Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 375: Doesn't anyone know?

 Close your eyes and use Kagura Heart Eye.

Soon, the figures of several cloud ninjas appeared in the cross-country perception, making them the first target after entering the country of grass.

 But when facing prey, off-roading is very patient.

Holding a special sword in hand, Cross Country did not attack the target immediately, but waited for all the targets to gather together. Immediately, when Cross Country took out a white handkerchief from his ninja bag and slowly wiped the special tachi held in one hand, as expected, with a few "swish" and "swish" sounds, following the four Kumo ninjas, another Six grass ninjas stepped into the cross-country perception.

 Slowly opened his eyes, closed the cross-country of Kagura's inner eyes, and his eyes were full of indifference.

Especially when looking forward, he saw that six grass ninjas had to kneel down and lick under the coercion of several cloud ninjas. A cold smile appeared on the corner of Zi Xuejiao's mouth.

Immediately, looking at the grass ninja who wanted to kneel down and lick the cloud ninja, Cross Country couldn't help but murmured:

 “It’s really a fight between gods and mortals that suffers!”

“No wonder Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan in the original plot wanted to create the Akatsuki organization. As a small country, it’s really sad!”

 After saying that, Cross Country shook his head slowly, and did not pay attention to the appearance of the grass ninjas, but just focused on the cloud ninjas.

 But, aren’t the Leaf Village and Kusanagi Village allies?

  Why did the Grass Ninja Village, which was in alliance with Konoha, go to kneel down and lick the Cloud Ninja Village at this time?

 The reason is naturally what Xue Xue murmured just now, which is the tragedy of being a small country!

In the original plot, the geographical location of the Kingdom of Rain is very awkward, located in the middle of the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Wind, and the Kingdom of Earth.

In this way, as long as the Konoha Village, Iwa Ninja Village, and Sand Ninja Village start a war, the first choice target will basically be within the Kingdom of Rain. After all, big countries are unwilling to spread the flames of war to their own countries. Small countries that cannot control their destiny during the war of resistance will naturally have to give in to the interests of big countries and open up battlefields in their own countries.

It is estimated that if there was not a demigod in the original plot who was famous and could covertly protect the Rain Country, the Rain Country might have become devastated and ceased to exist in the ninja world as early as World War II.

 And what about the country of grass?

The location of the Kingdom of Grass is also very embarrassing, located in the middle of the Kingdom of Fire, the Kingdom of Wind, and the Kingdom of Thunder.

 But the Country of Grass has always had a good ally, or in other words, the Country of Grass has always been kneeling to Konoha Village. Therefore, under the protection of the Fire Country, the Rain Ninja Village becomes even more tragic. On the contrary, the Grass Country has a chance to breathe. Only in some special wars, the Grass Country will become the Fire Country and the Fire Country. battlefields in other countries.

However, despite the fact that the Country of Grass and the Country of Fire are allies, the Country of Grass has never been a very good ally.

During the Third World War, when the Konoha Village and the Iwa Ninja Village went to war, the Grass Ninja Village in the Country of Grass turned to the Iwa Ninja Village, helping the Iwa Ninja Village and causing a lot of trouble to the Konoha Village.

 Now, the Kingdom of Thunder has opened a battlefield in the Kingdom of Grass, and the pig teammate of the Grass Ninja Village has undoubtedly rebelled again.

Just thinking about it when traveling off-road, the swaying of the Kusakunin Village in the wind actually just illustrates the sadness of a small country and tells the helplessness of being unable to control its destiny. Besides, the mere ninjas from the Grass Ninja Village will certainly not be able to cause any trouble to off-roaders. Instead of paying attention to these low-end Grass Ninjas, it would be better to look at the extremely high-quality Kumo Ninjas, right?

 Then, after carefully sensing the situation of the Cloud Ninjas and Grass Ninjas in front of him, Cross Country discovered that the quality of the Cloud Ninjas was actually a bit ridiculously high!

Out of the four Kumo ninjas, three are jounin-level ninjas, and there is only one elite chuunin-level ninja. When did jounin-level ninjas become so worthless?

 Look at the grass ninjas. Among the six grass ninjas, there is only one jounin-level ninja. This is normal, right?

  followed by.

The cloud ninja and the grass ninja, a total of ten ninjas, walked three hundred meters ahead of the cross-country.

 Three hundred meters, which is a good distance.

It happens that the distance between the Kumo ninja and the Grass ninja can be seen clearly in the cross-country, and even more so that the Kumo ninja and the Kumo ninja can see the distance in the cross-country.

