Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 333: Rebellion is coming

 Understanding the plot of the original work, I know that being a Jinchuriki is not that easy.

Just like the Jinchuuriki of Suna Ninja Village in the original plot, he is also the Kazekage Gaara of the future!

  Very reluctantly, I became the jinchūriki of the One-Tailed Shukaku. Gaara in the original plot could be said to compete with the One-Tailed Shukaku day and night. Even because of the confrontation with Ichibi Shukaku, Gaara couldn't sleep well. The dark circles under his eyes that looked very handsome as a Naruto fan were probably the result of how many days and nights Ichibi Shukaku tortured Gaara.

So, as a Jinchūriki of the One-Tailed Shukaku, Gaara has to endure so much torture, let alone the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails?

 There is no division of strength among tailed beasts, but it is an indisputable fact that nine tails are stronger than one tail, right?

 After all, it is said in the original plot that the Nine-Tails is the strongest tailed beast, isn't it?

 So, although Uzumaki Naruto in the original plot, with the help of the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina, he did not suffer much torture from the Nine-Tails. However, Uzumaki Kushina, who is now the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails, is not as lucky as her son Uzumaki Naruto, and is obviously going to fight against the Nine-Tails.

Especially during pregnancy, it is impossible to suppress the Nine-Tails with all its power. The pain of Uzumaki Kushina during pregnancy is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

 From here, we can see how much Uzumaki Kushina loves the Fourth Hokage.

 Similarly, it is also obvious how much Uzumaki Kushina loves Uzumaki Naruto.

Before, Cross Country suddenly felt the terrifying power of Kyuubi from Uzumaki Kushina's body. At this time, the breath of Nine Tails disappeared under the suppression of Sarutobi Lake Biwa. Cross Country had a shuddering feeling, and naturally looked towards Uzumaki Kushina's eyes became different.

 For a time, Kushina Uzumaki felt really great off-road.


 Furthermore, being able to compete with Kyuubi all the time, Cross Country also admires Kushina Uzumaki's strength.

 At least in cross-country, if he had to suppress the Kyuubi when he was a child and live under the haze of the Kyuubi all his life, he would not be able to do it.

But just when Cross Country was secretly thinking about whether Uzumaki Kushina might have the strength of a shadow-level powerhouse before she was pregnant, Uzumaki Kushina's whisper suddenly reached the ears of Cross Country and Sarutobi Biwako. .

 “Kushina, are you awake?”

Finding that Uzumaki Kushina was tending to wake up, Sarutobi Biwako asked with concern.

 When she just woke up, Uzumaki Kushina was obviously a little confused.

After being silent for a long time, Uzumaki Kushina recalled Sarutobi Biwako's words, nodded slightly and said: "Biwako-sama, I'm fine. Just now the breath of the Nine-Tails leaked, thanks to Biwako-sama you took action, otherwise Kyuubi will probably hurt mine and Minato's child, thank you very much."

“There’s no need to thank me, it’s all what I should do.”

  Smiled, Sarutobi Biwako held Uzumaki Kushina's hand tightly, hoping to give Uzumaki Kushina some comfort.

 But just when Sarutobi Lake Biwa was thinking about comforting Uzumaki Kushina, how could she imagine that Uzumaki Kushina's attention was always on cross-country?

“Off-road, do you have the secret of spiritual communication?”

 “Use it!”


  Without contact with Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Kushina was able to talk to herself through spiritual communication. Off-road was obviously very surprised.

However, since Uzumaki Kushina has something to say to herself, there is no need to hesitate in going off-road.

The spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand was outputted surgingly, and the black shadow at the foot of the off-road was quickly connected with the shadow of Uzumaki Kushina.

Sarutobi Biwako saw this and didn't say much. After all, it was a matter of cross-country and Uzumaki Kushina.

When Cross Country used the Shadow Communication Technique to successfully connect to Uzumaki Kushina, the weak Uzumaki Kushina slowly said: "Cross Country, the aura on your body is very unstable. Did you just fight?"

“Well, that’s right. You are still injured. I didn’t notice it before. I guess I was too weak.”

“So off-road, can you tell me your analysis? I want to hear it!”

“Kushina-sama, just close your eyes and rest, and I’ll tell you.”

Looking at Uzumaki Kushina slowly closing her eyes, a smile appeared on her face.

Cross Country took a deep breath and said to Uzumaki Kushina without reservation: "Kushina-san, the situation in the village is very complicated. According to my judgment, there is Danzo in the village alone, and the Uchiha clan is there. Trouble. For example, the rebellion of the Hyuga clan is likely to be related to Danzo and the Uchiha clan. "

“However, compared to the Uchiha clan, Danzo is more hateful!”

 “Kushina-sama, that guy Danzo is actually conspiring with the Kiri ninja!”

