Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 336: Disadvantages of talent

Who killed the person?

Who else could it be? It must be off-road!

 At the beginning of the battle, there is no need to say more about the three wandering ninjas who were the first to be dealt with off-road.

 When fighting the three wandering ninjas, Cross Country used the miraculous instant shadow escape technique of Yin Escape Brand.

 The hand of shadow was used, and the black shadow at the foot of the off-road instantly turned into a physical arm, tightly wrapped around the three wandering ninjas. Immediately, all he had to do was to gradually tighten the hand of the shadow. Under the entanglement of the hand of the shadow, the three wandering ninjas must have turned into a puddle of flesh, just like the sand waterfall used by Gaara in the original plot. Same.

On the contrary, it was later on when Cross Country's massacre under the astonished gazes of countless Konoha Anbu became somewhat interesting to Cross Country.

Because, when Cross Country went to the crowd of wandering ninjas and began to massacre those wandering ninjas in extremely weird ways, relying on his "no move" level of combat awareness, Cross Country suddenly mastered two new secret techniques of Shadow Escape. Variety!

 Among the two new changes, the first new change of Shadow Escape is for defense.

Like the two wandering ninjas who were fighting off-road, the reason why the shurikens they wanted to throw failed to fly smoothly in front of the off-road was because of the effect of the first new change of shadow escape used by the off-road!

In the original plot, if you want to ask who has the most handsome defense method, the answer for Cross Country must be Gaara!

As a Jinchūriki of the One-Tailed Shukaku, Gaara does not need to defend himself in most battles. The sand around him can withstand the attacks of most ninjas.

And the first new change of shadow escape in cross-country, the name is shadow control!

As the name suggests, off-roading uses the spiritual energy in one's Yin Escape brand to turn the shadows under your feet into entities as if using the hand of shadow, and control the shadows turned into entities for defense!

 When the shadow under your feet turns into reality, all it takes is a thought.


 The shadows under his feet can follow his will and change into various shapes at will, just like Gaara in the original plot for defense.

The wandering ninjas from around attacked me, and the cross-country trip seemed like a "walk", but in fact, I was always using my thoughts to control the changes of my shadow.

 The level of those wandering ninjas is really average.

 So, when Off-Road uses shadow control to defend, most of the attacks of those wandering ninjas are blocked in front of Off-Road's shadow. In this way, when the cross-country fights with those wandering ninjas, it seems that the "force" is naturally much higher. There is no need to personally defend at all, and it can defend against the counterattacks of those wandering ninjas again and again.

Let’s talk about the second change in the secret technique of cross-country shadow escape, which is the secret technique developed by cross-country and combined with one’s own spiritual talent for attack.

 For the time being, Off-Road has named the second new change of Shadow Escape style the Art of Beiming!

The "Beiming" in it simply means the "Beiming Divine Art"!

When using the technique of Beiming, Cross Country first used the shadow control technique to wrap the black shadow under his feet around the wandering ninja he wanted to kill. Immediately, the shadow wrapped around the wandering ninja he wanted to kill. Off-road only needed to exert the effect of his spiritual talent, and then there was a "swish" sound, directly using his spiritual talent to swallow up the spiritual energy of the wandering ninja!

 The spiritual energy has completely disappeared, and the wandering ninja who wants to be killed by off-road will naturally die.

 In the past, the ability to carry out such weird killings off-road relied on the combination of shadow control and Beiming's art!


 Don't look at the off-road shadow control technique, combined with Beiming's technique, the effect is very good. Killing wandering ninjas is just like playing, which is chic and handsome.

 But Cross Country himself knows that the combination of shadow control and Beiming's art is simply better for killing low-level ninjas. If you encounter a strong shadow-level person, the combination of cross-country shadow control and Beiming's technique will only hurt people unexpectedly, and it is impossible to have any unexpected effects.

However, the Shadow Control Technique and the Bei Ming Technique have just been developed, and Cross Country knows that there is still room for improvement in both.

Therefore, for the time being, I ignored the practicality of the Shadow Control Technique and the Beiming Technique, and used the Beiming Technique to swallow up the spiritual energy of many wandering ninjas. At this time, what Cross Country was thinking about more was what he had discovered in many practical applications. The Disadvantages of Mental Talent!

“Kushina-sama is right. Only by using your spiritual talent many times can you discover that the drawbacks of spiritual talent are true.”

"When we fought against the ninjas of the Hyuga clan before, they used spiritual energy to form a formation, so their spiritual energy was, to a certain extent, pure spiritual energy. Even if I used my spiritual talent to devour their spirit Energy, the disadvantage is simply that their spiritual energy is not pure enough.”

