Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 370: Witness History (Part 2)


 Suddenly aware of Orochimaru's presence, he was very nervous when going off-road, for fear that Orochimaru was coming to cause trouble.

 Because, knowing the plot of the original work, Cross Country naturally knew that not long after the death of the Fourth Hokage, Orochimaru would directly defect from the Leaf Village because of human experimentation. Therefore, at this time, it was discovered that Orochimaru, who was about to defect soon, appeared. The first feeling of cross-country was that Orochimaru's target was Kyuubi.

So since Orochimaru's target is Nine-Tails, the safety of Uzumaki Kushina may have to be left to Cross Country.

 But just after Orochimaru appeared and Cross Country seemed extremely nervous, who would have thought that Uzumaki Kushina actually smiled, and then said something that shocked Cross Country extremely!

 “Lord Orochimaru, you are here.”

"I am coming."

Nodding, Cross Country was in a daze of shock. Instead, Orochimaru licked the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Kushina, what you gave me is something I can't refuse. So, when you and Minato are in danger, When the time comes, I am willing to be your ally, although I have always looked down on Jiraiya, but..."

 “I’m very optimistic about Minato!”

With that said, Orochimaru's eyes shifted to Cross Country, and continued: "Cross Country, your performance is very good, and I am becoming more and more optimistic about you. Unfortunately, there are some things that you have not seen clearly. For the time being, our cooperation will be difficult. It’s about to come to an end. But I think that with Mr. Sarutobi’s good intentions, you will soon follow the same path as me.”

“I hope you can clearly see where your failure lies this time, and don’t be sloppy when making a decision, lest...”

 “Don’t let Sarutobi-sensei catch you!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Orochimaru did not reveal any shocking news. For example, the death of Tsunade Hime's younger brother, Naoki, was the beginning of the annihilation of the Senju clan. He just threw a scroll to Uzumaki Kushina, and then he disappeared. Then he disappeared in front of the off-road, Uzumaki Kushina.

 However, Orochimaru left, but off-road still looked confused.

 Why did Orochimaru come?

What kind of deal did Uzumaki Kushina and Orochimaru make?

 Everything seems to be a mystery that is difficult to solve in the cross-country, so the cross-country can only look at Uzumaki Kushina with doubts, hoping that Uzumaki Kushina can give him an explanation. Unfortunately, Uzumaki Kushina and Cross Country used King Kong Blockade to suppress the power of the Nine-Tails, which was already very weak.

What's more, the Kyuubi is getting stronger little by little. The King Kong blockade of Cross Country and Uzumaki Kushina has been unable to suppress the Kyuubi for too long, which directly leads to the things that Cross Country needs to think about, starting from the issue of Orochimaru's appearance. , shifted to the question of when the Fourth Hokage will come back.

However, just when Cross Country was secretly thinking about how long it would take for the Fourth Hokage to come back, there was a sudden "whoosh" sound.

 That is the art of Flying Thunder God!

  This is also a sign of the return of the Fourth Hokage!

But when the figure of the Fourth Hokage once again came into the eyes of Cross Country and Uzumaki Kushina, both Cross Country and Uzumaki Kushina were stunned. What was there was that the Fourth Hokage actually held the newborn baby in his arms. How long Naruto!

The protagonist in the original plot, Uzumaki Naruto!

 "Minato-sensei, do you want to..."

"Yes, my plan is to make little Naruto the new Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki."

 The Fourth Hokage's eyes were full of hesitation, but on the surface he nodded firmly.

On the contrary, Uzumaki Kushina listened to what the Fourth Hokage said and retorted directly: "Minato, are you crazy? Little Naruto was just born. Even if he inherits the power of the Uzumaki clan, I am afraid he will not be able to withstand the Nine With such huge chakra, are you preparing... are you preparing..."

As he said that, Uzumaki Kushina suddenly showed a hint of realization and asked, "Are you planning to seal half of the Nine-Tails in little Naruto's body so that he has all the characteristics of the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki?"

 “Well, Kushina, that’s it.”

Nodding silently, the Fourth Hokage looked at Uzumaki Kushina, then at the cross-country, and barely showed a smile and said: "Kushina, actually, I know some of the real reasons for what you want to do, and I know more about you. What exactly do you want to say to me? But I feel that you haven’t thought about enough. After all, you haven’t sat in the position of Hokage, and you haven’t thought about it very well.”

"What's more, Mr. Jiraiya once said that the ninja world will change and be accompanied by disasters and destruction. Today, I seem to be sure of two more things. The first thing is that "mask man", very... He might be the one who brought disaster to the ninja world. As for the second thing, our child, little Naruto, is most likely the person in the prophecy mentioned by Jiraiya-sensei, so when he was just born, I’m going to say sorry to him!”

"For the future of the ninja world, I'm afraid I have to impose some responsibilities on him."

 "I hope the future little Naruto won't...won't blame me!"

 After the Fourth Hokage finished speaking, Cross Country and Uzumaki Kushina were silent at the same time.

Of course, Cross Country's silence has more to do with the fact that he is witnessing history, witnessing the history of a family's disintegration, and witnessing the history of the beginning of the plot of the original work.

As for Uzumaki Kushina's silence, it is more likely that she is thinking about Uzumaki Naruto's future!

 But just like what she thought before going off-road, Uzumaki Kushina has much more to consider than in the original plot. Therefore, after seeing the Fourth Hokage make up his mind, Uzumaki Kushina began to form seals with both hands without any hesitation. On one side, he used the Four Elephant Seal to seal half of the Nine-Tails Chakra in the Fourth Hokage's body, and on the other side, He looked at Cross Country and ordered:

 “Off-road, sorry to trouble you.”

 "It's no trouble, Kushina-sama!"

Taking a deep breath, Uzumaki Kushina's thoughts have actually been conveyed to Cross Country's mind through the brand new Uzumaki clan emblem.

Relying on the Uzumaki clan emblem to understand Uzumaki Kushina's true thoughts, Cross Country used his own spiritual energy to wrap part of Uzumaki Kushina's chakra, and part of the Fourth Hokage's chakra. First, the four-image sealing method used by Uzumaki Kushina was used to seal the chakra of Uzumaki Kushina and the Fourth Hokage in the body of Uzumaki Naruto.

Immediately afterwards, Cross Country's eyes became solemn, and the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand accelerated its flow.

 Because at that moment, what Cross Country did was to seal the other half of the Nine-Tails chakra into Uzumaki Naruto's body.

 Poor Nine-Tails, at this time, it is far from the scenery in the original plot.

Even the work of destroying Konoha Village was completed by Sanbi Isato in the ninja world where Cross Country is located. On the contrary, Kyuubi, from the moment it was freed from the seal, was amidst Uzumaki Kushina's calculations and had no room to show its own power. Immediately, under the careful sealing of Uzumaki Kushina in the cross-country, the seals in the bodies of the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Naruto were all completed.

 The next second, only a "pop" sound was heard.

The Nine-Tails seal was completed, but the former Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Kushina fell down in front of the Cross Country, the Fourth Hokage, and the newly born Uzumaki Naruto after the muffled sound.


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