Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 368: Witness History (Part 1)



  In a daze, he watched helplessly as the Fourth Mizukage under Madara's control successfully took away the three-tailed Isoba. Cross Country's eyes turned to Uzumaki Kushina, and he saw a scene that he would never forget.

The fiery red chakra floated outside Uzumaki Kushina's lower abdomen. Although the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina tried their best to suppress the breath of the Nine-Tails, it was a pity that the Fourth Mizukage under Madara's control had already been shattered once he guided it. The seal on Uzumaki Kushina's lower abdomen gave Kyuubi a chance to escape.

 Tailed beasts also long for freedom.

 Especially tailed beasts as powerful as the Nine-Tails, they hope to get rid of the shackles of humans.

 So, even if the fourth generation Mizukage under Madara's control made Kyuubi feel the disgust in the shadow. However, there is now a chance to escape. Naturally, the Kyuubi cannot give up under the pressure of the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina. Soon after crossing the road, it can be seen that the fiery red chakra flowing out of Uzumaki Kushina's abdomen is gradually increasing. .

It only took a few seconds for a prototype of the Nine-Tails to condense in front of Uzumaki Kushina and the Fourth Hokage.

That scene is obviously foreshadowing that the Nine-Tails War in the original plot is about to begin!

  The cross-country trip took so long and hard, but in the end all the plans came to naught according to Ban Ye’s script!

The tragedy in the original plot was instantly reflected in Off-Road's slightly reminiscing eyes, which immediately caused Off-Road's legs to weaken after using Wind Release·Helix with all his strength, and he almost fell to his knees on the ground!

“Kyuubi...are you still out of trouble?”

“With the power of me, Minato-sensei, and Kushina-sama, we can really suppress the Nine-Tails…”

“Or is it like sealing the Nine-Tails like in the original plot?”

 He thought to himself secretly, and the wry smile on Cross Country's face undoubtedly became a little stronger.

At that time, the Third Hokage was equally sluggish. He never expected that things would develop like this.

 But the Third Hokage is, after all, the "Ninja Hero" in the ninja world.

Seeing that Kyuubi's escape was inevitable, the Third Hokage came to the cross-country in a blink of an eye. The Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina were beside him. There might be a bit of struggle in their expressions, but in their words But with a bit of firm meaning, he said directly: "Minato, Kushina, because of Sanwei Isao, the village has suffered a lot of losses. So, although what I am about to say is a bit unhuman, I hope you If you can consider the overall situation, leave the village before Kyuubi is out of trouble!"

“Third Hokage, what do you mean...are you not going to help Minato-sensei and Kushina-sama seal the Nine-Tails?”

As soon as the third Hokage finished speaking, the fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina remained silent, with a hint of loss in their eyes.

 But if we want to say who is the most surprised at this time, it must be the off-roader!

How could the Third Hokage arrange this?

 Are the interests of Konoha Village higher than that of a Fourth Hokage and a nearly perfect Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki?

It can be said that it was unexpected. Off-road stared closely at the Third Hokage, hoping that the Third Hokage could take back his previous words and give an explanation to the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina.

 However, it didn’t!

Even though the person in front of the Third Hokage was the Fourth Hokage who had made great contributions to Konoha Village and Uzumaki Kushina who had suppressed the Nine-Tails for many years, the Third Hokage did not take back his order in the end.

 It's just that the Fourth Hokage was silent for a long time and then replied to the Third Hokage.

"The Third Hokage, if Kushina and I die in battle, can you help us take care of Naruto?"

"Naruto? Is he your child?"

After hesitating for a few seconds, the Third Hokage nodded and said, "Minato, I promise you!"

 “Okay, thank you very much, Lord Third Hokage!”

Smiling reluctantly at the Third Hokage, the Fourth Hokage took a deep breath and was about to use the Flying Thunder God Technique.

However, just before the Fourth Hokage's Flying Thunder God Technique was used, the voice of Kushina Uzumaki echoed in Cross Country's mind.

 “Off-road, help me!”

"no problem!"

  He nodded vigorously, glanced at the Third Hokage indifferently, and then went to hold the slightly cold palm of Uzumaki Kushina.

