Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 323: iron triangle


Where Uzumaki Kushina was hiding, she carefully sensed what was happening outside. Unfortunately, there was no off-road, "fierce" sensing method. Kakashi was obviously very annoyed, and he immediately looked at the off-road next to him.

 Standing there quietly, as if on an off-road trip in a daze, what are you thinking about?

Is this the plan of the Uchiha clan?


The thing that crosses the mind of cross country is why Uchiha Shisui can appear in Konoha Village!

With the Yin Escape brand condensed, Cross Country's spiritual energy perception can, in some respects, overwhelm the Fourth Hokage's Secret Wind Sense.

 At least in terms of range, the perception of spiritual energy is definitely stronger than the perception of wind.

So, knowing from Sarutobi Biwako that when the Uchiha clan was probably planning something secretly, Cross Country activated the Yin Escape Brand for free, using the spiritual energy in it to sense what was happening on the battlefield.

But it is a pity that the range of the off-road mental energy perception is very wide, but it is still unable to perceive the detailed changes in the battlefield.

 Only Uchiha Shisui's chakra fluctuations are very familiar to Cross Country.

He also discovered the existence of Uchiha Shisui, and then he was curious about why Uchiha Shisui could appear in Konoha Village.

Didn’t it mean that Uchiha Shisui joined the war with the Fourth Hokage?

However, if Cross Country knew that Uchiha Shisui had never followed the Fourth Hokage to join the war from the beginning, then Cross Country would not be surprised.

There is no doubt that when the Fourth Hokage was preparing to start the war between the Land of Fire and the Land of Thunder, he was preparing to transfer the original Blade Team, leaving only Cross Country and Kakashi to protect Uzumaki Kushina in the Leaf Village. . However, because the Uchiha clan also had plans, there were certain problems when the Fourth Hokage dispatched Uchiha Shisui.

 On the one hand, as an ANBU, Uchiha Shisui must be loyal to Hokage.

 On the other hand, as a member of the Uchiha clan, one must be loyal to the family.

 In the difficult choice between Hokage and his family, Uchiha Shisui finally chose Hokage.

  Unfortunately, the Fourth Hokage also had deals with the Uchiha clan, and Uchiha Shisui's loyalty became a liability.

  That is to say, the Fourth Hokage finally compromised with the Uchiha clan and instead of dispatching Uchiha Shisui, he lied about Uchiha Shisui joining the army to join the war. On the contrary, it is Uchiha Shisui who chooses to be loyal to Hokage and has no good end. Just because of the "choice" aspect, Uchiha Shisui must leave a nail in Uchiha Fugaku's heart.

 Fortunately, Uchiha Shisui's combat power is very strong. Although Uchiha Fugaku was a little angry about his "choice", in the end he still chose to use Uchiha Shisui as a dark chess piece.

 As for off-roading.

He does not understand the "deal" between the Fourth Hokage and the Uchiha clan, so it is also very normal to be confused about Uchiha Shisui's appearance in Konoha Village.

However, when he heard what Kakashi said next to him, Cross Country just shook his head.

With his perception, Off-Road could not understand every change in the battlefield, but he could still sense the terrifying chakra fluctuations.

Furthermore, it was impossible to not feel a little annoyed during the cross-country trip without being able to smoothly perceive every change in the battlefield. Therefore, after having a word with Kakashi and talking there without saying a word, Cross Country's mind was focused on the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan's Yin escape inheritance, and he was thinking about using the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan's Yin escape that he could master early on to further enhance it. means of self-perception.

“Well, the Yin Escape brand has been condensed, and the restrictions in the Uzumaki clan’s Yin Escape inheritance have been lifted a bit. It seems that the secret technique can be started to be practiced.”

"Huh? It seems that this secret technique is not only recorded in the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance, but also the cultivation method of this secret technique is recorded in Kushina-sama's inheritance. There is also a lot of Kushina-sama's training experience in it!"

"Great, the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance, combined with Kushina-sama's inheritance, I must be able to master that secret technique very quickly, right?"

“If I could master the secret technique of perception before the Nine-Tails War begins…”

“Let alone Uchiha Obito who has transformed into a “mask man”, just say whether Madara is hiding around, I must be able to sense it, right?”

  I thought to myself secretly that I must start practicing that secret technique.

But just when Off-Road was about to practice, Sarutobi Biwako suddenly had a look in his eyes and said in the direction of Off-Road: "O-Cross, Kakashi, go and rescue the Uchiha clan, they are in trouble!"


