Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 359: Spiritualism?

"Madara said that I am a useful person, so his first target is probably Minato-sensei, right?"

"not good!"

 “Master Ban’s first target is actually me!”

 “Wind’s instant body!”

I originally thought that Madara's first target was the Fourth Hokage, but who would have thought that when Madara knew that cross-country was still useful, the Fourth Mizukage controlled by Madara actually appeared next to the Fourth Hokage in the cross-country. , holding a coral stick and heading directly towards the cross-country direction!

If Cross Country hadn't been frightened by the Tailed Beast Cannon before, and hadn't consumed all the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand in order to use the Shadow Shield's triple Rashomon, perhaps Cross Country could still be wary of the fourth generation of water under Madara's control. Shadow, maybe the cross-country Wind Shun Shen can be used in time.

 But under the shock of the tailed beast cannon, both the off-roader and the Fourth Hokage were stunned.

Especially for Off-Road. In the previous confrontation with Sanwei Isoho, due to the pressure from Sanwei Isoho, Cross-country selectively ignored the fourth generation Mizukage under Madara's control.

Now the fourth generation of Mizukage is attacking directly. Even if Cross Country uses Wind Blink, the solid coral stick still falls on Cross Country's shoulder one second before Cross Country's blink!


The coral stick fell, and the coral stick in the Fourth Mizukage's hand actually penetrated Yuki's arm. What a horrific injury was that?

Even though the cross-country wind teleportation was completed, the coral stick in the hand of the Fourth Mizukage was not completely penetrated. But after using the Wind Shuttle, Cross Country moved to the side of an ordinary Konoha Chuunin with a "swish" sound. The Konoha Chuunin next to him just looked at the dark figure on Cross Country's shoulder. At the entrance of the hole, you will know how serious off-road injuries are.

 Then, without any hesitation, Cross Country used the acupuncture technique in front of many Konoha ninjas to avoid losing too much blood in the confrontation.

 The Fourth Hokage also realized his mistake.

Especially when his apprentice was injured in front of him, the eyes of the Fourth Hokage were filled with a rare coldness.

Without giving Madara a chance to control the Fourth Mizukage to escape, a dazzling blue light lit up in the hand of the Fourth Hokage. It was the Rasengan known as the "ball rolling" in the original plot!

 However, along with the sound of "bang"!

 The Rasengan hit the Fourth Mizukage in the hands of the Fourth Hokage, but unfortunately it did not cause any injuries to the Fourth Mizukage.

 It’s that coral stick!

The Fourth Mizukage under Madara's control surprisingly blocked the Fourth Hokage's Rasengan with a coral stick, causing the coral stick that penetrated the off-road arm to replace the Fourth Mizukage and completely withstand the power of the Rasengan.

Immediately, the coral stick was broken, but the cross-country was seriously injured. The fourth generation Mizukage still had that slightly sarcastic smile on his lips, and returned to the body of the three-tailed Iso, looking at the fourth generation Hokage in front of him from a distance, and said: " The Fourth Hokage, if you come alone, there is no way you can resist the advance of the Three-Tailed Iso."

"Just now, the Nara cross-country in your village did very well. It did block the progress of the three-tailed Izodiac when I underestimated the enemy. But the Nara cross-country is a Nara cross-country, and your Fourth Hokage is the Fourth Hokage. I have Is it possible to ignore the golden shine of Konoha, which is famous in the ninja world?"

“Also, how many times can you use the Second Hokage’s secret technique that you used before?”

 “This time, please move the tailed beast cannon again and show it to me!”

 “Boom! Boom!”

As soon as the fourth Mizukage under Madara's control finished speaking, the tailed beast cannon suddenly condensed into the mouth of the three-tailed Isodon again.

Black and red tailed beast chakra intertwined and emerged, and soon formed a sphere in front of the mouth of the three-tailed beast. Seeing that the three-tailed Izodiac was about to swallow the ball formed by the condensed tailed beast chakra and fire the tailed beast cannon again, the hands of the cross country could not stop trembling.

 Obviously, the terrifying power of the Tailed Beast Cannon had left a shadow on the minds of off-roaders.

 But the Fourth Hokage is different from off-road.

Looking at the three-tailed Izodiac condensing the tail beast cannon, the Fourth Hokage still looked calm.

