Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 380: Wind Clay

"It's now!"

Off-road slowly closed his eyes. In the weak situation of the patient battle, those cloud ninjas naturally seemed more hesitant, thinking that off-road was determined to adjust well in the barrier.

However, how could those cloud ninjas know that when Cross Country closed his eyes, he was actually using the secret technique of the Uzumaki clan?

 It is Kagura’s heart!

In an instant, the Uzumaki clan's Kagura Heart Eye was used, and the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand at the center of Cross Country's eyebrows was consumed rapidly. Although it only lasted a few seconds, the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand was consumed. It has been reduced by nearly half. This may be the only negative effect of Kagura's inner eye.

If you are not a member of the Uzumaki clan, you will have this problem if you use the secret techniques of the Uzumaki clan.

 Off-road knows that nothing is perfect in the world, so there is no need to worry at all in this regard.

 Besides, at this time, when the cloud ninja jonins were hesitant, did Cross Country seize a very important opportunity?


 Next second!


 Suddenly, the chakra in Xue Xue's body quickly completed the first stage of change in nature. Immediately, the second phase of the nature change was completed. The wind attribute chakra with the two extreme changes in nature suddenly permeated the whole body of the cross-country, forming a shape that looked like half a sharp blade. It was not the sharp spear flow in the secret technique of the cross-country blast flow. What is it?

Immediately afterwards, with the use of the sharp spear style, the thunder escape barrier built by six Kumo ninja jounin was shattered there!

As for the important reasons why the Thunder Escape barrier was instantly shattered in front of cross-country, in addition to the amazing power of the sharp guns used in cross-country, there are actually two other reasons!

 First, the six cloud ninja jounin hesitated, the chakra they used to construct the thunder escape barrier output was reduced!

  Previously, Cross Country had used psychological warfare to oppress these Kumo ninja jounin, making them aware of the horrific consequences of lack of chakra. No one is selfless. Even the Third Hokage and the Fourth Hokage in Konoha Village have to think about themselves when Konoha Village is in danger, let alone these ordinary Kumo Ninja Jonin. Woolen cloth?

In the original plot, the bright side is undoubtedly magnified tens of thousands of times, and the dark side is never reflected in it.

 In the real world, every ninja has selfish motives. Unless the righteousness comes first, these Kumo ninja jounin must consider themselves.

 The consequence they considered for themselves was the weakening of the thunder escape barrier they had constructed.

Looking back at cross-country, he suddenly uses the sharp gun style, so he naturally has the ability to instantly crush the weakened thunder escape barrier.

 So, the selfishness of these Kumo ninja jounin is one of the important reasons why Cross Country can break through this thunder escape barrier!

 As for another important reason, it’s actually even simpler!

 Wind Clay!

 In the original plot, there is an important theory of chakra of different natures and mutual restraint, and Cross Country naturally knows it. What's more, the cross-country wind attribute chakra is a wind attribute chakra that has undergone two extreme changes in nature. Ordinary thunder attribute chakra is inherently weak in front of it. Even these cloud ninja jounin have no selfish intentions. , the off-road sharp gun style can successfully break through this Leiton barrier by relying on the principle of attribute restraint.

However, if you use the sharp gun style with all your strength when going off-road, the backlash on yourself will be very serious.

As a result, off-roaders must use a reduced version of the sharp gun flow when the thunder escape barrier becomes weak, so as to reduce the backlash of using the sharp gun flow.

 However, even when using the sharp gun style off-road, it does not output all the chakra in the body, only half. However, Cross Country still underestimated the terrifying backlash effect of Sharp Gun Style. The moment he finished using Sharp Gun Style, Cross Country felt that his body was no longer his, and his whole body was in a state of paralysis.

As for the Kumo ninjas facing the cross-country, all of them are jounin-level Kumo ninjas!

The thunder escape barrier was broken. These cloud ninjas didn't fight back immediately when they saw Cross Country. How could they wait helplessly for Cross Country to regain control of their bodies?

In an instant, the six Kumo ninja jounin were undoubtedly like tigers and wolves. They found that there was something strange about the body of the off-road, and they immediately surrounded and killed the off-road.

