiao without his head, all the Mist Ninjas behind him felt a bit sad at the same time!

  Why do you want to kill Qing Miao when it is clear that he is only one step away from escaping?

It is clear that we are only one step away from completing the task assigned by Mizukage. Who dare to stop us?

Almost when Uchiha Shisui showed his strength and used his own secret technique of Uchiha style to tell the fog ninjas in front of him that those with the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan would surely die here, the fog ninja behind him saw only Uchiha Shisui in front of him. A man came to stop him. Not only did he show no fear at all, but he charged towards Uchiha Shisui with a sprint attack.

 As for Uchiha Shisui?

 If he was afraid, Cross Country would not be able to admit that he was the captain of the Blade Team!

In Konoha Village, Kakashi of his generation is more outstanding, but unfortunately his mentality is not good.

Akai is still in the growth stage, and cross-country does not seem to pose any threat for the time being.

Only Uchiha Shisui is the real opponent for cross-country!

Even though Cross Country now has half-step quasi-shadow level strength, if he really wants to fight to the death with Uchiha Shisui, Cross Country feels that he and Uchiha Shisui are evenly matched!

So, when he saw the fog ninjas in front of him coming to break out with a death wish, Uchiha Shisui raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and the black pupils in his eyes turned directly into blood red!

 In the blood-red pupils, three black magatama were spinning in it!



"Since you are ready to fight, I, Uchiha Shisui, will accompany you!"

 “I want to see if any of you can escape with the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan!”

 “Let them all die!”

With a loud shout, Uchiha Shisui turned into flowing light and disappeared in front of the fog ninjas in an instant.

 Suddenly, they found that Uchiha Shisui disappeared in front of them. What were the first thoughts of those fog ninjas?

 Their first thought was not to kill Uchiha Shisui as they had originally thought.

 What they were thinking about turned into a breakthrough the moment Uchiha Shisui opened his Sharingan!

 There is no doubt that it was induced by Uchiha Shisui using his own pupil power.

Although Uchiha Shisui has not yet awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan, Uchiha Shisui has shown his talent for illusions as early as when he "teamed" with Cross Country. Therefore, if Cross Country faces Uchiha Shisui alone, as long as Uchiha Shisui opens his Sharingan, Cross Country must wrap himself with spiritual energy to avoid falling into Uchiha Shisui's illusion.

On the contrary, how can these fog ninjas in front of Uchiha Shisui understand the terror of those sharingan eyes?

If these Mist Ninjas gather together and plan to eliminate Uchiha Shisui first, then ten Uchiha Shisui will die here. After all, the Mist Ninjas selected by the "Mask Man" are all jounin-level ninjas.

No matter how strong Uchiha Shisui is, how many can he defeat?

 However, being blinded by the illusion, the results of these mist ninjas are beyond words.

Everyone is thinking about breaking out of the encirclement, and everyone is thinking about completing the tasks assigned by the "masked man".

When the mist ninjas rushed out of the barrier one by one with different ideas, Uchiha Shisui naturally had a way to defeat the mist ninjas in front of him one by one!

  Immediately afterwards, firelight kept flashing out.

Even if Uchiha Fugaku, who was wrapped in the "masked man", thought with his toes, he could guess that Uchiha Shisui would definitely be able to complete the task, so there was naturally no pressure at all when intercepting the "masked man".

 However, as a Mist Ninja fell, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly discovered that the "masked man" in front of him became a little different.

Especially when drops of dew gradually appeared in the air, the voice of the "masked man" suddenly echoed in Uchiha Fugaku's ears, causing Uchiha Fugaku, the leader of the Uchiha clan, to feel the pain in his chest. My heart couldn't help but "thump"!

“That little guy’s name seems to be Uchiha Shisui, right?”

 “What a Uchiha Shisui, what a teleportation technique!”

"After today, if he doesn't die, he will be the pillar of your Uchiha clan in the future, and he can be called Shunshen Shisui!"



Muttering the word "what a pity" in his mouth, the "masked man" suddenly exerted his strength and actually broke through the siege of the elite Uchiha clan.

At this moment, others couldn’t understand what the “masked man” said, could Uchiha Fugaku still not understand?

The "masked man" obviously means that if Uchiha Shisui can survive in his hands, then he can be called Shunshen Shisui.

If Uchiha Shisui died tragically, Shunshen Shisui would be a joke!

So, almost as soon as the "masked man" finished speaking, Uchiha Fugaku, who was worried about Uchiha Shisui, quickly gathered his elite men and went to rescue Uchiha Shisui. However, what even Uchiha Fugaku didn't expect was that before he was about to rescue Uchiha Shisui, the "masked man" was already ready!

The dew that fills the air is the preparation of the "masked man"!

 “Damn it, you can actually use dew to condense the barrier!”

"If the barrier is not opened, we won't be able to rescue Shisui!"

“Let’s all go together and make sure to protect Shisui’s safety!”

 “Yes, patriarch!”

 Uchiha Fugaku gave the order, and the elite of the Uchiha clan naturally used all their strength.

Unfortunately, the barrier carefully arranged by the "Mask Man" cannot be broken easily by Uchiha Fugaku and others.

So inside the barrier, Uchiha Fugaku could only wait anxiously for the result, hoping that Uchiha Shisui could delay it for a while.

 On the contrary, it was Uchiha Shisui, who still did not feel the crisis coming.

Before the "Mask Man" appeared, relying on his Sharingan and his terrifying illusion skills, Uchiha Shisui killed all the Mist Ninjas implanted with Byakugan, leaving only the solution to the problem in front of him. One person can successfully complete the task.

 Uchiha Shisui's vigilance was reduced a bit when he discovered with his own perception that the Kiri nin in front of him was nothing more than an elite chunin.

However, just when the vigilance in Uchiha Shisui's heart had just reduced by a few points, the "masked man" suddenly appeared, and the remaining Mist ninja might become the one who successfully escaped from Konoha!

 Became the only escapee!

 “Bluebird, don’t forget your mission!”

 “Yes, Mizukage-sama!”

  The long-awaited "masked man" appeared, and the fog ninja named Blue Bird was full of hope. He felt that it was a certainty that he would transform into the only escapee.

However, when the mist ninja Blue Bird was full of hope and prepared to escape with the help of the power of the "masked man", what was Uchiha Shisui thinking?

 Uchiha Shisui had only one thing on his mind!

 That's the "mask man", why is he not affected by his own illusion?

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