Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 332: Angry Kyuubi


A person's life is full of variables. As a traveler, cross-country cannot predict his own life or the lives of others.

Just like the blue bird, the mist ninja did not die in the hands of the "mask man" in the cross-country in the end. The cross-country could not judge his new life. It actually started from his escape from the hands of the "mask man".

 Before falling into coma, Mist Ninja Blue Bird murmured his new name, as if he understood the meaning of life, and fell asleep in front of the mysterious girl.

 The girl with a bright smile on her lips is also the Mist Ninja Blue Bird who has not given up on her new life.

 Carrying the Mist Ninja Blue Bird on her back, the girl walked forward with difficulty, planning for the future.

One day, the mysterious girl will reappear in front of the cross-country with the reborn Kiri Ninja Ao.

However, when she reappeared in front of Cross Country, the mysterious girl was no longer an unknown existence in the ninja world, and the newly born Mist Ninja Ao was no longer the target that Cross Country must kill!

 That’s right.

Fans who know the plot of the original novel must have guessed the true identities of the mysterious girl and the mist ninja Blue Bird.

The new Kirin Ninja Blue Bird, who was renamed Kiri Ninja Ao, is the only Kirin Ninja Jonin who controls the Byakugan in the original plot, and is the guard loyal to the Fifth Mizukage!

 As for the identity of the mysterious girl, do I need to say more?

 This mysterious girl is the future Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei!

The terrifying existence in the Mist Ninja Village that overturned the fourth generation Mizukage's rule!

If Cross Country had not left, and Mizukage Terumi Mei, who knew the future, had actually rescued Kiri Ninja Ao, the only Kiri Ninja with a white eye in the original plot, by chance, I think Cross Country would have lamented the wonder of fate!

Even before that, Cross Country was unpredictable, and his time travel actually changed the history of the original plot.

  However, history is still on the trajectory of the original plot.

The person who is loyal to the Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei is still the Ao with the white eyes, isn't it?

At this moment, when the future Fifth Mizukage rescued Ao and was struggling to return to a mysterious Mist Ninja camp, the cross country who returned to Uzumaki Kushina's hiding place had already begun to observe the situation inside his body.

 “Huh? My injury...”

 “It doesn’t seem to be as serious as I thought?”

“And the secret in my body has actually increased from 60% to 61%?”

 “Am I dazzled?”

 I thought to myself secretly, the mood of off-roading is very complicated.

 Then, according to Matt Dai’s instructions, he once again used his spiritual energy to observe the secrets of his human body.

 Soon Cross Country discovered that he was right!

 The secrets in his body have indeed increased from 60% to 61%!

 What does that 1% improvement mean?

 It shows that there is no need for Cross Country to consolidate the foundation of his human body secrets. He has finally been able to practice the Eight Gate Dunjia that he has been looking forward to for a long time!

Originally, Cross Country thought that he wanted to continue the practice of Eight Gate Dunjia, either after consolidating the previous foundation, or after developing the secret technique of wind escape activated cells.

Who would have thought that one use of sharp gun flow would directly solidify the foundation for cross-country.

The restrictions on practicing Eight Gate Dunjia suddenly disappeared due to the use of sharp spear style.

 So, although the body is still injured from the cross-country journey and needs a period of healing, how can those injuries be compared with the joy of being able to practice Eight Door Dunjia?

 In just a short moment, off-roading can be said to be full of thoughts.

After thinking silently for a long time, Cross Country came to a conclusion, that is, his new secret technique of Swift Wind Flow, Sharp Spear Flow, if it can be controlled without any backlash, is indeed a secret technique that can activate human cells!

 “That’s right!”

“The Sharp Spear Flow must be able to activate human cells, otherwise how could it help me consolidate the foundation for the rapid advancement of the human body’s secrets?”

"That is to say, from now on, even if I don't carry out the overloading training of Matt Dai, as long as I can perfectly control the use of sharp spear style, then I will use the method that can activate human cells to practice Eight Gate Dunjia !”

“However, using the Sharp Spear Style this time was a blessing in disguise, but it may not have the same effect next time!”

“After all, the sharp spear style I have mastered now is still a terrifying secret technique that can hurt both people and myself!”

