Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 334: Totally crushing

Suddenly, I noticed a signal flare outside, and my off-road mental energy sensed a familiar scent.

Who is that familiar scent?

 The answer is Black Hoe Thunder Fang!

 The Black Hoe Thunder Fang among the seven Mist Ninjas!

However, when Cross Country originally thought that the Mist Ninja led by Black Hoe Raiga were attacking and played an important role in Madara's plan, his mental energy further increased, and suddenly he discovered that Black Hoe Raiga's ninja forehead protector had something on it. With a scratch, Cross Country's eyes, originally filled with murderous intent, turned into calm in an instant.

 Understanding the plot of the original work, even if Cross Country has never seen the traitorous ninja, he still knows very well what the scratch on the ninja's forehead means.

In the "Akatsuki" organization in the original plot, aren't most of its members rebellious ninjas from other ninja villages?

Isn't there a scratch carved on their ninja forehead protectors like a black **** thunder tooth?

 That’s right!

That scratch represents that the ninja has abandoned his faith and become a traitor.

Finding out that among the seven former Mist ninjas, Black Hoe Raiga, the holder of the Thunder Saber Fang, actually transformed into a rebellious ninja, Cross Country’s immediate feeling was that Black Hoe Raiga was definitely not the ninja sent by Madara.

 Use the method of sensing spiritual energy to sense the ninjas led by Black Hoe Lei Ya.


Off-road really discovered that most of the ninjas under Black Hoe Leiya were wandering ninjas.

In this way, based on off-road judgment, the real purpose of Black Hoe Raiya going to Konoha Village is probably for something important. Otherwise, there is no need for Black Hoe Raiga, a rebellious ninja, to go to Konoha Village and take a trip into the muddy waters inside Konoha Village. There is no need to go to Konoha Village and lead many wandering ninjas to die.

 At this point of analysis, Cross Country feels that Black Hoe Leiya’s purpose of going to Konoha Village is unnecessary, and there is no need to continue analyzing it.

 In the eyes of off-roaders anyway, Black Hoe Lei Ya is a dead man, isn't he?

Then, he hurriedly said goodbye to Uzumaki Kushina. Cross Country knew that the ANBU outside could easily deal with the wandering ninjas led by Black Hoe Raiga, but could not easily deal with Black Hoe Raiga, so he took the initiative to ask Ying to eradicate Black Hoe. That scourge of Thunder Fang.

Even if Uzumaki Kushina wants to give some advice on some issues related to spiritual talent, there is no need to rush.

What's more, off-road's invitation to fight can ensure the safety of most of the Anbu sent by the Third Hokage. Uzumaki Kushina didn't even have time to think, and directly ordered off-road in mental communication:

“Off-road, only one of those guys outside can cause you some trouble, so use your mental talent more, that way…”

“Questions that will help you understand your own spiritual gifts, you know?”

 “I got it, Kushina-sama!”

Smiled at Uzumaki Kushina, and immediately disappeared in front of Uzumaki Kushina with a "swish" sound.

Looking at the direction where the cross-country disappeared, Uzumaki Kushina was obviously stunned.

Especially in the memories, when looking for the shadow of the cross-country past, the sound of Sarutobi Lake Biwa slowly came, which gave Uzumaki Kushina some inexplicable feelings.

"Nara Yuki, he is only five years old. If I remember correctly, he is Minato's disciple, right?"

"You can have this strength at a young age, Kushina. Minato's disciples are very good, no worse than Orochimaru and the others!"

 “Yeah! Off-road is really great!”

  I know that the three famous ninjas in the ninja world are the disciples of the Third Hokage.

 So, when she heard Sarutobi mentioned Orochimaru in Lake Biwa, Uzumaki Kushina smiled and nodded, and immediately her eyes returned to the location where she disappeared off-road.

  Thinking about the off-road vehicle that I can “play” with myself at home.

 Thinking about being an "undercover" off-roader for the Fourth Hokage and going to Shimura Danzo's place.

  While thinking about it, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Uzumaki Kushina's mouth, and then when her palm touched her lower abdomen, the smile couldn't help but become a little stronger.

“My child, even as a mother, I may not be able to watch you grow up...”

"But as long as your father is here and your father's outstanding disciples are here, you will definitely not encounter any troubles while growing up."

“Don’t tell anyone else, just tell me that your cross-country brother will definitely take good care of you!”

Huttered to herself, Uzumaki Kushina still wanted to give advice on the cross-country, so she took advantage of the moment when she was going to fight in the cross-country to close her eyes and take a rest.