 Suddenly received an order from Sarutobi Biwako to go off-road, Kakashi nodded at the same time.

But at that time, I could only take a deep look at Lake Sarutobi Biwa before leaving cross-country.

 Because, judging from the expression on Sarutobi Biwako's face when he gave the order, Cross Country already had enough clues to infer that Sarutobi Biwako's perception ability was very terrifying.

  Needless to say what happened next, cross-country, Kakashi quickly left the place where Uzumaki Kushina was hiding, and ran directly to the place where Uchiha Shisui was fighting.

 The person who leads the way is off-road.

Also because of the off-roading, the first place they went to was where Uchiha Shisui was, not where Uchiha Fugaku was.

Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Fugaku, those are the people I have met off-road.

Relying on the perception of spiritual energy, Cross Country can easily distinguish the auras of the two people. When he goes to support, he will naturally support the person he is more optimistic about first.

Who didn’t know that during the cross-country trip, when Kakashi went to support him, Uchiha Shisui was already in trouble.


 The reason is that today’s Uchiha Shisui still somewhat relies on the Sharingan!

Here, saying that Uchiha Shisui relies on the Sharingan does not mean that without the Sharingan, Uchiha Shisui is a weakling.

But without the Sharingan, relying on the instant body technique and the self-created Uchiha-ryu secret technique, Uchiha Shisui's strength is comparable to that of the elite Jonin. Even if two elite jounin are in front of Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Shisui may rely on the instant body technique and the secret technique of Uchiha style to deal with them.

But if he wants to compete with the shadow-level powerhouses, then Uchiha Shisui must rely on the Sharingan!

 Especially the Sharingan's power to amplify illusions, which is one of Uchiha Shisui's trump cards!

So, Uchiha Shisui can barely achieve half-step quasi-kage level strength, and more of it relies on the Sharingan and the unpredictable illusion!

However, the "masked man" suddenly appeared, and Uchiha Shisui discovered that the other party was not afraid of his illusions, so what else was there to do?

According to Uchiha Shisui's analysis, the "Mask Man" is at least as strong as a Kage-level powerhouse. Uchiha Fugaku and so many elites of the Uchiha clan failed to stop the "Mask Man" from escaping. How could Uchiha Shisui be able to stop the "masked man" from escaping with the mist ninja named Blue Bird alone?

Especially the illusion of Sharingan amplification is restricted, which is equivalent to cutting off an arm in front of the "masked man". Uchiha Shisui's confrontation with the "masked man" is really frustrating.

However, it is also impossible to say that Uchiha Shisui has not made any achievements.

After all, the current Uchiha Shisui, in the eyes of the "masked man", has the meaning of carrying the name of Shunshen Shisui!

Therefore, although Uchiha Shisui failed to successfully injure the "Mask Man", the "Mask Man" also failed to successfully arrange for the Mist Ninja named Blue Bird under Uchiha Shisui's skilled teleportation technique. Escape and be the only one to escape.

  The confrontation between the two men lasted for more than a hundred rounds in just a few minutes.

After more than a hundred rounds of fighting, the "masked man" was still uninjured, but Uchiha Shisui had many injuries on his chest and calves.

  But this result is obviously not very satisfactory to the "mask man".

Immediately afterwards, when Uchiha Shisui took a deep breath to calm down the aura that was somewhat disordered due to the previous confrontation, the "masked man" suddenly grasped the moisture in the surrounding air and said indifferently:

"As I see, you can indeed bear the title of Shunshen Shisui."

“It’s a pity that you are going to die here today, and your reputation as Shuishen Shuishi will be short-lived!”

 “Uchiha Shisui, die!”


As soon as he finished speaking, under the control of the "masked man", the moisture in the surrounding air suddenly condensed into a ferocious dragon out of thin air, and charged in the direction of Uchiha Shisui.

At his peak, it would have been very easy for Uchiha Shisui to avoid the dragon.

But in the case of injury, Uchiha Shisui himself was not sure that he could resist the dragon's attack, so he could only grit his teeth and prepare to fight hard.

However, just when the ferocious dragon under the control of the "masked man" was about to rush towards Uchiha Shisui, causing more serious injuries to Uchiha Shisui, there was a sudden "whoosh"!

 A wisp of black shadow suddenly enveloped Uchiha Shisui's body, forming a solid armor.

 When the solid armor was formed, the familiar auras of Cross Country and Kakashi also appeared in Uchiha Shisui's perception!

 “Off-road? Kakashi?”

“It seems that the iron triangle of our sharp blade team is about to reunite again!”

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