Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 379: Be patient


Amidst the exclamations of the cloud ninjas, Troy's body fell heavily to the ground, causing a look of disbelief in the eyes of all the cloud ninja jonins.

 Troy is dead?

 Just die that simple?

As ninjas from the Cloud Ninja Village, these Cloud Ninja Jonin have a deep understanding of how terrifying Troy's strength is. It is no exaggeration to say that even if these six Kumo ninja jounin who formed the barrier work together, it will take a lot of effort to solve Troy who has the limit of magnetic escape and blood succession. Who would have thought that it would only take two people to cross-country? Did Troy beheaded on the spot in one round of confrontation?

 There is no doubt that Troy's defeat was a cross-country fluke.

Even off-road, it felt like Troy's death was really aggrieved. After all, he couldn't even use the magnetic escape that he was good at.

 But the battlefield is often so cruel.

Suppose one day, off-road, with half-step quasi-kage-level strength, he fights several Jonin-level ninjas with a contemptuous attitude. On that day, cross-country people may die in the hands of jounin-level ninjas. This is the horror of underestimating the enemy, and it is also an intuitive description of the moment of life and death on the battlefield.

 In the previous confrontation between Troy and Cross Country, it seemed that Troy made only one mistake, but in fact he made three mistakes during the confrontation with Cross Country, which directly led to his death.

 The first mistake, needless to say, was that Troy underestimated his enemy.

He did not use magnetic escape immediately, but prepared to use physical skills to compete with cross-country. He abandoned what he was best at and chose to compete with his weak point against cross-country. If Troy died, who would die?

Just like cross-country, he is obviously good at the secret technique of blast flow and the secret technique of shadow escape. However, in the battle of the same level at the shadow level, cross-country must use physical skills to defeat the enemies in front of him. I am afraid that those strong shadow-level He can kill cross-country easily. After all, cross-country physical skills are his weak point in his overall strength.

So, what was Troy’s second mistake?

 The answer is personal heroism!

 At this moment, is Troy the only enemy facing Cross Country?


 Six jounin of Kumo ninja formed a thunder escape barrier outside to prevent cross-country escape. The person who really confronted Cross Country was Troy, who was also a jounin-level ninja. Cross Country really felt that those Kumo ninjas were all patients with water in their heads, and they didn't even know how to take advantage of their numerical advantage.

  If it is cross-country, no matter who the enemy is in front of you, it is impossible to adopt a personal and heroic combat method.

Of course, things are a little different now.

 There is no companion around cross-country, so he can only fight alone and go to the country of grass to carry out decapitation tactics. If it were possible, how could Cross Country risk his life and go to the Country of Grass alone to carry out beheading tactics?

 As for Troy's last mistake, he failed to collect information about cross-country well before the battle.

When fighting against the strong, even off-road must collect the opponent's intelligence. When failing to collect intelligence, off-road must try hard to recall the descriptions in the original plot to see if his enemy has risked his life in the original plot. Soaked. It's like fighting against Troy. Cross Country clearly knows that the opponent is not as strong as him, but isn't he recalling Troy's information in his mind?

 This is what is called knowing oneself and the enemy.

Only when you know yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle, right?

 So, because Troy made two mistakes, he died of frustration, but what he achieved was the reputation of the cross-country shadow mage.

  From the moment he killed Troy, no one around the Kumo ninja jounin dared to underestimate Cross Country, nor did he dare to despise the name of the shadow mage. After all, Troy, who was stronger than them all, died tragically at the hands of Cross Country. If these Kumo Ninja Jonin treat Cross Country with contempt, it can only be said that these Kumo Ninja Jonin have water in their heads.

 But Troy was dead, but those Kumo ninja jounin didn't make any move.

 Because they are still maintaining the use of the barrier, in their plan, there is no option for Troy to die tragically instantly.

 It was the cross-country attack that instantly killed Troy, bringing the situation into an awkward situation.

 At this moment, the six Kumo ninja jounin who had established a thunder barrier around them undoubtedly had two choices. The first option is to directly cancel the use of the barrier. The six Kumo ninja jounin gathered together to surround and kill the cross-country in front of them. The second option is more conservative, that is, still insisting on using the barrier, and either being trapped alive and dead in the cross-country, or waiting for the support of Yun Ninja Village while being trapped in the cross-country.

 But in the midst of hesitation, when the six Kumo ninja jounin didn't know what to choose, there was another "pop" sound.

Under the astonished gazes of these Cloud Ninja Jōnin, with the sound of "plop", Cross Country suddenly sat on the ground, and immediately took out the dry food from the ninja tool bag, and slowly started chewing it!

 “Sorry, I’m a little hungry.”

“I know you are hesitating about how you are going to deal with me, so while you are hesitating, I am going to eat my fill first!”

 “The final winner must be me anyway, isn’t it?”

A confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he sat cross-legged inside the barrier, as if nothing had happened. He was eating dry food and humming a tune, which made the eyes of the cloud ninja jounin full of murderous intent. , I wish I could lift the barrier directly and go to attack cross-country.

 It's a pity that Troy's instant death still cast some shadows on these Kumo ninja jounin.

It was because of Troy's tragic death that the six Kumo ninja jonin were not sure of killing Cross Country, so their subconscious choice was definitely not to remove the barrier, but to use the barrier to either trap Cross Country alive or wait for support. But just as these Kumo ninja jonins were firming up their determination and communicating with each other in code words, Cross Country, who was eating dry food, suddenly said slowly in an indifferent voice:

"Judging from the current situation, you should be preparing to trap me alive with a barrier, or waiting for reinforcements from your village to come before attacking me, right?"

"However, have you ever seriously thought about it? It takes a lot of chakra to maintain the barrier. If you consume too much chakra to maintain the barrier, when they can't maintain the barrier, you won't have reinforcements. Come on, are you, the six great Jonin, about to become lambs waiting to be slaughtered by me?"

"I am eating well, living well, and recovering well in the barrier. Do I still need to worry about protracted combat? On the contrary, you must not be able to withstand the consumption, right?"

"Furthermore, to take a step back, your reinforcements have arrived. But for you who cannot maintain your condition, even if you wait for the reinforcements, do I have to start with one of you? After all, consumption is With more chakra, you are easier to kill, aren't you?"

"So, what we are competing now is not which side's reinforcements will come first, but who is more patient."

“If I were more patient, you Yun Ren would naturally lose.”

"And if you were more patient, I might be the loser, but all of you..."

 “You must die!”

 “Alas! It’s not worth it for me to do it for you!”

 Speaking, Shijie sighed deeply, as if he really felt that these six Kumo ninja jounin were not worth it.

On the contrary, these six Kumo ninja jounin were completely stunned after hearing what Cross Country said, because what Cross Country said before was not wrong at all!

As a result, the six Kumo ninja jounin were naturally speechless, and once again communicated silently with gestures and code words.

Who knows, when the six Kumo ninja masters felt anxious after what he said, then he won the battle of patience.

 Because, when cross-country breaks the disadvantages faced by these cloud ninja jounin, cross-country cleverly hides its own disadvantages. The final result was that Cross Country's psychological warfare caused these Kumo ninja jounin to lose their patience, gradually shaken their own will, and once again began to hesitate about the plans they had made before.

As for cross-country, he is about to win in the battle of patience. What exactly is he preparing for?

If those Kumo ninja jounin knew what Yuexiu was thinking, they would really be scared to death!

 Because the real idea of ​​off-roading is...

  No matter who wins the battle of patience, he is ready to take action at Nara Cross Country!



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