Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 365: The second hero

 Vajra Blockade, A-level secret technique!

According to the description of the original plot, King Kong Blockade is also the unique ability of the Uzumaki clan, but Cross Country relies on the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape inheritance to understand that King Kong Blockade is also a ninja that has condensed the Yin Escape brand in addition to the Uzumaki clan, and can successfully practice it. It's just a difficult secret technique.

 It’s like Kagura’s heart for off-road mastering.

It is very easy for the people of the Uzumaki clan to master the King Kong Blockade, and the difficulty level is A level at most. However, if someone like Cross Country who has condensed the Yin Escape brand wants to master such an A-level secret technique of the Uzumaki clan, the difficulty is at least S-level. After all, King Kong Blockade is a secret technique that can very restrain tailed beasts. !

 When using the Vajra Blockade, the user uses his or her own chakra to condense it into a golden chain.

For example, Uzumaki Kushina and Karin in the original plot are all members of the Uzumaki clan who can use King Kong to block. When using King Kong Blockade, the golden chains formed by condensation of chakra can be used for both attack and defense. Tailed beasts as powerful as Nine-Tails will be restricted by King Kong Blockade. This is the most wonderful thing about King Kong Blockade. of a place.

So, in Konoha Village, who can master the King Kong Blockade?

 Only two people!

The first person is undoubtedly Uzumaki Kushina of the Uzumaki clan. She is a member of the Uzumaki clan, why can't she master the King Kong Blockade?

 As for the second person, perhaps only Uzumaki Kushina knows that he can use King Kong Blockade.

That person has successfully condensed the Yin Escape Brand, and will soon go on a second cross-country tour of condensing the Yin Escape Brand!

 Master the cross-country heritage of the Uzumaki clan's Yin Escape!

However, the person who appeared in front of Sanwei Isao and used King Kong to block it at this time was obviously not a cross-country person.

How to put it this way, off-roading is the refuge of the new generation of ninjas in Konoha, guarding the power of the new generation of Konoha Village!

In this way, the identity of the person who used the Vajra blockade in front of Sanweijiao is somewhat obvious.

 That’s right, the person who used the Vajra blockade in front of the three-tailed Isozu was Uzumaki Kushina!

  Not long after giving birth, Uzumaki Kushina was protecting the original protagonist at home!

Suddenly, seeing the golden chains condensed by King Kong's blockade, forcibly suppressing the three-tailed Isora, the Fourth Hokage showed a look of astonishment, no doubt wondering why Uzumaki Kushina would appear here, she was not Should we protect the newborn Uzumaki Naruto at home?

And what is the reason why Uzumaki Kushina went here?

Of course, he helped the Third Hokage, and the Fourth Hokage suppressed the three-tailed Isozu!

In the home of the Fourth Hokage, protected by the barrier, Uzumaki Kushina is unable to observe the fighting situation inside Konoha Village, but don't forget that Uzumaki Kushina is a member of the Uzumaki clan, and it is not difficult to use Kagura's Heart Eye. of.

In an instant, using Kagura's inner eye, she sensed the existence of the three-tailed Isoba. Holding the newly born Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Kushina's face became ugly.

Immediately, especially after sensing that the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage were unable to successfully seal the Three-Tailed Isophobia, and Konoha Village was destroyed by the Three-Tailed Isophobia, and when it seemed like a battle to return to the pre-liberation period, Uzumaki Kushina took a deep breath. After a few breaths, the newly born Uzumaki Naruto was left alone at home!

"Naruto, I'm really sorry. As a mother, I can't accompany you through the most dangerous period."

"Your father, the fourth Hokage of Konoha Village, is fighting for the village. As a wife, should I help him?"

"So Naruto, stay at home. Home is the safest."

 “And I’m going to help your father fight, I hope…”

“I hope that after this battle, our family can live happily, and your father and I can accompany you to grow up happily!”

Muttered a few words in front of Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Kushina, who had still not recovered from her weakness, showed a determined expression and went directly to the place where the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage were fighting.

Then, when Uzumaki Kushina just rushed to the battlefield, what she saw was the scenes of the Third Hokage and the Fourth Mizukage being suppressed by Madara.

