Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 358: Fighting the Three-Tailed (Part 2)

 “Get out of here!”

 “Damn, it seems like it’s too late!”

Seeing the three-tailed Isodon under the control of the Fourth Mizukage preparing to fire the tailed beast cannon, the pupils in Cross Country's eyes narrowed slightly, and for the first time he gave orders to the surrounding Konoha ninjas. Unfortunately, the time left for the three-tailed Iso』 too much.

 When watching the plot of the original novel, it often takes a long time to cast the Tailed Beast Cannon, and people who do off-roading think that casting the Tailed Beast Cannon requires savings.

 But what about the facts?

 In almost the blink of an eye, under the control of the Fourth Mizukage, the three-tailed Isozu condensed the tailed beast's chakra in a perfect yin-yang ratio.

 A second ago, Cross Country had just seen the chakra of the three-tailed sandstorm begin to condense in front of his mouth.

 In the next second, the three-tailed Izodiac suddenly swallowed that huge amount of chakra, and soon a dazzling light lit up, and the tailed beast cannon was fired basically in an instant.

 For a moment, using the secret ninjutsu of the Fourth Hokage, it was difficult to get out of the attack range of the tailed beast cannon, let alone those ordinary Konoha ninjas?

 There is no doubt that if he had not seen the tragic situation in Konoha Village, Cross Country would not care about the life and death of those Konoha ninjas. After all, those Konoha ninjas have nothing to do with Cross Country. However, after watching the scene in Konoha Village that was like purgatory on earth, Cross Country felt that he had to do something, even if it was to reduce the breakup of some families and the birth of some orphans.

Perhaps the so-called greater ability comes with greater responsibility, which is the main reason for today’s hesitation in off-roading!

 But it only takes a moment, and the tailed beast cannon is about to be fired. What should I do?

He used the secret technique of Shadow Escape that had been prepared long ago, and used Rashomon, a new change of the Shadow Shield, to forcefully resist the tailed beast cannon that the three-tailed Izodiac was about to launch.

 Or use the method similar to the Fourth Hokage's method to divert the tailed beast cannon that the three-tailed Izodiac is about to launch?

 Obviously, in the second before the three-tailed rocker fired the tailed beast cannon, Cross Country clenched his fists and couldn't make a decision for a long time.

 However, time waits for no one.

At the moment when Cross Country was hesitant, the surrounding Konoha ninjas had just heard Cross Country's shout, and it was already too late to evacuate. Instead, it was the Fourth Mizukage controlled by Madara who noticed the hesitation in Yugoslavia's eyes, and then controlled the Fourth Mizukage to stamp his feet, and instantly ordered the three-tailed Izodiac to complete the firing of the Tailed Beast Cannon!

“Nara Cross Country, you are an important chess piece, I hope you...”

 “Make the best decision you can!”


As soon as the fourth Mizukage under the control of Madara finished his muttering words, the brilliant light of the tailed beast cannon followed the mouth of the three-tailed iso and was sprayed directly in front of the cross country.

 At that moment, it was undoubtedly the moment when off-roading needed to make a choice.

So what are the off-road options?

 The answer is that cross-country still hasn’t given up on those Konoha ninjas!

Faced with the terrifying power of the Tailed Beast Cannon, Cross Country resolutely consumed all the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand. In an instant, in front of the Three-Tailed Isobi, he constructed the secret of Shadow Escape Style that is comparable to SS-level ninjutsu. !

 “The secret of Shadow Escape!”

 “Shadow Shield·Threefold Rashomon!”




 That’s right, it’s triple Rashomon, not ordinary Rashomon!

In the blink of an eye, all the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand was consumed. The black shadow at the foot of the cross-country suddenly expanded and turned into three black shadows. With "swish", "swish" and "swish" The voice stood in front of the three-tailed Izodiac, or in other words, it stood in front of the tailed beast cannon!

 But off-roading is for humans, not gods.

 Even if you use the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand to cast an SS-level mystery-level shadow escape secret technique, the time to cast the technique is not required, but the time to complete the secret technique is still needed.

 So, when the Tailed Beast Cannon of the Three-Tailed Izodiac hit the first Rashomon, the two rear Rashomons were actually still condensing. If the first level of Rashomon had not been able to withstand the power of the tailed beast cannon, then Cross Country might have died tragically under the power of the tailed beast cannon along with the surrounding Konoha ninjas.

