Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 363: This is the gap

Unconsciously, Yuhi Hong stared at the cross-country, and two blushes appeared on her face.

  If you want to talk about the girls in the Naruto world, they are really precocious.

After Yuhi Zhenhong conveyed her will of fire, she made a little joke, which made Yuhi Hong feel a little bit fanciful.

 However, when the eyes of countless female ninjas quietly turned to Cross Country, most of the male ninjas in the new generation of Konoha were somewhat unconvinced.

Especially Kakashi, he has been dissatisfied with cross-country for a long time.

At this moment, Yuhi Zhenkui and other adult ninjas went to deal with the three-tailed Isozu, leaving only the injured Cross Country guarding the power of Konoha's new generation. Kakashi, including Akai, and other male ninjas were heartbroken. Had the same feeling.

That’s why Nara Cross Country can participate in the war?

 Why is it that Nara Cross Country is here to watch over us when we are hiding here?

As time goes by, the dissatisfaction has undoubtedly amplified several times. Even the off-road person who is healing himself has not discovered that Akai and people who are familiar with him like Zulei can control the dissatisfaction when it amplifies. Own. On the contrary, Kakashi and other ninjas who had never been convinced of off-roading quickly created a small group among the new generation of Konoha.

 And this small group soon came to the cross-country road.

 In that small group, needless to say, Kakashi is naturally the leader!

“Xiujiang, come here, I have something to tell you.”


Suddenly hearing Kakashi's words, Jiujiu, who was carefully bandaging the wound on his arm, raised his eyebrows and asked: "Kakashi, is something wrong?"

 “Of course there is something.”

There was a faint sneer at the corner of his mouth, but unfortunately no one could see it under the mask.

Looking at the cross-country with slightly raised eyebrows, Kakashi, who was already dissatisfied, couldn't help but feel a little more angry in his heart. Immediately, almost after Cross Country answered, Kakashi said in a sinister tone: "What Lord Zhenhong just said makes some sense, but Cross Country, why are you younger than us, so you can go and fight, if you have to Are we here?"

“So, now I hope you can give us an explanation. If the explanation satisfies us, then we can stay here obediently.”

“But if the explanation makes us dissatisfied... hum!”

As he spoke, the sneer on Kakashi's face suddenly became a little stronger.

 “Then let us go to fight!”

“Kakashi is right, Kakashi is already a jounin, cross country, why can you participate in the war, but Kakashi can’t?”

“Kakashi, let’s compete with the cross-country! I would like to see how the cross-country is different from us!”

 "Come on, Kakashi! Give the cross-country some color!"

As soon as Kakashi finished speaking, several little guys next to him who were also dissatisfied with the off-roading started to make noises.

  Instead, it’s off-road.

Looking at the provocative guys in turn, he sneered secretly in his heart, and then asked Kakashi: "Kakashi, what do you mean?"

“Since everyone has said so, I naturally have to be respectful rather than obey!”

With that said, Kakashi assumed a fighting stance in front of Cross Country, holding a kunai in his hand, and said coldly: "Off Road, although there is some gap between us, I feel that the gap is not so big that we can't Let me participate in the war. I have long wanted to fight with you in an upright manner. Cross-country, please be more serious, as a sign of respect for me!"


Muttering Kakashi's words, Cross Country suddenly smiled and said: "Okay, Kakashi, come on!"

With that said, Cross Country made a "please" gesture in front of Kakashi, which undoubtedly meant that Kakashi would make the first move.

However, if in the past, if Cross Country wanted to give way to Kakashi, Kakashi would definitely not appreciate it.

Who am I, Kakashi?

I, Kakashi, am the youngest Jonin in history. Do I need you to give in to the Nara Cross Country?

 But things are different now. Kakashi knew early on that there was a certain gap between himself and cross-country. Now the challenge is nothing more than to prove himself. Therefore, even though the booing around him still echoed in Kakashi's ears, when Cross Country made a "please" gesture, Kakashi naturally devoted himself wholeheartedly to the battle with Cross Country.

