Naruto Shadow Mage

Chapter 381: Toshiro comes in person

  Palm blade!

 It’s the Gale Blade!

Suddenly turning around, the blue light emerging from the off-road palm was the light of the blast blade.

 Adhering to the principle of Feng Clay, Off-Road is not afraid of head-to-head confrontation with these cloud ninjas in front of him, so in the confrontation between the Gale Flow Palm Blade and the ordinary Thunder Release, Off-Road wins again.

 The inevitable result was that the Kumo ninja jonin who had fought off-road died.

Under the trap designed by the Cloud Ninja, the cross-country performance was very outstanding. First, he almost killed Troy instantly, and then he instantly shattered the Thunder Release barrier and killed two Cloud Ninja Jonin.

 The remaining four Kumo ninja jounin saw the cross-country start their performance, and while they were secretly shocked, they couldn't help but feel a bit of panic!

 Their companions simply died at the hands of off-roaders.

 In just a few minutes, out of the seven people who came together, only four of them were still alive.

But if they retreated, none of them would survive, so with the cross-country showing his power, the remaining four Kumo ninja jonin did not hesitate at all, and still resolutely launched a counterattack in front of the cross-country.

As for whether their counterattack is effective, just look at the injury on the cross-country shoulder!

 After killing Troy previously, there was a certain rest time in cross-country, and the killing of two Kumo ninja jonin later did not count as a continuous battle. After all, even if Cross Country did not recover chakra and the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand when he was in the Thunder Escape Barrier, Cross Country's own condition was still well adjusted.

 On the contrary, he had just killed two Kumo ninja jonins in a row, which caused a lot of cross-country consumption.

The sharp spear flow that broke through the Thunder Release barrier consumed half of the chakra in Cross Country's body, and the Uzumaki clan's secret technique used before, Kagura's Heart's Eye, consumed half of the spiritual energy in the Yin Release Brand.

Now, after having eliminated two cloud ninjas, the mental energy in the off-road Yin Escape brand, as well as the chakra in the body, are already less than one-third of what they were at their peak. What needs to be worried about off-road even more is that he is a human being, not a machine, and cannot overload the secret technique of the fast wind flow or the secret technique of the shadow escape flow.


Using the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand, the secret technique of Shadow Escape can be used cross-country without forming a seal. It seems that it can be used casually with a thought, but using the secret technique of Shadow Escape multiple times still requires consumption. Off-road energy?

The secret techniques of Shadow Escape are like this, but what about the secret techniques of Gale Wind Flow?

Every time you use the secret technique of Gale Flow to cross the fragile meridians in your body, the burden you have to bear is beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

Don’t forget, off-roading is still a five-year-old child, not an adult!

 If you are an adult, the damage to your meridians will be negligible.

 But as a five-year-old child, the previous battles left him with countless hidden diseases in cross-country, and he needed to be slowly nursed back to health. In other words, the cross-country body was scarred in the previous battles. Now that the cross-country cannot connect to the shadow escape style or the Hayate style secret technique in a short period of time, it naturally gave the four cloud ninja jounin in front of him a counterattack. Opportunity!

Especially these four Kumo ninja jounin, working together sincerely at this time, the power displayed is very strong.

 First, two Kumo ninja jonins entangled the cross-country energy in the front, and the other two cloud ninja jonins attacked from the left and right sides of the cross-country when most of the cross-country energy was restrained!

The Kumo ninja Jonin on the left is holding a kunai, and the Kumo ninja Jonin on the right is rushing towards me with a burst of thunder-type chakra. Do I need to make a choice when going off-road?

  Definitely not!

He tried his best to avoid the attack of the Kumo ninja jonin on the right. However, under the attack of the Kumo ninja jonin on the left, Cross Country's shoulder was scratched by a kunai and he was slightly injured.

But don't look at the minor injury on Cross Country's shoulder, which was just a scratch. However, after the injury, the four Kumo ninja Jonin in front of Cross Country continued to fight back, which still made Cross Country look very embarrassed in the battle.

