Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 324: Really Mizukage?

Who is the so-called Iron Triangle?

Of course, they are the three cross-country ninjas in the Blade Team, codenamed "Shun", "Shadow", and "Thunder"!

In the Blade Team, Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi have the most exchanges, and the communication with "Meng" is less, all because of the special status of "Meng".

As the son of the Third Hokage, "fierce" is destined to be with cross-country, Uchiha Shisui, and Kakashi.

 So, even though there are only four members of the Blade Squad, they are actually cross-country. The iron triangle composed of Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi is the main combat force in the Blade Squad.

At this time, under the pressure of the "masked man", Uchiha Shisui suddenly saw cross-country, and Kakashi came to help. The light shining in his eyes was called confidence!

 With off-roading and Kakashi by his side, who else does Uchiha Shisui need to be afraid of?

Not to mention a mere "mask man", even if the Fourth Hokage is Uchiha Shisui's enemy, Uchiha Shisui is sure to kill the Fourth Hokage who has become an enemy with the help of Kakashi. !


Uchiha Shisui had no way of knowing that the "masked man" in the eyes of the Third Hokage was as powerful as the Fourth Hokage.

It is also because of this that when Cross Country used the Shadow Armor to protect Uchiha Shisui, Uchiha Shisui's eyes shifted from the "masked man" directly to the Mist Ninja named Blue Bird.

 Obviously, in Uchiha Shisui's mind, killing the last Byakugan holder is the most important thing.

But when Uchiha Shisui secretly glanced at the mist ninja named Blue Bird, Cross Country's eyes were always locked on the "masked man" in front of him!


“Is this Kakashi’s former companion, Uchiha Obito?”

Silently sizing up the "masked man", the shock in Xue Yu's heart was obviously not what Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi could imagine.

Just like in the original plot, the whole body is shrouded in black robes.

Wearing a strange spiral-shaped mask on his face, only one eye is exposed.

Therefore, combined with the memories from the original plot, when Cross Country's eyes were cast on the "masked man", he was at least 80% sure that the "masked man" in front of him was Madara's spokesperson, the "blackened" Uchi The wave is in trouble!

However, just when Cross Country quietly used the shadow communication technique to connect Uchiha Shisui, the black shadow under Kakashi's feet was about to truthfully tell the identity of the "masked man" he guessed, Uchiha Shisui's voice suddenly appeared , but it made the right hand that held the kunai tightly trembled!

“Off-road, Kakashi, you must be careful!”

“The “masked man” in front of us is very likely...”

 “It’s probably Mizukage!”


During the spiritual communication, as soon as Uchiha Shisui finished speaking, Cross Country and Kakashi showed extremely shocked expressions at the same time.

It doesn’t take much thinking to know that the reason why Kakashi was shocked must be the identity of the "Mizukage".

The reason for the shock of cross-country is the identity of the "mask man" mentioned by Uchiha Shisui!

Isn't it obvious that he is Obito Uchiha?

 How did he become the Mizukage of the Mist Ninja Village?

 Thinking back to the time when he had fought against the fourth-generation Mizukage's missing clone, he must have been able to determine Mizukage's aura.

At this time, listening to Uchiha Shisui's judgment, Cross Country used his mental energy to confirm again, and soon knew that the "masked man" in front of him was definitely not the "Mizukage", and there was still an 80% chance that he was Uchiha Obito. .

 However, since Uchiha Shisui has "confirmed" the identity of the "masked man", it's hard for him to say anything more.

On the contrary, Kakashi, when Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui were preparing to communicate, his eyes filled with murderous intent locked on the mist ninja named Blue Bird, and then directly opened his forehead protector, revealing his Sharingan Come on!

 “Off-road, Shisui, is this the time to be long-winded?”

  "Hurry up and complete the mission, I have to go back to protect Lord Kushina!"


 “Bah! Bah!”