“However, when I used the art of Beiming to swallow the spiritual energy of these wandering ninjas, the shortcomings of my spiritual talent were revealed one by one!”

“To say the least, there are probably three shortcomings in my spiritual talent!”

Huttered secretly, Cross Country felt the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape brand, and couldn't help but raise a wry smile on the face hidden under the mask.

At this stage, cross-country has discovered that its spiritual talent has as many as three drawbacks.

 The first drawback is absorbing other people’s spiritual energy and being able to feel the impact of other people’s memories.

Just like when Cross Country absorbed the spiritual energy of those wandering ninjas before, almost immediately after absorbing the spiritual energy of those wandering ninjas, the memories of those wandering ninjas before their death echoed in Cross Country's mind.

Relying on his own strong spiritual energy attainments, Cross Country has indeed suppressed the memory impact of those wandering ninjas.

 However, as more mental energy is absorbed during cross-country travel, the memory impact of those wandering ninjas also becomes stronger and stronger.

Now, with his huge mental energy, Cross Country can only struggle to suppress the memory impact in the Yin Escape Brand. Fortunately, the memory shock can only last for a very short time. If Cross Country can survive the memory shock stage, the memory shock of those wandering ninjas will disappear within the Yin Escape brand of Cross Country.

However, even if the memory impact can disappear with the passage of time, cross-country still feels that this shortcoming of its own mental talent is very worth noting.

Just now, I had a cross-country confrontation with ordinary wandering ninjas, absorbing their spiritual energy, and almost defeated by the impact of the opponent's memory.

What if we were to compete with shadow-level warriors off-road?

The mental energy of a shadow-level expert is also strong, and the impact of memory cannot be easily suppressed by off-roaders.

So, relying on the first drawback of his own spiritual talent, Cross Country knows that his own spiritual talent cannot be used easily, especially against strong people who also cultivate spiritual energy.

 The second drawback is also a very serious one.

 Absorbing the spiritual energy of so many wandering ninjas, Cross Country discovered that the spiritual energy of each ninja is different.

It's like going off-road to absorb the spiritual energy of those Hyuga clan ninjas and not discovering the first drawback of his own spiritual talent.

When those Hyuga clan ninjas formed an alliance, their spiritual energy was already very pure. Not only did they not have memory impact, but they also did not show the characteristics of each person's spiritual energy. As a result, two people who had not discovered their spiritual talents in cross-country before Disadvantages.

 But when one by one absorbs the spiritual energy of the wandering ninjas in front of him, two drawbacks of cross-country spiritual talent appear.

The second disadvantage of cross-country spiritual talent is that the most direct result is that the spiritual energy in the cross-country Yin Escape brand becomes more and more mixed.

Especially since the spiritual energy of each wandering ninja is different, even if the mixed spiritual energy is stored in the Yin Escape brand of the off-road, the off-road cannot use it.

Since it cannot be used, let alone expel it or consume it.

 So, the second disadvantage of cross-country mental talent made the situation in his Yin Escape Brand very bad.

The mixed spiritual energy of countless wandering ninjas is stored in it, and Cross Country has not expelled it. The method of consuming this spiritual energy can be said to have a direct impact on Cross Country's Yin Escape Brand practice.

 Fortunately, Cross Country knows that Uzumaki Kushina has a solution, so there is no need to feel troublesome now.

As for the third disadvantage of cross-country’s own mental talent, it is easier to solve than the first two disadvantages.

 The third disadvantage of cross-country mental talent is that when cross-country absorbs other people’s mental energy, it also consumes one’s own mental energy.

However, using mental talent when traveling cross-country consumes very little mental energy, so it is not a problem, so there is no need to explain it in detail.

Immediately afterwards, he summarized the three shortcomings of his spiritual talent in his mind, solved the off-road problems of the wandering ninjas next to him, and was already in front of Black Hoe Lei Ya.

 Seeing the Black Hoe Thunder Ya again, I had a completely different feeling when I went off-road.

Especially when he sensed the strength of Black Hoe Leiya, Cross Country realized that he did not need to be as deeply afraid of Black Hoe Leiya as he did last time. The bitter smile on his face disappeared. Cross Country stared at Black Hoe Leiya's face, his eyes There was a flash of light in the middle!

“I have made rapid progress, and now I can crush the Black Hoe Thunder Fang!”

“Being proud of the pinnacle of the ninja world is no longer a dream for me!”

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