Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 374: Go deep alone

 “Thunder Shadow, it’s true that he can’t sit still.”

From the information sent by the Fourth Hokage, Cross Country learned that Yun Ninja Village came to take advantage of the situation, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

According to the original plot in my memory, Cross Country clearly remembers that after Konoha Village experienced the Nine-Tails War, countless elites from the Ninja War period died tragically, causing the power of Konoha Village to begin to decline at its peak. It was also from that time that Konoha Village's dominance in the ninja world was shaken. Unfortunately, the three major ninja villages, Iwa Ninja Village, Mist Ninja Village, and Sand Ninja Village, experienced fierce battles during the Three War period, but they did not have the power to suppress the forces. The declining Konoha Village.

Only the Cloud Ninja Village of the Kingdom of Thunder seized the best opportunity and severely shaken the dominance of Konoha Village at the end of the Third War.

Since then, the title of Konoha Village's number one in the ninja world has become undeserved. Instead, the Cloud Ninja Village followed the rapids and gradually caught up with Konoye Village at the end of the Third War and became the leader in the ninja world. The second ninja village always threatens the dominance of Konoha Village.

Didn’t you see that in the Ninja Alliance in the original plot, the Fourth Raikage and Tsunade Hime, the Fifth Hokage, are both the commanders of the Ninja Alliance?

The fourth generation Raikage can become the commander-in-chief together with the future fifth generation Hokage Tsunade Hime, which is actually a sign that Konoha Village recognizes the status of Kumo Ninja Village!

 However, after learning that the Yunren Village came to take advantage of the situation, a faint sneer appeared on Zi Xuejie's lips.

 That’s right.

After the Nine-Tails War in the original plot, the three ninjas in Konoha Village listened to the edict but not the announcement. The fourth generation of Hokage died, and the third generation of Hokage had to sit in Konoha Village. This gave the Cloud Ninja Village an opportunity to take advantage of. But now, the situation has become completely different. After the Nine-Tails War, the Fourth Hokage has not really died. In addition to the Third Hokage in Konoha Village, there is also a strong person like Cross Country who has stepped into the shadow-level palace. How could he just watch the Yun Ninja Village come and take advantage of the situation?

What's more, the Fourth Hokage sent information from the front line. Off-road could vaguely guess the true meaning of the information sent by the Fourth Hokage.

 Obviously, even the Fourth Hokage left the Leaf Village out of dismay and went to find a way to resurrect Kushina Uzumaki. But subconsciously, the Fourth Hokage still considered the Leaf Village at all times. At this time, the toad of Mt. Myoboku was sent to transmit information in order to allow Cross Country to resolve the temporary crisis in the Leaf Village.

Then, almost as soon as he understood the potential meaning of the information sent by the Fourth Hokage, his eyes fell on the little toad in front of him. Because Cross Country believed that the Fourth Hokage must have his own plan, and immediately looked at the little toad in front of him, he asked: "I must have had a preliminary plan in mind before Minato-sensei asked you to send the information. Then, what is Minato-sensei’s plan?”

"As expected of Xiao Minato's beloved disciple, you have already guessed it before I even said it."

After listening to Cross Country, Little Toad nodded with satisfaction and said: "Xiao Shuimen does have a preliminary plan, but Xiao Shuimen said that if you didn't ask about Cross Country, there is no need to tell you, because Xiao Shuimen I feel that my plan is very radical and it is very difficult to complete it.”


After saying that, the little toad paused for a few seconds and then said: "However, since you asked about the cross-country, I will tell you Xiao Minato's plan. In fact, the plan made by Xiao Minato is very simple. Carry out a beheading operation! As long as the leader of the ninja troops of Yun Ninja Village can be eliminated, Yun Ninja Village’s strategy of taking advantage of the situation will directly face a disastrous defeat!”

 “Decapitation tactic?”

 The most intuitive explanation for beheading tactics is...

Take the head of a general among thousands of armies!

There is no doubt that since the Cloud Ninja Village came to take advantage of the situation, the Raikage cannot easily leave the Cloud Ninja Village to avoid accidents in the rear. As a result, the commander of the Kumo Ninja Village ninja troops who came to attack the Fire Country was not the Raikage, which gave the Konoha Village the possibility of using beheading tactics.

