Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 372: Ownership

 "Uzumaki...Uzumaki Naruto?"

"Kushina-sama, you really see things more clearly than Minato-sensei in some aspects."

"The Third Hokage is really not prepared to fulfill his promise!"

  Listening to the Third Hokage's order, Cross Country responded with a faint "Yes" without any intention of refuting, just like Kakashi who took Uzumaki Naruto from Cross Country's arms.

 There is no doubt that Kakashi's silence is more of a compromise.

When he thought about it, the Fourth Hokage died. As a ninja of Konoha Village, he must be loyal to the Third Hokage. Therefore, no matter what the order of the Third Hokage was in Kakashi's eyes, even if it was the Fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Kushina betrayed Konoha. Kakashi has to accept his death in silence. This is the superior-subordinate relationship in Konoha Village.

 On the contrary, it is off-road. Is his silence really a compromise?

 Of course not!

 The silence of cross-country is heartbreaking. For the Fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Kushina feels it is not worth it!

Blocking the Fourth Hokage, most of the reasons for Uzumaki Kushina's "death" were listed as S-class secrets, forcing the protagonist in the original plot to follow Kushina Uzumaki's surname, and be named Uzumaki Naruto as in the original plot, which is equivalent to Obliterating all the contributions of the Fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Kushina, and even the cross-country.

Even in the Third Hokage’s actions, the little hero Uzumaki Naruto’s due treatment was completely obliterated!

  When Cross Country was silent there, he foresaw the information that would spread in Konoha Village tomorrow.

 October 10, Konoha 48, not long after the Three-Tails War broke out, the Nine-Tails War broke out.

 After this battle, the Fourth Hokage and the original Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Kushina died gloriously, and Uzumaki Naruto, the orphan of the Uzumaki clan, inherited the identity of the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki.


There's no after that.

 The world only knows that the Fourth Hokage is the hero of Konoha Village, that's all.

Uzumaki Kushina, Uzumaki Naruto's credit is completely obliterated, and the cross-country credit is also completely obliterated. What happens next may be like in the original plot. Uzumaki Naruto grew up alone, suffered countless hardships, and gradually fell into the woods. Under the influence of Ye Cun's Will of Fire, he embarked on the path to inherit the name of Hokage.

 Is this result really fair?

 There is no fairness at all, but this is the reality. History is always written by the victors, right?

Therefore, looking at the so-called "winner" at this time, looking at the cold face of Shimura Danzo, the Third Hokage, Cross Country's heart is very cold. In addition to replacing the fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Kushina's wish to take good care of Uzumaki Naruto, No other ideas. As for the Fourth Hokage's heart-wrenching sight when he saw this scene, and which path he was going to choose in the end, even cross-country felt that it had nothing to do with him.

 His heart became cold.

  What little sense of belonging he had to Konoha Village completely disappeared.

 But the scene that makes Cross Country extremely chilling, is it really the indifference of the third Hokage in front of him?

 No, not at all!

 The next thing the Third Hokage will do is to use his own attitude to tell Cross Country that Hokage does not need emotions!

 In the eyes of the Hokage, there are only the interests of the Leaf Village and no emotional ties!

 Completely ignoring the cross country next to him, Kakashi, the Third Hokage's eyes quickly shifted from Uzumaki Naruto to Shimura Danzo, and said: "Danzo, what do you think about the things in the village?"

"There is nothing left to do. There is no need to choose a new Hokage. Hiruzen, you can be the Hokage again."

Replied indifferently, Danzo Shimura took the opportunity to retreat and said: "However, the new Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki cannot be left to you, it must be left to me to train. Because of emotions, the previous Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki Kushina is If you are unqualified, leave Uzumaki Naruto to me, and I will train him into a good weapon."

 “The Third Hokage, I don’t agree!”

Almost as soon as the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo began to distribute benefits, and Shimura Danzo was using the original rights of the Fourth Hokage in exchange for Uzumaki Naruto's ownership rights, Kakashi suddenly spoke.

 It's a pity that in the power struggle between the Third Hokage and Shimura Danzo, Kakashi's rebuttal was obviously of no value.

