Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 325: Personal identification

 “Armor of Shadow!”

To protect Kakashi, the black shadow under his feet turned into a shadow armor with a "swish" sound and wrapped around Kakashi's body.

And when using Yin Escape Brand and Muji to cast Shadow Armor, the defensive effect of Shadow Armor is amazing, so there is no need to worry about Kakashi when going off-road.

Who would have thought that while protecting Kakashi off-road, the main goal of the "masked man" would actually be off-road!

 He was actually able to see at a glance the importance of cross-country in the Iron Triangle in the midst of chaos.

With such a vision, who can believe it if he is not a shadow-level expert?

Moreover, if the "masked man" suddenly teleported to the side of off-road, and the off-road was only a little surprised, then the water escape ninjutsu used by the "masked man" was so shocking that he couldn't even close his mouth!

At that moment, I suddenly came to the side of Cross Country. What was the water escape ninjutsu used by the "masked man"?

It turned out to be a big water blast!

  In the original plot, there is either a guy like Inigaki Kisame who can rival a humanoid tailed beast, or a large water blast that can only be used by several water escape masters working together!

 Don't look at Water Release·Big Explosive Water Rush, it is just an A-level water release ninjutsu, which is far less advanced than the S-level secret skills mastered in cross-country.

  However, if you want to cast an A-level ninjutsu like Water Release and Great Explosion Water Rush, in addition to requiring a certain level of Water Release attainment, chakra is an important issue that limits the user!

For example, Kisame Kisaki in the original plot has a chakra capacity comparable to that of a tailed beast. On the other hand, he controls the Great Sword Shark Muscle and can cast Water Release and Big Explosion Water Rush multiple times. Very relaxing thing.

 But what if we were an ordinary ninja?

  You must work together to use this A-level water escape ninjutsu!

  How else should I just sit there and wait to die after casting such an A-level water escape ninjutsu?

So, when Cross Country discovered that the surroundings of the "masked man" were filled with water-type chakra with extremely changing properties, although Cross Country still suspected that the identity of the "masked man" was Uchiha Obito.

 But the facts are in front of us. Even when going off-road, we have to admit that the "masked man" in front of us is really not Uchiha Obito.

 If you want to ask why, it’s actually very simple.

 Uchiha Obito is a member of the Uchiha clan, and the attribute of chakra is basically fire.

Even if Uchiha Obito can disguise his chakra attributes with Madara's help, he can't use water escape ninjutsu to "slip" like that, right?

What's more, with the use of an A-level ninjutsu such as Water Release and Big Explosion Water Rush, one can immediately tell that the identity of the "masked man" is a master of Water Release Ninjutsu.

In this way, the "masked man" is definitely not Uchiha Obito whose chakra attribute is fire, but a mysterious strong man whose chakra attribute is water!

Coupled with the identity of the "mask man" mentioned by Uchiha Shisui, Cross Country really has to believe that the "mask man" with a different breath in front of him is the so-called "Mizukage".

 However, when the "Mask Man" casts Water Release and Big Explosive Water Wave, there is really no need to worry about off-roading so much.

Because, at the moment when the "masked man" finished casting the ninjutsu, unlike Kisame Kisame, who spurted water like a lake from his mouth and left, the "masked man" just waved his hand, and the water source that described the lake was Heading directly towards the cross-country direction!

 “Shadow Shield!”



Faced with huge waves that were as big as a lake, what was more fortunate for Cross Country was that his Yin Escape brand was condensed!

With just one thought, Cross Country mobilized the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand and directly cast the secret technique of Shadow Escape.

 Shadow Shield!

However, the Shadow Shield used for off-roading at this time is obviously different from the Shadow Shield used in the past.

 Otherwise, wouldn't it be better to use the Shadow Armor directly? Wouldn't that be better able to defend against the huge waves ahead?

 Suddenly, Cross Country called back his own shadow from Kakashi, forming a shadow shield defense directly in front of him. Moreover, under the control of off-road, the Shadow Shield was more than 20 meters high and 30 meters wide as soon as it was condensed. It looked like a giant portal instead of an ordinary shield. .

