Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 364: golden chain

The farce with Kakashi was over, the injury on the off-road arm was bandaged, and he was finally able to take a good rest.

Thinking about it in the cross-country at this time, although the fourth generation Mizukage controlled by Madara and the three-tailed Isophobia are more difficult to deal with, the third generation Hokage and the fourth generation Hokage work together to stop the three-tailed Isophobia from continuing to destroy the leaf village. The pace is still very relaxed. Therefore, when taking a break, Cross Country thought more about the Battle of the Nine Tails in the original plot.

 Faintly, there is always an inexplicable and unclear feeling in cross-country, that is, the battle of the nine tails in the original plot is still going to unfold.

But how can one imagine that the Fourth Mizukage and the Three-Tailed Isoba under Madara's control are far beyond what the Third and Fourth Hokages can handle by cooperating?

 Let alone the rift between the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage, they can no longer work together sincerely.

 Let’s just say that the two of them really work together sincerely, I’m afraid…

I'm afraid that the fourth generation Mizukage and the three-tailed Izodiac under Madara's control will have an overwhelming advantage when facing two true Kage-level powerhouses!

 The facts speak for themselves.

Now, just looking at the Fourth Mizukage under Madara's control, standing on the back of the three-tailed Iso, staring at the scarred Third and Fourth Hokage with contempt, it is enough to show how terrifying Madara is. .

 There is no doubt that the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage work together, and there is no rival in the ninja world today.

As long as the third and fourth generations of Hokage work together, not to mention sincere cooperation, but to say that they work together with their own thoughts, they are known as "invincible" existences in the current ninja world. It's a pity that the two's current opponents are the once "invincible" Uchiha Madara, and the "invincible" Madara together with the first Hokage!

 In terms of true gold content, there is no doubt that Madara, the "invincible" of the first Hokage, has a higher gold content.

 The ninja world during the Warring States Period was undoubtedly much more chaotic than the current ninja world.

 Able to master the peak power during the Warring States Period, there is no need to describe how strong ninjas Madara and the first Hokage were.

 So let’s talk about it now!

The fourth generation Mizukage controlled by Madara didn't take any action, he only talked about how strong the three-tailed Isozu controlled by Madara was.

In the past, Madara was a master at controlling tailed beasts. With the Nine Tails under control, defeating several true shadow-level warriors was trivial. If it weren't for the First Hokage, if it weren't for the First Hokage's wife, the first Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Mito, I'm afraid Madara wouldn't need Madara to display the terrifying power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. I can unify the ninja world.

Even if the three-tailed fox is weaker than the nine-tailed demon fox, it is not much weaker.

Madara uses his own will to control the three-tailed Isola, which shows overwhelming power.

Whether it is the third generation Hokage known as "Doctor Ninja" or "Ninja Hero", or the fourth generation Hokage known as "Golden Flash", all they can do is get beaten in front of the three-tailed Isora controlled by Madara.

An even more important point is that the three-tailed zodiac is one of the strongest tailed beasts in terms of defense!

Just by looking at the turtle-like appearance of the three-tailed rock, you can see how strong the three-tailed rock's defense is!

 Don't worry about the Third Hokage. If the Fourth Hokage attacks in this way, the three-tailed Iso's gray carapace will at best leave a trace of disastrous defeat. Moreover, the traces of the tragic defeat can be restored to the original state in just a few seconds due to the tailed beast's super recovery function, making the attacks of the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage completely useless.

In addition, the Fourth Mizukage controlled by Madara has been interfering with the Third Hokage. The rhythm of the Fourth Hokage's attacks made it impossible for the two to waste time using ninjutsu above S level, leaving the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage in the third tail. The only option left for Jizu was to be beaten.

It is also because of this that when Master Madara controlled the Fourth Mizukage and arrogantly directed at the Third Hokage, the Fourth Hokage said, This is the gap between us, the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage were like obstacles in front of a cross-country road. Just like Cassie, she had no temper at all and could only break her teeth and swallow it in her stomach.

 However, at this time, the destruction caused by the Three-Tailed Izodiac was already more than that of the Nine-Tailed Battle in the original plot.

