Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 371: chilling


 A cry of pain, tears welling up in his eyes.

  Even if he is a golden flash in the ninja world, he can't help but show his weak side in front of off-road while watching his beloved wife die, crying like a child.

But when the Fourth Hokage lost his former majesty, staring at Uzumaki Kushina who "plopped" to the ground, Cross Country couldn't help but frowned.

Especially when he stepped forward and closed his eyes, using Kagura's inner eye to sense Kushina Uzumaki's situation, Cross Country suddenly patted the Fourth Hokage's shoulder, let out a light sigh, and said:

 "Minato-sensei, Kushina-sama...seems like they are not dead!"

"not dead?"

 Suddenly, going off-road became the only life-saving straw in the eyes of the Fourth Hokage.

Grabbing the thin shoulder of Cross Country with force, the Fourth Hokage stared at the Cross Country in front of him and asked: "Cross Country, do you think Kushina is not dead?"

“Well, Master Kushina’s condition is very strange. It doesn’t look like she is dead, because her body still has the breath of life.”

 Listening to Cross Country's words, the Fourth Hokage also frowned slightly and carefully inspected the body of Uzumaki Kushina.

 Don’t even say it.

Almost as soon as the Fourth Hokage finished inspecting Uzumaki Kushina's "corpse", the Fourth Hokage frowned like he did during the cross-country trip before, and was silent for a few seconds before he breathed a sigh of relief and said : "Yes, off-road, you are right, Kushina is indeed not dead, she is in a state of suspended animation."

"Well...Kushina's current state is very strange. She is not dead physically, but she seems to be completely dead mentally. As time goes by, Kushina's body will age like ordinary people and will slowly However, if there is a way to revive Kushina's spirit, maybe..."

 “Maybe Kushina can be resurrected!”

 Suddenly realizing that Uzumaki Kushina had hope of resurrection, the Fourth Hokage's tear-stained face showed a faint smile.

 But the more the Fourth Hokage was like this, the more heartbreaking it felt to go off-road.

Especially when combined with the knowledge from the previous life, knowing that Uzumaki Kushina had turned into a vegetative state after sealing half of the Nine-Tails' chakra in the body of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country felt that the Fourth Hokage wanted to resurrect Uzumaki Kushina. Xinai's hope can really only be described as slim.

 That’s right, Uzumaki Kushina is not dead, but she has become a vegetative state.

As long as there is a way to revive Uzumaki Kushina's spirit, there is still a 50% chance of Uzumaki Kushina's resurrection.

But in the ninja world, who has the secret technique to revive the spirit?

 The answer is no one!

Unless the BOSS Madara hidden behind the scenes of the Mist Ninja Village is willing to take action, there is some hope of resurrecting Kushina Uzumaki. But why would a hero like Madara come to help the Fourth Hokage resurrect Kushina Uzumaki?

Of course, there is another way to revive Kushina Uzumaki's spirit, and that way is off-road.

With the inheritance of Uzumaki Kushina, and the Uzumaki clan's Yin escape inheritance in hand, if Cross Country's Yin escape brand can be cultivated to a very high level, perhaps Cross Country can complete the important task of resurrecting Kushina Uzumaki. .

It is also a pity that the off-road Yin Escape brand is only in the initial stage of practice. If you want to practice to the point of resurrecting Kushina Uzumaki, you still don't know that you have to practice to the year of the monkey.

However, now that the Fourth Hokage has hope of cheering up, Cross Country feels that the current situation is acceptable. After all, ever since Madara liberated the Nine-Tails, Cross Country felt that he could not avoid the tragedy of Kushina Uzumaki and the Fourth Hokage in the original plot. Now, after being able to solve some tragedies that occurred, Cross Country felt that he had succeeded even though he still had lingering fears.

 It's just that after spending so much energy on the cross-country trip, Lin was still not saved, and Uzumaki Kushina was still not saved smoothly.

  followed by.

After the cross-country trip, the Fourth Hokage's emotions calmed down a lot. The Fourth Hokage slowly picked up Uzumaki Naruto and looked at his and Uzumaki Kushina's children with doting eyes. He was speechless for a long time. Instead, he went off-road and opened his mouth several times in front of the Fourth Hokage, wanting to ask some questions, but in the end he swallowed back the words he was about to say.