There is no doubt that this is the new change of Cross-Country Shadow Shield, called Rashomon!

With the help of the Shadow Shield's casting method, the Shadow Shield's coverage defense and defense strength are increased, forming a comprehensive defensive Rashomon. This is the new secret technique of Shadow Escape that has been sublimated from the "no move" realm in cross-country!

As for the purpose of cross-country research on the Rashomon changes in Shadow Shield, it is also obvious.

 The tailed beast's unique move is, isn't it the legendary tailed beast cannon?

  Off-road research on the Rashomon changes of the Shadow Shield in order to defend against the tailed beast's tailed beast cannon!

However, just when Cross Country used the Rashomon transformation of the Shadow Shield for the first time to forcefully defend against the huge waves controlled by the "masked man" in front of him, Cross Country's eyes suddenly became a little gloomy.

“Sigh, I can barely defend against an A-level water escape ninjutsu, but it must be impossible to defend against the Kyuubi’s Tailed Beast Cannon.”

“The Shadow Shield is the Shadow Shield after all, not the Rashomon that Orochimaru and the first Hokage can use in the original plot.”

“However, even if the strength of the Shadow Shield is really comparable to Rashomon, so what?”

  "Didn't Orochimaru's triple Rashomon be directly destroyed by the berserk Naruto in the original plot?"

“It seems that if you want to deal with the tailed beast, you need to think about the new changes in the secret technique of shadow escape.”


 “I don’t have to compete with that “mask man” anymore!”

Huttering to himself, Cross Country directly evacuated the Rashomon transformation of the Shadow Shield without consuming too much of his own mental energy.

When Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi next to them saw this, they thought they were off-road and couldn't defend themselves. They looked at each other and jumped into the air, avoiding the attack of the "masked man".

 But cross-country may be like Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi thought, there is no way to defend it?


 Off-roading just feels like there’s no need to expend so much mental energy!

 Shadow Shield’s new Rashomon changes, the defense range is very wide, and it consumes a lot of mental energy!

 So, in order to save some mental energy, Cross Country took back the new Rashomon changes of Shadow Shield. Immediately, off-road simply used a latent shadow technique and hid directly in his own shadow. Didn't he easily avoid the impact of the "masked man"'s water escape ninjutsu?

It is a pity that Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi do not know the effect of the latent shadow technique that Cross Country has mastered.

As a result, as soon as Cross Country sneaked into his own shadow and avoided the impact of the "masked man"'s water escape ninjutsu, Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi locked their eyes directly on it, transforming the surrounding environment into On the body of the "masked man" who fell into a lake.

Obviously, they all thought that Cross Country was injured by the water escape impact of the "masked man".

 In the case of anger, a person can often show stronger strength.

Especially Uchiha Shisui and Kakashi worked together and skillfully stepped on the water, forcing the "masked man" to take a few steps back.

 As for off-roading?

Observing the battle situation above from the shadow under the water, when he saw Uchiha Shisui, Kakashi forced the "masked man" to retreat continuously, and quickly seized an opportunity!

 The next second, use the Wind Blink!


After releasing the secret technique of latent shadow, he suddenly appeared in front of the "masked man" with a "swish" sound, and then directly punched out with a punch!


Without any deviation, the off-road punch instantly hit the "masked man" on the chest, and immediately knocked the "masked man" away.

But when he saw the figure of the "masked man" flying backwards and falling into the water without a trace with a "plop", with his face hidden under the ANBU, he didn't feel the slightest joy of defeating the "masked man". On the contrary, he felt He frowned slightly and thought to himself:

 “Does that guy have good chest muscles?”

 “Why...why is it soft?”

 “Could it be that…”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country suddenly looked stern!

 Because, relying on personal identification, a new possibility suddenly appeared in Cross Country's mind!

 “That “mask man”, could it be that...”

 “It can’t be her, right?”

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