Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 360: firefighter


 “The Third Hokage!”

There is no doubt that even the genin of the current situation understand that as long as Sanwei Izo does not leave Konoha Village, no matter what the outcome is, it will be the failure of Konoha Village.

 The arrival of the Third Hokage undoubtedly gave the Konoha ninjas beside him a certain amount of confidence and hope. After all, the reputation of the Third Hokage in Konoha Village is something that even the Fourth Hokage cannot match. Therefore, the arrival of the Third Hokage made most of the Konoha ninja feel excited and excited. Only the two of them, Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage, felt a little troublesome when they saw the Third Hokage coming.

Since even the genin know that the three-tailed Isozu is in the Leaf Village, it is a failure for the Leaf Village, then maybe the Fourth Mizukage who controls the three-tailed Isozu doesn't know?

 Maybe Madara, who controls the Fourth Mizukage, doesn’t know?

  When the Third Hokage did not come, it was off-road, and the Fourth Hokage tried his best to block the progress of the Three-Tailed Isoba.

Even if the Fourth Hokage had no injuries on his body, it still took a lot of effort, not to mention the severe injuries to his arms while off-roading.

Look at the Third Hokage again. He came in a hurry with a few Anbu, but when he came in front of the Fourth Mizukage and the Three-Tailed Isotrie, he started giving orders. It was like denying the previous achievements of the Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage. This was really Is it good?

Even the Fourth Hokage's tone seemed a little stiff when he answered the Third Hokage's order, let alone someone who was wounded and fighting to the death for a cross-country trip.

 Fortunately, when Cross Country felt a little unhappy, the Fourth Hokage waved to Cross Country, which made Cross Country's mood much better.

 In fact, the meaning of the Fourth Hokage's beckoning is very simple. One is that he had credit for blocking the progress of Sanwei Isozu before the cross-country. The other is that the cross-country was seriously injured. The third cross-country is the disciple of the Fourth Hokage. Therefore, feeling that the surrounding battlefield was full of danger, the Fourth Hokage hoped to go cross-country to Gamabunta to avoid being affected in the confrontation.

 The Fourth Hokage's carefulness undoubtedly made up for part of the rift between Cross Country and him.

 The next second, use the Wind Blink.


  After spending a little bit of chakra, Cross Country appeared directly next to the Fourth Hokage.

Who would have thought that during the three-tailed Iso's counterattack, Gamabunta, who was sitting on it, was directly pushed away by a huge force, and the figure of the Third Hokage also appeared on the cross-country, and the figure of the Fourth Hokage also appeared on the cross-country. beside.

Moreover, the moment the Third Hokage appeared, his eyes fell on the Fourth Hokage first, and he said in a stiff tone: "Minato, don't waste time in the village, haven't you made it clear what I just said? ? I don’t care what method you use, just move Sanwei Jizu out of the village!”

"This is an order!"


  Indifferently replied to the Third Hokage. When the Fourth Hokage answered, Cross Country instantly felt the resentment of the Fourth Hokage.

 But if the Fourth Hokage was unhappy and it was not something that he needed to worry about when going off-road, then the next thing would have to do with off-roading.

Ordered Gamabunta to attract the three-tailed Isozu as much as possible.

However, Sanwei Iso is under the control of the Fourth Mizukage controlled by Madara. His earlier goal was to attack the Uchiha clan. How could he watch helplessly as the Fourth Hokage cooperated with Gamabunta to transfer Sanwei Iso? disappointed?

Moreover, even if it is not to take revenge on the Uchiha clan, but to weaken Konoha Village, it is the best choice for Madara to put the three-tailed Isoba in Konoha Village. Under such circumstances, unless the Fourth Hokage uses the secret technique of transferring the tailed beast cannon to directly transfer the three-tailed Isozu, otherwise the three-tailed Isozu will have no chance of leaving the Leaf Village under Madara's will.

But if the Fourth Hokage uses the secret technique of transferring the tailed beast cannon, is he really sure that he can transfer the three-tailed Izodiac away?

  It can only be said that there is a certain degree of certainty, after all, the fourth generation Mizukage controlled by Madara is still there.

Of course, these are all things that have nothing to do with off-roading. They are all resentments in the heart of the Fourth Hokage. I will not discuss this topic below.