 Fortunately, the first level of Rashomon did withstand the power of the Tailed Beast Cannon.

 But unfortunately, the first level of Rashomon only resisted the Tailed Beast Cannon for just two seconds!


 With the scorching breath, the first level of Rashomon was completely shattered, and the second level and third level of Rashomon were established.

However, the first level of Rashomon, which has the strongest defense, can only withstand the terrifying power of the Tailed Beast Cannon for a few seconds. Then the second level and the third level of Rashomon can withstand for a few seconds. time?

  At most, it takes less than four seconds!

Soon, two seconds passed, and the second Rashomon was also shattered by the power of the tailed beast cannon, making people off-road feel the hot breath of the tailed beast cannon coming towards their faces.

At that time, it was very clear to Cross Country that if he didn't escape, he would really have no time to escape.

Therefore, with the third layer of Rashomon defense remaining and two seconds left to escape, Cross Country took a deep breath and soon remembered all the expressions of the Konoha ninjas around him, his eyes were very He thought dimly:

"Sorry, it's not that I don't want to protect you..."

 “It’s’s really that I don’t have that ability anymore!”

Clenched his teeth and thought to himself.

After having this thought in my mind, I really prepared to use the Wind Shuttle without any hesitation when going off-road.

 But just a second before using the Wind Blink off-road, an accident happened!

Off-road, even the Fourth Mizukage controlled by Madara didn’t expect that the three-tailed Isozu would suddenly increase the power of the tailed beast cannon!


The Tailed Beast Cannon suddenly increased in power, almost completely ignoring the power of the third Rashomon.

Without even a second of resistance, the third level of Rashomon was directly shattered there. Immediately, the hot breath of the tailed beast cannon enveloped the cross country and all the Konoha ninjas around it. There might not even be time to blink. Without using the Wind Shuttle, Cross Country would have died under the Tailed Beast Cannon along with the surrounding Konoha ninjas.

 The sudden change was obviously beyond the expectations of off-road.

 Even when the Tailed Beast Cannon attacked, the off-road person who was about to use the Wind Shuttle Body was stunned, so that the off-road person's head before death could be said to have stopped functioning!

However, since accidents can happen on the Sanwei Island side, accidents can also happen on the off-road side.

Before the Tailed Beast Cannon was about to die, Cross Country's head was completely shut down, and he had absolutely no consciousness before his death. But just when the burning sensation on his body finally made him come back to his senses, a golden figure suddenly appeared in his wide eyes and disappeared in his sight.

Immediately, the tailed beast cannon, which was filled with scorching aura, suddenly disappeared there!

 “What happened just now?”

“The Tailed Beast Cannon…the Tailed Beast Cannon has actually disappeared?”

  His head resumed functioning, and the stunned Cross Country swallowed a mouthful of saliva, completely unaware that he was only one second away from death.

It wasn’t until on the other side that the power of the Tailed Beast Cannon fully exploded, flattening a hill in an instant and making a “boom” and “boom” sound, that Cross Country suddenly realized what it was like.

 It turned out that the people who saved him, as well as the Konoha ninjas around him, were the Hokage in the Konoha Village!

 The Fourth Hokage!

Sure enough, when Cross Country knew that the person who saved him was the Fourth Hokage, there was another "whoosh" sound.

 The familiar royal robe and the familiar blond hair appeared in front of Cross Country again, making the figure in front of him quickly coincide with the reliable figure in his memory.

On the contrary, the Fourth Hokage, who appeared next to Cross Country, also looked at Cross Country with a strange look.

Especially when he thought about how Cross Country put his own life aside in order to save the ninjas of Konoha Village, and caressed Cross Country's hair, the Fourth Hokage wanted to praise Cross Country.

Who would have thought that just when the Fourth Hokage was about to speak, another sudden change occurred!

 The Tailed Beast Cannon of the Three-Tailed Izodiac was defused by the Fourth Hokage's Flying Thunder God Technique.

However, the fourth Mizukage standing proudly on the Three-Tailed Isola suddenly appeared directly next to the cross-country after the power of the tailed beast cannon was fully unleashed!

 "The Fourth Hokage, now..."

“It seems like it’s not the time to be stunned, right?”

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