Normally speaking, at a distance of three hundred meters, when those cloud ninjas and grass ninjas discovered the figure of the cross country, the first thing the cross country should do must be to use the wind teleportation body, and directly attack with a "swish" sound. go. Immediately, with just the combination of speed and the sharpness of the special sword, the Kumo ninja and Kusanagi ninja below the Jonin level would all die tragically under the cross-country blade.

 Next, all you need to do is use the secret technique of Shadow Escape and the secret technique of Swift Wind Flow, and all the enemies in front of you will die miserably at the hands of off-road.

 But when both the Cloud Ninja and the Grass Ninja discovered the figure of Off-Road, the very strange thing was that Off-Road still stayed there silently, without even moving.

On the contrary, the cloud ninjas at the front of the cross-country had a faint smile on their faces the moment they spotted the thin figure of the cross-country.

“What a young Jounin of Konoha, is that brat Kakashi of Konoha Village?”

With that said, the leader of the cloud ninja looked at the surrounding grass ninjas and directly ordered:

 “That little brat will be taken care of by you. What are you waiting for? Come on!”

 “Yes! Sir!”

 Obviously, the grass ninja who pretended to be a grandson in front of the cloud ninja has now become a real grandson.

And off-road in the distance, when he saw the scene of the Cloud Ninja ordering the Grass Ninja to attack, he also knew why the Cloud Ninja's troops in the Country of Grass were all elite.

“It turns out that the strategy of the commander of the advance troops of the Cloud Ninja Village is to use elite troops to frighten the Grass Ninja Village and use the power of the Grass Ninja Village to further weaken the power of the Konoha Village!”

 “What a good plan!”

"The poor grass ninja was actually taken advantage of. They didn't ask the Leaf Village for help quickly. What a bunch of idiots!"

"However, it seems more interesting to kill the elite Kumo ninjas and the elite Kusanagi ninjas."


 “Let’s fight!”

  I thought to myself, just when the six grass ninjas in front burst out their chakra and attacked side by side, the cross country suddenly moved!


 If it doesn’t move, it will move like lightning!

In front of the six grass ninjas, Cross Country almost perfectly interpreted the Fourth Hokage's combat methods. Before the grass ninjas could attack Cross Country, Cross Country was using the fourth generation Hokage's "acceleration" secret technique. With an explosion, he got close to the Kusanagi Jōnin, and immediately swung down the special sword in his hand. The Kusanagi Jōnin's pupils narrowed slightly, and he directly blocked the cross-country attack with a kunai. A specially made sword.


 The special tachi collided with the hard kunai, causing brilliant sparks.

Feeling the power of the special sword slashed by Cross Country, the grass ninja Jonin frowned slightly, obviously confused. The special sword slashed by Cross Country didn't pose any threat at all, so why did he use the special sword to attack?

 However, just when the grass ninja jounin was secretly confused, who thought there was a sudden "bang"!

Following the cross-country special sword, a black shadow slowly climbed up. In almost the blink of an eye, it climbed from the special sword to the body of the grass ninja jounin, and then tightened it tightly. The body of the grass ninja jounin was trapped, making it difficult for the grass ninja jounin to breathe, and his face suddenly turned red.

 At the same time, look at the other grass ninjas around.

Suddenly, they discovered that their jounin captain was restrained by a very strange black shadow. All the grass ninjas froze there for an instant. Apparently they couldn't believe that their jounin captain was actually in a round of fighting. He was about to die miserably at the hands of off-roaders.

At this moment, the cloud ninjas, looking at the scene of killing the grass ninja jounin in one round of cross-country, seemed more calm than the nervous grass ninjas.

 That's true, after all, even if all the ninjas of the grass ninja are dead, they have nothing to do with their cloud ninjas.

 So, watching the grass ninja jounin die there, the attention of the cloud ninjas were basically focused on the off-road ones. These cloud ninjas are completely prepared to use the life of the grass ninja jounin to test the true level of cross-country. By the way, they will see what kind of flaws there are in cross-country when fighting against jounin, and provide them with some tips on **** them. Deadly off-road information.

But just when those few Kumo ninjas were watching indifferently as the grass ninja Jonin who was restrained by off-road was about to die, there were suddenly three sounds of "bang", "bang" and "bang"!

 Shadow Escape!

 The shadow suture technique is used!

When Cross Country used the Yin Escape Brand to cast spiritual energy and directly controlled the black shadows at the feet of the four Cloud Ninjas to suddenly rise up, Cross Country was shockingly using an indifferent expression like a **** of death before killing the Grass Ninja Jōnin he controlled. The voice told the death date of those cloud ninjas!

  "What I really want to kill is Yun Ninja, you..."

 “Doesn’t anyone know?”

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