“Furthermore, based on my experience in the Land of Rain, that guy Uchiha Madara is very likely alive and may be hiding in the Mist Ninja Village. Can you imagine what the result will be?”

 In spiritual communication, when Cross Country communicated with Uzumaki Kushina, Cross Country could hardly suppress his emotions.

  On the contrary, Uzumaki Kushina, listening to the cross-country story, still looked that dull.

Even the news that Madara was still alive did not surprise Uzumaki Kushina in the slightest. It was indeed beyond the wild imagination.

However, Cross Country soon became relieved, why Uzumaki Kushina still remained calm even though she knew about Madara.

Before that, didn’t Cross Country have a detailed discussion with the Fourth Hokage?

Since the Fourth Hokage knew that Madara might be alive, how could Uzumaki Kushina not know?

 So, after explaining his understanding of the situation to Uzumaki Kushina, Cross Country wanted to hear what Uzumaki Kushina's analysis was.

After sighing softly, Kushina Uzumaki's voice really echoed in Cross Country's mind, saying: "Kushina Uzumaki, you are always thinking about Minato. It's really good."

 “I’m very happy that Minato saw the right person.”

“But what makes me even more gratified is that you can master so much information on your own. It’s really amazing.”

"But when you go off-road, you have to remember that whether it's Danzo or the Uchiha clan, they are all ninjas of our Konoha village. Since they are one of our own, you don't have to worry too much. They can't do anything too outrageous. On the contrary. It's Mist Ninja Village, we must be careful, I just sensed an unusual aura, I'm afraid..."

 “I’m afraid he’s from the Mist Ninja Village!”

 Speaking, Uzumaki Kushina was silent for a few seconds.

   When Uzumaki Kushina was silent, she wanted to ask what the aura coming from the Mist Ninja Village was.

Who would have thought that just when Off-Road was about to ask a question, Uzumaki Kushina, who had been silent for a few seconds, actually asked a question.

  It was the same question that made Cross Country forget about his own problem for a moment, and turned to look at Uzumaki Kushina with surprised eyes!

“Cross-country, is your spiritual talent a talent for absorbing other people’s spiritual energy?”


As soon as Uzumaki Kushina finished speaking, Cross Country was naturally shocked!

 Spiritual talent, that is the secret of spiritual energy practitioners!

 Uzumaki Kushina can see through the mental talent of cross-country at a glance. What a terrifying achievement is that?

Even though Uzumaki Kushina also awakened her spiritual talent during the off-road experience, is it a bit scary for Uzumaki Kushina to be able to instantly know the spiritual talent of off-roading?

 However, noticing the surprise in the off-road mood, Uzumaki Kushina just smiled.

 Soon, Uzumaki Kushina began to explain to Cross Country how she knew the spiritual talent of Cross Country.

“Idiot off-road, I have handed over my inheritance to you. Is it possible that I don’t understand what is going on in your Yin Escape brand?”

“That mixed spiritual energy is definitely not yours that can condense the Yin Escape brand, it is naturally someone else’s!”

“The fact that the Yin Escape Brand can have other people’s spiritual energy is definitely not the special ability of the Yin Escape Brand, but your own ability.”

“But off-road, your mental talent seems to be very strong, but if you use it too much, it will have many flaws.”

“After I passed on the inheritance to you, I actually wanted to talk about this issue. Unfortunately, I am too weak. Now let’s talk about how to solve the shortcomings of your spiritual talent!”

Listening to Uzumaki Kushina's words, Off-Road nodded vigorously.

 His own mental talent has flaws. Off-roaders naturally understand it, but they just don’t take it seriously.

 After all, when going off-road, the mental energy absorbed should be consumed or expelled.

  Until now, Uzumaki Kushina said, Cross Country has realized that the shortcomings of his mental talent may not be as simple as imagined.

Furthermore, he felt that since Uzumaki Kushina said it, there must be a solution, and then he guarded beside Uzumaki Kushina with peace of mind, preparing to find out what the solution was.

But just when Uzumaki Kushina was in spiritual communication and had just explained the problem of his spiritual talent defects to Cross Country, who would have thought that something abnormal happened again!

That's a signal flare fired by the dark department outside!

 It is also a signal that someone is coming to attack!

Discovering the signal from outside and preparing to go off-road to solve the problem of his own mental talent, his eyes were filled with angry flames!

 Wouldn’t it be better to come earlier?

 In other words, wouldn’t it be better to come later?

He happened to come when Kushina Uzumaki was giving instructions to Off-Road. He was unable to control his murderous intent in his anger, and even immediately locked onto those guys who came to cause trouble, preparing to go and deal with them.

However, when Cross Country used spiritual energy to sense the enemy's aura and suddenly discovered that there was an acquaintance among the enemies, Cross Country's eyes that were originally filled with murderous intent suddenly became calm!

  "Huh? That guy actually turned into a traitor?"

 “That’s interesting!”

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