 The next second, the Flying Thunder God technique is used.


Off-road, the figure of the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina suddenly disappeared in front of the Third Hokage and turned to the place where Uzumaki Kushina gave birth.

 There, except for the corpses of Sarutobi Biwako and others, nothing else remained there.

 When Cross Country and others appeared there, the Fourth Hokage was obviously very surprised as to why Uzumaki Kushina wanted to take Cross Country here. However, when looking into Uzumaki Kushina's eyes with confusion, Uzumaki Kushina smiled and said: "Minato, if I say that I predicted the result before Naruto was born, you Do you believe it?"


 The Fourth Hokage said firmly.

“Since you believe it, then you should choose to continue to believe in me!”

  Leaning her head on the Fourth Hokage's shoulder, Uzumaki Kushina then looked at Cross Country and said with a smile: "Off Road, don't you need me to say anything more, you can understand what I mean."

 “Kushina-sama, I really haven’t thought about it…”

 “Your inheritance is actually for this!”

  What does Uzumaki Kushina mean by what she said to Cross Country?

It turns out that Uzumaki Kushina is far less "brainless" than she seemed in the original plot. In fact, Uzumaki Kushina is a very wise woman, but she is just unwilling to use her brain many times.

Like now, why can Cross Country understand what Uzumaki Kushina means?

Of course it’s because of the cross-country legacy left by Uzumaki Kushina!

When Cross Country truly understood the true meaning of Uzumaki Kushina's inheritance, Cross Country suddenly realized that the real reason why Uzumaki Kushina left the legacy was not just to continue the inheritance of the Uzumaki clan. Uzumaki Kushina's role in Cross Country The inheritance of the Uzumaki clan was left there, based on the belief in cross-country, leaving a trump card for myself, the Fourth Hokage, and the newly born Uzumaki Naruto!

  followed by.

Just when he was about to gain insight into the hidden meaning of Kushina Uzumaki's legacy, there were suddenly a few "swish", "swish" and "swish" sounds!

Under the astonished eyes of the Fourth Hokage, countless golden chains shot out from the bodies of Cross Country and Uzumaki Kushina at the same time. Those were the chains sealed by the Uzumaki clan's secret technique, King Kong!

There is the King Kong blockade of Cross Country and Kushina Uzumaki. No matter how powerful the Kyuubi is, it can only look at Cross Country, Kushina Uzumaki, and the Fourth Hokage fiercely, but there is no other way. Just go and attack the three of them.

Although at this time, cross-country and Uzumaki Kushina's King Kong blockade cannot restrict the escape of Nine-Tails, what's the point?

Since the Kyuubi cannot attack, in addition to using all their strength to block the cross-country attack with King Kong, Uzumaki Kushina and the Fourth Hokage have countless ways to re-seal the Kyuubi!

It is also because of this that even Madara, who wrote the entire script, could not predict that the Third Hokage, who resolutely chose to give up Uzumaki Kushina, could only achieve superficial results with one person's planning and one person's cold blood. key to victory. In fact, the key to real victory still lies in the hands of Cross Country, Uzumaki Kushina, and the Fourth Hokage.

It's just that at this time, only Cross Country, Uzumaki Kushina, and the Fourth Hokage can know where the ultimate secret of the key to victory is.

While feeling the spiritual energy in the Yin escape brand, which was rapidly passing away due to the use of King Kong blockade, Cross Country, who recalled the original plot, secretly thought that if the Nine Tails were sealed again, Uzumaki Kushin, who is a member of the Uzumaki clan and has a strong physical fitness Unfortunately, when there was more than a 50% chance of saving his life, Cross Country could finally secretly rejoice that his plan could not come to nothing.

 But just when Cross Country was secretly rejoicing, he was undoubtedly about to witness a tragedy as he witnessed history.

Because, when the cross country felt that the Nine-Tails was restricted and Uzumaki Kushina must let the Fourth Hokage seal the Nine-Tails in her body again, suddenly Uzumaki Kushina looked at the Fourth Hokage with eyes full of love. , said with a very firm smile:

"Minato, next I'm going to use the four elephants to seal the nine tails..."

 “It’s in your body!”

 “Are you ready... to become the new Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki?”

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