As for off-roading, he naturally didn't know. Uzumaki Kushina murmured words like her last words in her heart.

Using the Wind Blink, Cross Country instantly disappeared beside Uzumaki Kushina, and then came to the battlefield outside.

Speaking of the Anbu who came to protect Uzumaki Kushina from the Third Hokage, if they were to confront the real elite Mist ninjas, they might not be able to successfully suppress them. However, when it comes to fighting the wandering ninjas under Black Hoe Raiga, the ANBU sent by the Third Hokage are really a bit "elite".

 It is very troublesome to recruit elite ninjas.

On the contrary, like Black Hoe Thunder Fang, they only gather some wandering ninjas, and the wandering ninjas gathered in just a few days can form a ninja army.

At this time, under the leadership of Black Hoe Raiga, more than thirty wandering ninjas sneaked into Konoha Village. If other ninja villages knew about it, Konoha Village would probably become a joke.

However, when heading to the battlefield, Cross Country knew that Konoha Village could not become a joke.

 Because both the Black Hoe Thunder Fang and those wandering ninjas will be buried in Konoha Village today!

Then, without hesitation, he used the secret technique of "acceleration". When most of the Anbu occupied Black Hoe Lei Ya's energy, he quickly went to the side of the three wandering ninjas!

These three wandering ninjas are the "elite" under Black Hoe Lei Ya!

  Three wandering ninjas were able to withstand an ANBU from Konoha Village. This is something worthy of showing off in the ninja world.

It's a pity that these three wandering ninjas were not given any chance to show off. The cross-country figure was like the **** of death, descending in front of these three wandering ninjas!

 “Brother, there is a kid!”

"Third brother, don't worry about the brat, and cooperate with the second brother to kill the guy in front of you! Damn it, Konoha's ANBU are really strong!"

 Seeing the cross-country coming, the three wandering ninjas who fought against Konoha ANBU did not take the cross-country seriously.

 Say yes, the off-road figure is too confusing.

 After all, ordinary wandering ninjas would never imagine that off-roaders are the strongest among them.

Therefore, when the three wandering ninjas did not pay any attention to the cross-country, the Anbu of Konoha Village who were fighting with the three wandering ninjas discovered that the cross-country was coming using the "acceleration" secret technique, and a confident smile appeared on the corners of their mouths. !

 “Off-road master, you are here!”

 “Well, go help others! I’ll take care of them!”


 Listening to Cross Country's words, the Konoha ANBU nodded vigorously, and then successfully escaped the pursuit of the three wandering ninjas with a feint.

 And the three wandering ninjas were obviously not fools.

Seeing that Cross Country can command the ANBU of Konoha Village with just one word, he naturally knows that Cross Country is a powerful enemy!

“Second brother, third brother, you confuse that kid from the front, I’ll sneak attack from behind!”


 In just a few seconds of communication, the eyes of the three wandering ninjas were full of solemnity, and they quickly formulated a plan for a cross-country confrontation.

 But what about off-roading?

Even after hearing the plan of the three wandering ninjas, Cross Country remained unmoved and continued to advance rapidly with the blessing of the "acceleration" secret technique, as if he had not seen the three wandering ninjas.

Looking at the three wandering ninjas, they found that Cross Country didn't pay attention to them, and a ferocious smile appeared on the corners of their mouths!

In the minds of the three wandering ninjas, as long as they can kill a ninja from the Leaf Village, the Black Hoe Thunder Fang can give them endless benefits!

 So, after the three wandering ninjas communicated with their eyes again and confirmed their plans, the three wandering ninjas were ready to burst out the chakra under their feet and kill the arrogant kid in front of them first.

 But just when the three wandering ninjas were about to burst out chakra, what did they discover?

Suddenly, when the three wandering ninjas were about to burst out their chakra, they discovered that the off-road figure had disappeared!

Moreover, the disappearance of off-road vehicles is not what scares the three wandering ninjas the most!

The thing that made the three wandering ninjas look frightened and suddenly regretted going to Konoha Village was the strange black shadow that wrapped around them after the cross-country disappeared!




 The indifferent voice reached the ears of the three wandering ninjas along the direction of the cross-country advance.

 There was no injury at all during the off-roading, and he didn’t even move his fingers!

 Hand of Shadow suddenly condensed into shape!

Under the continuous contraction of the Shadow Shield, the bodies of the three wandering ninjas were crushed into a mixture of flesh and blood, and they fell to the ground with a "plop" and "plop"!

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