It wasn't until the Fourth Hokage grabbed the only scroll left in Uzumaki Kushina's hand, which was the scroll that Orochimaru came to make a deal with Uzumaki Kushina, that the Fourth Hokage's dim eyes recovered somewhat, and then in Cross Country asked in front of him: "Cross Country, did you see anyone before Kushina died? Who gave this scroll... to Kushina?"

 “It’s Lord Orochimaru.”

Off-road replied truthfully.


 Listening to Cross Country's answer, the Fourth Hokage slowly opened the scroll.

When he saw what was written on the scroll, Cross Country obviously saw another wry smile on the face of the Fourth Hokage.

 “Off-road, can you do me a favor?”

 "Minato-sensei, tell me!"

Although I don’t know what the trump card that Uzumaki Kushina left behind before she died, the Fourth Hokage asked Cross Country for help, and Cross Country was definitely willing to accept it.

 Then, with the Fourth Hokage's talk, Cross Country was shocked and quickly learned what Uzumaki Kushina's trump card was, or what the final plan was. Immediately, following the arrangement of the Fourth Hokage, he took Uzumaki Naruto from the Fourth Hokage. Cross Country watched as the Fourth Hokage picked up Uzumaki Kushina's "corpse" and slowly disappeared in front of him, only faintly. Just sighing, and without hesitation, he unsealed the scroll that Orochimaru gave to Uzumaki Kushina.

"Third Hokage, I hope you can successfully complete the test of Minato-sensei and Kushina-sama!"

 “Don’t let Minato-sensei and Kushina-sama down!”

Huttered to himself, Cross Country stopped at the place where Nine-Tails had successfully re-sealed it.

 Half an hour later, there were sudden "swish", "swish" and "swish" sounds.

 The Third Hokage, Shimura Danzo, and several familiar figures from Kakashi suddenly came to the cross country from the direction of Konoha Village. However, when the Third Hokage and others came, what they saw was not Cross Country holding Uzumaki Naruto, but the Fourth Hokage waiting for them there. When the Third Hokage and others came, the first thing they saw was the figure of Cross Country alone holding Uzumaki Naruto, and...

 The bodies of the Fourth Hokage and Kushina Uzumaki!

What happened to those two corpses?

Didn’t the Fourth Hokage leave with Uzumaki Kushina in his arms? Why did the bodies of the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina appear in front of the Third Hokage and others?

 There is no doubt that that is the test of Uzumaki Kushina!

 In the transaction with Orochimaru, Uzumaki Kushina surprisingly used her own blood, the Fourth Hokage's, to ask Orochimaru to create a fake corpse for them. After the transaction was completed, Uzumaki Kushina prepared to use the fake corpses of herself and the Fourth Hokage to test the attitude of the Third Hokage.

If the Third Hokage looked at Uzumaki Kushina and the Fourth Hokage died, feeling guilty, and made up for all the guilt on Uzumaki Naruto, then unlike in the original plot, the Fourth Hokage had never died. He must be able to abandon the prejudice of Uzumaki Kushina's death and continue to serve Konoha Village.

 But what if the Third Hokage still uses that chilling attitude to face the Fourth Hokage, the orphan of Uzumaki Kushina after her "death"?

 The result…without words!

The Fourth Hokage, who felt chilled by the Third Hokage, must have faked his death in the Leaf Village and embarked on a completely different path even if he had not died!

Therefore, when the Third Hokage and others appeared in front of him, Cross Country was looking forward to it. He hoped that the Third Hokage would feel guilty and treat Uzumaki Naruto as an orphan well to make up for him and the Fourth Hokage. The rift between the Hokages.

But not long after the Third Hokage appeared, even though there was a little guilt in the Third Hokage's eyes, it was a pity that the Third Hokage's actions in the end still chilled Cross Country and the Fourth Hokage who was hiding in the dark.

Because, when the Third Hokage initially learned about the entire process of sealing the Nine-Tails from Cross Country, what was the first thing the Third Hokage said?

  It is not to make up for Uzumaki Kushina, nor to make up for the Fourth Hokage hiding in the dark!

 The Third Hokage knew the whole process of sealing the Nine-Tails, and when he knew that Uzumaki Kushina and the Fourth Hokage were all "dead", he actually gave the order to go off-road like this!

“Nara Cross Country, the Nine-Tails matter is classified as an S-class secret. You should know the consequences of leaking it, right?”

“Also, starting from today, all information on the birth of Minato’s children will be blocked. Minato’s children…”

 “From now on, my last name will be Uzumaki!”

 "His name is Uzumaki Naruto!"

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