Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 369: Witness History (Part 2)

 “The new Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki?”

After Uzumaki Kushina finished speaking, Cross Country was stunned, and the Fourth Hokage was also stunned.

However, the Fourth Hokage was stunned for only a moment. Soon the Fourth Hokage understood the true meaning of Uzumaki Kushina and turned silent.

 There is no doubt that in the eyes of the Fourth Hokage, there are only two paths that Uzumaki Kushina can take.

 The first one is that Uzumaki Kushina used her remaining power to die together with Kyuubi. However, if Uzumaki Kushina and Kyuubi die together, the most it will do is delay the time for Kyuubi to appear again. After all, Kyuubi cannot die physically. It just remains silent for a period of time after death and will soon be resurrected. .

Furthermore, if Uzumaki Kushina and Nine-Tails die together, wouldn't Konohagakure lose the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki?

 In the ninja world, in the dream of the first Hokage, the tailed beasts among ninjas need a balance for the so-called "peace".

If Konohagakure loses the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki, the balance will be broken, and the three wars that are about to end will inevitably become more intense. This is something that neither Uzumaki Kushina nor the Fourth Hokage want to see.

On the contrary, the second way is to seal the Nine-Tails in the body of the Fourth Hokage. Only Uzumaki Kushina is sacrificed, but the entire Konoha Village is achieved.

 But as the husband of Kushina Uzumaki, how could the Fourth Hokage watch Kushina Uzumaki die?

Therefore, after the Fourth Hokage was silent for a moment, the familiar smile once again filled the face of the Fourth Hokage. Immediately, he saw the Fourth Hokage forming seals with his hands quickly, and said to himself and Uzumaki Kushina. : "Cross-country, Kushina, please wait a moment, I think... I know what to do!"


 After saying that, the Fourth Hokage who used the Flying Thunder God Technique disappeared, leaving only the cross-country and Uzumaki Kushina in front of the Nine-Tails.

 However, when the Fourth Hokage disappeared, Uzumaki Kushina looked at Off-Road. She was originally going to thank Off-Road for staying with their couple firmly. However, just when Uzumaki Kushina was about to speak, Cross Country's rhetorical question caused Uzumaki Kushina to remain silent.

"Kushina-sama, as a member of the Uzumaki clan, as long as you seal the tailed beast again, you have a certain chance of surviving, right?"

"Why give up the chance of survival? Don't you want to watch your and Minato-sensei's children grow up?"

Off-Road's question came, and Uzumaki Kushina first showed a look of astonishment. Apparently she didn't understand how Off-Road knew some secrets about tailed beasts.

However, recalling that Cross Country controlled the Yin Escape inheritance of the Uzumaki clan, Uzumaki Kushina did not care about this matter. Immediately, Uzumaki Kushina sighed deeply in front of Yuchi, and said directly in front of Yuchi: "Chichi, haven't you noticed? That old guy Sarutobi actually has a lot of opinions on me and Minato. ”

"After all, Minato and I have gradually escaped from his control, haven't we?"

 Listening to Uzumaki Kushina's explanation and recalling the indifference of the Third Hokage, Cross Country could only remain silent.

 From beginning to end, Cross Country did not understand the conflict of interests between the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage. Cross Country, who also understood the plot of the original work, never felt that the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage could not coexist.

 However, as the Third Hokage changed again and again, and as the Third Hokage's true nature was exposed, Cross Country gradually realized that one of the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage really had to compromise.

 The reason for the conflict between the two is actually very simple to describe.

 What the Third Hokage needs is a puppet Hokage, a Fourth Hokage who obeys his orders.

On the contrary, the Fourth Hokage had great ambitions and always wanted to escape from the control of the Third Hokage. This slowly caused an indelible rift between the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage.

"Why? The third Hokage didn't choose one of the three ninjas to become the fourth Hokage, but chose Minato-sensei?"

"The Konoha Village in the original plot is all on the bright side, so it does not explain the real reason why some third-generation Hokage chose the fourth-generation Hokage. Unfortunately, the ninja world where I live has light and darkness, so the third-generation Hokage chose Minato-sensei. The real reason for becoming the Fourth Hokage is that Minato-sensei is easier to control?"

"After all, the reputation of the three ninjas in Konoha Village in the ninja world is no less than that of the Third Hokage."

"If one of them is chosen to become Hokage, how will the Third Hokage complete his puppet plan?"

 “It’s true that the fire shadow is as deep as the sea!”

"It's a pity that the Third Hokage has never thought that Minato-sensei is unwilling to become a puppet-like existence!"

Huttering secretly, Cross Country nodded in front of Uzumaki Kushina, acknowledging the conflict between the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage.

When Uzumaki Kushina saw Cross Country nodding, a self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and continued: "Cross Country, you can actually tell from the fact that old man Sarutobi asked me and Minato to deal with the Nine-Tails matter. Old man Sarutobi just wants to knock on Minato, and use my life to knock on Minato. "

"So, if I re-seal the Nine-Tails in my body and am lucky enough to survive the less than 50% survival rate, and old man Sarutobi's conspiracy fails, then who will his target be focused on? It must be in It’s on little Naruto!”

“I still remember everything about Tsunade-sama’s brother.”

"I don't want little Naruto to die tragically in Konoha Village for no reason like Lady Tsunade's brother. If this is the case, then Minato and I must make sacrifices. If I don't want to sacrifice Minato, then I have to sacrifice me. I just hope that old man Sarutobi can give me some mercy and let Minato and little Naruto go!"

With a death-seeking mentality, Uzumaki Kushina was undoubtedly speaking more and more boldly, and she actually revealed many secrets in Konoha Village.

However, after listening to Uzumaki Kushina's own words, the death of Tsunade Hime's younger brother among the three ninjas, that is, the death of Nawaki in the original plot, is likely to be related to the plan of the Third Hokage, and suddenly there is a cold feeling in Cross Country's heart. I feel, especially when I recall the amiable Third Hokage in my mind, I feel that the Third Hokage concealed it very well!

Undoubtedly, there is not much description of the death of the rope tree in the original plot. Off-road only knows that the rope tree died in a sneak attack by other ninja villages.

But recalling it carefully, is it a bit false that Naoki died tragically in Konoha Village?

Let’s not talk about how the Thousand Hands Clan can protect the Rope Tree!

Let’s just say that in the dignified Leaf Village, if a ninja from another village sneaked in, how could he easily kill Tsunade Hime’s younger brother, Naoki?

Combining countless doubts, Cross Country naturally believed in Uzumaki Kushina's conspiracy theory, and his impression of the Third Hokage also became worse. But just after listening to Uzumaki Kushina's words, he was thinking about whether there was a way to get the best of both worlds, so that both Uzumaki Kushina and the Fourth Hokage could survive without dying from the conspiracy of the Third Hokage. Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared. It was during the cross-country trip that Uzumaki Kushina suddenly approached the two of them without even noticing it.

Moreover, when Cross Country was almost panicking, he sensed the existence of the figure and was about to take action to avoid the accident. What shocked Cross Country and Uzumaki Kushina was that the identity of the figure turned out to be someone from the Leaf Village. , whose status is no less than that of the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage!

that person…

 Surprisingly, he is Orochimaru among the three ninjas!

 “Kushina, the death of the rope tree is actually far from being as simple as you think.”

“Do you still remember that after the death of the rope tree, the Thousand Hands clan disappeared?”

“Actually, the death of the rope tree was the trigger for the annihilation of the Thousand Hands clan!”

“Now, can you understand how cruel Sarutobi-sensei is?”

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