However, after taking a deep look at Kakashi, the Third Hokage may have felt guilty in his heart, or even more so for more benefits. He raised a faint smile on his lips and said, "Danzo, look at Minato. The disciples don't agree, so let's put your proposal aside for now. Leave Uzumaki Naruto to me for the time being. Kakashi, come take care of it. I'll tell Jiraiya about Minato right away. Let's see. What do you think of Jiraiya's opinion, and who should I leave Uzumaki Naruto to train?"


As soon as the Third Hokage finished speaking, Danzo Shimura couldn't help but snorted coldly, and immediately looked at Off-Road, preparing to drag Off-Road into the sewer: "Off-road, what do you think?"

"I have no opinion."

With a cold reply, Cross Country said, "If there's nothing else, I'm going to go back and rest, okay?"

 “No problem, go back!”

 In the conversation about the ownership of Uzumaki Naruto, the Third Hokage once again won. He was still in a good mood, but he didn't have any trouble going off-road.

With an out-of-sight, out-of-mind attitude, Cross Country also glanced deeply at Uzumaki Naruto in Kakashi's arms, and then disappeared in front of the Third Hokage, Shimura Danzo and others.

But not long after he left off-road, a black shadow quickly blocked his way.

That person is undoubtedly the Fourth Hokage, who has a lonely face and endless anger in his eyes.

 “Off-road, thank you just now.”

“Teacher Minato, is it unnecessary for you to tell me this?”

In front of the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country did not need to suppress the anger in his heart. He recalled what the Third Hokage had done before and scolded directly: "Just like Kushina-sama said, that old man Hiruzen Sarutobi is really a little too much." Thank you! Minato-sensei, do you have any ideas? If so, I will definitely help you, at least I don’t want the Nara clan to be loyal to such a chilling Hokage!"

"In my heart, the Fourth Hokage... will always be better than the Third Hokage!"

 “But the Fourth Hokage is dead, isn’t he?”

After Off-Road finished speaking, the Fourth Hokage made the two of them silent with just one sentence.

In silence, Cross Country remembered something again, and asked the Fourth Hokage: "Minato-sensei, are you going to resurrect Kushina-sama first, and then come back and tell the Third Hokage that he is wrong?"

 "Well, I was planning to resurrect Kushina first, but Naruto..."

 Speaking, the Fourth Hokage couldn't help but show a sad look. It was obvious that he was still a little worried about Uzumaki Naruto.

Therefore, feeling the sadness and reluctance of the Fourth Hokage, Yukiko patted his chest and said: "Minato-sensei, just leave Naruto to me! As long as I, Yukiko, live for one day, Naruto will not be harmed in any way, please Just trust me!"

"I trust you!"

Step forward and patted Cross Country on the shoulder. The Fourth Hokage forced a smile on his face. He hugged Uzumaki Kushina's "corpse" in his loneliness and disappeared in front of Cross Country again.

And Cross Country knows that this time the Fourth Hokage disappears, and he may be missing for a long time.

However, the missing Fourth Hokage is much better than the dead Fourth Hokage.

Soon, just by adjusting his breathing, a glimmer of light lit up in Xue Xue's gloomy eyes. Obviously, watching the Fourth Hokage, the miserable scene that Uzumaki Kushina faced, and the cross-country without the worry of the Nine-Tails Battle, in order to avoid facing the same tragedy in the future, he further strengthened his will and prepared to work hard. To improve his strength and strive to escape from the Leaf Village as soon as possible, the Third Hokage was restrained layer by layer.

With this mood, he went cross-country to the shelter he arranged. He first picked up Nara Yoshino, Koshikamaru and others who had gone to take refuge. Then he returned home and began to recover from his injuries, adjust his own condition, and prepare to seek a half-step recovery. The method to break through from the quasi-shadow level to become a strong quasi-shadow level.

But after a night of practice, even when he was going cross-country, what he never expected was that a new order from the Third Hokage suddenly came, which disrupted his plan again.

 Because under the new order of the Third Hokage, the heroes in the battle between the Three-Tails and the Nine-Tails are about to face the tragic situation of being exiled!

“You said that the Third Hokage’s new order is to send me to the frontline battlefield?”

 “Are you sure you got it right?”

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