 Knowing that the Fourth Mizukage controlled by Madara is here, the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage cannot successfully seal the Three-Tailed Isoba.

 So, while barely suppressing the Nine-Tails in her body, Uzumaki Kushina formed seals with both hands and used the King Kong Blockade directly in front of the three-tailed Isora!

 “Minato, take advantage of the moment!”

Kushina Uzumaki's King Kong blockade, and the condensed golden chain completely suppressed the three-tailed Isobi. It can be said to be the best time.

At such a critical time, how could Uzumaki Kushina watch the Fourth Hokage in a state of shock and let go of a good opportunity to seriously injure the three-tailed Isozu?

 While looking at Uzumaki Kushina, the Fourth Hokage obviously understood his wife's expectations.

Immediately afterwards, just when Uzumaki Kushina's shout reached the ears of the Fourth Hokage, there was a sudden "buzz"!

Wind-type chakra with extremely changing properties was suddenly gathered in the palm of the Fourth Hokage's hand.

Moreover, when the wind-type chakra that completed its property change for the first time appeared to be extremely docile in the palm of the Fourth Hokage, there were a few more sounds of "pah la" and "pah la"!

In just a few seconds, what kind of terrifying wind-type chakra control the Fourth Hokage accomplished?

In just a few seconds, the Fourth Hokage actually completed three extreme changes in the nature of wind-type chakra!

If after completing the practice of breaking the leaves and breaking the wind-type chakra properties of the waterfall, the wind-type chakra property changes mastered are like the Super Saiyan 1 in the comic Dragon Ball, then the cross-country can catch up with the fourth generation. The changes in the nature of the wind attribute chakra completed by Naruto's footsteps are like Super Saiyan 2 in the comic Dragon Ball!

 At this moment, what is the change in the nature of the wind attribute chakra completed by the Fourth Hokage?

  Let’s also use the Saiyan realm in the comic Dragon Ball as an example. That is the Super Saiyan 3 that has never been seen before and will never come after!

 Mastering the third stage of the change in the nature of wind-attribute chakra, the Fourth Hokage's face showed a ferocious expression. Obviously, wanting to control such terrifying wind-attribute chakra would also be harmful to the Fourth Hokage himself.

Just like the jealous person mentioned by Yuri Lin, the Fourth Hokage, who used the third stage of the change in the properties of wind chakra, suddenly became the so-called jealous person!

The heavens are jealous of the Fourth Hokage's understanding of "wind"!

 God wants to prevent the Fourth Hokage from mastering that unrivaled power!

 But in the face of the Fourth Hokage's firm belief, God's jealousy is obviously nothing to do!

 So, just as the Fourth Hokage controlled the third stage of the change in the properties of wind chakra with a ferocious expression, a thin and sharp wind blade condensed in the palm of the Fourth Hokage's hand.

 Next second!


The Fourth Hokage shouted lowly, and the wind blade followed the direction of the Fourth Hokage and flew directly towards the direction of the three-tailed Isozu.

Watching the wind blade attack, the fourth generation Mizukage under Madara's control couldn't help but narrow their pupils slightly. Obviously, the wind blade was a certain threat to Madara.

In this case, the fourth generation Mizukage under Madara's control must not be able to watch the wind blade fall on the body of the three-tailed Iso.

But just when the fourth generation water shadow controlled by Madara was about to move, who would have thought that a sudden fluctuation in time and space would suddenly appear in Madara's perception!

There is no doubt that the second hero of Konoha Village's victory over Sanwei Isozu suddenly arrived on the battlefield at this time.

 Furthermore, the second hero was so well hidden that not even Master Ban found any trace of him.

 If you don’t appear, you will be fine; if you appear, you will be a blockbuster!

 Who was the second hero in Konohagakure's victory over Sanwei Isozu?

 The answer is off-roading!

So, since the second contributor to Konohagakure's victory over the Three-Tailed Isoba was Cross Country, the fluctuations in time and space that appeared next to the Fourth Mizukage under Madara's control were naturally the secret technique that Cross Country mastered!

 “Master Ban, you are defeated again this time!”

“Because this time, the Rasengan I fired using the characteristics of the space-time Rasengan is not an ordinary Rasengan!”


 "Wind Release! Rasen Shuriken Technique!"

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