  In order to protect Uzumaki Kushina, Kakashi really worked hard.

Even though Uchiha Shisui said that the identity of the "masked man" was probably Mizukage, Kakashi didn't have the slightest concern.

Immediately, Cross Country and Uchiha Shisui could see that Kakashi's right hand suddenly took on the shape of a tiger's claw, and then the roaring thunder was under Kakashi's control, completing the change in the nature of the thunder attribute chakra.

 Raikiri takes shape and the Sharingan is locked!

With his eyes fixed on the mist ninja named Blue Bird, does Kakashi still need to predict his next move?


 Because, in cross-country, in the eyes of Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi is nothing more than a three-dimensional ax!

Among the three axes, the Raikiri combined with the Sharingan is the strongest killing move that Kakashi can use at this stage!

 So, almost at the moment when Raikiri was completed, Kakashi's figure was as fast as lightning, and appeared directly in front of the mist ninja named Blue Bird. But just when Kakashi's palm was only half a meter away from penetrating the heart of the Mist Ninja Blue Bird, causing the Mist Ninja Blue Bird to breathe rapidly and smell the smell of death, who would have thought that the figure of the "Mask Man" suddenly appeared in front of him. In front of Kakashi!

 “Water Escape·Water Prison Technique!”


Suddenly, the figure of the "masked man" suddenly appeared, causing Kakashi's pupils to shrink slightly.

 However, when using Raikiri, Kakashi's momentum is to move forward courageously!

Coupled with the fact that he was able to use the secret technique of shadow escape in cross-country without seal, Kakashi naturally didn't take it to heart when he saw that the "masked man" could use water escape ninjutsu without seal.

Immediately afterwards, Kakashi was about to thrust away with a forceful strike using Raikiri, use Thunder Release to slightly restrain the characteristics of Water Release, and kill the Mist Ninja Blue Bird protected by the "Mask Man" with the Water Prison Technique.

However, could the "masked man" who made Uchiha Shisui feel powerless show a low IQ in front of Kakashi?

Definitely not!

First, the Mist Ninja Blue Bird was protected with the Water Prison Technique, and then the "masked man" glanced at Kakashi with a strong sense of ridicule.

Seeing the ridicule in the "masked man's" eyes, Kakashi was definitely unwilling.

Suddenly accelerating forward, Kakashi suddenly exploded the chakra under his feet early, using the Raikiri in his hand, he almost touched the water prison protecting the Mist Ninja Blue Bird.

 But just when Lei Qie and Shui Lao were about to collide!


The water prison used to protect the Mist Ninja Blue Bird actually turned into a water dragon again and turned to attack Kakashi's direction!

 “Kakashi, be careful!”

 Kakashi is in trouble, and it’s impossible to just watch from the sidelines.

Therefore, under the control of the "masked man", the water prison used for protection suddenly turned into a dragon out of the water. Just like how he protected Uchiha Shisui before, the cross-country used the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand to cast the Shadow Armor, and successfully helped Kakashi complete the defense.

 Speaking of using Yin Escape Brand to directly cast Shadow Armor, the defensive effect is still very good.

The dragon crashed into the Shadow Armor. Seeing that Kakashi was not injured, Cross Country was secretly relieved.

 However, the "masked man" is after all a strong man comparable to the Fourth Hokage. Having seized the opportunity, is it possible for him to give up an excellent counterattack opportunity?

 Follow up!

Just when Off-Road protected Kakashi, the "mask man" actually abandoned Kakashi who was right in front of Mist Ninja Blue Bird, and suddenly appeared next to Off-Road!

Moreover, almost the moment the "masked man" appeared, Cross Country had a vague feeling that the "masked man" in front of him might not be Uchiha Obito!

Because, when the "masked man" appeared in front of the cross-country again, the "masked man" who had used water escape ninjutsu many times before suddenly used a water escape ninjutsu again!

"Water escape!"

 “Big water blast!”

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