Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 337: Seize Thunder Knife

 Half-step is quasi-shadow level. It is said to be half-step, but in fact it is still in the palace of shadow level.

What's more, off-road itself has mastered the secret techniques of Shadow Escape, the secret technique of Swift Wind, and many secret techniques of Yin Escape Brand. With just a little accumulation, he can smoothly step into the quasi-shadow level from a half-step quasi-shadow level expert. among the rank ranks.

With such achievements, the APP you hold in your cross-country is the first contributor, and your own training efforts are the second contributor.

Thinking back to the beginning, it was difficult to master the secret techniques of the Nara clan. Only when dreaming could one dream of being at the top of the ninja world.

 No need now!

 Let’s just talk about Black Hoe Lei Ya in front of off-road, is he really weak?

 Definitely not weak!

Although off-roaders can underestimate the Black Hoe Thunder Fang in front of them, one thing is unquestionable, that is, the Black Hoe Thunder Fang is very strong. Especially with the Thunder Fang in hand, the Black Hoe Thunder Fang in front of Cross Country was fighting against a dozen Konoha Anbu alone. Not only did he not have the slightest intention of falling into a disadvantage, but he suppressed the Konoha in front of him fiercely. Where are the ANBU!

It can be seen from this that Black Hoe Raiga can lead a group of wandering ninjas to sneak into Konoha Village and reach the hiding place of Uzumaki Kushina. Black Hoe Raiga is also a leader in the ninja world.

  Unfortunately, the opponent Black Hoe Leiya has to face is off-road.

 Half-step quasi-film-level off-roading!

Hence, the result of Black Hoe Thunder Fang can be imagined. Not long after betraying the Mist Ninja Village, he would die miserably in a foreign country.

Then, after overpowering more than a dozen famous Konoha Anbu, Black Hoe Raiya quickly discovered the figure of Cross Country.

Even though we haven’t seen each other for a long time, the outbreak of Matt Dai left an indelible impact on Black Hoe Thunder Fang. Almost as soon as he discovered that Cross Country was walking in front of him, Black Hoe Lei Ya's eyes were locked on Cross Country. Immediately after taking control of Lei Dao Ya, Black Hoe Lei Ya's whole body lit up with dazzling lights. Thunder light.

 Just relying on the lightning that lights up next to you!

Nearly half of the Konoha ANBU next to Black Hoe Raiga were seriously injured in his hands!

“I just sneaked into Konoha and found the guy I wanted to kill!”

 “Little devil, we are so destined!”

"meet again!"

 “Yes! We meet again!”

  Listening to Black Hoe Lei Ya's words, Cross Country made a gesture to the surrounding Konoha Anbu.

The meaning is very obvious, which is to tell the surrounding Konoha ANBU to retreat and give himself a chance to challenge the Black Hoe Raiga alone.

 Off-roading is as prestigious in the hearts of these Konoha Anbu as Kakashi. If nothing else, let's just say that when the Mist Ninja Jonin were eliminated before the cross-country trip, these Konoha Anbu were watching it. Realizing that Cross Country wanted to challenge Black Hoe Raiga in a duel, these Konoha Anbu retreated in time, which actually reduced casualties.

However, five or six Konoha ANBU were injured in the hands of Black Hoe Raiga, and the power to protect Uzumaki Kushina must have weakened a bit.

 Fortunately, Cross Country has never placed its hope of protecting Kushina Uzumaki on these Konoha Anbu.

 Otherwise, looking at the appearance of these Konoha ANBU rookies, Cross Country would really even want to commit suicide.

 Then, in just a few seconds, all the Anbu of Konoha retreated, leaving only Cross Country and Black Hoe Raiya on the battlefield.

As for the wandering ninjas brought by Black Hoe Raiya, they basically either died tragically at the hands of off-roaders or at the hands of Konoha ANBU. Therefore, compared with the cross-country, the Black Hoe Thunder Fang is really weak. If there is trouble in the cross-country, there will be Konoha Anbu coming to support.

However, the arrogant Black Shoe Leiya had no intention of fighting alone. His expression was as if he was leading the Mizukage to fight, and he didn't even look at the off-road feeling.

 That’s right.

Last time, off-roading made Black Hoe Leiya suffer, mostly because of the existence of Matt Dai.

If not for Matt Dai's efforts to turn the tide, he might have died miserably in the hands of the seven mist ninjas in the cross-country.

Under such circumstances, Black Hoe Thunder Ya felt more like the cross-country was very lucky, and Matt Dai broke out the Eight Gate Dunjia to come to help. On the contrary, it was the strength of the cross-country itself that Black Hoe Leiya didn't pay attention to at all. Soon after the cross-country cleared the surrounding battlefield, you can tell by looking at Black Hoe Leiya's performance.

Almost at the moment when all the Anbu of Konoha retreated, the Black Hoe Thunder Fang raised a sneer, and raised the Thunder Fang in the direction of cross-country!

Still remember the last confrontation, it was the terrifying thunder escape of Black Hoe Lei Ya, which almost killed off-road.

