Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 373: Take advantage of the situation

 Three tails, the battle of nine tails ends.

the next day.

Staying in the stable Nara clan, Off-Road's mood was undoubtedly relieved to a certain extent. Especially when he saw Nara Yoshino teasing Koganamaru, the negative emotions in Off-Road's heart dissipated instantly.

Presumably, if Shikaku can return to Konoha Village when Cross Country is relieved and teach Cross Country a few political lessons, the dissatisfaction remaining in Cross Country's heart can be completely eliminated with the passage of time.

But just when Konoha Village was in dire straits and needed a new generation of elites like Cross Country to take over the important task of replacing the old with the new, who would have thought that the ANBU dispatched by the Third Hokage suddenly appeared in Shikaku's mansion? , ordered Cross Country to go to the battlefields of the Land of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder, and expelled Cross Country from the sphere of influence of Konoha Village in a way that was close to exile!

At this moment, he stared at the ANBU in front of him, with anger burning in his eyes.

It is estimated that if the ANBU sent by the Third Hokage becomes more arrogant, Cross Country may directly "pinch" the ANBU sent by the Third Hokage.

 However, the Third Hokage had long understood the temper of the cross-country, and he even knew that a slap in the face would be a sweet date. Therefore, the Anbu sent by the Third Hokage were very polite, even if the attitude of the cross-country was not very good, they respectfully said in front of the cross-country: "Sir, the third generation Hokage did send you to the battlefield to fight, but you went to the battlefield My identity is not ANBU, but..."


With that said, the Anbu sent by the Third Hokage were awarded the uniform of a Jounin of the Leaf Village for Cross Country, which made Nara Yoshino next to him look shocked.

 Are you kidding me?

  In the original plot, Kakashi became a Jonin when he was a teenager, which is the record in Konoha Village.

 Who can break such a record?

 There is no doubt that the sweet dates given by the Third Hokage may not be useful for off-roading, but Nara Yoshino is very useful. Very politely sending off the ANBU sent by the Third Hokage, Nara Yoshino didn't care at all that Cross Country was rushing to the battlefield. With a smile on his face, he dressed up Cross Country in the costume of a Jounin of the Leaf Village, smiling a bit. I feel like I can't get along!

   "Off-road, the Third Hokage really thinks highly of you. He promoted you to Jonin just after you regained your status as Hokage."

"In this way, we will have two jounin in our family, hmm..."

“Including future Shikamaru, we have three jounin in our family, which is really awesome!”

 Speaking, Nara Yoshino looked at Shikamaru lying in the cradle next to him, and then said with a smile: "Off-road, I will leave the task of teaching Shikamaru to you from now on!"

"no problem!"

 In front of Nara Yoshino, Cross Country smiled and seemed very happy.

 But in his heart, Cross Country sneered secretly, thinking:

 “If I could come back alive, I would definitely...”

 "I will definitely teach Koshikamaru and little Naruto well!"

Hunted to himself, Cross Country couldn't help but sigh deeply. He thought that the Third Hokage's carrot and stick trick was really good.

Given the title of Jonin to Cross Country, but sent, or rather exiled, Cross Country to the battlefield where the Land of Fire and the Country of Thunder clashed. Most of the people in Cross Country saw the triple intention of the Third Hokage.

 The first intention is to conceal the truth!

 In Konoha Village, except for a few high-level people, there are only off-roaders. Kakashi may know some secrets of the Fourth Hokage, Uzumaki Kushina, and Uzumaki Naruto.

At this time, Konoha Village experienced the Three-Tails War and the Nine-Tails War, and was in a very difficult period. The top management of Konoha Village did not have perfect control over the interior of the village. If, off-road, Kakashi is in Konoha Village, and when the Third Hokage is preparing to conceal the truth, he suddenly uses other means to reveal the truth, it will be very detrimental to the rule of the Third Hokage.

 So, banishing those disobedient people, such as off-road people, is what the Third Hokage needs to do.

What's more, even if it's not to hide the truth, there are two other reasons why Cross Country must leave Konoha Village?

 The Third Hokage’s second purpose is to master Uzumaki Naruto!