Then, he opened his forehead protector and revealed the scarlet Sharingan. Kakashi took a deep breath and suddenly found a flaw in the direction of his injured arm. He immediately took a step forward and shouted directly: :

 “Off-road, be careful!”


  It should be said that Kakashi still has certain attainments in terms of speed.

 After all, if Kakashi is not fast enough, there will be no threat using Raikiri.

As for cross-country, he had just finished competing with Sanwei Iso, and to be honest, he was not at his peak. The spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand has not had time to recover, and the chakra in the body is also somewhat insufficient. However, even if he wasn't at his peak, Cross Country didn't feel like Kakashi was causing him any trouble.

 This is the confidence to step into the film-level palace!

For a moment, I used my sense of wind to observe Kakashi's movements, and saw Kakashi attacking quickly. He was like a senior instructing a junior, and he nodded slightly, feeling that Kakashi's attack was quite impressive.

 But the ninjas watching the battle nearby were secretly expecting Kakashi to directly defeat the off-roader with his superhuman speed, when there was a sudden "bang"!

Even Akai didn’t see how Cross Country fought back. Kakashi actually fell heavily to the ground after a round of confrontation!

 “Are you kidding me? Kakashi actually lost?”

“As a Jonin, Kakashi couldn’t hold on for even one round? Isn’t the Nara cross-country a little too scary?”

“It’s not that he is strong in cross-country, it must be Kakashi who is careless!”

 “Kakashi, get up and fight again! Don’t let us look down on you!”

There were noisy sounds all around. He kept looking at Kakashi with a smile on his face. That smile was hoping that Kakashi would have some self-awareness and not challenge himself.

Because others didn’t know what happened just now, Kakashi fell to the ground, but could Kakashi himself not understand?

At that moment, Kakashi attacked, and Cross Country could be said to have used his sense of wind to completely observe Kakashi's attack path. Immediately, without giving Kakashi any chance to quibble, he stepped forward and used a simplified version of the Benken Fist to directly knock Kakashi to the ground, crushing Kakashi with overwhelming strength. Defeated Kakashi.

However, even though he gave Kakashi a lot of face before the cross-country trip, he did not explain how Kakashi failed. Unfortunately, when the onlookers nearby were booing, Kakashi stood up and started to quickly form hand seals. , obviously planning to use Reiki to gain some face for himself.

 And when Cross Country saw Kakashi's seal, he naturally knew that Kakashi had not found his way back.

 Since this is the case, do we still need to give Kakashi face when going off-road?

 Of course not!

 Subsequently, just when Kakashi was about to complete the seal, he heard a "bang" sound!

In the cross-country seal situation, the black shadow under Kakashi's feet suddenly flew out, placing Kakashi there again. Moreover, when the new generations of Konoha who were watching around saw Kakashi fall to the ground again and were all silent, Yuexi slowly walked in front of Kakashi, leaving no room for Kakashi at all. To save face, he sneered directly:

 “Kakashi, do you still need to fight again?”

“The two rounds of confrontation just now seem to be enough to explain a lot of problems, right?”

"after all…"

 “This is the difference between us!”

 After saying that, Xue Xiang looked at the booing little guys coldly.

As long as the eyes of the cross-country are cast, and as the momentum of defeating Kakashi unfolds, naturally no little guy will dare to speak nonsense in front of the cross-country.

However, from a cross-country perspective, defeating Kakashi is nothing more than a trivial matter, nothing worth showing off.

  How to put it, cross-country is all about using half-step quasi-kage-level strength to teach Kakashi, who only has the strength of a Jonin, a harsh lesson.

  On the other hand, there is another battlefield. If someone says the same thing about cross-country, it is worth pondering.

Because on that side of the battlefield, the Fourth Mizukage under Madara's control stepped on the back of the Three-Tailed Isoba, staring closely at the scarred Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage in front of him, and said indifferently:

 “Do we still need to fight?”

“You haven’t understood yet, isn’t this the difference between us?”

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