If there is no way to stop the Three-Tailed Isophobia, the losses that Konoha Village will suffer will be beyond the imagination of the Third and Fourth Hokages.

They looked at each other and saw the firmness in each other's eyes.

The Third Hokage took a deep breath and said directly to the Fourth Hokage next to him: "Minato, the losses in the village are too great, we must work harder!"

 “I understand what you mean, the Third Hokage!”

Nodding, the Fourth Hokage said: "Unfortunately, the sealing technique developed by Kushina and I still has some flaws, otherwise it would be perfect to use it on the Three-Tailed Isobi. However, the Third Hokage, that sealing technique There is no way to use it, but I do have another sealing technique that can seal the three-tailed isozu. But to use that sealing technique, there must be two conditions. The first is that the tailed beast must be severely damaged, and the second is that it takes a certain amount of time. Do you have any ideas?"

Undoubtedly, the conditions mentioned by the Fourth Hokage were not many, and they were also the basic conditions for sealing the tailed beast.

 But listening to the conditions proposed by the Fourth Hokage, the Third Hokage sighed deeply.

How can it be as simple as saying that if you want to severely damage Sanwei Isozu?

Not to mention, the Fourth Mizukage stood on the back of the three-tailed Isoba with eager eyes, and trying to buy time was almost a dream.

 However, just like what the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage said before, Konoha Village has suffered too many losses. Even if the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage fight to the death, they must delay the Three-Tailed Isotani as soon as possible.

In particular, the Fourth Mizukage controlled by Madara suddenly felt the chakra fluctuations of Cross Country and discovered that the new generation of ninjas from Cross Country and Konoha Village had all gathered in one place to take refuge. Directly ordering the three-tailed Izodiac to attack made the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage determined to get rid of the three-tailed Izodged as soon as possible!


 “Come out! Old ape…ape demon!”


 With his hands quickly forming seals, the Third Hokage apparently used psychic skills to summon the most powerful psychic beast.

 That is the old ape demon who even Orochimaru found troublesome in the original plot!

Along with the smoke, the old ape demon just appeared on the fourth Hokage's psychic beast Gamabunta, and the first thing he saw was the approaching three-tailed Isodon.

Without the slightest hesitation, with another "bang", the old ape demon successfully transformed into the Vajra Ruyi Stick.

While waving the Vajra Wishful Stick, the Third Hokage jumped and came directly to the side of the three-tailed Isoba. Apparently, he wanted to use the Vajra Wishful Stick transformed by the old ape demon to once again transform into a cage to trap the three-tailed one. Is afraid.

Who would have thought that just when the Third Hokage's attack was about to succeed, the Fourth Mizukage under Madara's control took action!

 “Water Release·Water Dragon Bullet Technique!”



He casually used a Water Release Ninjutsu, and the moisture in the surrounding air turned into water dragon bullets, directly blocking the Third Hokage's attack.

Although, an ordinary Water Release and Water Dragon Bullet technique cannot hurt the Third Hokage who is wielding the Vajra Ruyi Stick. But the three-tailed rock star only needed a few seconds. With the delay of the Fourth Mizukage, the three-tailed rock star quickly used the chakra of its own tailed beast to condense into a defense, and even if it was forced to spin, it would be enough. The defense withstood the attack of the Third Hokage.

At this time, it was the Fourth Hokage instead. I really felt that the Fourth Mizukage under Madara's control would be a troublesome combination with the tailed beast.

But just when the third generation of Hokage channeled the old ape demon, the fourth generation of Hokage still felt that he and the third generation of Hokage were working together. Facing the enemy in front of him, he had no chance of winning, and it was impossible to successfully seal the three-tailed Isora. Konoha Village defeated The first hero of the Three-Tailed Isozu suddenly arrived on the battlefield where the Fourth Hokage was fighting.

 At that moment, I only heard a few "swish", "swish" and "swish" sounds!

Under the horrified gaze of the Fourth Hokage, countless golden chains shot up into the sky, and even when Sanwei Isozu tried his best to resist, they tightly bound Sanwei Isozu's body and directly fixed it. In front of the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage!

 And what is the secret skill symbolized by the golden chain?

There is no doubt that!

That is the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan!


King Kong blockade!

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