Even the Fourth Mizukage who was heading off-road nearby was secretly curious about what the Fourth Hokage's trump card was. And just when the Tailed Beast Cannon was about to be fired again, the secret technique that the Fourth Hokage was preparing to use was finally revealed in front of the cross-country and the Fourth Mizukage.

At that moment, what was the secret technique used by the Fourth Hokage?

In the first second, the three-tailed Isotaku had just swallowed the ball formed by the tailed beast's chakra. The figure of the Fourth Hokage came to the side of the Fourth Mizukage with a "whoosh". It turned out that the Fourth Hokage had left the time and space coordinates in order to use the Flying Thunder God Technique for the second time and transfer it directly to the Fourth Mizukage, or the Three-Tailed Isoba.

 At the second second, just before the tailed beast cannon was about to be fired, the Fourth Hokage completed the seal.

At the third second, the three-tailed beast opened its mouth, and the light of the tailed beast cannon was looming, and when it was about to be launched, there was a sudden "bang"!

The palm of the Fourth Hokage actually landed directly on the body of the three-tailed Isoba. Under the astonished eyes of the fourth Hokage who was off-road and controlled by Madara, he used a psychic technique!


 “Tai Wentai, come fight with me!”


 Smoke filled!

The psychic technique used by the Fourth Hokage is undoubtedly the toad that channeled the Myoboku Mountain. It is also the psychic beast of Jiraiya, the toad Bunta who is very familiar with the plot of the original work.

 But, is it really because of the appearance of Gamabunta that the Fourth Hokage used his psychic skills so skillfully?

totally not!

The Fourth Hokage used his psychic skills very cleverly, mainly because of the position of the psychic Gamabunta!

At that time, wasn't Sanweiji about to fire the tailed beast cannon?

The time when the Fourth Hokage channeled Gamabunta was exactly the moment when the three-tailed tailed beast cannon was about to be fired. Just as he was about to fire the tailed beast cannon, his mouth was filled with a hot and terrifying breath, and when he saw that the light of the tailed beast cannon was about to be emitted, Gamabunta's huge body suddenly landed on the three-tailed Isozu. It directly crushed Sanwei Iso's mouth!

The mouth suddenly closed, but the tailed beast cannon could not be withdrawn.

The fourth Hokage's psychic skills not only prevented the three-tailed Isodon from firing the tailed beast cannon, but also caused the tailed beast cannon to explode completely in the three-tailed Isogo's mouth!


With a muffled sound, Sanweiji's body withstood the power of the Tailed Beast Cannon, and black smoke billowed out in an instant. Soon, Sanweiji's eyes became much darker, and even his spirit became sluggish.

However, it is naturally impossible to think that the Three-Tailed Izodiac can be defeated by the Fourth Hokage's psychic skills.

 The vitality of tailed beasts is completely beyond the imagination of ordinary ninjas.

Even if his body withstood the terrifying power of the Tailed Beast Cannon, it would only take a very short time for the Three-Tailed Isoto to recover!

So, the Fourth Hokage's psychic skills did indeed play a role in turning things around. Gamabunta's appearance even hurt the three-tailed Izodiac, making it unable to fire the tailed beast cannon for a while. But cross-country, the situation faced by the Fourth Hokage and others has not changed at all after Gamabunta appeared.

Especially when the Fourth Hokage and the Fourth Mizukage under the control of Madara used Gamabunta and Sanbi Isoto to fight against each other in Konoha Village, they once again clashed with each other and truly risked their lives to fight there. It must not be the Fourth Hokage or the Fourth Mizukage.

 Those who truly risk their lives to fight...

 On the contrary, it’s cross-country, and the Konoha ninjas around him!

"This Sanbi Isoba's rampage must have caused damage to the Leaf Village..."

“It must be better than the Battle of the Nine Tails in the original plot, right?”

At a glance, the situation was clear, and the off -road sighed deeply. Looking at the four generations of Naruto, the heart could not transfer the battlefield, so as not to continue to harm Muye Village?

While Cross Country was silently thinking about moving the battlefield, there was obviously someone who was more anxious than the Fourth Mizukage and the Fourth Hokage, and more eager to move the battlefield.

That person was the Third Hokage who came in a hurry!

 "Minato, get ready to move the battlefield!"

 “When fighting in the village, no matter the outcome, we lose!”

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