This time I saw the Black Hoe Thunder Fang raising the Thunder Fang, how could I turn a blind eye to Cross Country!


 In an instant, Off-Road used the Wind Blink, and his figure disappeared directly in front of Black Hoe Lei Ya.

The only weakness of Black Hoe Thunder Fang may be that it takes time to perform the spell!

Mastering the Thunder Fang, the Black Hoe Thunder Fang must use the astonishingly powerful Thunder Release to maintain the strength of an elite Jonin.

If there is no Thunder Fang, the Black Hoe Thunder Fang is just an ordinary jounin at best. Otherwise, in the original plot, would he be able to severely torture Konoha's little heroes?

You know, the black **** Lei Ya in the original plot also has an assistant named Ranmaru!

However, the Black Hoe Raiga who controls the Thunder Saber Fang has the strength of an elite Jonin, but there are still weaknesses!

That is to use the Thunder Fang to cast the Thunder Escape Ninjutsu. It still requires time to save up. It’s just that when you master the Thunder Fang, the Black Hoe Thunder Fang can reduce the casting time to a certain extent!

 In summary, the weakness of Black Hoe Thunder Fang is its slow casting time!

 What about the advantages of off-roading?

 It's just that it's fast, which is equivalent to completely restraining the Black Hoe Thunder Fang!

  If in the past, the cross-country single-handedly challenged the Black Hoe Thunder Ya, and one could understand the weakness of the Black Hoe Thunder Ya, it would still be possible for the Cross Country to defeat the Black Hoe Thunder Ya!

This time's cross-country strength has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before, so does he still need to be afraid of the Black Hoe Thunder Fang?

 No need at all!

 So, when the Wind Instant was used, the off-road figure appeared directly in front of Black Hoe Lei Ya with a "swish" sound!

On the other hand, Black Hoe Lei Ya never expected that the cross-country speed would be so fast.

Furthermore, Black Hoe Leiya also never thought that he had the ability to kill him alone before going off-road.

Suddenly seeing Cross Country appearing in front of him, Black Hoe Lei Ya frowned slightly and prepared to retreat. Who would have thought that in the moment when Black Hoe Leiya just retreated, the black shadow under the cross-country foot actually solidified, turned into an arm and directly grabbed Black Hoe Leiya's legs, causing Black Hoe Leiya to lose its movement. possible!

 In one round of confrontation, Cross-Country completely gained the advantage!

With the strength to crush the Black Hoe Thunder Ya, there is no need to worry about accidents when going off-road!

 Hands of shadow transformed from the black shadow under his feet restricted the movement of Black Hoe Lei Ya.

With no way to move, a ray of blue light followed the direction of the cross-country and penetrated directly into the chest of Black Hoe Lei Ya!

 “Sharp spear with palm blade!”


 In just two rounds, Black Hoe Lei Ya was completely defeated!

 That was a terrifying achievement that even cross-country people had never thought of, and it was also a shocking result that left Black Hoe Lei Ya dumbfounded!

The palm-blade sharp spear penetrated deeply into Black Hoe Leiya's chest. After two rounds of off-roading, Black Hoe Leiya was basically killed instantly.

 However, just when Cross Country himself was in shock, why did Black Hoe Lei Ya suddenly become weak?


The Black Hoe Thunder Fang in front of the cross-country was suddenly shattered into dazzling lightning!

 It turns out that Cross Country's ability to instantly kill the Black Hoe Thunder Fang within two rounds was just an illusion!

 In fact, Black Hoe Lei Ya had used the Thunder Clone Technique early on. His real purpose was to use the explosion of the Thunder Clone to counterattack Cross Country!


Black Hoe Lei Ya’s plan was very good, but he underestimated the off-road defense!

The thunder clone suddenly exploded, and the dazzling thunder light rushed in the direction of the cross-country, which made the cross-country smile.

 The next second, only a "bang" sound was heard!

The black shadow under his feet turned into a semicircle. When Cross Country used the shadow control technique, he could easily defend against Black Hoe Lei Ya's counterattack. On the contrary, it is Black Hoe Leiya. His plan is to use the thunder clone to confuse Cross Country, so the Thunder Tooth is in the hands of Black Hoe Leiya's thunder clone, not in the hands of Black Hoe Leiya's body.

Therefore, when Cross Country used the shadow control technique to successfully prevent Black Hoe Leiya's thunder clone from exploding, the shadow hand transformed from the black shadow under Cross Country's feet successfully took away Black Hoe Leiya's thunder clone. Saber fangs!

 Three rounds of fighting, not only did Cross Country get no injuries, but he also captured the Thunder Tooth from the Black Hoe Thunder Tooth!

  Such a record is enough to prove the strength of cross-country.

Moreover, after capturing the Black Hoe Thunder Teeth, the Black Hoe Thunder Teeth that Cross Country will face is like a tiger with its teeth pulled out!

 “Even the Thunder Fangs can’t protect you…”

“Black Hoe Thunderfang, you are such a disappointment!”

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