As long as Cross Country goes deep into the camp of Yun Ninja Village alone and can successfully eliminate the commander of the ninja troops of Yun Ninja Village, Yun Ninja Village's strategy will be revealed in an instant.

 But as the Fourth Hokage hesitated, the decapitation tactic was really too dangerous.

Let alone a half-step quasi-kage level cross-country, let's say that the fourth generation Hokage, a true shadow level powerhouse, went to execute the beheading tactic. He might be 100% sure to complete the beheading tactic, but how sure could he retreat calmly?

So, when the little toad was telling the Fourth Hokage about his plan, hoping that Cross Country would carry out the decapitation tactics, the originally confident Cross Country couldn't help but raise a wry smile and thought to himself:

"As expected of a radical Minato-sensei, the beheading tactic is probably something that even the Third Hokage would not want to think about. Only a person as energetic as Minato-sensei can immediately think of executing a beheading tactic, right?"

“However, although the decapitation tactic is very dangerous, it is a good opportunity to practice!”

"In the ninja world, it is basically impossible for ordinary ninjas to create a situation where I face life and death."

“On the contrary, the beheading tactic that Minato-sensei thought of this time really suits me, doesn’t it?”

Him secretly, Cross Country has basically determined its own strategy, which is to execute the decapitation tactic as the Fourth Hokage said.

And at the moment when he decided to implement the beheading tactic, a fierce fighting spirit also appeared in Yue Yue's eyes, making the little toad in front of him feel like he suddenly felt that the Yue Yue in front of him had an aura that was like a sharp sword. .

But one thing is undoubted, that is, before going cross-country to implement decapitation tactics, you must have a good understanding of the situation in Yun Ninja Village. At least you must know who the commander of the ninja troops in Yun Ninja Village is.

From this point of view, what cross-country needs to do now is to go to the battlefield to collect intelligence, rather than go directly to carry out decapitation tactics.

However, before going to the battlefield, Cross Country felt that he still needed to know the follow-up plans of the Fourth Hokage. Then he looked at the little toad in front of him again, and Cross Country asked curiously: "Excuse me, what are Minato-sensei's recent plans? Is it preparation? Go to the battlefield in person and secretly help the Leaf Village, or prepare..."

  "Well, little Minato has been thinking about little Kushina. It's impossible to go to the battlefield."

  Sighing deeply, recalling the state of Uzumaki Kushina, the little toads in Mt. Myoboku felt that the Fourth Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina were a little aggrieved, and they could not help but show their dissatisfaction in front of the cross-country.

On the contrary, it was off-roading. The toads in Mt. Myoboku were so full of emotions, but the behavior of the Third Hokage was so chilling. Naturally, my impression of the Third Hokage became even worse.

Moreover, almost as soon as the little toad finished speaking, Cross Country thought that the Fourth Hokage had a good place to go.

Immediately, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. After the little toad finished speaking, he gave the little toad a meaningful look and said with a faint smile: "Please help me bring a message to Teacher Minato and tell it to Minato." Teacher, there is a very interesting organization in the Rain Ninja Village, it seems to be called Dusk. That organization may have a way to resurrect Kushina-sama, is that okay? "

 “Can it really be possible to resurrect little Kushina?”

After Off-Road finished speaking, Little Toad looked at Off-Road in shock.

Immediately afterwards, the little toad nodded heavily and replied: "Okay, I will tell Xiao Shuimen about this. Thank you very much, off-road!"

Having said that, the little toad in front of the cross-country made a "bang" sound, turned into a ball of white mist, and disappeared in front of the cross-country, obviously returning to Miaomu Mountain.

As for off-roading, after watching the little toad in front of me disappear, I took another deep breath, and then started directly on the way to the battlefield using the secret technique of "acceleration".

This journey is destined to be carried out in cross-country alone, without any friendly troops, and all around are enemies.

 But the more dangerous the situation, the more fighting spirit in the cross-country eyes becomes more special.

Especially a few days later, when I arrived at the battlefield between the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder after a long cross-country journey, that is, the Kingdom of Grass where the Kingdom of Fire and the Kingdom of Thunder were temporarily fighting, I closed my eyes and cast Kagura's Heart Eye to sense the surroundings. Situation, the cross-country track of several Kumo ninjas was soon discovered, and he directly grasped the special sword hanging on his back!


 “It’s about to begin!”

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