 If the situation continues like this, even if the four Kumo ninja jounin are exhausted, they will be exhausted to death in the cross-country.

However, just as the four Kumo ninja jounin became more and more excited, feeling that they had suppressed the cross country and seized the opportunity of victory, an indifferent smile suddenly appeared at the corner of the mouth of the cross country!

“I couldn’t fight back just now. Do you really think I won’t be able to fight back all the time?”

 “Get excited! Get excited!”

“The more you feel that the opportunity for victory has arrived, the closer you are to your fate of death!”

 “Shadow Escape!”

 “Shadow Suture!”




Almost as soon as the corner of Xue Yu's mouth raised that indifferent smile, the spiritual energy in the Yin Escape Brand was output in a surge, and the secret technique of Shadow Escape, Shadow Sewing, was directly cast.

 Controlling the shadows at the feet of the three Kumo ninja jounin, the dark shadows bounced directly up.

Then, with a few silent sounds, the Shadow Sewing Technique used by Cross Country delayed the attack of three cloud ninja jounin. Moreover, two of the three Kumo Ninja Jōnin were severely injured by the Shadow Suture Technique suddenly used by Cross Country, and bright red blood flowed from their noses and mouths.

And how could the three Kumo ninja jonin who were attacked by the Shadow Sewing Technique imagine that the cross-country Shadow Sewing Technique was just the beginning of a counterattack!

 Next second!


 Once again, he used his sharp spear and aimed it at the only Cloud Ninja Jonin who did not have the Shadow Sewing Technique in his body.

 That sharp spear shot across the country seemed to have broken through half of the distance barrier, and quickly struck in front of the Kumo ninja jounin. Upon seeing this, the remaining three Kumo ninja Jonin felt that their companions were going to die in the hands of Cross Country, so they resolutely gave up on their companions and prepared to take the opportunity to kill Cross Country.

 Their choice is undoubtedly very wise.

 After all, sacrificing one of them will give the other three a chance to live, right?

 It's a pity that the three Kumo ninja jonin who were preparing to attack the cross-country still underestimated the ability of the cross-country!

There was nothing wrong with the sharp spear in his hand as he rushed towards the Kumo ninja jonin in front of the cross country. But just when the light of the sharp spear was about to pierce through the sluggish Kumo ninja jounin, there were suddenly three sounds of "whoosh", "whoosh" and "whoosh", and the sharp spear of the palm extended from the palm of the cross-country One actually turned into three, transforming into a trident!




 The palm-bladed sharp gun changes, and the palm-bladed trident is used!

Off-road quickly transformed into the form of the sharp spear, and surprisingly gave up on the sluggish Kumo ninja jonin, and instead used the trident to kill the three attacking cloud ninja jonin!

The light of the palm-blade trident penetrated the chests of the three Kumo ninja jounin, and it seemed that they would not survive.

 As for the remaining Kumo ninja jounin?


Off-road seemingly casually threw a kunai, nailing it on the shadow of the cloud ninja jonin. The only surviving cloud ninja jonin was basically sentenced to death by off-road.

Taken a deep breath, walked slowly towards the Kumo ninja jonin, and solved seven Kumo ninja jonin, including Troy. He was really exhausted from cross-country.

 So, when walking towards the Kumo ninja jounin, Cross Country was trying to adjust his condition as much as possible.

Who would have thought that just as he was walking cross-country towards the Kumo-nin jounin, there would be a sudden "whoosh" sound!

 Suddenly, the chakra under his feet exploded and he jumped back. He barely dodged the flying kunai and half-knelt on the ground. And when Cross Country, who was half-kneeling on the ground, slowly raised his head and looked at the figure throwing kunai in front of him, the figure of Toshiro, the commander of the ninja troops of Yunnin Village, was reflected in the shadow of Cross Country at that moment. In the tight pupils!

“As expected of a shadow mage, he can actually kill so many elites in my Yun Ninja Village.”

 “What a pity! What a pity!”

“A shadow mage is still a shadow mage, not the golden flash of Konoha Village!”

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