As a disciple of the Fourth Hokage, and the most loyal disciple to the Fourth Hokage, the Third Hokage knew that if he wanted to master Uzumaki Naruto, he had to get out of the way. Kakashi has something to say. With the matter of Konoha White Fang Hatake Sakumo in front of him, does Kakashi have the guts to refute the opinions of the Third Hokage?

 In other words, even if the Third Hokage concealed the truth and treated Uzumaki Naruto as in the original plot, Kakashi must have ignored his master's children just like in the original plot. Maybe when given the chance, Kakashi can become the Jounin mentor of Naruto Uzumaki, the Second Pillar of Uchiha, and Sakura Aoiike, just like in the original plot!

On the contrary, it is cross-country. In the battle of the three tails, the third generation Hokage clearly saw the strength and potential of cross-country. If he stayed in the village to teach Uzumaki Naruto, the third generation Hokage really did not dare to imagine what Uzumaki Naruto would be like in the future.

In this case, is it inevitable to leave Konoha Village cross-country?

 It is definitely inevitable!

 Furthermore, coupled with the third intention of the Third Hokage, Cross Country wants to leave Konoha Village as soon as possible!

 Because the third Hokage's third intention is actually to suppress the Nara clan!

 When the Fourth Hokage succeeded him, the Nara clan, the Yamanaka clan, and the Akimichi clan turned to support the Fourth Hokage, leaving a bad impression on the mind of the Third Hokage. Now, with all the combat power of the Nara clan, the Yamazaka clan, and the Akimichi clan, plus potential ninjas, the Third Hokage can sort out the families loyal to the Hokage in these three eras.

 The family that had been loyal to the Hokage in these three eras became loyal to him, the third generation of the Hokage!

 Obviously, the Third Hokage's plan is still so deep, and he is indeed a person who can surpass Shimura Danzo!

 No wonder Danzo Shimura has done nothing until now. Even when the Three-Tails War and the Nine-Tails War ended, he chose to compromise like the Third Hokage.

It turns out that without the Fourth Hokage, Danzo Shimura would be no match for the Third Hokage.

At this time, even the cross-country people were mourning for Shimura Danzo, thinking that Shimura Danzo's future madness turned out to be the outburst of resentment when he was under the Third Hokage's butt!

However, now Cross Country has accepted the title of Jonin and accepted the order of the Third Hokage. Although Cross Country knows what the Third Hokage's plot is, without completely breaking up with the Leaf Village, Cross Country still has to accept the Third Generation. The order issued by the Hokage was just to rest at home for a day, but on the third day after the Three-Tails and Nine-Tails war, he had to go to the war as a ninja.

 But in thinking about cross-country, he felt that the war between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder was still relatively stable for the time being, and at least there was no danger on the frontline battlefield.

But how could Cross Country imagine that the Raikage obtained the information about the death of the Fourth Hokage on the day after the Fourth Hokage's "death"?

Off-road was almost ready to go. The moment he left Konoha Village as a ninja, a little toad suddenly came to the front of the off-road and said directly in front of the off-road:

“Are you Xiao Minato’s disciple, Nara Cross Country?”

 “That’s right, you are…”

Suddenly he saw a little toad appear in front of him. If he didn't know that it was the toad from Mt. Miaomu, he would have just watched the original plot in vain.

As for the people who can let the toads in Mt. Myouki transmit information, the only ones in Cross Country are Jiraiya and the Fourth Hokage.

  Jiraiya has nothing to do with off-roading, so it must be the Fourth Hokage who wants to pass information to him.

Sure enough, when the little toad determined the identity of Cross Country, it directly told Cross Country the information collected by the Fourth Hokage. When Cross Country understood the information that the Fourth Hokage wanted to convey, his slightly dull eyes were also full of shock, because in the information of the Fourth Hokage, the things recorded were about the Kingdom of Thunder!

Not long after the Three-Tails of Konoha Village and the Nine-Tails War ended, the Raikage actually obtained information about the death of the Fourth Hokage, and personally led the ninja troops from Kumo Ninja Village to take advantage of the situation!

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