At this moment, the topic that really has something to do with off-roading is what happened when the Fourth Hokage and Gamabunta cooperated to divert the three-tailed Isophobia as much as possible.

Seeing that Sanbi Isotō had no intention of leaving the Leaf Village, the Third Hokage's anxiety was understandable. In other words, if Sanwei stayed in Konoha Village for just a second, countless families would be broken, and countless Konoha ninjas would die tragically, turning Konoha Village into a scene of purgatory on earth.

Under such a scene, anyone who sees Sanwei Isao taking root in Konoha Village will not be in a good mood!

But just when the Third Hokage's expression became colder and colder, and the aura he exuded inadvertently was mixed with a hint of murderous intent, what even Cross Country didn't expect was that the Third Hokage's eyes suddenly shifted to Cross Country, and just said: Just one sentence, and it instantly aroused the anger in Cross Country's heart!

“Off-road, the ninjas in the village are trying their best to protect the village, what are you doing here?”

 “The Third Hokage, I’m injured!”

Although his expression was well concealed, when Cross Country replied to the Third Hokage, he was like a resentful Fourth Hokage, with a somewhat unkind tone.

And when Cross Country was talking to the Third Hokage, the Fourth Hokage also felt that the Third Hokage was a bit "too much". After all, Cross Country was for Konoha Village, and he almost died under the Tailed Beast Cannon.

Who would have thought that at this time, the Third Hokage did not care about the feelings of the cross-country at all. After listening to the answer of the cross-country, he narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at the cross-country, pointed at the fighting Konoha Village ninjas around him and said: "Cross-road, look at you Which of your companions is not fighting **** battles? You just injured an arm, and you are resting here? Where is your desire to defend your homeland?"

“Now, I order you to go rescue the wounded without making any mistakes!”

“If I find that most of the wounded in the village died because of delayed rescue time, don’t blame me for questioning you!”

 Smelly old man, are you shameless?

  It was almost when the Third Hokage assumed the posture of superior and subordinate, no longer as friendly as in the original plot, and ordered Cross Country in a stiff tone, as if he had ordered the Fourth Hokage before, Cross Country was so angry that his lungs almost exploded!


 When you, the Third Hokage, came, you started chattering without any regard for my previous achievements.

There have been too many casualties in Konoha Village. I have to bear all the blame alone. Why did you go there so early?

  Endless resentment and endless anger can make off-roaders almost lose their minds.

If the cross-country strength is still at its peak, then the cross-country may really go berserk and fight to the death with the Third Hokage regardless of the Nara brand on his palm.

But just when Cross Country was breathing heavily and staring at the Third Hokage with very unkind eyes, the Fourth Hokage forcefully patted Cross Country on the shoulder and said, "Sir, Third Hokage, Cross Country is my subordinate and you should obey me. Order?"

"Minato, are you going to resist me?"

 He asked the Fourth Hokage coldly. The Third Hokage also used the same sentence, which almost made the Fourth Hokage "choke to death".

However, when the contact between the Fourth Hokage and the Third Hokage seemed to be about to break out, a sarcastic smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth. He glanced at the Nara mark on his palm and took a deep breath to calm down. When he was in the right mood, he replied to the Third Hokage: "I understand, Lord Third Hokage, I will go and complete the mission you issued now."

 Speaking, Cross Country turned his head and glanced at the Fourth Hokage, the self-deprecating look in his eyes getting stronger.

  followed by.

In front of the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country left such a sentence, and then hurriedly disappeared in front of the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage, playing the role of a firefighter.

"Minato-sensei, there are some things I'm not very good at, so it's up to you."

 “Come on!”

Having said that, the cross-country disappeared, but the Fourth Hokage, staring at the place where the cross-country disappeared, recalling the meaning of the sentence "come on", couldn't help but ask the third Hokage: "Third Hokage, is it really necessary? ? Cross country... Cross country is just a five year old!"

 “Five-year-old, so what?”

  Pouring up the courage to retort, when the Fourth Hokage just finished speaking, he really never expected that the Third Hokage's answer would be like this.

“Since you are a child of the Nara clan, you must be obedient.”

 "Minato, haven't you noticed..."

“Just because of a small Nara cross-country trip, has the entire Nara clan become disobedient?”

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