Thinking about the damage characteristics of the sharp gun style, the corners of Xue Yu's mouth twitched a few times, and he immediately called the medical ninja next to him to treat his injuries.

 As for the sharp gun flow.

 At this stage, although off-roading cannot be mastered perfectly, it cannot be used to activate human cells.

 But the first success of the Sharp Gun Flow gave Cross Country great confidence. He believed that as long as he devoted himself to research and development and improved his strength, he could always perfectly master the Sharp Gun Flow and use it to activate his own cells.

What's more, the first success of the Sharp Spear Style basically laid the foundation for the cross-country practice of Eight Gate Dunjia?

In the future, if you can master the Eight Gate Dunjia, you must thank the mysterious "masked man" for cross-country.

Then, with the help of medical ninjas, the injuries on Cross Country were stabilized, but he was unable to use his full strength in the past few days.

  Such a result seems to be a relatively good result in cross-country.

Immediately afterwards, the injuries on his body became stable. He looked left and right without seeing Kakashi, so he looked at Sarutobi Lake Biwa next to him and asked: "Master Biwa, where is Kakashi?"

“Kakashi’s injury is very serious. I’m afraid he will have to lie in the hospital for a while.”

Sarutobi Biwako answered the question about Cross Country, and then asked: "Xiao Cross, are you in trouble? Who are they?"

 “It’s the Mist Ninja!”

Hiding some of the facts, Cross Country answered directly: "The Mist ninja peeked into the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan. A mysterious "masked man" led the Mist ninja and secretly took away the Byakugan of some members of the Hyuga clan and prepared to evacuate. . Fortunately, the Uchiha clan showed up in time and stopped the Mist Ninja’s plan.”

“I think the Uchiha clan members must have gone back now, right?”

"After all, the mysterious "masked man" has retreated, and all the fog ninjas under her are dead, so there is no point in the Uchiha clan staying there."

 Speaking, Shisui thought of Uchiha Shisui again, and asked curiously: "Master Biwako, isn't Shisui here?"

"Shisui went back after sending the message. He was probably afraid that Mr. Fugaku would think too much!"

A faint sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. It was clear that Sarutobi Biwako had anticipated what kind of plans Uchiha Fugaku had.

Then, in front of Sarutobi Lake Biwa, Cross Country will mention something about the Uchiha clan.

 In other words, the Uchiha clan was involved in Shimura Danzo's plan. Off-road felt that it was necessary to remind Sarutobi Lake Biwa that the ninjas of the Uchiha clan must not be credulous.

But just when Off-Road was about to give the reminder, suddenly a hot breath followed the direction of Uzumaki Kushina and instantly filled the room where Off-Road, Sarutobi Biwako and others were.

 What kind of terrifying chakra fluctuation is that?

 What kind of violent breath is it?

 The hot atmosphere has just enveloped the cross-country, which almost makes the cross-country feel like using the sharp gun flow again, and there is no way to control the power of the sharp gun flow!

 There is no doubt that it is the aura of Kyuubi!

  It may be that Uzumaki Kushina is too weak, or it may be that Uzumaki Kushina "can't bear it" anymore!

 Finding a good opportunity to escape, the Nine-Tails in Kushina Uzumaki's body seized the opportunity and was obviously preparing to escape.

 Fortunately, Sarutobi Lake Biwa is not a vegetarian.

Therefore, just when the aura of the Kyuubi had just spread out, making the entire body of the off-roader feel uncomfortable, Sarutobi Biwako formed a seal with his hands, and immediately a stream of blue chakra stretched out, suppressing it instantly Stop that violent aura!

 “Nine tails…”

 “Go back!”

 Very rare, Sarutobi Biwako shouted loudly.

 After that loud shout, Jiuwei's breath disappeared into the room.

 However, when recalling the violent, manic, and terrifying aura of Kyuubi, even though Kyuubi's aura was suppressed by Sarutobi Lake Biwa, there was still a feeling of lingering fear in Cross Country's heart.

Especially when he looked at Uzumaki Kushina, a strange look gradually appeared in his eyes, which was called admiration!

Thinking that Uzumaki Kushina could suppress the terrifying and violent Nine-Tails, Jiujiao sighed silently and thought to himself:

 “Kushina-sama is so amazing!”

“It seems that becoming the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails is not as simple as it seems!”

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