Possibly, most Naruto fans feel that there is no need to worry about being surrounded by six Jonin when entering the palace of shadow-level experts?

 What is the reality?

 Six jounin-level ninjas can possibly kill a shadow-level strongman.

  The death of the members of the "Akatsuki" organization in the original plot, doesn't it illustrate this point very well?

Furthermore, Cross Country is a half-step quasi-kage-level expert, not a true shadow-level expert. It is still difficult to survive under the encirclement of six Kumo ninja jounin. If you want to completely wipe out these six Kumo Ninja Jonin, Cross Country must not make any mistakes in the counterattack, otherwise he will die tragically at the hands of six Kumo Ninja Jonin.

At this moment, off-road's body was in paralysis, and the six Kumo ninja jounin undoubtedly had the advantage.

But just as the leader of the Kumo ninja Jonin suddenly used a thunder escape ninjutsu that looked like a Raikiri, his right hand was shining with violent thunder-attribute chakra, and he suddenly rushed to the front of the cross-country, preparing to use the thunder escape in his hand. When it pierced directly into the heart of off-road, off-road's pupils tightened slightly, and there was a sudden "swish" sound!

 “Shadow control!”

 “Shadow Shield!”


 The black shadow under his feet first transformed into the form of a shadow shield, which was enough to withstand the Thunder Release Ninjutsu of the Cloud Ninja.

After that, Cross Country's Shadow Control Technique was used, and the Shadow Shield followed Cross Country's control and blocked the front of the Cloud Ninja, surprisingly successfully blocking the Cloud Ninja's attack.

Furthermore, if we want to talk about the dual shadow escape secret technique of cross-country use of shadow shield and shadow control, the real power displayed is not in terms of defensive effect, but in terms of attack effect!

 A second ago, the off-road shadow shield had just blocked the Thunder Release Ninjutsu of the Cloud Ninja.

 One second later!


Under the control of off-road thoughts, the dark shadow wrapped around the body of the cloud ninja.

 But a jounin-level ninja is always a jounin-level ninja.

 The Shadow Control Technique changed the form of the Shadow Shield, and the moment it wrapped around the Cloud Ninja, the Substitution Technique was used!

With the white smoke, the cloud ninja jounin broke away from the cross-country shadow control technique, and he was about to use the thunder escape ninjutsu again with his hands formed.

 But what even the Cloud Ninja never expected was that while he was forming seals and completing the change in the nature of chakra, Cross Country, who had regained control of his body, actually slashed his right hand out of thin air!

 “Flash flow! Air blade!”

 “Half Moon Slash!”


The brilliant wind blade flew away. Needless to say, the result of the Kumo ninja jounin was definitely dead.

Under the blow of Cross Country's air blade, Half Moon Slash, an ordinary Jonin-level ninja would definitely have no way to survive. What's more, Cross Country had already planned the death of the Kumo ninja in front of him?

However, one Kumo ninja fell down, and there were five other Kumo ninja jounin watching eagerly beside Cross Country.

Especially at the back of the cross-country, when the first Kumo ninja Jonin turned into a corpse, the second Kumo ninja Jonin attacked and also attached the violent thunder attribute chakra to the palm of his hand. Accurately attack from the back of the off-road!

This time, the cross-country shadow control technique and Shadow Shield cannot be used smoothly.

 After all, in order to deal with the previous Cloud Ninja, the shadow of Cross Country is no longer with him.

 It's just that it is obviously also difficult for the Kumo ninja jounin who is suddenly coming from behind to kill off-road smoothly.

Especially when the cloud ninja controlled the violent thunder attribute chakra in the palm of his hand, and when he was about to stab the cross-country's back heart in a surprise attack, the blue chakra also condensed in the palm of the cross-country, and the cross-country was When he suddenly turned around to face the cloud ninja who was suddenly coming towards him, he heard a "bang" sound!

 The palms of Cross Country and the Yun Ninja collided with each other.

 But the result…

But it was the off-roader who had the wind attribute chakra condensed in his palms that won!


 “I just said it!”

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